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# 16810 -
When Was My 94 Made?
glenn surprise arizona usa
Winchester -
94 -
.30-30 -
Long Gun - Don`t Know -
4922550 -
what year was this gun manufactured
Answer: glenn - The Model 1894
Winchester has the distinction of being the world`s most popular rifle, to date over 6 million 1894`s have
been manufactured. The Winchester Arms Collectors association When was Your Winchester Made? page
at indicates that the date of manufacture for serial number 4922550
is 1980, so you have what collectors call a ``post-64`` model. In 1964 Winchester made significant design
changes in most of the firearm lines that they were producing. The changes were intended to lower
production costs but most collectors agree that quality suffered. Because of the 1964 changes, value for
most models of post-64 Winchester firearms is significantly lower than it is for pre-64 production
Winchester firearms. Hope that this helps, Marc
# 16817 -
Remington 870 DOM
Luke Loudoun
Remington -
870 -
20 Gauge -
Shotgun (Non-Military) - Don`t Know -
S733729N -
On the other side of the barrel it reads v a anchor symbol N When was this shotgun
Answer: Most Remington firearms made since 1921 have
the barrel marked with a date code on the left side. The details for that are on the Remington Society of
America site at
I would expect that the VA [anchor]N would be the date code, but the letter V does not match with the
letters used by Remington to indicate the month. ``A`` was used in 2006. We just are not very interested in
sporting arms made in the last 25-50 years, so that is the best we can do.
Hope that helps. John Spangler
# 16815 -
Remington 760 Gamemaster
Remington -
760 -
445XXX -
Remington 760 Gamemaster ser# 445XXX , Barrel code D W M (not sure about M being
Answer: The Model 760 was made from 1952 to 1981. DW
would be September 1972. Hope that helps. John Spangler
# 16819 -
P-08 Luger Breakdown Directions
Semi-auto Pistol -
P-08 -
9mm -
4 Inch -
Blue -
many swastikas Where is a good place to get the breakdown directions. I would like to give the weapon a
good cleaning.
Answer: Eric, I have two books that give breakdown
instructions for the P-08. The first book is, The Gun Digest Book of Firearms Assembly/Disassembly, Part 1
Semi Automatic Pistols by J.B. Wood. The second book is, The NRA Guide To Firearms Assembly. Both
books have excellent detailed instructions and pictures that show how to disassemble and reassemble a
variety of different firearms including the P-08. Both books also have sections that warn of and deal with
any special problems that you might encounter. I would advise getting one of these books and reading the
pertinent section thoroughly before you try to disassemble your Luger...
# 16818 -
Springfield Model 1884 .45-70 Rifle Ser 388XXX
Ralph, Woodland, CA
Springfield Armory -
U.S. Rifle M1884 -
.45-70 -
32 5/8¨ -
Blue -
388XXX -
Stock has ¨SWP¨ and ¨1887¨ stamped on left side. I acquired this rifle a while ago from an elderly
gentleman. I was hoping you could consult your research associates to see if their records yield any
historical information as to when this rifle was made and/or where this rifle was issued, etc. Any
information you could provide would be most appreciated. Thanks!
Answer: Ralph- Your rifle was made in 1887, as indicated by the inspector's
"cartouche" date, and confirmed by records showing rifles in the 388,000 range were being assembled at
Springfield in that year. Extensive research in the National Archives by Springfield Research Service has
found no mention of this particular rifle's history. However, many rifles in the 388,000 and 389,000 ranges
were being issued to various units during the Spanish American War. It is very likely this one was also
issued, and the records subsequently lost or destroyed. A few were used for guard purposes at ports
and defense plants in WWI, and some were donated to the Navy during WW2, mostly for conversion to line
throwing guns. Nice old gun. Everyone should buy old Springfields from elderly gentlemen, especially if
they are good lookin' dudes like the one in the picture at the top of our page. No, not the one with some
furry critter on the top of his head, but the distinguished looking guy wearing a tie! :-)... John
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