Antique and Collectable Firearms
and Militaria Headquarters
Number 9 -April,
Celebrating Over Six Years Of
Service To Our Collector Friends!
Copyright 2003. All rights reserved.
Feature Article:
Four Gun Shows- Superb to Nearly Worthless
In March we attended four shows in two weekends, and got a sample of the
wide variety of shows that collectors or gun enthusiasts, or gullible citizens
might attend.
The Maryland Arms Collectors "Baltimore"
Show is without a doubt the best gun show in the country for the serious
collector, although some of the wealthier class seem to like Las Vegas. Baltimore
features 800 tables with all good collector oriented stuff. No post-1898 handguns
allowed in the building at all, no camouflage or surplus junk. Tables are
hard to get and you almost have to wait for someone to die before you can
get one, and most people have only one table, but a select few get two tables.
This is a club run show, and if you care enough to bother reading our newsletter,
you really should do whatever it takes to get there next year (March 20-21
at the Fairgrounds in Timonium, MD just north of Baltimore.) Here is an example
of the sort of scarce items that may show up: In 1889 Springfield Armory made
100 "positive cam" trapdoor rifles. I have seen three of those in
my life (including the one I bought at Baltimore about 10 years ago). At this
show, there were THREE there for sale. Last year there were three out of the
151 "Long Range" trapdoors there, but only one this year. Al Frasca,
the trapdoor guru, was there along with Scott Duff (M1 Garands), the Krag
triplets Tom Pearce, Bill Mook and Frank Mallory; Colonial era experts George
Neumann and Erik Goldstein; ammunition and ordnance super-expert J.R. Crittenden-Schmidt;
and lots of other great folks who are experts in their fields, and nice, helpful
people to boot! Also some Confederate cannons, some utterly superb displays
of a wide range of collecting specialties such as engraved powder horns, an
English Naval officer presentation sword decorated and embellished up the
wazoo, etc. I cherish every minute spent at this show.
The Ohio Gun Collectors Association shows are only
open to members and invited guests, but with over 10,000 members, they are
big shows. This was their annual display show with about 50 tables of pure
displays and another 650 or so of stuff for sale. As with most club shows,
folks bring out a variety of stuff from their collections, or that they have
found elsewhere. One of the great things about the OGCA show is their rule
that strictly prohibits table holders from going around and selling stuff
to each other until 8:00 AM Saturday when all the members stampede into the
hall, so everyone gets an equal shot at the good stuff. While Baltimore has
a focus more on the antique and collector end of the spectrum, OGCA spans
the entire range of gun enthusiasts, with a great mix of antique and modern,
pristine to relic condition, and in all price ranges. Of course all the related
stuff is there too, books, collector ammo, bayonets, parts, etc. Conspicuously
absent are the hordes of folks peddling peanuts, cell phones, stuffed animals,
etc that have crept into to some shows.
The displays were magnificent. The best of show was the pair of Walker Colts
that belonged to Col. Walker. (One the subject of a lawsuit alleging mail
fraud when the sellerin jacked the price up to about $3.25 million.) Some
other great topics included several tables each of M1 Garands; Sniper Rifles;
Model 52 Winchesters; SKS rifles; Browning High Power pistols, plus assorted
other Colts, Winchesters, Kentucky rifles, etc etc. One favorite was John
Garand's "other gun". Garand only owned two guns, as he was a designer,
not a collector. One was M1 rifle serial number 1,000,000 (currently on display
in the NRA museum as part of their "Exceptional Arms from the American
Society of Arms Collectors" exhibit). The other is a S&W long barrel
pistol with shoulder stock that he enjoyed shooting. A S&W factory letter
documents delivery to John Garand in Springfield, Massachusetts, which was
home to S&W as well as Mr. Garand and Springfield Armory. They had an
awards banquet Saturday with NRA honcho Wayne LaPierre updating the crowd
of about 450- people on legislative issues. S&W collector/"Gun Guy"/Mr.
Old Town Station [and all around good guy] Jim Supica spoke on "Arms
of Provenance" discussing historical backgrounds of guns. (Very similar
to his excellent piece in the Blue Book, well worth reviewing.) OGCA shows
are always great and when I win the lottery I will still be short of money
to get everything I would like at one of those and a Baltimore show.
Dayton OH, Hara Arena- We snuck away from the
OGCA show briefly to hit this show, since it was only about 45 miles away.
Best that can be said for it is that there was a large, enthusiastic crowd
looking at the camouflaged stuff, dozens (perhaps hundreds) of greasy surplus
rifles, piles of AK and AR-15 clones, and the ubiquitous cheap swords made
in far off lands. Of the 300 or so tables, maybe 50 had older collectible
guns, and few of those had any redeeming values of condition, history, rarity
or price that merited being picked up for a closer look. Relieved at knowing
we were not missing some great treasure, and having wasted nothing more than
the price of admission, we sped back to the OGCA show to bask in the aura
of good stuff again.
Lafayette, IN National Guard Armory- As with
most small shows on Sundays, it was laid back, and the 100 or so tables were
obviously spread out a bit to cover dealers who [wisely] only stayed for Saturday.
More camouflage, more plastic guns, more cheap swords, more surplus ammo,
more greasy surplus rifles, and more new pistols. A fair percentage of used
and older guns, but of widely varying quality and prices. One gent had several
ratty trapdoors that we would not want to be seen selling, but he felt they
were surely worth $1,000 or so, each. I believe we saw a trapdoor rifle cut
to carbine size here, offered as a carbine, at a genuine carbine price, but
it may have been somewhere else. Assorted clunky shotguns, and well abused
deer rifles, and a few probably still safe to fire handguns. There was one
dealer with some genuinely nice Civil War stuff, unlike so much of the bogus
"Confederate" stuff inflicted on unsuspecting buyers by some dealers.
He had an excellent M1855 rifle musket at a realistic price, but obviously
far above the price level of anything else in the show. With no purchases
made from the flea droppings found, only a few bucks were lost in the admission
This was an excellent review of the types of shows that are available to
many people, and the reasons some find it frustrating to find things for their
collection. It also reinforced our opinion that we provide a valuable service
to collectors by diligently tracking down all the neat junque we offer, saving
you lots of travel and time digging through piles of manure to see if there
is a pony somewhere. If your local shows are the depressing "camo and
ammo" types, you really should consider making the trip to some of the
better shows to restore your optimism. Of course, I should point out that
I know someone who purchased a Pedersen device at a rinky dink little show
for next to nothing, and I got my gas-trap Garand (at a fair price) at very
poor quality small show. The harder you work, the luckier you get, so do not
automatically dismiss ANY show as "not worth going to."
The Good Old Days- "Easy Availability
of Guns"
That is the cause of all the violent crime in this country, according to
those who want to take all your guns away. However, prior to 1968 people
could walk into all sorts of stores, and buy all sorts of guns with very
few restrictions (mainly waiting periods on handguns in a few states or
metropolitan areas). High schools had shooting teams, and kids brought old
guns to school for show and tell, history class or to work on in shop class.
I did all of these. A friend recently pointed out a story about a Mom (not
one of the "million misguided mommies") who bought her son a .303 Enfield
rifle at a Philadelphia department store (John Wanamaker) in the early 1960s,
took it home on public transportation and gave it to her son. No crime spree
ensued, and no one got excited about (a) department stores selling guns;
(b) gun sales with no background checks; (c) carrying a gun in plain view
on public transportation, (d) parents giving their kid a gun.
I lived in Philadelphia at that time, and remember going to one of that
chain's stores, and seeing the Enfields for sale. I wanted one, and spotted
one that was a bit different (a Mark V trials rifle, like the one in the
story, I later figured out) in the barrel of No 1 Mark III rifles at $9.95
each. Anyway, I did not get it, but this was a great reminder of how someone
else became a gun collector. Hope you enjoy this story too, over on the
Fulton Armory website http://www.fulton-armory.com/MomsGun.htm
The fact that criminals commit more violent acts AFTER these restrictions
were imposed, while there was less crime BEFORE is a clear indication that
gun control is a failure. Every one of us needs to stand up to the well
intentioned idiots who suggest that since all their other gun control schemes
have not worked, maybe just a few more restrictions on the good guys will
suddenly fix the problem. The Brits and Aussies have taken gun control to
the absolute extreme, total bans and confiscation, with only increased violent
crime. Gun control has been proven to be a failed concept that only disarms
honest people and has not effect on crime. It is time to roll back the existing
ineffective laws.
New Page On War in Iraq/Against Terror
As part of our salute to the brave men and wome of our Coalition forces
who have brilliantly and boldy freed Iraq, we put it on a separate page. We
have been getting a lot of really good info from various sources on this topic
and wanted to share it with you. We added a new
page where we will put that sort of information, divided into
four sections:
- Origins of the War Dealing with the threat
and the overall importance with some keen insights by very smart people
(we don't write this stuff!)
- Frog Giggin' Comments, complaints, criticism
and other aspersions on the snail eating ingrates. Maybe something nice
if anyone ever sends us anything, but they get what they deserve.
- Preparations, Non-Combat Background, Miscellaneous:
Humor Pictures, Jokes etc.
Our Troops Headed to the Gulf Observations
from a flight attendant on the attitude and behavior of our troops. Little
is heard about these men and women on the news while they fawn over protesting
Combat Readiness of our Troops in the Gulf A
retired Marine's critical analysis of skills and readiness as troops arrive
and pick up prepositioned gear. He has high standards, and the troops
meet them.
Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Warfare Summary What
it is, how they work, and practical tips on what you can do. Military
NBC expert spells it out in plain English anyone can understand. Best
I have ever seen!
- From the Front Stories and photos from the
folks at the front, doing what needs to be done. These are the grunts who
deserve the greatest thanks, as their butts are on the line, enduring lousy
weather, the perils of combat, and support operations, no showers, a diet
of MREs, and darn little good stuff. If you have items you would like to
share, please send them to us and we will consider adding them, with credit
or anonymity as desired.
Huge Collection Coming
- Tells Us What You Want
We have just taken possession of a large collection from an estate. It is
heavy on US military arms, (many from DCM/CMP) including a handsome M1941
Johnson, over 20 M1 carbines from all of the manufacturers including Winchester,
IBM, Rockola and Irwin Pedersen; 30 Garands, a dozen nice M1917/P14s, and
a few odds and ends. It also has many good foreign pistols and rifles. About
20 excellent Lee Enfields, (including very scarce training and target variants
and two early carbines); and some ugly "pre ban assault rifles".
It will take us several months to sort through everything and get it cataloged,
researched, and photographed to be posted on the site.
As a special favor to our newsletter subscribers, we want to give you first
shot at some of this collection. We do not normally work want lists, or encourage
people to submit wants. However, if you have SPECIFIC items you want,
please let us know and we will TRY to give you an early opportunity
on items as we get them ready. Note- SPECIFIC- means maker, model and
condition, not a general " all the good stuff" wish list. We cannot
send a list of everything we have, and don't want to play pen-pal on this.
If we think we have a match for your want, we will let you know that and when
we have info ready, we will try to remember to let you know the specifics.
If we are sure we do not have a match, we will let you know that too.

PayPal Has Turned Antigun,
So We Are Anti-PayPal
Paypal was purchased by auction mega power E-bay, which has strongly anti-gun
policies, and the two began merging their operations. Paypal recently promulgated
policies that prohibit use of Paypal to pay for any type of guns or gun
related stuff offered in some of the "Paypal shops" operation
where they let people advertise stuff. Thus they do not (yet) prohibit our
accepting Paypal for purchases from us, since we are not hosted in their
"mall." However, it is clear that they hate guns, gun dealers
and gun buyers, and therefore we see no reason to financially support them.
Every Paypal transaction with us incurs a charge of 3% which they deduct
from the amount you send to us. Therefore we have had to play the silly
game of stating that our posted prices are for cash, and to compute our
Paypal price you must add 3%. That means YOU are paying 3% more than necessary
when you use Paypal. We no longer want to accept Paypal for any of our transactions,
and we encourage you to stop using it as well. No point in feeding the mouth
that wants to bite you. In addition, we previously reported on their absolutely
pee-poor ability to resolve problems, and we know of another reputable gun
dealer who had an ugly problem with them that they could not or would not
solve. Nuff said about Paypal. Give that money you would have wasted supporting
them to the NRA instead! We are always happy to take you checks, money orders,
or credit cards.
Book Review:
Bayonets From
Janzen's Notebook, 1987
by Jerry L. Janzen
258 pages 8.5" x 11" hardbound. The second and subsequent printings
include 6 pages of additions and corrections but the rest of the text is
unchanged. $35.00 (available on our books page for $35 postpaid).
This book first appeared 15 years ago, and I loved it the first time I saw
it. I later met and became friends with Jerry, and helped sell most of the
guns from his estate after his death. Now I sell copies of his book because
it is an exceptional reference. Note the sequence, but I felt obligated to
share this in interest of full disclosure.
Anyone who is interested in bayonets, but not yet an advanced bayonet collector
needs a copy of this book. Most bayonet dealers include a Janzen number in
their descriptions to help identify items. It is arranged alphabetically by
country, and then chronologically within that country. Each item is illustrated
with crisp detailed line drawings of each bayonet and usually its scabbard,
and often with many of the variations. It does NOT get into the literally
dozens of possible variations of markings, or subtle nuances in minute details
within a specific model. There are other books for the advanced folks who
savor such trivia, such as Skennerton's British and Commonwealth Bayonets,
or some of the advanced studies of the German G98/K98 bayonets. Janzen's book
allows the rest of us to quickly and accurately identify the vast majority
of bayonets we will ever encounter. If we know the country, or even suspect
it is one of several possibilities, it is a snap. If we are clueless, then
it is not difficult to thumb through looking at the pictures until we get
a match. Then, we will know that we have something we want to keep, or something
to justify the purchase of an additional bayonet holder (i.e.- rifle), or
we can use this to find out what we should be looking for to add to a rifle
that we already own. There are about 1,000 different bayonets shown, and in
15 years I have only encountered one or two that were not included, and they
were pretty obscure variations indeed. This covers socket, sword and knife
bayonets, and will be a great help to any arms collector. As noted, above,
we sell this book because it is an essential reference.
Need a French Tank For
Your Collection?
Some GI's spotted a pair of very early French tanks in Afghanistan. Note
that we USED to have one in the U.S. Armor museum at Fort Knox, but the
ungrateful frogs wanted it back, so we politely returned it for their museum.
Very interesting story at http://defendamerica.mil/articles/feb2003/a022703b.html
Darwin Award:
Darwin Award Honorable Mention
(Note: Darwin Awards are earned by those who remove
themselves from the gene pool by extraordinarily stupid actions, demonstrating
the survival of the fittest members of a species.) Used courtesy of http://www.darwinawards.com
Child Pandering
2002 Honorable Mention
Confirmed True by Darwin
(19 October 2002, Portugal)
Parents take note! Catering to a child's tantrum can have dire consequences,
as a Caldelas mother recently discovered. When her four-year-old son refused
to eat his soup unless she let him play with a gun, she handed it over --
and was promptly shot in the stomach by an accidental discharge. Although
she survived, her dangerously questionable parenting practices earn her
an Honorable Mention.
This is the end of the OldGuns.net Newsletter
We hope it was useful or interesting. We invite you to visit Antique
and Collectable Firearms and Militaria Headquarters, http://oldguns.net
when you are ready to add to your collection, or even if you decide to sell
all or part of it.
John Spangler & Marc Wade
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