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# 2484 - Krag "Carbine" 11/30/99 Ray
Springfield - 1989 Krag Carbine - 432xxx - I have a Springfield Armory model 1898 in 30-40 Kraig caliber. It is a carbine model with a saddle ring attached. It has been professionally reblued and the stock also has been restored. The cartuches are intact and they are what appears to be JLA 1897 on the left side of the stock next to the saddle ring and a P in a circle on the wrist .The serial number is 432xxx. Could you tell me if it an original carbine or a cut down and its approximate value in its restored condition. Thank you for your time. ....................Ray
Answer: Ray - Serial number 432xxx was not used until 19xx, well after the 1897 date on the cartouche. In 1897 the stock would have been cut for the reinforcing piece around the bolt handle, which would now leave a gap visible between the wood and the round receiver of the 1898 model. Model 1898 carbines were serial numbered in the 1xxxxx to 1xxxxx range, so yours is not a 1898 carbine. The Model 1899 carbines were all marked on the receiver MODEL 1899, not 1898, and did NOT have saddle rings. Therefore I conclude your gun is at best a cut down rifle action in a real carbine stock. The good news is that a real 1896 carbine stock is pretty desirable, worth probably $150 or so. If it is a correct 1896 carbine stock you have some value. If it is just a cut down rifle stock, then the gun is worth about $200-300 depending on how well it was done and how closely the finish matches original type. John Spangle
# 2483 - Need Info For My Father 11/30/99 Robert
Japan - Bayonet - Accidentally found your web site while trying to research some information for my father about a Japanese bayonet he may be interested in selling. I will describe as best I can: Overall length is approx. 21" Wooden riveted handle, straight cross guard, flat bird head, blue blade with markings: m with an arrow through it next to the circle or "cannon ball rack?" Frog intact, with a wooden scabbard and metal tip. No dents, in excellent condition. Can you give me any information as to what model of gun this might have belonged with, what the markings refer to, the approximate age of the bayonet, and what the current market value of such an item is today? He will appreciate any info you can give. Thanks so much.
Answer: Robert - Sounds like you have a typical Japanese bayonet for the Type 99 7.7mm rifle. The wooden scabbard indicates manufacture late in the war, probably 1944-45. The arrow-M marking indicates it was made at the Mukden arsenal, which as I recall was in occupied Korea or China but made a lot of stuff under Japanese control. These sell for about $100-150 depending on condition, about 2-3 times the value of the more common versions with the all metal scabbards. John Spangler
# 2482 - Looking To Purchase A M14 11/30/99 Brian
M14 - 308 - I was wondering if you could point me in the right direction........I am looking to purchase a M14.....any information would be helpful... Thank you, Brian
Answer: Brian- We have some demil scrap receivers on the gun and parts pages. Many dealers have the commercial (semi-auto only) versions of the M14/M1A/ M14S for sale. I would get one made by Armscorp, Smith Enterprises, or Springfield Armory (Geneseo, IL). I don't think I would waste my money on a FEDORD, or Chinese copy. You can look under class 3 dealers for a live "real" M14. Of course it requires the $200 transfer fee, and lengthy BATF/FBI background check, and price will probably run about $3,000-5,000. Good luck. John Spangler
# 2279 - Beretta 1934 or 1935? 11/27/99 Nancy
Beretta - 1944 - Hello, I am not a gun collector. I have come across a 1944 Beretta Pistol. When researching it I found that it was used in WWII, for officers only. I am looking to find out if this gun is worth anything, or should I just get rid of it. It is not in the best shape, but it isn't in bad shape. Can you please help me? Anything you can tell me about this gun will help me allot. Thank you in advance for your help.
Answer: Nancy, there is no Beretta Model 1944, I believe that what you have is a Beretta model 1934 or 1935. The models 1934 and 1935 were basically the same except that Model 1934 was chambered for 9mm Corto (380) while the model 1935 was chambered for 765 Brevettata (.32 Auto). The models 1934/35 were Italy's service weapon in WWII. Until late in the war, military slides were marked with the date of manufacture which was usually given in two systems the Christian calendar - e.g. 1942 - followed by a Roman numeral denoting the year of the Fascist calendar which began in 1922. Thus, an inscription might read 1942 XX or 1937 XV. WWII military weapons were also marked `RE' (Regia Esercito); RA (Regia Aeronautica); or RM (Regia Marine), while police weapons were marked PS (Publica Sicurezza) at the left rear of the frame. The common myth is that these pistols were issued only to officers but evidence shows that they were also issued to personnel such as artillerymen, machine gunners, guards, drivers, pilots and others. Values for Beretta Model 1934/35 pistols are in the $150 to $300 range depending upon condition and caliber. Marc
# 2472 - Flintlock Pistol Axe 11/27/99 Jim
I purchased a pistol axe at an auction on Saturday night. It is a flintlock with an axe and pick at the butt. The axe and pick as well as the trigger guard are engraved or cast brass. The axe is rounded with what appears to be Arabic along the edge on one side as well as other markings to include a crescent moon, I believe. The stock is inlaid with brass. I am not a collector but would like to know more about this weapon. Where do I go?
Answer: Jim- Thanks for contacting Antique and Collectable Firearms and Militaria Headquarters. I suspect that you have an item made sometime in the 20th century in the area of Turkey. They have been doing a thriving business making "olde" guns and edged weapons for the tourist trade for at least 75 years or so, with no signs of letting up. These generally look very old, are usually lavishly to gaudily decorated with all manner of metal and stone inlays. Careful checks of the mechanics will usually confirm that these were never intended for (or capable of) actual firing. Values are minimal mainly as decorative pieces. There is very little literature on these, only bits and pieces buried in obscure books. We would be glad to look at some photos which may confirm the bad news, or raise some hope that it is a "real" piece. John Spangler
# 2471 - Winchester Hand Guns 11/27/99 Gary
Winchester - Did Winchester ever make hand guns? I have a gun inscribed with 44 Winchester Frontier Bulldog . Thank you Gary
Answer: Gary- Thanks for contacting Antique and Collectable Firearms and Militaria Headquarters. With the exception of a couple of experimental pistols which Winchester made specifically to show Colt that it would be a good idea for Colt to back out of the rifle business, Winchester did not make pistols. In this case, .44 Winchester refers to the caliber (also called .44-40). Frontier Bulldog is a name used by some brand X outfit on lower quality guns intended for the Western market. I believe that the name was used by both U.S. and one or more foreign makers, so without more details we cannot do a better job identifying the gun or value, However, it is probably in the $150-400 range, but demand will be modest. John Spangler
# 2321 - Colt New Service In .44-40 11/23/99 Bruce , Phoenix AZ, USA
Colt - New Service Commercial - 44-40 - 5.5"bbl - Blue finish - 74350 - No markings on frame or grip frame, New Service and patent dates on barrel, Colt in Oval on rubber grips, matting on back of grip handle. 2 serial#'s on cyl and frame where cyl opens. Both match. 98% finish. I have 2 questions: What is the Mfg Date? How many of these guns were factory chambered in 44-40? Thanks
Answer: Bruce, my records indicate that your revolver was manufactured in 1915. Over the years, Colt offered the New Service chambered in 18 different calibers including .38 Special, .357 Magnum, .38-40 WCF, .44-40 WCF, .44 Russian, .44 Special, .45 ACP, .45 Long Colt, .450 Eley, .455 Eley, and .476 Eley. I have not been able to locate any information on how many revolvers were originally produced .44-40, but the caliber is not uncommon, the two rarest calibers are .450 and .476 Eley. Marc
# 2458 - Browning Automatic (not assult) Rifle 11/23/99 Ryan
Browning - BAR - 30-06 - Just out of curiosity, I am trying to find information on what I've heard referreed to as the BAR, or the Browning Assault Rifle, if I'm not mistaken. Any suggestions or links? Machine gun used in WW2, from what I know. Curiosity only. Thanks for your time.
Answer: Ryan- The Browning Automatic Rifle or BAR is a 18 pound rifle that will fire either full auto or semi auto (with a little practice) . It uses the .30-06 cartridge and 20 round magazines. It was a mainstay of the US infantry and Marine Corps from the end of WW1 until about 1956 when the M14 was adopted. The Marines were especially fond of the BAR. It was designed by John M. Browning, of Ogden Utah, who also designed the .45 automatic pistol and the .30 and .50 caliber machine guns used by the U.S. military. The BAR is highly restricted for private ownership due to its ability to fire full automatic. There are semi-auto only versions being made by an outfit in Ohio (Ohio Ordnance Works, Bob Landies). We have a couple of links on our links page that may help. One is for US Infantry weapons of the 20th century, and I think we have one that gets into machine gun oriented sites. One of my all time favorite books by an enlisted author is "The Last Parallel" by Martin Russ. It is an account of his experience in the Korean was as a USMC BAR man and loaded with keen insights presented in a a lively and interesting style. We have copies on our book page and they can be found in many used book stores.. Hope this helps. John Spangler
# 2457 - Re-Loading Advise 11/23/99 Steven
Eddystone - 1917 - 30-06 - Hello I live in copperas cove TX, I have a 1917 Eddystone 30-06 and I plan to go deer hunting with it. its one the best rifles I have ever shot, what would be the best ammo to use for this weapon to get the most energy thanks
Answer: Steve- Thanks for contacting Antique and Collectable Firearms and Militaria Headquarters. Sorry, we cannot give advice on loads and shooting due to liability concerns. Check with the local dealer where you will be guying your hunting ammo. A load which would be ideal for jackrabbbits might just irritate a grizzly bear, and a good bear load might not be too great on deer or antelope. Gun Digest and Shooters Bible usually have info on loads and ballistics to help you make informed choices. Be sure you have a competent gunsmith check your Eddystone as a number of them (especially if rebarreled during WW2) have developed receiver cracks, so be a little more cautious. John Spangler
# 2450 - Remington 1903A3 Markings 11/20/99
Remington - 1903A3 - 30-06 - 4000156 - barrel date 9-43 The gun is in excellent condition, nearly 100% with all parts "R" marked. Stock has the usual Remington markings that are fairly clear. However, on the right side of the stock there is a small 51 with a C1 underneath it in a dull yellow paint that looks pretty well aged. Looks like it was put on using a stencil, letters are uniform and smooth. What could these possibly be. Someone suggested they are "company" or unit markings. I don't know.
Answer: In my opinion it is absolutely certain that these stenciled/painted markings were added after the rifle was shipped from Remington. M1903A3 rifles have been issued to US regular forces National Guard and Reserve unit, ROTC units, law enforcement agencies, and assorted business concerns for an amazing variety of purposes over the last 50 years. Many of these outfits have applied painted or stamped markings to guns. Your guess is as good as mine. However, I have noted that the shift to cheap plastic stocks instead of beautiful walnut has made units less reluctant to deface them with paint. Hope this helps. John Spangler
# 2328 - Marlin 336SC 11/20/99 Brian, Hastings, MN, USA
Marlin - 336 S C - 35 REM - 20 Inch - Blue - H7462 - Stamped on the barrel is a JM with a circle around it I recently inherited this weapon from a deceased uncle. I was wondering how old and any history you may have on this rifle.
Answer: Brian, my records indicate that your Marlin 336SC was manufactured in 1951. "SC" stands for "Sporting Carbine". The model 336SC was manufactured from 1949 to 1963, it is similar to Model 336A, except that it has a shorter 20 inch barrel and comes with a 2/3 length magazine tube. The circle "JM" stamping that you describe is a Marlin proof mark that has been used on Marlin firearms since 1889, "JM" stands for John Marlin. Marlin 336SC values are in the $100 - $250 range depending on condition. Marc
# 2336 - What's It Worth? 11/20/99 Leonard
Winchester - 1894 - 38-55 - I have a Winchester model 1894 lever action with a hexago barrel and it is a cal.38-55 and it is a model 94. The breach is all engraved on both sides and has inlaid decal of Oliver Winchester and I would like to know if you could let me know the value of the gun, if not can you direct me to some one who can.
Answer: Leonard- This is one of the commemorative models. If it is unfired, with the box and original paperwork a recent price guide puts it at $595. However, these are very slow to sell and seldom bring the book prices. If it has been fired, has any tiny scratches or the box is gone, then it is probably worth about $250 as a really gaudy looking deer rifle in a caliber that will be hard to get ammo for. Sorry, these just do not bring much on the collector market despite everyone's hopes of getting rich. I guess gun collectors are not as crazy as Beanie Baby collectors. John Spangler
# 2337 - Derringer Identification / authentication 11/16/99 Lonnie Austin TX
Deringer? - Percussion - Hi, I have a small sized Percussion Deringer pistol? Well I think I do, but I am having trouble getting it authenticated. The antique gun dealers that I have shown the weapon to cannot identify it as either an original or a copy. The books that they are using claim that the weapon must say "Philadelfa" on the side lock plate or have a "P" on the side lock plate (this one doesn't, it has scrollwork instead). They also said it must have 7 groove rifling (this one has six) and must have a trigger guard finial that matches one of those found in their books (this one doesn't). Otherwise the pistol meets all of the other qualifications. It has a solid German silver trigger guard and finial, butt plate, side plate, side lock plate, top plate, front sight and forearm cap. It is a two piece barrel/chamber construction from semi-octagonal steel. It has very intricately hand carved ornate scrollwork all over it. The screws all fit perfectly, even though they are not perfectly concentric (the result of grinding after assembly I think), and are ornate as well. The stock is one piece walnut. The spelling of "Deringer" on top of the barrel is correct! It appears to be very, very old. I understand that most copies that were made after the 1950's carried fictitious names like: Deeringer, Derringer, Derinnger, Deringger and Deringe. I'm certainly not an expert in the field by any stretch of the imagination but this pistol really looks like a well constructed piece. The antique guns dealers that saw the weapon have entertained the thought that it may be a "pre-production" or "early model" Deringer original prototype? Of course they are also entertaining the thought that it may be an elaborately detailed and superbly crafted early model copy. Can you appraise this weapon for me? If not, could you refer me to the leading Deringer appraisal authority within the US? Any help at all will be very, very greatly appreciated.
Answer: Lonnie- The leading authority on all types of Deringers (Henry Deringer, percussion imitators, and later cartridge versions) is Doug Eberhart, P.O. Box 1104, Alpharetta, GA 30009 or call 770-664-5015 after 7:00 pm eastern time. Best thing is to send him some GOOD CLOSE UP PHOTOS taken to show ALL areas of the gun. He is a serious buyer, and wrote the two volumes that are the standard reference on Derringer pistols. If you want a formal opinion or appraisal on what you have and what it is worth, you can expect to pay a fee. I am not sure what he charges, but free advice is worth about what you pay for it. You may not like the answer you get, but sometimes we don't have quite what we think we have. Good guy, I recommend him. John Spangler
# 2338 - M1917 Sling 11/16/99 Mark
I saw your advertisement for M1917 slings. The gun shop that sold me an Eddyfield told me the sling on it was correct. But I have my doubts. It has no marks. It looks like the standard WW2 slings with the double string of holes - two brass hook ends - two leather keepers? (leather straps that hold the strap portion onto itself like a standard belt.) I thought that maybe I read that the original had webbing or a Kerr made sling? What is the real deal for the M1917? Thanks, Mark
Answer: The Army had several slings they used with M1917 rifles (and others) at various times. Primary issue was the leather M1907 sling as you describe. The Kerr "NoBukl" web sling was adopted as the "Sling, gun, M1917" and issued for all rifles in service at the time and was substitute item until early WW2, but not exclusively for the M1917 rifles. The M1923 sling was adopted in 1923, but little used (a horrible mess anyway!). In about 1942 the web Gun Sling, M1 was adopted and has been used on most rifles since. The gun sling M3 was nearly identical to the M1917 sling except for length, but was intended for use on Thompson sub machine guns. Hope this helps. Have had 3 M1917 slings in last month or so, prices ranged from $22 to $65 depending on condition. John Spangler
# 2374 - Turner Manufacturing Company M4 Bayonet Production 11/16/99 Marsha Taylorsville, NC. USA
Winchester - M-1 carbine - 30 - 17 inches - Parker - How many bayonets are made at Turner Mfg. in Statesville, NC.?
Answer: Marsha, I was unable to find total production figures for M4 bayonets manufactured by Turner Manufacturing Company of Statesville, North Carolina. I was able to find that Turner received a contract in 1954 for 298,691 M4 Bayonets. The Turner contract is believed to be the first U. S. Government contract for M4 bayonets after WWII. Marc
# 2339 - Revolver- W. Irving 11/13/99 Eric
Irving - 7 shot revolver - Stamped on the barrel: Address W. Irving 20 Cliff St. N.Y. Octagonal 5" barrel 7 shot cartridge revolver with spur trigger. Rosewood grips. I found similar guns in a catalogue, but not this one. Does anyone know more info about this one? It does not match the description for the revolvers in the gun collector's guide. Does anyone have info on this piece? Respectfully, Eric
Answer: Eric- One of the reasons we like "Flayderman's Guide to Antique American Firearms and their values" is that it is so complete and accurate. On page 307 he describes three variations, one with an iron frame, the other two with brass. The first type was probably made by James Reid under contract for W.W. Marston with Irving merely the agent selling them. The 20 Cliff Street address was used by both Irving and Reid. These were made 1863-64 with a brass frame, stop slots at the front of the cylinder, and a 3" octagonal barrel. Flayderman puts total production at about 50, and value at $550 in NRA antique good, and $1250 in fine. condition (see links listing for definitions). About 2100 were made of the second model which had a regular trigger guard and the values on these with iron or brass frame will run about half that of the spur trigger type. Will be glad to help you find a good home for this if you decide to sell. John Spangler
# 2340 - Rock Island .22 Hoffer Thompson??? 11/13/99 coolemon
Rock Island - 1903 - .22 - 44168 - Have a u.s. Rock Island arsenal model 1903 serial no 44168 I found out it is a training rifle but needs a special casing to except 22 shell would like to know value and more history
Answer: Sir- If it uses a special shell to hold the .22 cartridge, it sounds like a "Hoffer-Thompson". As far as I know, all those were made by Springfield. Surplus parts were available, and yours may be one assembled on a Rock Island receiver. These rifles were developed for use by soldiers training on indoor ranges where .22 could be used but not .30-06. The adapters were a good substitute for full size .30-06 rounds and allowed use of stripper clips for loading and no need to mess around sticking individual .22 rounds into the rifle. In 1922 these became obsolete and they switched to .22 rifles that did not use the special adapters, and the Hoffer Thompson rifles were scrapped. Value for an original made by Springfield is pretty good ($800-1800 range), but one made from parts is probably only worth about $400-750, mainly for the value of the barrel to restore an original. Of course, you could have something that I am not familiar with, but I am about 90% sure we have identified it correctly. We always have people looking for unusual parts, so if you decide to sell, we can help. John Spangler
# 2398 - M.A.B. Model D 11/13/99 GENE
M.A.B. - Model D - 7.65mm French Long - 98285 - I recently procured a MAB Modle D .32ACP from my father. He had no owners manuel and no idea how to field strip it for cleaning, can you help me find the documentation I am looking for? What does one of these go for today?
Answer: Gene, The M.A.B. Model D is a single action pistol that is very similar to Model C, chambered in 7.65mm French Long caliber with a 3.96 in. barrel. These were manufactured commercially from 1933-1940 and many thousands were manufactured for the German Wehrmacht during the occupation of France in WWII. Pistols manufactured for the Wehrmacht ware marked "Pistole MAB Kaliber 7.65mm". I was not able to find any information or instructions about how to disassemble the M.A.B. Model D, but Smith's "Book of Pistols and Revolvers" states that Model D construction is much like that of the 1922 Browning and the Colt Pocket automatic. Blue book values for the Model D are in the $150 to $200 range with a slight premium for those manufactured under German occupation. I don't know if this will be of any help but the following are Smith's instructions for field stripping the Model 1922 Browning, maybe you can apply them to your M.A.B.: (1) Remove the magazine and draw back the slide to check the firing chamber to be sure there is no cartridge there. (2) Holding the weapon in the right hand to force the grip safety in, push the slide back until the thumb safety catch can be thrust up to engage in the hold open notch on the slide. (3) Turn the barrel far enough to release its locking lugs from the receiver. (4) Holding the weapon firmly in the right hand, grasp the slide and push the thumb safety catch out of engagement to permit the compressed recoil spring to push the slide forward. (This arm has a striker and spring mounted under the slide. Care must be taken when the slide is removed to see that these units do not fly out.) (5) Push the slide and barrel assemblies straight ahead out of their guides in the receiver. (6) Twist the barrel to the left and let it go forward under the compression of the recoil spring around it. (7) Push in and turn the bushing around the muzzle of the barrel to unlock it from its grooves in the slide and withdraw it. (8) The barrel with the recoil spring around it may now be moved out of the front of the slide. Hope that this helps. Marc
# 2413 - Uncetta 7.56 Pistol 11/9/99 Andy PR
Uncetta - Astra - 7.56 - 4.5 Inches? - Blue - illegible - Ivory inlaid handles. I have seen this weapon on old Spanish revolution films with German characters. The maker is Uncetta Guernica Spain. Is a automatic with 7 shot mag.
Answer: Andy, Unceta y Cia, of Eibar and Guernica Spain was founded in 1908 as Pedro Unceta y Juan Esperanza in Eibar, their first product was an automatic pistol called the Victoria. In 1913, the company moved to Guemica, and changed their name to Esperanza y Unceta. After the relocation Unceta started production of the Campo Giro pistol for a Spanish Army contract. In 1914, Unceta adopted the trade name Astra for its products, and during WWI, supplied pistols to the French and Italian Armies. After WWI Unceta produced their first coaxial 'tubular' type pistol, based on the Campo Giro, which was adopted into Spanish service as the Modelo 1921, and sold commercially as the 'Astra 400'. During the 1920s, other coaxial patterns of pistol, were produced, while cheaper 'Eibar' type automatics were made under a variety of trade names. The company became Unceta y Cia in 1926. After the Spanish Civil War, Unceta was one of the three Spanish companies permitted to manufacture pistols, and they have continued production to the present day. Except for some of the 'Eibar' type pistols of the 1920s Unceta pistols have always been of excellent quality and even the Eibars were better than average. Over the years, Unceta has manufactured several models of pistol that were chambered in 7.56mm. The Cub CE was chambered in 6.35mm and came with fancy engraving and ivory grips. You did not supply enough information for me to determine which model that you have in mind. Marc
# 2342 - Essex 410, Be Careful 11/9/99 Wayne
Essex - 410 - My Uncle has a 410 shotgun on a pistol frame. It is marked Essex and is factory made. I cannot find anyone who knows anything about it.
Answer: Wayne- If the barrel is not at least 18 inches long it is considered to be a sawed off shotgun and you would be subject to 10 years and or $10,000 fine if the feds catch you with it. We are not familiar with the Essex brand, but it was probably a circa 1910-1934 item made for use by trappers, but made illegal in 1934. Hope this helps John Spangler
# 2343 - Colt SAA In London 11/9/99 427mm
Colt Single Action Army - Single Action Army - .45 Eley - Not Listed - Blue - 28484 - I recently requested a Colt history letter on this gun. The letter states that this gun was sent to the Colt Agency, London, England on August 14, 1876. I was curious to find any information to find out what records were available on the gun while it was in London.
Answer: Sir- A very good question. But one we cannot answer. I know there have been some books on English Colts, but I confess that I do not have them and cannot tell what may be in them. My gut feeling is that the records of the London agency no longer exist and you are at a dead end. However, there are a lot of serious Colt collectors who may know otherwise. If you care enough to invest in a factory letter and ask this sort of question, your should probably join the Colt Collectors Association and discuss such trivia with folks who know and care about these things. Check our links page for the Colt Automatic Pistols Home Page, which has membership info on the Colt Collectors Association. You will have a lot of fun, and get better info. Enjoy. Sounds like a neat gun anyway. John Spangler
# 2344 - M1 Garand Rifle And Swastika Marks 11/6/99 Larry G. Corsicana, TX
Springfield - M1 Garand Cal 30 - 30 06 - Standard - Dull Greenish/Black - 1089450 - Large P in circle behind trigger guard, small cross cannons and SA/EMcF on left side of stock. Manufactured in Dec. 1942. I traded for this rifle and the person that I traded with told me he thought that is was still all original Including the leather strap. Based on the information that I have been all to find, all parts are Springfield all original for that time frame. A long with the rifle he trough in a bayonet and scabbard with the following info. S A, flaming bomb, 1906, US. 72473, 10 inch gray blade, appears to have never been used. Would like to have a ball park figure of it's worth and any type of info that you may be able to provide on original rifle as this. If you do not mind I have a tool made by Buffum Tool Co., Louisana, MO. On the bottom of tool is a swastika. Could You direct me to some one who may could tell me what type of tool this is. Thank you for your time.
Answer: Larry- Sounds like a very nice rifle. I trust you have been using the excellent data accumulated and published by my friend Scott Duff concerning the "right" parts for a given period. There are some other books on Garands with varying amounts of information on the same subject. Some are based on Duff's research (but may or may not have bothered to give him credit for it) plus other tidbits or fact, fiction or fantasy that the other authors added. Do not believe everything you read, as no one knows everything, and folks making U.S. military arms did not always follow the rules exactly, and what we think is "right" today may be disproved by future research. Don't change parts to make things "right" if there is a good chance that everything else is original and correct. Even Marc and I can make errors in our FREE answers to your questions, so be skeptical of everything. As to value, it is probably worth what you paid for it. Without being able to tell if it is all original, or just a good restoration, or perhaps even a deceptive fake put together by one of several con artists ripping off collectors, we cannot give an accurate opinion. Maybe $600 maybe $1600. Bayonet is certainly refinished, and some people like the arsenal cut down examples while others dislike them. The swastika had been used in the US for many years, apparently derived from some Indian tribes artwork. However, after the rise of Hitler's evil friends to power in Germany, it abruptly fell from use. That pretty well dates the tool to pre-WW2, but other than suggesting it may be a good paper weight I cannot guess what other uses it may have. John Spangler
# 2357 - Springfield .22 Caliber Rifle 11/6/99 Alex Anchor Point, Alaska, USA
U.S. Springfield Armory - Model 1903 - .22LR - 23 1/4 - Park. - 327083 - Barrel marked "S.A." Flaming Bomb w/punch mark in center, Dated "12-25"Bolt marked "D 28223-2" also "M-2" on bolt handle 5-round clip marked "M-2" the clip retainer? (fill is in the space in the mag well behind the .22cal clip) is also numbered to the bolt. This rifle looks like a Mod. 1903, but shoots .22cal (and shoots it very well) But, what is it? Not a M-22 that I Have been able to find.
Answer: Alex- Your rifle started off as a standard Model 1903 rifle in .30-06 caliber, probably made in 1908. At some point a Springfield M1922 .22 caliber rifle barrel was installed and a M2 bolt assembly installed. You might want to check the magazine retainer number. It may be close tot he bolt number, but these are drawing numbers (if stamped) and are probably just a little different. Bolts were usually numbered to match the receiver using an electric pencil, and frequently got changed over the years and are now mismatched. I am not sure how they rigged the magazine to fit in the M1903 receiver (the .22 versions other than the Hoffer Thompson which used .30-06 length cartridge adapters) all had a sold bottom on the receiver with an opening just large enough for the .22 magazine, not the whole .30-06 magazine. I know several people who have accumulated .22 parts with intentions to cobble together a .22 rifle using old M1903 receivers. My guess is you have something in that line. I am certain it is not a Springfield Armory product in its current configuration.
# 2427 - Wards Western Field 47-A 11/6/99 Tim Klamath Falls, OR
Wards Western Field - 47-A - .22 s,l, lr - 24" - Blue - none - Pat. Pend. I have recently inherited this rifle and do not believe it has any special value, however, I am interested in it's approximate date of manufacture and value range. It is in near mint condition with only a small worn spot where the rifle was stored leaning against the front sight. the original bluing. I believe the rifle to be unfired. Thank you, Tim
Answer: Tim, my records indicate that the Model 47-A was a Wards Western Field house - brand name for the Mossberg Model 45-A which was manufactured from 1937 to 1938. Unfortunately there is just about no collector demand for Mossberg firearms and even less for house-brand types, value is in the $50.00 range. Marc
# 2434 - Unusual Conclusions A New World's Record! 11/2/99 Phil Arkansas
Springfield - Cavalry Carbine - US Mod 1884 - 45-70 - I have a Springfield Cavalry Carbine that has been handed down in our family, but no one remembers its origin or history. It is in fair to good condition, judging from the NRA descriptions on your site, and appears to me to be original, neglected, and a bit abused by my uncle who as a small boy carved his initials in the forward part of the stock. It is missing the ram rod. A friend did some research and gave me the following information: Springfield Cavalry Carbine- US Model 1884 - Breach Loading Caliber 45-70 First made 1873 - Total Service Time 42 years Rifling patented by Nuthall's - Shallow Hexagon, 5 Grooves Windage Sight Mint Markings: V Town and/or Township Vandergrift P State Pennsylvania (location NE of Williamsburg) __ Group Symbol Screaming Eagles P Type of Service Primary - (IE: volunteer, primary, ect.) A (on it's side) Military Branch issued to: Artillery Serial Number 396 7 45 Broken Down Means: 396 396th Group 7 7th Army 45 45th Artillery Year of Manufacture - 1884 The order of 1884 was for 1,000 weapons at $20.00 per weapon and was dated April 18,1884 Another friend recently told us that if the rifling is in fact 5 or 6 groove, the carbine may be quite valuable and that the windage site (I couldn't remember the type or name he used) was an unusual accessory. I'd appreciate any advice on where to look for more information on the history and value of both of these items.
Answer: Phil- I am not sure what you have, but I'll have some of whatever your friend is drinking! While I am sure he is trying to be helpful, his "information" is totally inaccurate and makes numerous wild assumptions about markings that go far beyond any nonsense I have ever heard about them in the past 35 years. A new world's record! If the serial number is 396745 that is only a serial number. Surviving government records do not show any history of use of this particular gun, but everything listed in that approximate range is noted as a rifle, not a carbine, so I am pretty sure you have a rifle that has been cut down. (Rifle barrels are 32.6" from the face of the closed breech to the muzzle, or 29.5" for cadet rifles, and carbines are 22") The rare six groove barrels were on long range rifles made much earlier in about the 112,000 to 163,000 range. Surplus dealers sometimes took five or six groove barrels salvaged from other guns and installed them in trapdoors, and you may have one of those, especially if the lockplate has 1884 marked on it. Or, you could be miscounting the number of grooves. There are normally three wide grooves, say about 5/16" wide, and three lands about the same width. Not like the wide grooves and narrow lands in modern rifles. I cannot identify your "windage sight" but if it has a small knob at the front of the base and another small knob at the top of the sight leaf that folds down, then it is a Model 1884 "Buffington" sight, which is adjustable for windage, but is found on nearly half the trapdoors seen on the market. These are not a big deal or any great value. We have a link to an excellent site on our links page: run by the foremost authority in the world on trapdoors and frequented by the most advanced collectors. I am sure they will confirm that your friend's information is incorrect. There are also some great photos and descriptions of various trapdoor models there to help identify things. As an old family piece, I would encourage you to keep it, at least until that idiot ex-governor of yours tries to confiscate it. Hope this helps. John Spangler
# 2366 - M1903A4 Prices 11/2/99 arickey
Remington - 1903A4 - .30-06 - ? - ? - ? - N/A I've just received notice that my name has been drawn in the CMP 1903A4 lottery. Mine is to be in "A", or "good to excellent" condition with base but no scope. The stock will be either "C" or scant. The price is $650. My question is: Should I have any reservations about buying it at that price? My concern is for the worst case. If the condition is good rather than excellent, and the stock is scant, isn't the value going to be somewhat less than $650 without the correct scope?
Answer: Sir- If you do not want to purchase the rifle under the terms it is being offered, then we advise you to pass on it. We are curious as to why you submitted an application to the lottery for one in the first place, but that is your right. I know there are MANY people who would be delighted to get one of these rifles under the terms it is offered, so it will not be homeless. If you expect to find better ones offered cheaper in the future, you will probably be very disappointed, or perhaps be very lucky. If this is the level of your anxiety over being drawn for one of the nice "A" grade rifles, you might have needed professional help if you had only gotten eligible to buy one of the lesser condition "B" grade rifles. I was not lucky enough to get drawn for either, so please pardon my lack of sympathy. By the way, you seem to dislike the "scant" stocks on some of the M1903A4s. These were by far the more common stocks installed during original production, so I consider them much more desirable for collectors than the nicer looking but often replaced "C" stocks. John Spangler
# 2428 - Excam TA 38 11/2/99 Jim, Charlotte NC
EXCAM - TA 38 - 38 - 2" - Blue - L73398 - I'm looking for information on this gun, found your site doing a search can you help or point me in the right direction. thanks for your help
Answer: Jim, Excam of Hialeah Florida, went out of business in 1990, they were an importer and distributor of inexpensive Saturday Night Special type firearms. The TA 38 Derringer was a copy of the Remington Model 41, it came with a blue finish, either 2 or 3 inch barrels, checkered nylon grip and weighed about 14 ounces. Importation of the TA 38 was discontinued in 1985. TA 38 values are in the $50 or less range. If you intend to fire this derringer, I would advise you to have it checked for safety by a competent gunsmith before doing so. Marc Return to Collectors Headquarters. 