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**NEW ADDITION** 1805 Inspection Handbook for Ordnance Vehicles - (General Information) ORD M608-E1 - prepared under the direction of th Automotive Branch, Industrial Division, Office of Chief of Ordnance. Dated December 1949 but essentially WW2 info and equipment illustrated. Some basics on use of inspection tools, then general policies and explanation of use of flaming bomb and ordnance escutcheon markings. Proper packaging and some examples of rigging for shipment. Neat stuff! 136pp 8" x 10.5" $25.00 (View Picture) **NEW ADDITION** 1731 U.S. Navy, Office of Naval Intelligence- Recent Naval Progress, June 1887 - Information from abroad series no. VI. Wide variety of topics from small arms and musketry instruction in US and abroad to electric lighting on ships, torpedoes, torpedo boats, USN 8 inch B.L. rifle, etc. 346pp. Rebound in rugged library buckram binding, otherwise exc. condition. Very interesting, and extremely scarce $95.00 (View Picture) **NEW ADDITION** 1729 U.S. Army Quartermaster's Manual 1904 - 210 pages 6” x 9” hardcover. Detailed US Army procudres for the many chores of the QM Corps. Breakdown of sizes fo uniforms to be stocked, items to be carried by saddlers, blacksmiths, etc in the field, equipment to be carried in (or on) Army wagons; what should be paid for by govt for troops. etc. 1904 edition undoubtedly retains many of the provisions from the Indian War era, slightly modified by experience in the sudden expansion of the Spanish-American War. Excellent clean copy with title in gold on cover and spine. $35.00 (View Picture) **NEW ADDITION** 2186 FM 23-90 81MM MORTAR M29, DECEMBER 1958 - 394pp 4.5" x 6.5" Cover crumpled a bit and has penciled notes on it, otherwise pretty good clean copy. $15.00 (View Picture) **NEW ADDITION** 1779 FM31-72 Mountain Operations, Jan 1959 - 236 pages 6” x 9” soft cover. Lots of info on basic mountain movements, rock climbing, ropes, casualty evacuation, plus some more purely military aspects. A real eye opener for folks used to operating on other types of terrain. Wanna go skiing? $5.00 (View Picture) **NEW ADDITION** 1778 ROTCM 145-50 Map and Aerial Photograph Reading, May 1954 - 114 pages 6” x 9” with lots of pictures and easy to read so it won't confuse future officers. Perhaps this is why there is nothing as scary as a second Lieutenant with a map and a compass. $5.00 (View Picture) 1621 TM9-1005-223-12- OPERATOR & ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE MANUAL 7.62mm RIFLE M14 & BIPOD M2, JANUARY 1963 - Original G.I. with the really crappy illustrations the Army saved a couple of bucks on back in the 1960s under POS SECDEF McNamara’s misguidance. Nice bright clean copy except for row of oil spots and ballpoint scribbles on cover. $25.00 (View Picture) 1522 OPERATORS MANUAL, M16A1 RIFLE - (TM 9-1005-249-10 dated April 1977 including change I dated 20 March 1979) This is later blue cover manual approx 4" x 6" with 58 pages, no babes, no Orientals, but adds promethium front sight. $4.00 (View Picture) 1521 TM 21-305 Manual for the Wheeled Vehicle Driver - December 1956. 145 pp. 4.5" x 7". Neat stuf on field recovery and off road type stuff in addition to basic hand signals, stopping distance, etc like you learned in driver's ed class. If you like military vehicles, you should read this to understand more about how they were suposed to be driven. $10.00 (View Picture) 1520 FM 23-7 CARBINE, CALIBER .30 M1, M1A1, M2 AND M3 - Dated January 1952, also marked AFM 50-4 as an Air Force Manual. 382pp 4.5" x 7". Paper turning yellow. Overall fine except for portion of the cover on the spine is ripped (easily glued back). $39.00 (View Picture) 1519 FM 23-7 CARBINE, CALIBER .30 M1, M1A1, M2 AND M3 - Dated January 1952, also marked AFM 50-4 as an Air Force Manual. 382pp 4.5" x 7". Paper turning yellow. Overall excellent. $49.00 (View Picture) 1518 Individual Scorebook for the Rifle (1925) - Training Regulations 150-15. Good clean unused copy with one dirt smudge on cover and some corner folding. Green and pink pages in the back. $18.00 (View Picture) 1517 TM21-305 DRIVER'S MANUAL (NOV 1944) - 145 page 4.5" x 6" filled with what drivers needed to know. A "must have" for a restored WW2 Jeep, weapons carrier, or truck. Overall good-very good but covers soiled, and portion of the pocket on the inside back cover is ripped and missing (not visible unless you look at the inside back cover). $49.00 (View Picture) 1515 MANUAL FOR THE WHEELED VEHICLE DRIVER (DECEMBER 1956) - TM21-305 or AFM 77-2. 145 pages 4.5" x 6.5". An excellent guide to basic driving skills and also on off road operation and coping with damaged or stuck vehicles. Overall good-very good but covers soiled. Nice addition to any military vehicle used after the Korean War period. $20.00 (View Picture) 1514 FM23-10 U.S. RIFLE, CALIBER .30 M1903 - January 1940 with copies of changes 1, 3 and 5 staples on the inside cover. 215 pages 4.5" x 7.5" used and worn a bit with some spots on the cover and name Lowell D. Snorf, Jr. rubber stamped across face. $65.00 (View Picture) 1513 FM23-35 Pistols & Revolvers- June 1946 - Rather rough copy, but all there and quite usable copy, or good for display with M1911 or M1917 revolvers. Cover is torn a bit at the spine and has some dirt and stains. Some pages are dogeared. $10.00 (View Picture) 1512 FM30-40 MILITARY INTELLIGENCE- IDENTIFICATION OF U.S. ARMORED VEHICLES - dated May 1941 - 37 pages. Not very thick, but that was all that was needed to cover the pitifully unprepared stocks of U.S. armored vehicles at the time. Covers M1, M3 scout cars, many variants of the M1, M2, M3 light tanks, the M3 medium tank, and M2 an M3 half tracks and also a T1 heavy tank. Some photos, some three view type recognition drawings. Excellent plus condition. $49.00 (View Picture) 1511 FM6-55 4.5 INCH MULTIPLE ROCKET LAUNCHER M21, TOWED - dated December 1953. This is for a nifty unit towed behind a 6x6 that has several rows of barrels mounted on a 2 wheel carriage similar to an anti-tank gun. Used VG-fine condition. $18.00 (View Picture) 1510 TM9-2320-218-10 OPERATOR’S MANUAL M151 JEEP & VARIANTS, SEPTEMBER 1971 - About 150 pages, 4” x 6”. This covers the M151, M151A1, and M151A1 ¼ ton trucks, M151A1C and M825 with the 106mm Recoilless rifle, and the M718 and M178A1 ambulances. Basically the same stuff you would find in the owners manual in your private vehicle- how to operate stuff, etc. Used VG-fin with some masking tap tabs added for quick reference to 4 sections. $20.00 (View Picture) 1509 FM23-90 81MM MORTAR, M1 (APRIL 1951) - 715 pages, used good-VG Everything you need to know about this very effective weapon. Comes with loose copies of changes 1, 2 and 3 stuck inside the front cover. A little dog eared on one corner otherwise nice. $35.00 (View Picture) 1082 TM9-1275 ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE U.S. RIFLES CAL. .30 M1, M1C (SNIPER’S) AND M1D (SNIPER’S) - 1947 manual on detailed disassembly and repair, far more detailed than the FM23-5 field manual for basic users. Reprint, 104 pages 6” x 9” $7.00 (View Picture) 1078 TM43-0001-27 ARMY AMMUNITION DATA SHEETS SMALL CALIBER AMMUNITION FSC 1305 - June 1981, photocopy of extremely detailed June 1981 manual. Approximately 300 pages 8.5” x 11” spiral bound. Appears to be complete, but they may have skipped a few pages. It is hard to tell with the silly way the Army numbers the pages in their manuals post Vietnam. $10.00 (View Picture) 392 FM21-150 UNARMED DEFENSE FOR THE AMERICAN SOLDIER, June 30, 1942 - 315 pages 4.2” x 6.7” in well used, well studied condition. Name Sgt J.N. Campbell inked on cover. Full of illustrated moves to use if you regrettably forgot to bring one of John M. Browning’s useful tools along when venturing into risky places. Emphasis is on non-fatal moves, but final pages include some serious fatal blows useful when things escalate from bar brawl to unarmed combat in a life or death situation. $10.00 (View Picture) 389 SCARCE TM9-2200 Small Arms, Light Field Mortars & 20mm Aircraft Guns- WW2 SEABEE USED! October 1943 - Cover stamped “EIGHTEENTH (18th) U.S. NAVAL CONSTRUCTION BATTALION, FLEET POST OFFICE, SAN FRANCISCO” This is the very scarce 1943 edition, not the common 1949 edition which dropped the 20mm guns and a bunch of the early WW2 gear. This includes descriptions, specifications, photos of just about every type of pistol, rifle, shotgun, machine gun, bayonet, MG mounts, linking tools, grenade launchers, .22 trainers etc in service by late 1943. It also has details on the ammunition and clips/belts/links for these weapons. This is basically your one stop reference for ALL WW2 weapons. Pages 129-148 covering pyrotechnic projectors (and a couple adjacent pages) were cut out for some unknown reason, but unless you are looking through the pages, their absence is barely noticeable. The 18th NCB worked with the 2nd Marines through most of WW2, and for a while were actually transferred to be a Marine Corps unit for a while, reverting to the 18th NMCB on 4/1/1944. They participated at Guadalcanal, rebuilding Henderson Field, then Tarawa, Saipan and Tinian operations. The unit was decommissioned on 20 June, 1945, while at Tinian, so this manual was probably used during their operations on Saipan or Tinian. The Navy SEABEES were a huge element in the success of island hopping operations in the Pacific, and their history deserves more recognition. There is an excellent history of this unit (and most other SEABEE units at http://seabeecook.com/history/NMCB_18.htm Used G-VG, and even with the neat history price is only $49.00 (View Picture) 316 FM23-11 90mm RECOILLESS RIFLE M67, July 1965 - With loose change 2 covering the rare 7.62mm subcaliber device. 61 pages 8.5” x 11”. The M67 as widely used in Vietnam, basically taking the place of the 3.5” bazooka for anti-tank and hitting reinforced targets, but also capable of firing a flechette round. The M67 was relatively heavy and replaced by the M72 LAW (Light Anti-Tank Weapon) before the end of Vietnam, and eventually the AT-4 which packed a bigger bang. Used fine-excellent. $15.00 (View Picture) 315 FM23-82 106mm RECOILLESS RIFLE M40A2, July 1973 - Approx 125 pages 8.5” x 11” covering all the interesting stuff about this monster, usually mounted on a jeep. This was widely fielded in Vietnam. Technical details, operation, marksmanship, also the M8C .50 caliber spotting rifle. Used Excellent. $20.00 (View Picture) 21632 NEW LOT OF MILITARY MANUALS- WW2 to VIETNAM
22753 NEW BATCH OF U.S. MILITARY FM, TM, SNL, etc. - Order by number 22753and the letter (22753B, etc) 22753B- FM23-82 106mm [RECOILLESS] RIFLE M40 Dated December 1955, 240 pages about 4” x 6” overall about good condition except to right corner has water/coffee stain on most pages. Covers the jeep mounted version, including the .50 caliber M8 spotting rifle and the .30 caliber subcaliber round for training use. $15.00 (View Picture) 22753D- ORD 7 SNL A-33 Organizational Maintenance Allowances Mortar 81mm, M1 and Mount M4 Date August 1951, 17 pages includes usual stuff but also hangers for carrying on pack animals. $4.00 (View Picture) 22753E- ORD 9 SNL F-210 List of all service Parts of COMPASS, M2, dated May 1950. 13 pages, this is for the boxy Brunton style compass, not the fold up Lensatic compass. $2.00 (View Picture) 22753F- TB 9X-111 Tech Bulletin Preliminary Instructions Mechanical Time Fuze M111A2 modified to Fuze T77 for Cluster M26. May 1945. $1.00 (View Picture) 22753G- MILITARY PUBLICATIONS INDEXOF SUPPLY MANUALS ORDNANCE CORPS, DA PAMPHLET 310-29. April 1961 277 pages 6” x 9” with comprehensive listing of the supply manulas for virtually everything the Ordnance Department was involved with from weapons to vehicles to shop machinery, etc, etc. If you know the name of the piece of gear, you can use this to find at least one of the supply manual numbers and that will be a huge help trying to locate parts or instructions for restoration or repair of old military gear. $4.00 (View Picture) 22753H- BARGAIN LOT 3 ORDNANCE MANUALS (1) FT 81-A1-3, Change 1 Firing tables for 81mm mortars M19 and variations an also the 81mm Mortar training device (sabot type) January 1977. 69 pages. (2) FT 105-H-6, Change 2 Firing tables for 105mm Howitzer M2A1, M2A2 and M49 with various ammunition types. April 1962, about 100 pages. (3) Hazard Classification of U.S. Military Explosives and Munitions., June 2009 Full of codes, weights, security level, etc for shipping munitions (mainly artillery type stuff). All 3 for only $3.00 (View Picture) 23062 FM23-80 57MM [RECOILLESS] RIFLE M18 - Dated June 1945, 196 pages 4.5” x 7” excellent condition but some age spotting on some pages. $35.00 (View Picture) 20794 FM23-32 3.5 INCH ROCKET LAUNCHER - Dated April 1958, 128 pages 4.5” x 7” VG condition except for a few pencil notations and some rust spots from a steel paperclip left in place too long and pages starting to yellow with some age spotting. $25.00 (View Picture) 10099 FM23-65 Browning Machine Gun Caliber .50 HB M2 - Dated May 1972, the typical manual in use for the incomparable “Ma Deuce” during Vietnam. 220 page 8.5” x 11” with everything you need to know about these. $15.00 (View Picture)
22650 U.S. ARMY MANUALS- VIETNAM ERA- MISCELLANEOUS TOPICS - 17322 FM23-41 Submachine Gun, Caliber .45, M3 and M3A1, August 1949 - 135 page 4.5” x 7” “RESTRICTED” classification crossed out. Everything you need to know about the “Grease Gun.” Very light red ink stamped 54th BN and DO NOT REMOVE on the cover but hardly visible. $22.00 (View Picture) 21799 LOT OF 3 IRREGULAR WARFARE MANUALS - a- FM31-15 Operations against Irregular Forces, May 1961, 48 pages. Commercial reprint. This is the basic (and flawed) initial concept for anti-guerilla warfare we had going into Vietnam. b- TC 7-3-1 How to Defend With Mechanized Infantry and Light Infantry Platoons, June 1975. New doctrine being adopted for defensive tactics. c- TC 1-32 Preparation of the CH-47 for Night Flight. Basic info for training use. Lot of 3 for $10.00 (View Picture) 20571 TM10-8340-222-10, Tents - general and special use, pole supported, Arctic, 10 man FSN 8340-262-3685; Assembly M1942 FSN 8340-26202877; Command Post M1945 FSN 8340-269-1370; and Hexagonal, Lightweight, M1950 FSN 8340-269-1372, Operators manual, November 1972, about 45 pages. $5.00 (View Picture) 20444 Radio Sets AN/VRC-12 and AN-PRC-25 series and associated equipment - Army Electronics Command Western Field Office – 43 page handy “user’s guide” nt intended to replace the bulky manuals, but loaded with good info. Probably Vietnam era. $5.00 (View Picture) 20006 TM11-5820-10-LD8 AN/VRC-49 radio set - condensed laminated operating instructions. About 6” x 9” doubles sided- turn on, tune, etc. $5.00 (View Picture) 19980 TM11-5820-401-12 Radio sets: VRC-12; VRC-43/44/45/46/47/48/49/54/55 - including mountings, antenna, frequency selector control, and radio set control. Operator and Organizational maintenance manual including repaor arts and special tools lists September 1972 with changes 1 and 2 included. about 250 pages. $20.00 (View Picture) 19631 TM11-5985-284-15 Antenna, Loop AT-784/PRC - Operator, Organizational, DS, GS and Depot maintenance manual including repair parts February 1967 about 45 pages $5.00 (View Picture) 19160 TM11-5820-549-12 Receiving set, radio, AN/PRR-9 and Transmitting set, radio, AN/PRT-4 , 4A - Operator and Organizational maintenance manual This is the cigarette pack size radio that was mounted on the M1 “steel pot” helmets. October 1966 with changes 1-3 included about 60 pages $5.00 (View Picture) 19147 TM11-5820-498-12 Radio sets AN/VRC-53, VRC-64, GRC-125, /GRC-160 - and amplifier power supply groups OA-3633/GRC and OA-3633A/GRC. Operator and Organizational maintenance manual including repair parts and special tool lists; May 1967 about 70 pages. 20 and amplifier power supply groups OA-3633/GRC and OA-3633A/GRC. Operator and Organizational maintenance manual including repair parts and special tool lists; May 1967 about 70 pages. $20.00 (View Picture) 18932 TM11-297 Radio Sets AN/VRC-19, -19X and -19Y - August 1954 91pp. with supplement. $20.00 (View Picture) 18916 TM11-283 (inked on cover) Instruction Book for Radio sets AN/VRC-6, and -6Y - manufactured by Motorola order 11661-Phila-52-93. May 1953, 120 pages. $15.00 (View Picture) 18854 TM11-290 Receiver Transmitter RT-70/GRC - April 1951 140 pages $15.00 (View Picture) 18680 TM11-289 Receiver Transmitter RT-66/GRC, RT-67/GRC and RT-68/GRC - March 1951 170 pages $15.00 (View Picture) 15942 LOT OF 5 ANTI-TANK WEAPONS MANUALS- DRAGON, TOW, 90mm RECOILLESS - What you see is what you get., Vietnam through Gulf War era, showing the chanign technology. a- FM23-11, 90mm Recoilless Rifle, M67, July 1965, 61 pages b- TM9-1015-223-12, Operator and Organizational Maintenance Manual, 90mm {recoilless] Rifle, M67, February 1962, 67 pages. c- TM9-1425-470-12, Operator and Organizational Maintenance Manual for TOW Heavy Anti-tank/Assault Weapon System, January 1974 about 75 pages. d- TM9-1425-480-24P, Organizational, Direct Support and General Support Maintenance repair parts an special tools list for Dragon Medium Anti-tank/assault Weapon system- infrared tracker SU-36P, Night Vision sight tracker AN/TAS-5, Mount guided mmissil launcher M715, etc. June 1981, about 60 pages. e- Hand Receipt manual for Dragon Medium Antitank/assault weapon system NSN 1427-00-163-8959, October 1982 about 20 pages. The lot of 5 for only $45.00 (View Picture) 14320 FM23-35 /AFM50-17 PISTOLS & REVOLVERS - July 1960, 157 pages 6” x 9”. Covers the M1911 .45 auto and also Colt .38 Detective Special Revolver. Includes some mechanical training, and then firing and courses of fire, etc. Overall fine-excellent condition. The correct manual for Vietnam era display. $22.00 (View Picture) 14162 TM 9-285 SHOTGUNS ALL TYPES SEPT 1942 - 257pp. Printed at Publications Department, Raritan Arsenal original WW2 printing. Overall a little dingy with dirty fingerprints from being used. Cover has a clear plastic laminated covering applied which looks good and protects it. Interior pages a little yellowed (besides dirty), but overall still a good solid collectible copy of this manual to accompany US military trench or riot guns of WW2 through the 1970s. Also an essential guide to disassembly and maintenance of these guns. $65.00 (View Picture) 14155 TM11-281 Radio sets SCR-399-A and SCR-499-A - March 1945., about 210 pages, sort of ratty condition but all there. $5.00 12568 TM11-283- Radio Sets AN/VRC-6, -6X and -6Y - July 1954, 89pp. $10.00 11693 TM11-487F Directory of U.S. Army Signal Equipments PICTORIAL EQUIPMENT - all sorts of cameras, lenses, developing stuff, printers, tripods, projectors, aircraft camera mounts. July 1958, 465 pages. $10.00 7396 TM 9-2320-218-10 Operators Manual for ¼ Ton 4x4 M151 Series Vehicles. - March 1983 about 125 pages. $18.00 (View Picture) 7252 TM 9-1005-213-25 .50 Caliber Browning Machine Gun M2 - Organizational, Direct Support, General Support and Depot Maintenance Manual including repair parts and special tools list. Included M2 flexible, for ground, M63 AA mount, vehicle mount and turret types for M1 and M13 Cupola, M45 series and M48 tank and commander cupola. July 1968, 192 pages with loose change 1. $20.00 (View Picture) 12816 FM9-24 FUNDAMENTALS OF MACHINE TOOLS - September 1973. good introduction to the subject, not a replacement for a good school or apprenticeship, but good enough for the hobbyist to get a feel for what machines can do. $5.00 (View Picture) 10743 FM10-17 ARMY FIXED LAUNDRY - Organization and Operation, May 1974. Just the thing your spouse needs to get their laundry skills up to speed, or if you are running a large commercial operation it may have some good ideas, or for an industrial operation in a school, prison, or group living facility. $3.00 (View Picture) 4013 LOT OF 3 ARMY AVIATION MANUALS - FM1-1 Terrain Flying October, 1975 about 100 pp; FM1-80 Aerial Observer Techniques and Procedures, March 1973 about 75 pp., and FM1-100 Army Aviation Utilization October 1971 about 60 pp. The lot of three for $12.00 (View Picture) 22435 FM19-15 Civil Disturbances (March 1972) - This new edition was brought to you by the Democrat street thugs in “CHICAGO My Kind Of Town!” NO, not King Barry and the Choom gang, but the equally despicable rioters at the 1968 Democrat convention, and later MLK riots, and the Kent State riots. This manual is about 125 pages on how to deal with real nasty and large riots. Street clearance tactics are stressed, along with protection of police and firemen, use of both lethal and non-lethal options, crowd control, etc, etc. Interesting reading, and interesting to see how tactics have changed in the 40 years since this manual was written. $12.00 (View Picture) 18805 FM19-15 Civil Disturbances and Disasters (March 1968) - This manual is about 125 pages on how to deal with traditional disasters and “disturbances” but remains somewhat theoretical as opposed to later editions which emphasized practical tactics for individuals and formations of troops in REAL riots and professional agitators. (As community organizers were called in the olde days.) These were the doctrine and tactics in place at the time of the 1968 Chicago riots and 1970 Kent State riot. Interesting reading, and interesting to see how tactics have changed in the 50 years since this manual was written, and to compare it with later editions. $10.00 (View Picture) 18681 FM20-32 Mine/Countermine Operations (December 1985) - 328 pages loaded with everything you need to know about planning and emplacing minefields, breaching minefields, arming and disarming mines, different types of mines, etc. An excellent historical reference, the focus being on cold war era potential European theater operations. $10.00 (View Picture) 13152 Lot of two Military Police Manuals - FM19-25 Military Police Traffic Control (November 1971) and FM19-26 Military Police Traffic Accident Investigation(July 1971). About 50-60 pages each. Titles pretty well explain the contents. Both for only $5.00 (View Picture) 12286 FM19-40 Enemy Prisoners of War and Civilian Internees (August 1964) - 54 pages and the topic explains it pretty well. Basic guidance on how to handle EPWs and internees, back before everything got lawyered up after Abu Ghraib and we got into the thorny area of terrorists who ignored all the laws of land warfare and Geneva Convention, but expected all the protections afforded combatants who obeyed them. $8.00 (View Picture) 19955 LOT OF FIVE DIFFERENT WEAPONS & EQUIPMENT MANUALS - TM9-1005-249-10 M16 and M16A1 rifle, 1985 TM9-1010-221-10 M203 Grenade Launcher, 1984 TM9-1240-381-10 M19 Binocular, 1977 TM3-4240-279-10 M17 Chemical-Biological mask, 1987 TM3- 4230-211-10 M13 Decontamination kit, 1976 The lot of five manuals, original GI, not reprints, excellent condition all for $12.00 (View Picture) 22861 FM23-10 U.S. RIFLE, CALIBER .30, M1903- 1940 dated. - Cleanest copy we have had of this scarce pre-WW2 manual, pretty pristine except for 3 or 4 small dirt spots on the cover. Great for display with WW2 used M1903 rifles, or other soldier gear. $45.00 (View Picture) 21648 TM3-4230-204-12&P Org.Maint Manual including repair parts and special tools - Decontaminating Apparatus, Portable, DS2, 1 1/2 quart, ABC-M11, NSN 4230-00-720-1618- February 1978. 25 pages. $3.00 (View Picture) 21437 TM5-624 Roads, Runways ( Misc. Pavements- Repairs & Utilities- May 1947 - 220 pages. Building, fixing, maintenance, and even snow plowing. How they did it all in the olde days. $5.00 (View Picture) 20936 TM3-304 Protective Clothing & Accessories- January 1957 - 19 pages $3.00 (View Picture) 20935 TM5-622 Wharves, Shore Structures & Dredging- repairs & Utilities- June 1946 - 46 pages. $5.00 (View Picture) 19655 TM3-303 Impregnating Set, Clothing, Field, M3, Impregnating Outfie, Clothing, Field, M1, - Kit, testing imprenite-in-clothing M1- December 1956. 13 pages. $3.00 (View Picture) 17086 TM5-632 Military Entomology Operational Handbook- 1965 - About 250 pages filled with everything you need to know about how the military handled pest control for all those nasty bugs and rats and stuff using state of the art equipment and chemicals as of about 50 years ago. This is actually a very important field, as it was not until the mid-20th century that wartime deaths from combat exceed those from disease. $5.00 (View Picture) 16536 TM3-4410-201-12 Organizational Maintnenace Manual Heater, Water, liquid fuel, skid mounte 600 GPH, M2- July 1965 - 55 pages $5.00 (View Picture) 11428 TM5-615 Concrete & Masonry Repairs and Utilities- October 1946 - 60 pages. $3.00 (View Picture) 11218 TM3-4410-201-35 DS, GS & Depot Maintnenace Manual Heater, Water, liquid fuel, skid mounted 600 GPH, M2- July 1965 - 51 pages $5.00 (View Picture) 20756 FM30-10 MILITARY GEOGRAPHIC TERRAIN INTELLIGENCE (TWO MANUALS) - FM30-10 Terrain Intelligence, October 1967, 176 pages. FM30-10 Military Geographic Terrain Intelligence, March 1972, about 200 pages. These cover both geology and man made features and how to recognize and analyze them with respect to possible impact on military operations. Both for $10.00 (View Picture) 20755 FM30-5 COMBAT INTELLIGENCE, LOT OF 3 MANUALS - FM30-5 Combat Intelligence, June 1967, 221 pages. FM30-5 Combat Intelligence, February 1971, about 200 pages FM30-5 Combat Intelligence,October 1973, about 200 pages. These are aimed basically at organizing to collect all sorts of info during a military campaign. All three for $10.00 (View Picture) 20754 FM21-60 VISUAL SIGNALS, DECEMBER 1966 - 93 pages full of signals used in infantry units, landing helicopters, amphibious landings, semaphore, use of pyrotechnics (flares, etc) by military units. This is a much broader subject area than most people realize, and especially vital in the pre-radio era, but even now for quick and easy communication of basic types. $5.00 (View Picture) 20753 FM21-31 TOPOGRAPHIC SYMBOLS, JUNE 1961 - 102 pages covering all the symbols used on civilian topographic maps, like those used by hunters, Boy Scouts, prospectors, etc. $5.00 (View Picture) 20752 FM21-30 MILITARY SYMBOLS, MAY 1970 - About 90 pages. This covers all those oddball symbols used on military maps and planning documents. $5.00 (View Picture) 20751 FM21-30 MILITARY SYMBOLS, JUNE 1965 - About 90 pages with change 1 incorporated and loose change 2 dated September 1968. This covers all those oddball symbols used on military maps and planning documents. $5.00 (View Picture) 20750 FM21-26 MAP READING JANUARY 1969 - About 150 pages with sample practice map. $7.00 (View Picture) 20749 FM21-26 MAP READING MARCH 1965 - 134 pages with loose change 1 dated October 1966 and sample practice map. $7.00 (View Picture) 20747 FM21-10 FIELD HYGIENE AND SANITATION JULY 1970 - Latrines, water supply, waste disposal etc. 95 pages. $5.00 (View Picture) 20746 NBC WARFARE- LOT OF TWO MANUALS - FM21-40- Chemical, Bilogical and Nuclear Defense, September 1966, 91 pages. FM21-40 Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense, May 1971 about 100 pages. Both fo $10.00 (View Picture) 20741 FM23-12 TECHNIQUE OF FIRE OF THE RIFLE SQUAD AND TACTICAL APPLICATION OCTOBER 1967 - Vietnam era doctrine for the basic building block for the army. Excellent condition, about 113 pages. $12.00 (View Picture) 20736 AGGRESSOR FORCES FMS- LOT OF 2 DATED 1973 - FM30-102- Handbook on Aggressor, June 1973, about 150 pages, includes vehicle markings and two color pages showing the “aggressor” uniforms. FM30-103- Aggressor Order of Battle, June 1973 about 150 pages detailing the imaginary forces of the generic “aggressor” nation which more or less imitates those of “the evil empire.” Both for $20.00 (View Picture) 20735 FM23-17 REDEYE GUIDED MISSILE SYSTEM, OCTOBER 1971 - All sorts of cool info about one of the early MANPAD missile systems. About 100 pages, including info on target drones and other stuff. Must be a good one as there are lots of greasy fingerprints, so overall condition only about good, but info is great. $20.00 (View Picture) 20527 TM9-2350-230-12 - Organizational Maintenance Manual Armored Reconnaissance/Airborne Assault Vehicle, Full tracked, 152mm, M551 [Sheridan]. June 1966 with change 1 incorporated, with loose change 3. About 600 pages. $25.00 20526 TM9-2320-242-20 - Organizational Maintenance Manual, Truck, cargo, 1 ¼ ton, 6x6 M561 2320-00-873-5407, and Truck, ambulance, 1 ¼ ton, 6x6 M792 2310-00-832-9907. September 1976 about 300 pages, punched for and installed in a 3 ring binder. Well sued copy with greasy fingerprints, so you wont be the first to do so. $25.00 20525 TM9-2320-211-10 (MARCH 1963) - Operators Manual for Truck Chassis, 5 ton 6x6 M39, M40, M40C, M61, M63, M139, M139C, M139D and Truck cargo, M41, M54, M54A1, M55A1, M55A2 and also the dump, tractor and wrecker variants as well. With loose change 2. March 1963 about 126 pages. $25.00 20524 TM9-2320-211-10 (APRIL 1973) - Operators Manual for Truck Chassis, 5 ton 6x6 M39, M39A2, M40, M40A1, M40A2, M4A1C, M40A2C, M61, M61A1, M61A2, M63, M63A1, M63A2, M63C, M63A1C, M63A2C, M63A1D, M63A2D, M139A1, M139A2, M139C, M139A2C, M139D, M139A2D, M139F, M139A1F, M139A2F; and Truck cargo, M41, M41A2, M54, M54A1, M54A2, M54A1C, M54A2C, M55. M55A1, M55A2 and also the dump, tractor, wrecker, expansible van, bridging and logging variants as well. April 1973 about 100 pages. $25.00 20523 TM9-2320-211-20 - Organizational Maintenance Manual for Truck Chassis, 5 ton 6x6 M39, M39A2, M40, M40A1, M40A2, M4A1C, M40A2C, M61, M61A1, M61A2, M63, M63A1, M63A2, M63C, M63A1C, M63A2C, M63A1D, M63A2D, M139A1, M139A2, M139C, M139A2C, M139D, M139A2D, M139F, M139A1F, M139A2F; and Truck cargo, M41, M41A2, M54, M54A1, M54A2, M54A1C, M54A2C, M55. M55A1, M55A2 and also the dump, tractor, wrecker, expansible van, bridging and logging variants as well. June 1973 about 250 pages. $25.00 20522 TM9-2320-212-20P - Organizational Maintenance Repair Parts and Special Tools List for Chassis, Truck, ¾ ton, 4x4, M56, M56C and M56B1; Truck, Ambulance, ¾ ton, 4x4 M43 and M43B1; Truck, Cargo, ¾ ton 4x4, M37 and M37B1; Truck, maintenance , ¾ ton 4x4, M201 and M201B1. February 1960, about 91 pages. $25.00 20521 TM9-2320-218-10 - Operators manual for Truck, utility, ¼ ton 4x4 M151, M151A1, M151A1C with 106mm recoilless rifle; and truck, ambulance, front line ¼ ton, 4x4 M718, M718A1. March 1968, about 60 pages $25.00 20520 TM9-2320-218-20 - Organizational Maintenance Manual, Truck, utility, ¼ ton 4x4 M151, M151A1, M151A1C, M825with 106mm recoilless rifle; truck, ambulance, front line ¼ ton, 4x4 M718, M718A1. With loose change 1. September 1971 about 150 pages. $30.00 20518 TM9-2320-209-34-2-2 - Maintenance, Direct Support and General Support Level, 2 ½ ton 6x6 M44A1 and M44A2 series trucks (Multifuel), Truck cargo, m35A1, M35A2, M35A2C, M36A2, Truck, tank, fuel, M49A1C, M49A2C, Truck, tank, water M50A1, M50A2, M50A3, Truck, van shop, M109A2, M109A3, Truck Repair shop M185A2, M185A3, Truck, tractor M275A1, M275A2, Truck, dump <342A2, Truck, pipeline maintenance construction M756A2, truck, maintenance earth boring & polesetting M764. May 1981. “Technical Manual, Volume 2 of 2, part 2 of 3” Note- this style of TM is experimental. It is being tried by the army only on a limited basis.” Looks like about 700 pages. $25.00 20515 TM9-2330-251-14 - Operators, Organizational, Direct support and general support Maintenance Manual including Repair Parts and special tools list for Trailer, cargo, ¼ ton, 2 wheel, M416, 2330-706-5495, M416B1 2330-017-9589 and Trailer, Chassis, 1 4/ ton, 2 wheel, M569 2330-884-4817, M569B1 (2330-226-5649) and Trailer, Chassis, ¾ ton, 2 wheel M762 2330-933-7462, and Trailer, cable splicer, ¼ ton, 2 wheel, M716 2330-782-6062. October 1970 about 75 pages. $25.00 20514 TM9-2330-245-24P - Organizational and Field Maintenance Manual including Repair Parts and special tools list for Chassis, Trailer, 1 ½ ton 2 wheel, M103A1, 2330-835-8629 and M103A3 2330-141-8052 $10.00 20513 TM9-2330-245-14 - Operators, Organizational and Field Maintenance Manual for Chassis, Trailer, 1 ½ Ton, 2 wheel, M103A1, 2330-835-8629 and M103A3 2330-141-8052. December 1960 about 95 pages. $15.00 20511 TM9-2330-228-15 - Operators, Organizational, Direct support and general support Maintenance Manual including Repair Parts and special tools list for Chassis, trailer 1 ½ ton, 2 wheel, M103A1, 2330-049-8629; M103A2 2330-141-8050, M103A3, 2330-141-8052, M103A3C, M103A4, M103A4C; and also Trailer, cargo, 1 ½ ton, 2 wheel, M104, M104A1, M105A1, M105A2, M105A2C; Trailer, tank, water, 1 ½ ton 2 wheel, 400 gallon, M107, M107A1, M107A2, M107A2C, and Trailer, van, shop, folding sides, 1 ½ ton, 2 wheel M448 2330-631-5692. August 1972, about 225 pages, with loose change 3 included. $20.00 20510 TM9-2330-213-14 - Operators, Organizational, Direct support and general support Maintenance Manual including Repair Parts and special tools list for Chassis, trailer 1 ½ ton, 2 wheel, M103A1, 2330-049-8629; M103A2 2330-141-8050, M103A3, 2330-141-8052, M103A3C, M103A4, M103A4C; and also Trailer, cargo, 1 ½ ton, 2 wheel, M104, M104A1, M105A1, M105A2, M105A2C; Trailer, tank, water, 1 ½ ton 2 wheel, 400 gallon, M107, M107A1, M107A2, M107A2C, and Trailer, van, shop, folding sides, 1 ½ ton, 2 wheel M448 2330-631-5692. August 1972, about 225 pages, with loose change 3 included. $20.00 20509 TM9-2320-235-10 - Operators manual for Truck, Cargo, 2 ½ ton 6x6, M35A1 (Multifuel engine) 2320-542-5633 and same with winch 2320-542-5634. With loose change 3 dated 1964. Basic manual dated 1961 and about 64 pages. $10.00 20508 TM9-2330-203-14 - Operators, Organizational, Direct support and general support Maintenance Manual including Repair Parts and special tools list for Dolly, Trailer converter, 6 ton 2 wheel, M197 and M1971A1 2330-835-8615, 2330-569-0782 and dolly, trailer converter 8 ton 2 wheel M198 and M198A1 2330-287-5203, 2330-563-7248, about 100 pages, June 1973 $10.00 20507 TM9-2330-207-25P - Organizational, Field and Depot Maintenance Repair Parts and special tools list for Semitrailer, stake, 12 ton, 4 wheel, M127 2330-797-9207 and M127A1 2330-048, Feb. 1960 , 51 pages $20.00 20114 LOT OF 2 MANUALS ON THE M151 TRUCK, UTILITY: ¼ TON, 4X4 M151 & VARIANTS - Also the M151A1C, M825 with 106mm Recoilless Rifle; and M718 and M718A1 Ambulances. TM9-2320-218-20 dated September 1971 covering Organizational Maintenance, and TM9-2320-218-20P (October 1986) covering Organizational Maintenance, Repair Parts and Special Tools. Great for anyone restoring or owning one of the iconic vehicles of the Vietnam through “Hummer” vintage years. Original U.S. GI publications, new unused, so you can be the first to get greasy fingerprints all over them. $25.00 (View Picture) 20113 TM9-23200280-10 OPERATOR’S MANUAL ON THE 1 ¼ TON 4X4 TRUCK M998 AND ALL ITS VARIATIONS- - TOW carrier, armament carrier, shelter carrier and ambulance. April 1985. . Original U.S. GI publication, new unused, so you can be the first to get greasy fingerprints all over it. $15.00 (View Picture) 20056 U.S. MILITARY AMMUNITION REFERENCE LIBRARY ON CD - Covering all types of ammunition for small arms, mortars, artillery, grenades, bombs, rockets, pyrotechnics, and signals! Seven of the most important official references, with over 2,600 pages of information, loaded with detailed drawings, specifications, markings, etc. Dates range from 1923 to 2003, with most WW2, Korea and Vietnam vintage ammo covered in detail. High quality .pdf files that are fully searchable using the free Adobe Acrobat. You can copy and paste selected text or images into other documents for collectors or historians. This material is all on a single CD. Free shipping in the U.S. $20.00 (View Picture) 19200 LOT OF 3 U.S. ARMY AREA GUIDES- Caribbean, Spain and Greece - Caribbean 77 pages dated 1966; Spain- 45 pages January 1966; Greece- 49 pages February 1966. These were given to troops headed to Southeast Asia to familiarize them with the country, customs, culture, a bit of basic language info, and military uniforms and ranks. Great for a display of cold war items. The lot of three for $10.00 (View Picture) 18998 USMC NCO LEADERSHIP GUIDEBOOK (1957) 2ND MARINE DIVISION, FMF- 124 pages about 8” x 10.5” published by the 2nd MARDIV, FMF, Camp Lejeune. All sorts of good Marine info, similar to “Handbook for Marines” but tailored for NCOs. It looks like a prep or refresher course to prepare for promotion. $8.00 (View Picture) 18997 FM5-25 EXPLOSIVES & DEMOLITIONS- May 1967- 185 pages about 8" x 10.5" used good. All sorts of cool demolition type info for historical research or wargaming. $15.00 (View Picture) 18711 SNIPERSCOPE, INFRARED, SET NO. 1, 20,000 VOLT - TM 5-9342 (August 1951) Operation and Maintenance, 89 pages; and TM 5-1090-202-25P (January 1962) Organizational, Field, and Depot Maintenance Repair Parts and Special Tools Lists- 30 pages; and a copy of the 8 page "Information and Instructions" pamphlet by Edmund Scientific circa 1978 which is much easier to understand instruction for use. Photocopies of these extremely hard to find documents to go with the "Snooperscope" used on the M3 carbines. We provide a copy with the scopes when we have one for sale, but have a few extras if you need one. $25.00 18623 TM9-1375-202-10 DEMOLITION KIT, PROJECTED CHARGE M173 - (NSN 1375-00-812-3972) Operators manual, December 1979. $15.00 (View Picture) 18622 TM9-1240-278-12 OPTICAL BORE SIGHT M45 (T151E1) TM9-1240-278-12 OPTICAL BORE SIGHT M45 (T151E1) - Operator and organizational maintenance, December 1959 $10.00 (View Picture) 18619 TRADOC BULLETIN 3- SOVIET RPG-7 ANTITANK GRENADE LAUNCHER - November 1976- weapons & tactics training. $7.00 (View Picture) 18618 TM9-1000-202-14 EVALUATION OF CANNON TUBES - with loose change 2. November 1976. Just what you need to check out those cannon barrels before you buy one! $10.00 (View Picture) 18616 TM9-1015-200-20&P 81MM MORTAR M29A1 - Organizational maintenance manual including repair parts and special tools. $20.00 (View Picture) 18612 LOT OF FIVE MANUALS ON MILITARY SECURITY ALARMS FSS-9(V) - Great if you picked one of these systems up at a surplus sale or bought a former DOD building with one of these installed but need to figure out how to install or fix one of these systems. These cover Operator, Organizational, Direct Support and General Support maintenance manuals with repair parts and special tool lists. Each of the manuals has separate Army, Navy and Air Force numbers, but the gear itself seems to just go by one name, so we will list the gear that is covered, not the manual numbers (but you can read those in the photos). Control Unit, Alarm Set, C-9412/FSS-9(V), NSN 6350-00-228-2735; Switch, Alarm Latching, SA-1954/FSS-9(V), NSN 6350-00-228-2510 Alarm, Audible, BZ-204/FSS-9(V), NSN 6350-00-228-2514 Sensor, Capacitance Proximity, DT-548/FSS-9(V), NSN 6350-00-228-2606 Sensor, Grid Wire, DT-545/FSS-9(V), NSN 6350-00-228-2504 $45.00 (View Picture) 18608 TM9-1025-200-12 HOWITZER, MEDIUM TOWED, M114 AND M114A1, MARCH 1965 - Operator and organizational maintenance manual $15.00 (View Picture) 18607 TM9-1015-200-12 MORTAR 81MM M29, M29A1, APRIL 1971 - Operator and organizational maintenance manual $15.00 (View Picture) 18606 FM23-90 81MM MORTAR [M29], FEBRUARY 1972 - 115 pages 8.5” x 11” used, excellent condition. $15.00 (View Picture) 18605 FM23-92 4.2 INCH MORTAR M30, JUNE 1970 - 145 page 8.5” x 11” used, excellent condition. $15.00 (View Picture) 18604 TM9-1300-203 ARTILLERY AMMUNITION- APRIL 1965 - With changes 2 through 5 entered. Total of about 430 pages 8” x 10”. Chapter titles: General; Gun and Howitzer Cannons (37mm to 280mm); Recoilless Rifles (57mm-106mm); Mortars (60mm-4.2inch); Fuzes; Destruction of Ammunition to Prevent Enemy Use. This is an important reference for most WW2 through Vietnam artillery ammunition with descriptions, data and drawings on nearly every type. Also tables showing which fuzes are used with which types. Paper is old cheap stuff that is yellowing, otherwise excellent. (NOTE- We have another version of this manual including about 26 more pages and changes 6, 7 and 8 that has been converted to a searchable .pdf file on a CD with numerous other heavy ordnance manuals for a total of 1,700 pages of material. Order as item 15470 U.S. MILITARY AMMUNITION REFERENCE LIBRARY ON CD for $20.00 which is listed elsewhere on this page.) For those who prefer to use a paper copy, this one is priced at $55.00 (View Picture) 18348 FM23-5 U.S. RIFLE CALIBER .30, M1 - MAY 1965 - 27 pages 8” x 10.75” with the abysmal quality photos for which this edition is notorious. This was the final version of the U.S. Army field manual for the M1 Garand. The DCM (CMP) people later made a reduced size copy of these to go with the rifles they sold, but this was the last one actually issued to military units. Original, not one of the gun show reprints. Used G-VG. $25.00 (View Picture) 17636 TM9-4935-451-24P - Organizational, Direct Support & General Support Maintenance Repair Parts & Special Tools for Improved Contact Support Set, Shop Equipment, Guided Missile AN/TSM-153 TOW 2 Heavy Antitank Assault weapon system, Dragon Medium Antitank Assault Weapons System & TOW subsystem, Bradley fighting vehicle. July 1983. A bout 90 pages 8.5” x 11” $7.00 (View Picture) 17635 TM11-2300-459-14&P3 - Organizational, Direct Support & General Support Maintenance Repair Parts & Special Tools for Installation Kit, electronic equipment MK01814/VRC-12 (NSN 5820-01-022-6293 or Difference Kit for Radio Set AN/vrc-12 in Truck, Utility 1/1/4 Ton M882 or M892. May 1980 8.5” x 11” about 40 pages. $7.00 (View Picture) 17634 TM11-6625-274-12 - Operatofs and Organizational Maintenance Manual Test Sets, electron tube TV-7L/U, TV-7A/U, TV-7B/U and TV-7D/U. June 1960 8” x 10” about 44 pages. $7.00 (View Picture) 17633 TM11-2300-459-14&P-7 - Operators, Organizational, Direct Support & General Support Maintenance Repair Parts & Special Tools for Installation Kit, Electronic equipment MK-18111/VRC-43 (NSN 5820-00-022-3332) or Difference Kit for Radio Set AN/VRC-43 in truck Utility, 1 ¼ Ton M882 or M883. May 1980 8.5” x 11” about 35 pages. $7.00 (View Picture) 17632 TM11-2300-459-14&P-4 - Operators, Organizational, Direct Support & General Support Maintenance Repair Parts & Special Tools for Installation Kit, Electronic equipment MK-1810/VRC-47 (NSN 5820-01-022-3333) and Difference Kit for Radio Set AN/VRC-47 and InstallationKit, Remote Audio, MK-1870/VRC-47 (NSN- 5820-01-049-1018 in truck Utility, 1 ¼ Ton M882 or M883. May 1980 8.5” x 11” about 48 pages. $7.00 (View Picture) 17631 TM5-6115-323-24P - Organizational, Direct Support & General Support and Depot Maintenance Repair Parts & Special Tools for Generator Set, Gasoline Engine Driven, Kid Mounted, Tubular rame, 1.5 KW Single phase, AC, 120/240 Volts, 28 VDC (Less Engine). DEP Models MEP-15A 60 HZ NSN 6115-00-889-1446 and MEP-25A 28 VDC NSN 6115-00-1=017-8236. September 1975, 8.5” x 11” about 30 pages. Handy to have if you need to work on one of these. $10.00 (View Picture) 17629 TM5-6115-271-24P - Organizational, Direct Support & General Support and Depot Maintenance Repair Parts & Special Tools for Generator Set, Gasoline Engine Driven, Skid mounted, tubular frame, 3KW, 3 phase AC, 120/208 and 120/240 volts, 28 VDC (less engine). DOD models MEP-016A 60 HZ NSN 6115-00-017-8237; MEP-021A 400 HZ 6115-00-017-8238; MEP-026A 28 VDC 6115-00-017-8239. October 1975 8.5” x 11” about 48 pages. Handy to have if you need to work on one of these. $10.00 (View Picture) 17628 TM5-6115-271-14 - Operator/crew, Organizational, Intermediate (Field), Direct Support & General Support and Depot Maintenance Manual for Generator Set, Gasoline Engine Driven, Skid mounted, tubular frame, 3KW, 3 phase AC, 120/208 and 120/240 volts, 28 VDC (less engine). DOD models MEP-016A 60 HZ NSN 6115-00-017-8237; MEP-021A 400 HZ 6115-00-017-8238; MEP-026A 28 VDC 6115-00-017-8239. August 1976 8.5” x 11” about 75 pages. Handy to have if you need to work on one of these. $10.00 (View Picture) 17626 TM5-6115-271-24P - Organizational, Direct Support & General Support and Depot Maintenance Repair Parts & Special Tools for Generator Set, Gasoline Engine Driven, Kid Mounted, Tubular frame, 3 KW, 3 phase, AC, 120/208 Volts, and 120/240 volts, 28 VDC (Less Engine). DOD Models MEP-016A 60 HZ NSN 6115-00-017-8237; and MEP-021A 400 HZ NSN 6115-00-017-8238; and MEP-026A 28 VDC NSN 6115-00-017-8239. October 1975, 8.5” x 11” about 48 pages. Handy to have if you need to work on one of these. $10.00 (View Picture) 17624 TM9-2300-257-10 M113A1 ARMORED PERSONNEL CARRIER (AND VARIANTS M577A1, M106A1, M125A1, - M132A1 and XM806E1) Operators manual- CHANGE 2 only (not the basic manual, just change 2) about 80 pages. ALSO INCLUDED is TM11-2300-355-15-4 Installation of Radio Sets AN/VRC-46 and AN/VRC-47 in APC M113 and M113A1. 9 pages. BOTH for only $7.00 (View Picture) 17623 FM6-20-1 FIELD ARTILLERY TACTICS JULY 1965 - 6” x 9” about 66 pages.. Used VG-exc. $7.00 (View Picture) 17622 TM11-362 REEL UNITS RL-31, RL-31B, RL-31C, RL-31D AND RL-31E - June 1956, 6” x 9” about 38 pages. All about gear for laying comm wire in the field. $7.00 (View Picture) 17620 FM31-23 STABILITY OPERATIONS, U.S. ARMY DOCTRINE - December 1967 8.5” x 11” about 155 pages. Probably should be classified as fiction, or delusional fantasy or something. The military needs to stick to killing people and breaking things. $7.00 (View Picture) 17617 TM9-2330-251-14 - Organizational, Direct Support & General Support Maintenance Repair Parts & Special Tools for Trailer, Cargo, ¼ ton, 2 wheel M416 (FSN2330-706-5495); M416B1 (2330-017-9589); Trailer cahssis, ¼ ton, 2 wheel M569 (2330-884-4817) M569B1 (2330-226-5649); Trailer Chassis, ¾ ton 2 wheel M762 (2330-933-7462); Trailer, cable splier, ¼ ton, 2 wheel M716 (2330-782-6092). October 1970, 76 pages 8.5” x 11”. Used good. Essential reference if you work on these rugged trailers. $7.00 (View Picture) 17616 TM5-2805-259-24P - Organizational, Direct Support & General Support Maintenance Repair Parts & Special Tools for Engine, Gasoline, 20 HP, Military Standard Models: Model 4A084-2 FSN 2805095203926 and Model 4A084-3 FSN 2805-872-5972, January 1969. 8.5” x 11” 86 pages. $10.00 (View Picture) 17615 TO 31S1-2UNS1- AND -2 - USAF Sound Ranging Set AN/UNS-1 (Harvey-Wells); Handbook, operating instructions and Handbook , Service instructions. May 1956. Total about 20 pages on yellowing crumbling paper. $7.00 (View Picture) 17614 LOT OF 3 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION MANUALS - TM5-622, Wharves, Shore Structures and Dredging- repairs and utilities, June 1946 47 pages 8” x 10” and two copies of TM5-402- Erection procedure Building, prefabricated, Ready Cut, Round Arch, Frigid, 20 ft x 48 ft. Feb. 1959 40 pages. All three manuals for $7.00 (View Picture) 17613 TM11-6615-214-15 (TWO COPIES) - Operators, Organizational , Field and Depot Maintenance Navy Type MA-1 Compass (Lear), March 1960 60 pages. Used fair. Both copies for $7.00 (View Picture) 17571 Description and Rules for the Management of - the U.S. Rifle Caliber .30 Model of 1903- Ordnance Form 1923 of 1904 with revisions through January 22, 1917. Blue cloth covered hard covers in pretty good shape with some dirt spots and darkened spine. Contents excellent, nice clean pages, just slightly yellowing. Owner name and Ens. USNR in ink on inside flyleaf. Former owner’s embossed seal type marking on title page. Very hard to find these WW1 era manuals, especially as nice as this one. As nice as the one in my collection. $125.00 (View Picture) 16906 U.S. Army TB-55-46-1 Standard characteristics (dimensions, weight & cube) for - transportability of military vehicles and other outsize/overweight equipment (in TOE line item sequence) approximately 400 pages full of data. Over all good but rear portion has gotten damp and become wrinkled when dried out. $5.00 (View Picture) 16535 TM9-1005-205-12 OPERATOR AND ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE MANUAL - INCLUDING REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LISTS RIFLE, CALIBER .30 M1903A4 (SNIPER’S) about 40 pages about 8” x 10”, this is the last official military manual for the M1903A4 sniper rifle. Shows the M84 scope and the accessories section includes the M10 jointed cleaning rod usually associated with the M1 Garand. Used VG-fine with some stains, dog ear corner and period name stamps. $35.00 (View Picture) 16534 FM23-35 PISTOLS & REVOLVERS - July 1960, 157 pages 6” x 9”. Covers the M1911 .45 auto and also Colt .38 Detective Special Revolver. Includes some mechanical training, and then firing and courses of fire, etc. Overall fin-excellent condition although some pages are yellowing a bit. $18.00 (View Picture) 16533 FM5-31 USE AND INSTALLATION OF BOOBYTRAPS - January 1956, 180 pages about 6” x 9” loaded with all sorts of nefarious schemes to rig up stuff to surprise bad guys (or good guys if We are the boobee instead of the boober…). Think of this as IED version 1.0 based primarily on WW2 experiences and explicitly including a number of different foreign techniques. Used fine-excellent condition. $22.00 (View Picture) 16519 TM9-1005-249-10 OPERATORS MANUAL FOR M16 AND M16A1, FEBRUARY 1985 - This is the 4" x 6" pocket size manual that superseded the earlier comic book or blue covered manuals. Used good with some dog ear wear on the front cover. $12.00 (View Picture) 15616 FM23-35 /AFM50-17 PISTOLS & REVOLVERS - July 1960, 157 pages 6” x 9”. Covers the M1911 .45 auto and also Colt .38 Detective Special Revolver. Includes some mechanical training, and then firing and courses of fire, etc. Overall excellent condition. $18.00 (View Picture) 15615 FM 23-41 SUBMACHINE GUNS CALIBER .45 M3 AND M3A1 - July 1957, 106 pages 6’ x 9”, used excellent. Covers mechanical training, course of fire, making a big wooden dummy for instructors, etc. $20.00 (View P 9564 Decorations & Awards- Illustrations of Awards - (AR 672-5-2 July 1967) 19 pages with color photos of medals, service clasps, qualification badges, (including marksmanship). Would be great to scan in for adding to a display about a uniform or something. $4.00 (View Picture) 9195 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY HISTORICAL SUMMARY 1969 [2 COPIES], 1971, 1977 - Paperback 6" x 9" average 150 pages each year. Each has a summary of the key events and policies of the Fiscal Year being reported on- such things as personnel, funding, logistics, Operational readiness, R&D, discipline, etc. Ex library, 1977 with some water stains. All four volumes only $5.00 (View Picture) 15242 FM23-32 ROCKET LAUNCHERS (2.36 INCH) DATED NOVEMBER 1949 - 103 pages, with change 1 dated May 1950. This is the classic late WW2 bazooka which remained in service into the Korean War, when it was finally withdrawn after the 2.36” rockets only succeeded in annoying the Commies in their T-34 tanks, but the newer 3.5” bazookas would knock them out. Cover scuffed and has a fold, otherwise good condition. $18.00 (View Picture) 15163 TM9-1808A ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE, POWERPLANT, CLUTCH AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEM - for Basic Vehicles, 3/4 ton 4x4 and 1 1/2 ton 6x6 (Dodge) dated September 1943 about 290 pages 6" x 9". This is applicable to most of the WC-53 through WC-63 variants (weapons carrier, ambulance, gun truck, telephone pole, etc) This one has detailed nuts and bolts and gasket level info for the systems listed in the title. (There is another volume TM9-1808B covering drive train and body components.) Used fair condition with the paper covers falling off, but contents are intace and in G-VG condition except the cheap paper is yellowing and there is lots of greasy fingerprint soiling. A good using copy, ready to help you "Keep them rolling!" $35.00 (View Picture) 15154 FM5-23 FIELD DECOY INSTALLATIONS - Dated October 1958Dated October 1956, 168pp. Full of nifty ideas on how to make simulated targets to deceive the enemy (or maybe useful for theatrical or film use, etc). Shows objects ranging from trucks, trains artillery pieces, gas drums, airfields, warehouses, aircraft, etc. $15.00 (View Picture) 15153 FM7-19 COMBAT SUPPORT COMPANY INFANTRY DIVISION BATTLE GROUP - Dated February 1960, 125pp. Covers heavy mortar, assault weapon, reconnaissance and radar sections. $8.00 (View Picture) 15152 LOT OF 3 RIFLE INFANTRY FMS- FM7-10 RIFLE COMPANY, INFANTRY & AIRBORNE BATTLE GROUPS; - FM7-11 Rifle Company, Infantry, Airborne & Mechanized; FM7-15 Infantry Airborne Company and Mechanized Infantry Rifle Platoons and Squads. Dated August 1962, 324pp; April 1965, 302pp; and January 1962, 275pp. respectively. $20.00 (View Picture) 15151 LOT OF 2 INFANTRY FMS- FM7-40 INFANTRY AND AIRBORNE DIVISION BATTLE GROUPS; FM7-100 INFANTRY - Division - Dated August 1959, 242pp; and November 1960, 379pp respectively. $12.00 (View Picture) 15146 LOT OF 3 OPERATIONS FMS- FM 25-10 MOTOR TRANSPORT OPERATIONS; FM21-18 FOOT MARCHES; - FM31-60 River-Crossing Operations Dated January 1959, 120pp; November 1962, 58pp; and July 1962, 75pp respectively. $15.00 (View Picture) 15145 Lot of 3 Misc FMs- FM7-21- HQ & HQ Company Infantry Division Battle Group; FM21-40 - Small Unit Procedures in Atomic, Biological & Chemical Warfare; FM24- Tactical Communications Center Operations dated February 1960, 74 pp; November 1958, 224pp; and September 1961, 59pp respectively. $15.00 (View Picture) 15144 LOT OF 2 TRAINING FMS- FM21-6 TECHNIQUES OF MILITARY INSTRUCTION; FM21-75 COMBAT TRAINING - of the Individual Soldier and Patrolling Dated May 1954 185 pages, and January 1962 220 pages respectively. $10.00 (View Picture) 15143 LOT OF 2 AMPHIBIOUS FMS- FM31-12 ARMY FORCES IN AMPHIBIOUS OPERATIONS (THE ARMY LANDING - Force); FM 31-13 Battle Group Landing Team (Amphibious) Dated March 1961, 330 pages, and September 1961, 234 pages respectively. $12.00 (View Picture) 15141 LOT OF 2 MOUNTAIN OPERATIONS FMS- FM31-71 NORTHERN OPERATIONS; FM 31-72 MOUNTAIN OPERATIONS - dated January 1959, 238 pages, and January 1963, 197 pages respectively. $15.00 (View Picture) 14498 FM21-75 SURVIVAL October 1957 - With change 1 dated October 1959. 285 pages. This is like a super hardcore version of a Boy Scout wilderness camping manual covering every climate from tropic to arctic and loaded with detailed info. Used near excellent. $12.00 (View Picture) 14495 FM21-11 FIRST AID FOR SOLDIERS (3 DIFFERENT EDITIONS) - (a) dated July 1959, 99 pages; (b) dated May 1970, 158 pages; (c) June 1976, 158 pages. All excellent plus condition. All three for only $15.00 (View Picture) 14494 FM21-60 VISUAL SIGNALS, January 1962 - 200 pages, loaded with hand signals for combat in the field, taxi aircraft, semaphore (wig-wag) signaling with smoke, flares, rifle grenades, etc. Only hand signal I know is not shown, but maybe the Army guys are too polite to need that one. $12.00 (View Picture) 14492 FM7-24 COMMUNICATION IN INFANTRY AND AIRBORNE DIVISIONS November 1961 - 261 pages, used fine to excellent condition $6.00 (View Picture) 14491 FM21-26 MAP READING AND FM 21-30 MILITARY SYMBOLS - FM21-26 Map reading October 1960, 222 pages. FM21-30 Military Symbols May 1961, 151 pages with MAG 33 [Marine Air Group 33] rubber stamped on the cover. These are nice for display with a Vietnam era collection, as map reading was a critical skill in the jungles. Used excellent, both for only $12.00 (View Picture) 14490 FM23-92 4.2 INCH MORTAR M30 February 1961 - 552 pages. Some data on the gun and the mechanics involved and the ammo, but mostly about emplacement and aiming, with an interesting section on subcaliber training and also on mounting the 4.2 inch mortar in the M84 mortar carrier (sort of like an M59 APC with no roof.) Used near excellent. $12.00 (View Picture) 14487 TM5-500 PUMP, CENTRIFUGAL SELF PRIMING CARVER MODEL 255 March 1942 - 40 pages, complete detailed isntructions for operation, repair, full parts lists, etc. Used escellent. $6.00 (View Picture) 14480 TM5-216 ARMORED VEHICLE LAUNCH BRIDGE September 1961 - 85 pages, covering mainly the launch and recovery of the bridge element (mounted on a tank chassis). Excellent condition. $6.00 14478 FM5-35 ENGINEERS' REFERENCE & LOGISTICAL DATA February 1960 - 578 pages covering everything from sewage treatment to cable tramways and equipment spec and engineering tables. Excellent condition. $15.00 (View Picture) 14476 FM10-13 QUARTERMASTER REFERENCE DATA September 1957 - 136 pages covering everything from hay to POL petroleum products, lumber, rope, wire, and subsistence (food) rations, and loads of other reference tables and charts. Excellent condition. $10.00 14312 "M16A1 RIFLE FIELD STRIPPING" CHART, GRAPHIC TRAINING AID 9-6-43 - June 1973. About 33" x 42" black print/outlines on plain white paper. Unissued, but may have a small water stain and/or storage wear along edge. Not as durable as later plastic or tyvek items, and survival rate on these is low. Shipped rolled in tube. $20.00 (View Picture) 13591 Lot of 3 Land Mine Field Manuals - FM5-32- Land Mine Warfare, May 1949, 218 pages 6” x 9” with lots of info on booby traps as well as mines. Lots of info on mine detecting by probing with probes or bayonets, several different types of hand held or vehicle mounted electronic mine detector sets. Also covers mine clearance by hand, (very carefully!) explosive charge, or mechanical devices such as plows, flails or rollers. FM20-32 Employment of Land Mines, July 1955, 146 pages, similar to above but with less on mine detecting and more on planting mines. FM20-32- Land Mine Warfare, May 1959, 142 pages. Updated version of above with section on mechanical mine planting with a towed plow gizmo. The lot of 3 for $22.00 (View Picture) 13183 FFM20-25 TENTS AND TENT PITCHING JANUARY 1956 - What every Boy Scout leader needed- a handy field reference guide showing the size, erection procedures, and dimensions of poles, etc for most commonly issued tents. Includes Arctic 10 man tent; Assembly tent; Command Post; General Purpose (medium and large); Hexagonal Tent; Hospital Tent-sectional; Kitchen Tent; Latrine screen; Maintenance Shelter; Mountain Tent; Red Cross markers; and Wall Tents (large and small) also pins, poles and lines. Used fine. A treasure for someone! $25.00 (View Picture) 13182 FM5-20A CAMOUFLAGE OF INDIVIDUALS AND INFANTRY WEAPONS FEBRUARY 1944 - 67 pages, many in color showing techniques, including painting jungle spots on uniforms and use of natural materials. Scarce manual, used fine to excellent. $25.00 (View Picture) 13181 FM8-50 BANDAGING AND SPLINTING JUNE 1957 - 82 pages of nifty ways to care for wounded- good EMT study material. Used fine $5.00 (View Picture) 13180 F20-32 EMPLOYMENT OF LAND MINES JULY 1955 - 146 pages, used excellent. $10.00 (View Picture) 13144 TM9-225 BROWNING MACHINE GUN, .50 M2 AIRCRAFT, FIXED & FLEXIBLE - November 1940, 51 pages 6” x 9”. Scarce pre-war manual, with Sgt. James R. Dickmann’s name very neatly written in red on the cover. Overall excellent condition. $40.00 (View Picture) 13139 WW2 STYLE JEEP MANUAL FOR ¼ TON 4X4 UTILITY TRUCK M38 - TM9-8012/ TO-36A5-2-41 dated January 1956. 351 pages. Nitty-gritty nuts and bolts details, written in a logical manner with lots of pictures so even PFC Beetle Bailey can do it. This edition has minor changes from earlier versions but probably 90% of the info is applicable from the early WW2 version through the end of the M38 types. (Note- Not for the M38A1 with the rounder hood contours.) $65.00 (View Picture) 12492 FM23-36 Revolver, Colt, Caliber .45 M1917 & S&W M1917 datedOctober 20, 1941 - 96 pages. Original pre-WW2 copy in near fine condition except some pesky critter gnawed away progressively larger chunks pf pages starting about page 50, but carefully avoided chewing on any text. Plenty left for you to chew on if you like. Still displays very nicely, even with crossed out name on cover. These pre-WW2 editions are tough to find. $50.00 (View Picture) 11941 TM8-285 TREATMENT
OF CHEMICAL WARFARE CASUALTIES - August 1951, 155 page 6" x 9" and having
Navy designation NAVMED P-1328 and AMF 160-12 designations as well. Loaded with
info on different types of chemical warfare agents and their effects, and treatment
of casualties. Lots of gross photos showing what some of this nasty stuff will
do. Important historical information, as well as vital for understanding of
how serious a threat would be if terrorists launched a chemical attack. $18.00
FOR TRUCK MOUNTING - (Covers United Manufacturing and Engineering Corp
Model style 1; Orr & Sembower Inc, Model BL-100; Altech, Inc, Model 4000). July
1980, about 140 pages. $10.00 10273 TM9-1015-200-12 MORTAR M29 AND M29A1 - dated
April 1971, about 50 pages excellent. $12.00 (View Picture)
FM21-75 (JULY 1967) - Combat Training of the Individual Soldier and Patrolling,
233 pp. used exc. $12.00 5062 TM 9-285 SHOTGUNS ALL TYPES SEPT 1942 - Also TO 39A-5AE-1 added on cover. 257 pp. This is the basic source of info for all US military shotguns of the WW2 era. This is a later reprint (circa 1951) and has two 1959 dates rubber stamped on the cover along with a couple of numbers. Three holes have been punched along the bound edge. Some dark stains adjacent to the holes. Very useful reference, but somewhat less that wonderful condition makes it a bargain. $59.00 (View Picture) 2932 TM9-2200 Small Arms Material and Associated Equipment, April 1949. High quality reprint of indispensable reference on WW2-Korean war era arms. Descriptions, specifications, photos of just about every pistol, rifle, shotgun, machine gun, bayonet, MG mounts, linking tools, grenade launchers, scopes, sights, etc. Originals are very scarce and sell for about $30, but this is an affordable item for any US military collector. $8.00 5062 TM 9-285 SHOTGUNS ALL TYPES SEPT 1942 - Also TO 39A-5AE-1 added on cover. 257 pp. This is the basic source of info for all US military shotguns of the WW2 era. This is a later reprint (circa 1951) and has two 1959 dates rubber stamped on the cover along with a couple of numbers. Three holes have been punched along the bound edge. Some dark stains adjacent to the holes. Very useful reference, but somewhat less that wonderful condition makes it a bargain. $59.00 5061 TM 9-285 SHOTGUNS ALL TYPES SEPT 1942 - 257pp. Printed at Publications Department, Raritan Arsenal without date, so probably during WW2. Cover is a little dingy with dirty fingerprints. Spine darkened and interior pages a little yellowed and brittle, but overall still a good solid collectible copy of this manual to accompany US military trench or riot guns of WW2 through the 1970s. $75.00 E64. FM 23-5 U.S. RIFLE, CALIBER .30, M1, 17 May 1965. Last of the issue FM's on the Garand, 27 pp 8" x 10 1/2" size with heavy tan covers. These are original G.I., and photos are real fuzzy even on these. Mint, unissued $15.00. E65. FM 23-5 U.S. RIFLE, CALIBER .30, M1, 17 May 1965. Unusual 1987 DCM reprint of above, 5 1/2" x 8 1/2" size with disclaimer of govt responsibility and "distribution will be made only to original purchasers of surplus M1 rifles who specifically request a copy." Mint, unissued $5.00 E41. OPERATORS MANUAL, M16A1 RIFLE (TM 9-1005-249-10 dated April 1977 including change I dated 20 March 1979) This is later blue cover manual approx 4" x 6" with 58 pages, no babes, no Orientals, but adds promethium front sight. $3.00 E67. "M16A1 Rifle Layout Chart" Graphic Training Aid 10-8-6, October 1982. Similar to below, but on a different plastic coated paper. Mint, unissued $8.00 E83. USMC-SNIPER SCOPE INSTRUCTIONS/MANUALS Military
Manuals etc. (pre-1940) 21095 Description and Rules for the Management of the Springfield Rifle, Carbine, and Army Revolvers, 1898 - Rare original with blue board cover. Very desirable Spanish-American War item covering not only the trapdoor rifles and carbines issued to the Volunteers, but also the Colt SAA revolvers and S&W Schofields. Well above average copy with nice clean covers, and displays like a mint copy. But, the weak stitching on the inside holding the front cover to the body of the book has failed from age although the rear binding is still intact. One of the few really great looking copies we have encountered over the years. $79.00 (View Picture) 20387 Original Hardee’s Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics: (Volume 1 of 2 volumes) - Hardee’s Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics: For the Exercises and Maneuvers of Troops when Acting as Light Infantry or Riflemen. Volume I, Schools of the Soldier and Company; Instructions for Skirmishers
J.B. Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1861. 250 pages about 3.2” x 5.2” cloth covers with leather spine. Numerous illustrations. This was the essential manual used by both sides during the Civil War, with copies printed in the South as well as those printed in the North. This handy book, small enough to fit in the pocket of a uniform, provided a quick essential military education for new officers, most of whom had no military experience, except a few with some militia service, which was pitifully close to no experience at all, other than occasional musters for little purpose other than lots of alcohol. It was said that in the early days of the war, officers would stay up late at night studying Hardee’s tactics in order to prepare for the next day’s drilling of the troops. There were two volumes, with this (Volume I) being the most common, and needed by Sergeants, Lieutenants and Captains to drill their individual soldiers, squads and companies. The second volume was for “School of the Battalions” and needed by Majors and Colonels to maneuver larger formations.
This copy is in pretty good condition for a 150 year old book. The pages are browning a bit. The cloth cover and the edge of the pages have a few ink spots. The top of the spine is chipped and the top of the front hinge is splitting for about an inch or so as visible in the photos. Old library label on the bottom of the spine, but no owner names or library marks inside that we noticed. Title page has a small tear on the inside edge. Still, a nice looking copy and essential part of a Civil War officer’s outfit. Original copies of this important military book are hard to find, but thousands have been reprinted for the reenactor market, so be careful if you find one. $135.00 (View Picture) 17931 Description and Rules for the Management of the Springfield Rifle, Carbine, and Army Revolvers, 1898 - Rare original with blue board cover. Very desirable Spanish-American War item covering not only the trapdoor rifles and carbines issued to the Volunteers, but also the Colt SAA revolvers. About average copy with staining on the covers, weak stitching on the inside and former owner’s name and label on the flyleaf. Pages clean but yellowing as is the case with most due to the paper used. Only one of these we have found in at least five years. $155.00 (View Picture) 16525 FM22-5 INFANTRY DRILL REGULATIONS, 1939 - 195 Pages about 5" x 7" with lots of photos and diagrams for executing the manual of arms with rifle or sword, marching, etc. Line drawings of the individual manual of arms show troops with gas trap Garands. Uncommon date. Used Vg condition. $10.00 (View Picture) 15157 INFANTRY DRILL REGULATIONS WITH RIFLE MARKSMANSHIP (M1903 AND M1 GARAND) - Military Discipline & Courtesy; Interior Guard Duty and Infantry Pack and Equipment. Published in 1940 by the Military Service Publishing Company, 298 pages about 5" x 8". Used VG-Fine with some soiling and owners name written on title page and the unbound edge. Drill illustrations and the M1 marksmanship sections show Gas Trap Garands. An excellent summary of military knowledge as of the start of WW2 for the historian or the reenactor. $29.00 (View Picture) 12249
New Infantry Drill Regulations (July 1939- Shows Gas Trap Garands) - 230
pages 4.5" x 7.5" soft covers. Published by the Military Service Publishing
Company, these were quasi official references popular with officers and NCOs.
Rifle marksmanship sections for both the M1903 rifle and the M1 Garand (gas
trap version). Most of the drawings showing the manual of arms, etc illustrate
the Garand. Well used copy with the front cover attachment very weak, and partially
loose, but taped on the inside so it displays nicely. An early edition not often
encountered. Nice for display with your gas trap Garand. $30.00 (View
Picture) 10985 Handbook of the 3-Inch Field Artillery Materiel - with Instructions
for its care- August 1905 with revisions to 1911 (Ordnance Form 1659) Copy number
498. 184 pages 6" x 9" with 32 plates going into great detail on the guns, carriages,
limbers, fire control equipment, ammunition types, gear for the horses that
pulled the guns and caissons, etc. Lightly soiled but information is intact.
WW1 era info seems to be relatively easy to find, but few of the pre-WW1 manuals
seem to have survived. $125.00 (View Picture) 1366 U.S. Army Adjutant General's Office - General Orders and Circulars,
1898. 530 pp. Treasure trove of major and minor documentation concerning individual
assignment, cost of materials, organizational and enlistment policies, Corps
and Division insignia (officially prescribed, but probably ignored), movement
of units and their assignment to Army or Corps commands. Text pages good, but
brown cloth binding almost ready to fall off. Should be rebound. $69.00 (View
Picture) 4808 INDEX TO THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF THE CHIEF OF ORDNANCE, 1864-1912 , a 191 page document prepared by the Ordnance Department in 1913. A valuable reference! (While Brophy's magnificent book on Springfield Armory 1890-1948 is very useful for that narrow segment, there is a vast amount of U.S. Ordnance history not covered there.) This index is vital to researching U.S. military arms, even if you don't have all the reports themselves. Photocopy $25.00 E57. GAS TRAP GARAND- Infantry School 1938-39 National Guard Class Mimeographed Instructional Matter- 20 pages of "Notes on M1 Rifle Mechanical Training and Related Subjects" plus 6 pages of plates showing takedown etc using one of the first 80 "model shop" Garands. Photocopy- 8 1/2 x 11. $7.00 AH1 BALL'S PATENT CARBINE- Nice reprint of two original advertising/operator's instruction documents. 12 page manual dated 1866 and two-sided flyer dated March 1865. (Ball carbines were made by Windsor Mfg Co, successor to E.G. Lamson, who also had ties to Robbins & Lawrence, all of whom usedthe same building in Windsor, VT, now home of the American Precision Museum. Would be a fascinating collecting topic.) Both documents $4.00 Reports and Publications other than FM/TM type 1616 MANUAL FOR SOVIET TOKAREV RIFLES & CARBINES - Models of 1936, 1938, 1940. This is a commercial reprint of the May 1954 ORD I-101, Chapter 3 by the Army Ordnance Corps presenting intelligence info on small arms. 53 pages. Used, good. $5.00 (View Picture) 22736 Report of Activities of the [Chemical Warfare] Technical Division During WW2 - By Army Service Forces, Office of the Chief, Chemical warfare Service, Washington, DC, 1 January 1946. 220 pages 8” x 10” paper bound. This is NOT the “green book” volume on the Chemical Warfare Service done by professional historians many years later. This is a 1946 effort compiled by Edwin R. Baker from the actual participants while events were still fresh in their memory. Most of the areas discussed include lengthy lists of names of the people involved in that project. Remember, the chemical Warfare folks were involved in much more than “poison gas” including napalm, incendiary bombs and artillery shells, smoke screening devices, the 4.2 inch mortar, flame throwers, various demolition and booby trap materials, and of course gas masks. This is loaded with details basically organized by weapon type and model, with lengthy discussion of the need which led to its development, what was tried and evaluations and effectiveness. A few photos included, but this is mainly a historical record in typescript for limited distribution, not a polished publication. It is listed in several bibliographies on line, but no digitized copies were located, so this is one that you MUST get in hard copy to get the information. Used good except for cheap wartime paper yellowing and the cloth strip on the spine in poor condition. A very important reference for weapons collectors that really should be digitized and made widely available. $95.00 (View Picture) 18186 REPORT OF MILITARY COMMISSION TO EUROPE 1855-1856 (MORDECAI REPORT) - includes the important "Rifled Infantry Arms: A brief Description of the Modern System of Small Arms as adopted in the various European Armies by J. Schoen" translated from the German by Captain Josiah Gorgas, later the Confederate Chief of Ordnance. This is an important reference loaded with informatin from visits to most of the European powers and detailed drawings and spsecifications for their arms and in some cases the arsenals where they were made or stored. To some extent, this served an unexpected use in 1861 as officers and private parties from the north and south hurried to Europe to buy up as many arms as possible for use during the Civil War. Overall in VG plus condition, the best of any of the four copies we have encountered in over 40years of collecting. Pages have some of the usual brown spotting encountered on old paper, and some chipping on the ends of the spine, but is a pretty nice copy for the collector, as well as the researcher to mine for data. $195.00 (View Picture) 20116 DICTIONARY OF AERONAUTICAL TERMS: ENGLISH, JAPANESE, FRENCH, ITALIAN, 1942 - Prepared under the supervision of the Director of Intelligence Service, a translation of the original Japanese work done by the Imperial Aeronautical Council. 484 pages about 4” x 5.5” soft cover. Overall good condition although cover is a bit dog eared. $15.00 (View Picture) 18186 REPORT OF MILITARY COMMISSION TO EUROPE 1855-1856 (MORDECAI REPORT) - includes the important "Rifled Infantry Arms: A brief Description of the Modern System of Small Arms as adopted in the various European Armies by J. Schoen" translated from the German by Captain Josiah Gorgas, later the Confederate Chief of Ordnance. This is an important reference loaded with informatin from visits to most of the European powers and detailed drawings and spsecifications for their arms and in some cases the arsenals where they were made or stored. To some extent, this served an unexpected use in 1861 as officers and private parties from the north and south hurried to Europe to buy up as many arms as possible for use during the Civil War. Overall in VG plus condition, the best of any of the four copies we have encountered in over 40years of collecting. Pages have some of the usual brown spotting encountered on old paper, and some chipping on the ends of the spine, but is a pretty nice copy for the collector, as well as the researcher to mine for data. $195.00 (View Picture) 1359J4 Annual Report of the Secretary of War 1890 (fiscal year ended 30 June 1890) Volume I, Reports of the Secretary and all department heads except those in their own separate volumes- (Chief of Engineers, Chief of Ordnance, and Chief Signal Officer.) 1121 pages. Includes reports of Lt. Gen Commanding; departmental commanders; Quartermaster General; Commisarry General of Subsistance; Surgeon General, Paymaster General, old soldiers home, Military Academy, etc. Lots on uniforms in QM section. Departmental reports include actions against Indians, reports of inspections of troops at various posts (type and condition of arms, etc) details on conctruction and repair at posts. Good copy, light brown leather binding, top portion on spine ripped on one side for about 3 inches. $55.00 1361J6 Annual Report of the Secretary of War 1892 (fiscal year ended 30 June 1892) Volume I, Reports of the Secretary and all department heads except those in their own separate volumes- (Chief of Engineers, Chief of Ordnance, and Chief Signal Officer.) 908 pages. Includes reports of Maj. Gen Commanding; Quartermaster General; Commissary General of Subsistance; Surgeon General, Paymaster General, Chief Signal Officer, Military Academy, etc. Excellnet condition with brown cloth binding. $65.00 1362J7 Annual Report of the Secretary of War 1892 (fiscal year ended 30 June 1892) Volume 4, Reports of the Inspector General. 824 pp. Mainly reports of inspections of National Guard units, military detachments at colleges (predecessors of ROTC units) troops at various posts (type and condition of arms, uniforms, discipline, etc). Good copy, light brown leather binding. $45.00 1363J8 Annual Report of the Secretary of War 1896 (fiscal year ended 30 June 1896) Volume I, Reports of the Secretary and all department heads except those in their own separate volumes- (Chief of Engineers and Chief of Ordnance.) 1159 pages. Includes reports of Maj. Gen Commanding; departmental commanders; Quartermaster General; Commisarry General of Subsistance; Surgeon General, Paymaster General, interesting report by Board of Ordnance and Fortification old soldiers home, Military Academy, etc. Good copy, light brown leather binding, top portion on spine ripped on one side for about 3 inches. $65.00 1364J9 Annual Report of the Secretary of War 1899 (fiscal year ended 30 June 1899) Volume I, Part 2, Reports of the following Bureau heads: Adjutant General; Inspector General, Judge Advocate General; Quartermaster General; Commissary General of Subsistance; Surgeon General, Paymaster General,; Chief Signal Officer. Lots of good info in QM section on issues of equipment, etc during Spanish-American War and Philippines. Much on transports and hospital ships (including several photos (two interior views). Interesting and useful reference on SAW. Light brown leather binding weak, leather on spine 50% missing remainder nearly detached. $95.00 1365J10 Annual Report of the Secretary of War 1900 (fiscal year ended 30 June 1890) Volume I, 488 pp. Reports of the Secretary and miscellaneous others: Board of Ordbabce & Fortification; Commissioners of National Military Parks; U.S. Military Academy (many photos); Soldiers Home District of Columbia; National Home for Disabled Volunter Soldiers. Secretary's report includes China Relief Expedition and some on the unrest in the Philippines. Fair-good copy, light brown leather binding, rear cover joint weak. $65.00 6119 USAF GENERAL HISTORIES- - U.S. Army Air Arm April 1861 to April 1917- Juliette A. Hennessey, 260pp 8" x 10.5" hardbound, 1986 reprint of the original 1958 edition. Near new condition. Important study of the pre-WW1 birth and growth of aviation (both balloons and aircraft) in the U.S. Army, including detailed appendices with data on early aviators, etc. Very interesting insights into the trials and tribulations of trying to get new ideas adopted and integrated into the military structure. Places such efforts in the proper context usually missing from the brief mentions found in histories of various campaigns. $30.00 6118 USAF SPECIAL STUDIES- IDEAS & WEAPONS- - I.B. Holley Exploitation of the aerial weapon by the US during WW1; a study in the relationship of technological advance, military doctrine, and the development of weapons. 222pp 7" x 10" hardbound, 1983 reprint of the original 1953 edition. No photos, this is strictly solid research, with the emphasis on the "big picture" of aircraft as a weapons system. Exceptionally detailed and thorough bibliography annotating the contents of numerous record groups in the national Archives, essential to further research in this field. $20.00 E48. INDEX TO THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF THE CHIEF OF ORDNANCE, 1864-1912 , a 191 page document prepared by the Ordnance Department in 1913. A valuable reference! (While Brophy's magnificent book on Springfield Armory 1890-1948 is very useful for that narrow segment, there is a vast amount of U.S. Ordnance history not covered there.) This index is vital to researching U.S. military arms, even if you don't have all the reports themselves. Photocopy $25.00. 1522 Report of the Secretary of the Navy 1901- - Miscellaneous Reports, Part I. 630pp. 6" x 9". Good dark cloth binding. Much interesting information (but little or nothing about ordnance matters). Lot of Bureau of Navigation info on various bases and stations including those being established in the post-Spanish-American War era. Bureau of Navigation details movements of the vessels of the Navy, plus interesting note recommending adoption of compass card with 360 degree markings in addition to old system of 32 points. $35.00 E49. U.S. NAVY BUREAU OF ORDNANCE: EXCERPTS FROM ANNUAL REPORTS 1880-1916 . Very well done 171 pp typewritten synopsis prepared by E.S. Brandt [?] in 1923. This is photocopy (less pp 168/169 due to copier malfunction). Report for each year is summarized, with topics underlined for easy use. Emphasis is on cannon, ammunition depots, etc, but many other interesting tidbits. While not as complete as a full set of 36 years' reports would be, this has enough detail to indicate areas with potential for further research. A valuable reference! $22.00