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               We are proud to present an excellent selection of important and useful reference books for the arms collector and historian.
         Nearly all are out of print. Many are first editions. Some show gentle to moderate use, and may have previous owner's name etc on inside cover or flyleaf, maybe a few smudges on pages, etc, but are good sound copies. Dustjackets, if present, may have some torn or repaired spots. Especially go or heavily used copies will be noted as such. New books are clearly identified.

Books are grouped in these categories: (Click on links here, or just scroll down)

Gun Collector's Reference Books

Gun Collector's Periodicals/Magaziness

(9th ed. 2007, 800pp 8.5" x 11" softbound)- 

EVERY GUN COLLECTOR NEEDS THIS BOOK!  The most respected and accurate single source of information on American guns made from the colonial period through about 1945.  Besides the thorough and accurate descriptions that enable proper identification of guns there are many sections dealing with gun collecting in general and with specific specialized areas.  Each has lots of sound advice which is critical knowledge for beginning collectors and a valuable refresher for even the most experienced collectors.  I keep one copy with my gun show stuff, one in the office and another in the car (in case I find something while traveling!).  Well organized by maker or general category, it is easy to use.  Well illustrated to point out model differences, and absolutely indispensable for any gun collector.  We stock this book because you need it and will benefit tremendously and enjoy your collection a lot more because of it.
OUT OF STOCK- widely avalaible from Amazon, etc, so get a copy there. Every collector NEEDS THIS BOOK!

Arms Collectors' Reference Books

**NEW ADDITION** 2192 HOPKINS & ALLEN CATALOG, CIRCA 1915-1918- ORIGINAL - 28 pages 5" x 8" paper cvoers, used G-VG. H&A went out of business in 1918. $20.00 (View Picture)

**NEW ADDITION** 2189 1923 LYMAN SIGHT CATALOG - 52 pages 5" x 7.5" photocopy of the scarce original $2.00 (View Picture)

**NEW ADDITION** 2188 REDFIELD SIGHTS CATALOG NUMBER 35B (1935) - 36 pages about 5" x 8" with large fold out in back listing sights and guns they go to. Overall good condition but covers soiled. $15.00 (View Picture)

**NEW ADDITION** 2187 1916 LEWIS AUTOMATIC MACHINE GUN MANUAL- PRINTED BY SAVAGE - 48 pages about 5.5” x 8.25” soft covers with cloth facings and large folding plate in back detailing the gun. Savage Arms Company name inside is overstamped "Savage Arms Corporation" reflecting the change in corporate structure in 1917 when Savage merged with Driggs-Seabury, a maker of artillery. Numerous photos and drawings detailing the parts and showing the gun employed on the ground, in aeroplanes, ,ptprcucles, automobiles, etc. One stained area on the front cover near the top center, but otherwise a near excellent copy of this very scarce manual for one of the early U.S. air cooled machine guns. $95.00 (View Picture)

**NEW ADDITION** 2148 The American Percussion Schuetzen Rifle - By John Hamilton and Tom Rowe, 384 pages 8.5” x 11” hardcover with great color photos and information, published in 2004 The waves of Germanic immigration during the 1840's and 1850's deposited upon our shores a number of highly talented gunsmiths. In addition to their normal work these artisans continued to produce a nearly unadulterated style of muzzle-loading percussion target rifle that was then popular in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. These specialized, made-in-America, target rifles were used for a form of competitive shooting festival (Schuetzenfest) that had been popular in Europe since the middle ages, and was continued by the recent immigrants as they spread across the nation. Such competition had traditionally been conducted in the standing or "offhand" position. Thus, the rifle's ergonomically designed stock was custom-tailored to the Schuetzen rifleman's posture as he assumed a standing shooting position. Impelled by the added talents of Anglo-American gunsmiths, a new style of offhand rifle evolved in the latter half of the nineteenth-century that absorbed the heavy Germanic form and melded it with the simplicity of design found on the finest English sporting arms. The design impact of these arms was recognized by the American arms industry as we entered the cartridge era and schuetzen competition became a national multi-ethnic recreation. The authors reveal examples of how these two firearms formats were eventually blended to produce a precision percussion muzzle-loading target rifle that was tailored to the American rifleman, be they be of Germanic stock or not. Here, the authors not only document in full color the works of many of these gunsmiths and provide an index of known makers, but also review the loading accessories deemed necessary to properly serve these extraordinary arms. The text defines the special advantages of the Schuetzen style rifle, and addresses the evolution that occurred in breechings and lock mechanisms. In their research, the authors that discovered certain common design characteristics that suggested that suggested grouping these rifles by their regional origins. A fascinating and comprehensive study. Brand new copy in original shrink wrap, normaly priced at around $100, sale price is only $85.00 (View Picture)

**NEW ADDITION** 1817 Handbook of the Colt Automatic Machine Gun Caliber .30 with Pack Outfits and Accessories - Ord. form 1758 dated Aug 1901 with revisions thru July 1916. Normount reprint of this scarce 53 page manual on the famous Browning "Potato Digger". Many illustrations and large fold out plate. Several dirt spots and a scuffed spot on covers otherwise excellent. $25.00 (View Picture)

**NEW ADDITION** 1722 The Revolver 1865-1888 - by A.W.F. Taylerson- Definitive study of the early development of revolvers. Much on technical internal details, with emphasis on British makers, but also good overview of nearly all major designs, etc. This covers the various approached to single vs double action, and the transition from percussion to cartridge eras. Out of print and highly respected. $55.00 (View Picture)

**NEW ADDITION** 1266 Handguns of the World, E.C. Ezell - Military revolvers and self-loaders from 1870 to 1945. by highly respected expert Edward C. Ezell, 704pp 8.5" x11" Classic, out of print reference loaded with historical information on development, use, assembly, etc. Every pistol collector needs a copy of this superb reference. Used, VG-fine with dustjacket. $49.00 (View Picture)

**NEW ADDITION** 947 Checkering and Carving of Gunstocks - Monty Kennedy's classic work on the subject. This is the collectible first edition (1952) with blue board covers. Fourth in Samworth series on Firearms Design and Assembly. Timeless advice from back when craftsmen produced superb results. Excellent except 1/4 x 1/2" tear on back cover. $25.00 (View Picture)

1803 DESCRIPTION & RULES FOR THE MANAGEMENT - OF THE SPRINGFIELD RIFLE, CARBINE AND ARMY REVOVLERS CALIBER .45, 1898. 69 pages 6” x 9” soft cover. A nice 1991 reprint by Wolfe of the original 1898 government manual with all the detailed drawings. The original manuals are hard to find, expensive, and really too fragile to be used, so this is a welcome alternative. Used excellent. $20.00 (View Picture)

1802 M1 GARAND- LOT OF TWO BOOKS - 1- THE M1 GARAND OWNER’s GUIDE by Scott Duff. 126 pages 6” x 9” soft covers. Filled with everything a new Garand owner should know about disassembly, care and use of the rifle, with some history as well. 2- KNOWYOUR M1 GARAND RIFLES by E.J. Hoffschmidt- This is mainly a historical overview of the many official variations and derivatives of the Garand, including some overlap with the M14 rifles. BOTH for only $18.00 (View Picture)

1801 PENNSYLVANIA LONGRIFLES OF NOTE - By George Shumway. 63 pages 6” x 9” with a beautiful selection of some of the finest “golden age” longrifles and a bit of history on each. A great introduction to this uniquely American form of utilitarian folk art, culled from the other larger studies on the subject published by Shumway over the years. Used excellent. $10.00 (View Picture)

1800 FORTY YEARS WITH THE .45-70 - By Paul Matthews. 147 pages 6” x 9” filled with info on shooting the .45-70 cartridges and loading the, but NOT FOR TRAPDOORS. This focuses on the modern rifles In that caliber, such as the Winchester Model 1886, and the Ruger single shot rifles. Published by Wolfe, so a good companion to Pat Wolf’s volume on loading for the trapdoor. Used, excellent. $10.00 (View Picture)

1799 ENGLISH SPORTING GUNS AND ACCESSORIES - By Macdonald Hastings, 97 pages 6” x 9” hardcover with excellent dustjacket. An amazingly good little book fully delivering on the title’s promise of English Sporting Guns and Accessories. An amazing number of obscure and innovative breechloading systems and cartridges are included, lots of interesting background on English hunting traditions and fine guns from some of the famous makers. I expected it to be useless fluff material, but it is actually some excellent, historically important stuff not seen elsewhere that a serious collector will certainly enjoy. $10.00 (View Picture)

1798 MAJ. NED H. ROBERTS & THE SCHUETZEN RIFLE - By Gerald O. Kelver 99 page 5.5” x 9” hardcover. A delightful little book published by the American Single shot Rifle Assn in 1951 recording some thoughts from Ned Roberts on Schuetzen rifles and their shooting. Roberts was one of the giants of the shooting fraternity. Used fine-excellent. $10.00 (View Picture)

1797 SINGLE SHOT RIFLES - The classic study by James Grant. 385 pages 6.5” x 9.5” hardcover with ratty dustjacket. This is the first of his several volumes on the subject introducing the basic foundation of the most popular actions, calibers and other related items. A good reading copy, which ahs been well read and shows wear on the covers and a bit of dirt here and there, but still loaded with good info. $12.00 (View Picture)

1796 GUN STOCK FINISHING AND CARE - By A. Donald Newell, 490 pages 6” x 9” hardbound. This is a Stackpole reprint of the 1949 Samworth classic. A lot of the stuff on how to prepare various finishes is more historic information than useful, but still work. Interesting reading to see how they did it in the old days. Lots of discussion about how to sporterize and refinish military surplus guns to make them into gaudy Bambi blasters, but please don’t do that. Used VG-fine except for 1 inch scratch on back cover. $5.00 (View Picture)

1795 RIFLE ACCURACY FACTS - By Harold R. Vaughn, 292 pages. 7” x 10.75” hardbound with mylar cover over dustjacket. This is for really serious shooters obsessed with the very smallest mechanical details of the rifle components and ammunition, and scientific investigation on how to cope with them to wring out the best possible accuracy. 2nd edition published in 2000. Out of print and highly respected among the serious bench rest shooters. $95.00 (View Picture)

1794 FOXFIRE 5 (Flintlock Rifles) - 521 pages 6” x 9.25” softover, with more than 200 pages devoted to flintlock rifles. This is one of the multi volume “Foxfire Book” series which collected and preserved folk lore, folk art and “old time ways” of living, initially in north Georgia Appalachia but expanded somewhat over time. A really well done series, with deeply inquisitive probing of the people and their ways of doing things with enough detail that the reader has a solid understanding. This is how stuff was done before electricity, before all the other modern conveniences where you can go to WalMart and find just about anything you need, and Amzaon will deliver anything you want in 48hours or less! Book is slightly yellowing, but highly recommended for the flintlock material, and also the section on ironmaking and blacksmithing, but the section on bear hunting may be less useful to you. Used good. $10.00 (View Picture)

1793 THE CUSTOM GOVERNMENT MODEL PISTOL by Layne Simpson - 639 pages 6” x 9” soft cover. Molestation instructions for perverts who think they can improve on John M. Browning’s century old masterpiece. “This book is about one of the world’s greatest firearms and the things pistolsmiths do to make it greater. The Government Model’s history and workings are explored, as well as accessories, handloading- including the latest 9 x 23 super loads, holster, and the whys and hows of custom alterations for the working pistol. Over 30 chapters and over 400 photos form top pistolsmiths across the country. This is a comprehensive text from carry guns to the latest breed of high capacity guns with optical sights.” Used fine to excellent. The mind boggles at the creativity shown in these modifications. Good entertainment, or excellent guidance for those obsessed with a better mousetrap. $10.00 (View Picture)

1792 THE RIFLE BOOK by Jack O’Conner - Third edition of this classic, 337pages 6” x 9” paperback. One of the great outdoor writers thoughts on (mostly) classic and vintage hunting firearms, their accessories and use on the range and in the field. $10.00 (View Picture)

1790 THE GOLDEN AGE OF SHOTGUNNING by Bob Hinman - 175 pages 6.25” x 9.25” hard cover with excellent dustjacket. This is a great history of the period roughly 1870-1900 when metallic cartridge shotshells and mass production made cheap and reliable shotguns readily available to the masses, not just wealth sportsmen. America was largely a rural nation then and most of the population had the opportunity to go hunting very close to their homes, and game was plentiful. In addition, sporting competition with firearms was all the rage with rifle, pistol or shotgun matches open to all comers. Shotgun events included shooting at pigeons (live at first, later clay) and hunting completion to see who could kill the most animals. Guns included traditional single shot or double barrel guns, but inventors like Spencer and Browning created repeaters, pump at first along with lever action and later semi-automatics. A really interesting book which drew on heavily for my award winning display on early repeating shotguns. Excellent condition. First published in 1971 by Winchester, this is the 1982 reprint edition by Wolfe. $25.00 (View Picture)

1789 THE BOOK OF RIFLE ACCURACY by Tony Boyer - 323 pages 7” x 10” soft cover published in 2010. A serious book for serious accuracy bench rest shooters. Lots of detailed “how to” items covering virtually every aspect of a rifle action, trigger, stock, sights, etc and their optimum use. $35.00 (View Picture)

1788 EXTREME RIFLE ACCURACY by Mike Ratigan - 368 pages 7” x 10” soft cover. Like Tony Boyer’s book, this is a serious book for serious accuracy bench rest shooters. Lots of detailed “how to” items covering virtually every aspect of a rifle action, trigger, stock, sights, etc and their optimum use. In addition, it has a lot on wind and how to judge it and cope with it and quite a bit on shooting range facilities. Highly regarded among the bench rest shooters. Used, excellent. $45.00 (View Picture)

1787 U.S. M1911/M1911A1 PISTOLS & COMMERCIAL M1911 TYPE PISTOLS: A SHOP MANUAL - By Jerry Kuhnhausen, 207 pages 6.25” x 9.25” soft covers. Superbly detailed and illustrated serious info for gunsmiths or others working on M1911 style guns. 1997 dated, noted as Volume 2, but seems to be comprehensive as a stand alone volume. As new condition. $35.00 (View Picture)

1786 LOADING CARTRIDGES FOR THE ORIGINAL .45-70 SPRINGFIELD RIFLE & CARBINE - By J.S. and Pat Wolf. 169 pages 6” x 9” soft covers, 1st edition 1996. Considered to be “the Bible” for trapdoor reloading with detailed instructions for best accuracy and safety. $45.00 (View Picture)

1253 HISTORY OF MODERN US MILITARY SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION REFERENCE BOOKS- VOLUME 1 ONLY - By Frank Hackley, William Woodin and Gene Scranton, who are respectively: the former head of small arms ammunition at Frankford Arsenal; the head of the Woodin Laboratory, the world’s best collection of military and law enforcement ammunition under 35mm; and the world’s best technical illustrator for ammunition. An absolutely essential series of books for anyone interested in U.S. military small arms ammunition since 1880. Virtually every regular and experimental round from .22 rimfire through .50 BMG plus Trench Gun and several other oddball types are included with unbelievable detail and superbly done accurate detailed drawings and images of boxes. The definitive work! Compiled from decades of research at the National Archives, military, public, and private museums and libraries, as well as individual collections. VOLUMES 1 and 2 ARE OUT OF PRINT AND VERY HARD TO FIND! (However, Volume 3 is available from the publisher at if you want to get that while it is still in print at a very reasonable price.) VOLUME 1, 1880-1939 about 328pages- This is the REVISED EDITION with some additions and corrections over the first edition.- OUT OF PRINT. Previously owned, excellent with excellent dust jacket. $149.00 (View Picture)

2120 HISTORY OF MODERN US MILITARY SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION- VOLUME 3- By Frank Hackley, William Woodin and Gene Scranton, who are respectively: the former head of small arms ammunition at Frankford Arsenal; the head of the Woodin Laboratory, the world’s best collection of military and law enforcement ammunition under 35mm; and the world’s best technical illustrator for ammunition. An absolutely essential series of books for anyone interested in U.S. military small arms ammunition since 1880. Virtually every regular and experimental round from .22 rimfire through .50 BMG plus Trench Gun and several other oddball types are included with unbelievable detail and superbly done accurate detailed drawings and images of boxes. The definitive work! Compiled from decades of research at the National Archives, military, public, and private museums and libraries, as well as individual collections. VOLUME 1 (1880-1940) and VOLUME 2 (1941-1945) ARE OUT OF PRINT AND VERY HARD TO FIND! This is Volume 3 covering 1946-1977, 626 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound with over 200 box labels and over 1,000 full size drawings of individual cartridges. This includes pistol, revolver, submachine gun, carbine, rifle and machine gun ammunition plus experimental, miscellaneous and unknown ammunition types with appendices, glossary, bibliography and index. Brand new copy, only a few left. $79.95 (View Picture)

2000 AN INTRODUCTION TO MBA GYROJETS AND OTHER ORDNANCE- BY MEL CARPENTER - 422 pages (286 in color) 8.5” x 11” spiral bound. This is an amazing book! Most books on guns or ammunition are heavy on the “what” with descriptions of the nuts and bolts, and maybe a little bit of the history behind them. This important contribution to arms and ammunition history also provides details of “how” the items were made, and “who” was involved in their inspiration, design and manufacture, and sales, mostly drawing on unlimited access to Robert Mainhardt, the brains behind MBA and Gyrojet. Even more astonishing are the insights into “why” these items were invented and manufactured. Unlike Sam Colt, or Oliver Winchester, or John Browning, who invented guns and the set out to sell them, Mainhardt (and MBA and his other companies) were in business to make money and had never considered making guns. Initially they were in the research nuclear reactor business, drawing on Mainhardt’s work with the WW2 Manhattan Project. After leaving that business, they stumbled across a Pentagon request for some new weaponry for use in Vietnam, with a vague concept for some sort of miniature rockets. Seizing the opportunity, the miniature rocketry designs they came up with were unprecedented, and although military contracts were seldom forthcoming, they evolved into proposals for hand held weapons, massive salvo weapons to saturate a large area and other innovative schemes. These ranged from rockets small enough to fit in a spy’s cigarette, to larger designs (.22 to .30 caliber) and larger items for launching flares and much larger devices for chaff for electronic countermeasures. At some point they came up with the “Gyrojet” pistols and carbines, which are vaguely familiar to many collectors, but previous information on them has been largely based on legends, guesses and misinformation, some of it from their use in a James Bond movie. As the rocket market dwindled, they got into the then new “less than lethal” product business and these are covered as well. This superbly researched book, is the definitive history of this field. It is well written, precise in its statements of fact (or conjecture where necessary) and thoroughly sourced. The superb illustrations of Gyrojets, Finjets, Lancejets, Javettes, and flares up to 40mm are shown actual size, as are the less-lethal rounds. The book covers every known Gyrojet rocket ever made, from 2.8mm up to 55mm, plus the 0.030-inch Javettes for the “CIA Dart Gun” with their biological or chemical payloads. This almost reads like a science fiction work with surprising challenges and unexpected innovations to meet them. Not only the rockets and ordnance items themselves, but the methods of manufacture, and some of the business decisions necessary for a profit oriented company. This alone makes it a thought provoking read for anyone with an interest in technology or manufacturing or weapons. Mel Carpenter is the right guy to write this book, with a life-long interest in arms and ammunition, years of experience as a leader in the International Ammunition Association ( including as their Journal editor and running the largest Cartridge show in the country. Also, his background as an aeronautical engineer, and Navy and corporate pilot enable him to understand and explain many of the technical issues involved. New condition. $59.95 (View Picture)

1791 A MAN AND HIS SHIP: - AMERICA’S GREATEST NAVAL ARCHITECHT AND HIS QUEST TO BUILD THE S.S. UNITED STATES, by Steven Ujifusa. 437 pages 6.5” x 9.5” hardcover with good dustjacket, published in 2012. Small ding on bottom of back cover. A fascinating account of the obsession of William Francis Gibbs (of Gibbs & Cox) who was the driving force behind the eventual construction of the SS United States which set and still holds the transatlantic crossing record for passenger ships. A great accomplishment but sucky timing as that was about the time that the Boeing 707 and Douglas DC-8 made regular and affordable transatlantic jet flights possible. Today the ship is rotting at a pier in Philadelphia victim of aborted conversion attempts, and too expensive to restore or preserve and not of any commercial maritime value. A few idealists fantasize about saving her, but expect her to become a reef or be scrapped in the near future. A sad end for a great ship. $10.00 (View Picture)

1635 THE ROCK ISLAND ’03 by C.S. “Nick” Ferris - 1992, 58 pages 6” x 9”, soft cover. This was Nick Ferris’ first book on Rock Island M1903 rifles, his second appearing in 2003 with 175 pages, so obviously a lot more info in that one, than in this early version. However, this has most of the important info, and is more user friendly in my opinion, so I recommend this one as a useful book for most people, but if you plan to collect a LOT of M1903 rifles, then maybe you want the larger one. Used, fine. $10.00 (View Picture)

1634 THE ROCK ISLAND ’03 by C.S. “Nick” Ferris - 1992, 58 pages 6” x 9”, soft cover. This was Nick Ferris’ first book on Rock Island M1903 rifles, his second appearing in 2003 with 175 pages, so obviously a lot more info in that one, than in this early version. However, this has most of the important info, and is more user friendly in my opinion, so I recommend this one as a useful book for most people, but if you plan to collect a LOT of M1903 rifles, then maybe you want the larger one. Used, fine. $10.00 (View Picture)

1633 SPRINGFIELD MODEL 1903 SERVICE RIFLE PRODUCTION AND ALTERATION 1905-1910 - 1995, 6” x 9” soft cover, 66 pages. By C.S. Ferris and John Beard, who are respected specialists in Rock Island and early M1903 rifles respectively. Includes two errata sheets. Okay, the M1903 started in .30-03 caliber, with a rod bayonet which President Teddy Roosevelt correctly point out was useless crap (or words to that effect). So, in 1905 they adopted a knife bayonet instead, after many thousand rod bayonet rifles had been made. In 1906, the bullet was changed from 220 grain round nose to 150 grain pointed, necessitating the case length to be shortened .10 inch, now known as the .30-06 cartridge, and this modification was needed on rifles already made, as well as new production, at BOTH Springfield Armory and Rock Island Arsenal. Ferris and Beard sort through this complex situation and make a confusing situation almost understandable, and help collectors understand more about the 1901 and earlier rifles in their various configurations. Used, near new, out of print and listed for very high prices elsewhere. I think a fair price is $55.00 (View Picture)

1632 Collector’s Guide to Colt .45 Service Pistols Models of 1911 and 1911A1 - From 1911 to the end of production in 1945 Complete Military identifcation including all contractors, by Charles Clawson. This is the 2003 Third Edition, 146 pages 6” x 9” hardbound. This is not the “big book” but the smaller guide. NEW- Still sealed in the publisher shrink wrap. Clawson is THE AUTHORITY for the Model 1911s, and if you cannot get a copy of the “big book” this is almost as good (plus a lot easier to use and more affordable. Out of print, and people are asking crazy prices for these. This pristine copy can be yours for $495.00 (View Picture)

1630 A COLLECTOR’S GUIDE TO U.S. COMBAT SHOTGUNS- BRUCE CANFIELD - 184 pages, softbound. Bruce Canfield’s pioneering 1992 study of the subject, for many years the best book on the subject, but his updated version released in 2007 has added info and is now the most complete book on the subject. This is still a valuable reference for anyone other than the obsessive U.S. martial collector who wants a huge pile of shotguns. This has good info on markings, serial number ranges, accessories, etc. A gently used copy in excellent condition at a large saving over the cost of a new copy of the newer edition $22.00 (View Picture)

1629 A COLLECTOR’S GUIDE TO U.S. COMBAT SHOTGUNS- BRUCE CANFIELD - 184 pages, softbound. Bruce Canfield’s pioneering 1992 study of the subject, for many years the best book on the subject, but his updated version released in 2007 has added info and is now the most complete book on the subject. This is still a valuable reference for anyone other than the obsessive U.S. martial collector who wants a huge pile of shotguns. This has good info on markings, serial number ranges, accessories, etc. A gently used copy in excellent condition at a large saving over the cost of a new copy of the newer edition $22.00 (View Picture)

1628 THE WINCHESTER BOOK, BY GEORGE MADIS - 1971 First edition, signed by the author, 543 pages. The best overall discussion of the various models made by Winchester. Loaded with production figures, details of most major variations of each model, production dates for serial number ranges (sometimes not quite correct, but still the best that is readily available until the Winchester Arms Collectors Assn got the data from the polishing shop where they actually stamped the numbers and made that available on their website.). Loaded with good photos. An ESSENTIAL reference for any Winchester collector. Used copy with soiling on the cover and edges, but a good using copy. There are several later editions with more info, but unless you are really interested in those made after 1970, this is sufficient for most collectors. $75.00 (View Picture)

1627 THE WINCHESTER BOOK, “1 of 1000 Edition” BY GEORGE MADIS - 1985- Massive 655 pages on heavy paper 8.5” x 11” hard bound with excellent dust jacket and Mylar cover. Signed on title page by author. This is the book every serious Winchester collector needs. An exhaustive and well-researched tome on the history of Winchester firearms. With chapters on the forerunners: Hunt repeater, Smith & Wesson, Henry rifle et al; Lever Action; Bolt Action and Slide Action models plus info on sights, special order features plus dates of manufacture for all models. Gently used copy in excellent condition. $149.00 (View Picture)

1626 U.S. MILITARY MATCH & MARKSMANSHIP AUTOMATIC PISTOLS by Bill Jenkins - 2005, 176 pages 8.5” x 11” hard bound, like new condition. Out of print and highly respected work covering virtually all U.S. military match pistols and those used in competition, with loads of details. Rad the glowing review over on the CMP site: $149.00 (View Picture)

1625 WAR BABY COMES HOME: The U.S. Caliber .30 M1 Carbine, Volume II by Larry Ruth - This second volume of Larry Ruth’s definitive study of the M1 Carbine. Volume 1 covered the guns (made for the military) in great detail by maker and minor variations in parts details. This volume completes the WW 2 story, covers its Korean War usage, traces the thousands given to foreign armies, the release of weapons to the civilian market, and the newly made weapons for the civilian market. This one is most useful for its encyclopedic coverage of virtually every military accessory and appendage and ammunition types. It also covers virtually every civilian made gun in .30 carbine caliber and commercial civilian stuff made later. 1993 first edition, previously owned but as-new copy, hard bound with dustjacket and Mylar cover, 386 pages 8 ½” x 11” loaded with illustrations. Anyone interested in U.S. military arms and the M1 carbine needs to own copies of both volumes of this vital and definitive work. Out of print, and prices rising so get this important book while you can still afford it. $249.00 (View Picture)

1624 M1 GARAND REFERENCE LIBRARY- FIVE BOOKS FOR ONE LOW PRICE - 1- The M1 GARAND” WORLD WAR II by Scott Duff- 1993, 315 pages 8.5” x 11” soft cover. Used VG-fine. Considered the best early study, although some will prefer Bruce Canfield’s later and massive book on the Garand. 2- THE M1 GARAND: POST WORLD WAR II by Scott Duff- 1989, 139 pages 8.5” x 11” soft cover. Companion to the above, gently used, excellent. 3- THE FIGHTING GARADN OWNER’S MANUAL by Nolan Wilson- 1984, 94 pages 8.5” x 11” soft cover 4- THE COMPLETE M1 GARAND: A GUIDE FOR SHOOTER & COLLECTOR by Jim Thompson, 1998, 147 pages 8.5” x 11” soft cover 5- THE CLASSIC M1 GARAND AN ONGOING LEGACY FOR SHOOTERS & COLLECTORS by Jim Thompson, 2001, 98 pages 8.5” x 11” soft cover. The last three are an assortment of information the authors thought interesting or relevant, some from manuals, some from articles, some their own thoughts, and some hearsay they pass along. I’m not a big fan of any of the three, but I am sure there are interesting or useful tidbits in them somewhere. ALL FIVE FOR ONLY $55.00 (View Picture)

1623 THE GAS TRAP GARAND by Billy Pyle - 1999, 296pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound with excellent ductjacket in Mylar cover. As new condition. Out of print and highly important and desirable work on the “original” version of the Garand. Includes a chronology of early U.S. semi-automatic rifle designs from the modified M1903's through all of John C. Garand's patents. Included are the primer actuated, the .276 gas operated, the Model Shop, and production rifles through 1940. Also featured are the rifles designed by Bang, Browning, Colt, Pedersen, Thompson and the United States Machine Gun Co. In addition to the comparative parts break down of the early M1 Rifle is coverage of the accessories, appendages, equipment, and ordnance tools. Complete data sheets on 12 orginal rifles are provided. Very highly recommended, but out of print and getting pricey. This like new copy is priced at $249.00 (View Picture)

1620 THE M14 TYPE RIFLE: A SHOOTER’S & COLLECTOR’S GUIDE by Joe Poyer - 1997, 82 pages 8.5” x 11” soft cover. Lots of info on the M14 and variations and civilian copies, with emphasis on match and competition topics, building, and accurizing, etc. Used fine. $20.00 (View Picture)

1619 AR-15/M16 SUPER SYSTEMS by Duncan Long - 1989, 132 pages 8.5” x 11” soft cover. Focus seems to be on those interested in home building a rifle and all sorts of oddball variations that appeal to survivalists and the like. Near new condition. $10.00 (View Picture)

1618 SMALL ARMS OF THE WORLD- 12th EDITION by E.C. EZELL - 1983, massive 894 pages 8.5” x 11” hard cover with excellent dustjacket. This is the final version of the books by that name started at the end of WW2 presenting a summary of most military arms, with each edition growing with more arms and information, and several different lead authors. E.C. Ezell was superbly qualified to do this, as head of arms for the Smithsonian and having a military background. This retains most of the classic info in earlier editions related to WW2 (and earlier) arms, but expanded it to include Cold War era military arms, and even important civilian small arms. Every arms collector needs a copy of Small Arms of the World, with earlier editions fine for those with more classic interests, and this one for those wanting info on more modern arms. Near new condition with excellent dustjacket. $49.00 (View Picture)

1613 P.J. O'HARE CATALOG "SHOOTING ACCESSORIES FOR RIFLEMEN" - Catalog and price list of large and small bore shooting Number 10- not dated but probably circa 1930s. Overall good condition but edges show use with some corner folding and soiling/scuffing on the covers. 106 pages 6” x 9” loaded with sights, scopes, cleaning gear, gizmos and goodies that shooters “need” to squeeze out the extra point or two. Many Parker-Hale products listed as well as those made by O’Hare. A wonderful item to display with a collection of vintage target rifles. $35.00 (View Picture)

1616 MANUAL FOR SOVIET TOKAREV RIFLES & CARBINES - Models of 1936, 1938, 1940. This is a commercial reprint of the May 1954 ORD I-101, Chapter 3 by the Army Ordnance Corps presenting intelligence info on small arms. 53 pages. Used, good. $5.00 (View Picture)

1617 THEATER MADE MILITARY KNIVES OF WW2 by Bill & Debbie Wright - 2001, 264 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound with excellent dustjacket in Mylar cover. All color illustrations. The collecting of military theater made knives of World War II is one of the fastest growing fields of collecting in America today. These knives are very historical. They were individually handmade by people who wanted to contribute to the war effort, as well as the service men who used them. Most of these knives differ in style and have very colorful handles. This is the only book available that donates its entire contents to the collecting of theater made knives and their values. Used excellent $45.00 (View Picture)

1612 U.S. MILITARY KNIVES BAYONETS & MACHETES PRICE GUIDES (LOT OF 2) - First edition (1997) and 4th edition (2000) 28 and 32 pages respectively, 8.5” x 11” soft cover. Although long out of date, still handy to give a rough idea of RELATIVE value. BOTH for only $5.00 (View Picture)

1611 THE RANDALL CHRONICLES by Pete Hamilton - Copy number 78, 160 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound with excellent dustjacket in mylar cover. Signed by author and noted knife expert Tom Clinton with personal notes to previous owner. $125.00 (View Picture)

1610 THE MILITARY KNIFE AND BAYONET - 392 pages 8.5” x 12” hardbound with excellent dustjacket. Homer Brett is a legend in the edged weapon world, well qualified in the overlapping areas of collecting, designing, manufacturing, training and use. He was involved in the Phrobis M9 bayonet development, and also in several iterations of USMC combative training, among other things. Useful reference covering over one thousand Knives, daggers and bayonets, from all over the world with many high quality color photographs. 1st Edition. Dual English Japanese text. $59.00 (View Picture)

1608 ALLIED MILITARY FIGHTING KNIVES AND THE MEN WHO MADE THEM FAMOUS - By Robert Buerlein. 183 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound with torn dustjacket. Signed by author $45.00 (View Picture)

1604 U.S. MILITARY KNIVES COLLECTOR’S GUIDE by Micheal Silvey and Gary Boyd - 199 pages soft cover 8.5” x 11” published in 1990. This covers the pocket knives, the sheath knives Mark 1, Mark 2 and the M3 trench knives plus other issue and unit and commercial knives. Excellent reference. Silvey has a new book on just pocket knives published in 2015 for the best coverage on that niche, but this is good on a very broad field. Out of print, hard to find. $95.00 (View Picture)

1404 U.S. KRAG BAYONETS: HISTORY, VARIATIONS, MODIFICATIONS - By Donald J. Hartman. Privately published in 2008, 311 pages about 8.5” x 11” hardbound with dustjacket. Profusely illustrated, mostly in color with crisp photos of the bayonets, blueprints, vintage photos showing them in use, etc. This is an exceptionally well researched book on a specific subject, and will stand as the definitive work on the subject. Every detail of the Krag bayonets and scabbards is covered, along with much on their issue and use. Even the West Point cadet variations, both the early short versions and the later chrome plated ones which served until the M14 rifles arrived at the Corps of Cadets. This is a new copy, signed by the author. List price is $110.00, but our price is only $85.00 (View Picture)

1398 U.S. MILITARY AND EXPERIMENTAL ENTRENCHING TOOLS CIVIL WAR TO WW1 - By Donald J. Hartman, author of the definitive book on Krag bayonets. 262 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound with dustjacket, new condition. Okay, you may not be a collector of pre-WW1 entrenching tools, but this is a great read anyway, just to show the inventive genius of Americans seeking to invent a better mousetrap, err, entrenching tool, and some of the weird ideas they came up with to make the soldier’s task easier. This is a massive research project in original sources with exceptionally thorough and readable explanation of the subject and loaded with appropriate illustrations of the people, gadgets, blueprints etc, with most in color. A niche topic, but worth the reading for background on military weaponry beyond the gun itself and how it meshed with other needs. New copy, signed by author $85.00 (View Picture)

869 STANDARD CATALOG OF SMITH AND WESSON (2nd ed) - Jim Supica & Richard Nahas- (2nd edition, 2001, 314 pages 8.5" x 11" hardbound) The definitive work on all Smith & Wessons including recent models. Excellent descriptions, photos, production quantities, markings, variations, and value ranges. This solidly researched book has info not found anywhere else. Besides the guns, it covers many related products as well. If you own one S&W this will put it into context of the other arms being developed and sold. If you want to own a lot of S&W's this will help you find the rare variations. Highly recommended. They are up to a ___edition just came out, but the historical information in this remains just as useful, although values are outdated, and it lacks info on the newest and greatest models introduce since this was printed. You can have this copy of the 2nd edition at a great savings. $18.00 (View Picture)

868 STANDARD CATALOG OF SMITH & WESSON (1st edition) - Jim Supica & Richard Nahas- the first edition of definitive work on all Smith & Wessons including recent models. 236 pages published in 1996. Excellent descriptions, photos, production quantities, markings, variations, and value ranges. With S&W not expected to exist much longer, this will continue to be a popular collecting field. This solidly researched book has info not found anywhere else. If you want info on history of the company get Jinks or Neal & Jinks books, but for the best info on the guns, this is the one you want (or one of the newer editions). Used excellent, near new with mylar covered dust jacket. $10.00 (View Picture)

867 THE ART OF BUILDING THE PENNSYLVANIA LONGRIFLE - By Dave Ehrig, Dave Miller and Chuck Dixon. First edition, 4th printing, Revised III, 190 pages 8.5” x 11” comb bound. A very practical “hands on” approach to building a rifle and accessories and shooting, including stock work such as carving and staining, inlays and patch box and engraving, etc. Much in the same vein as William Beuchele’s highly respect book with step by step guidance and tips, but with a lot more illustration, which remind me of Edwin Tunis books on colonial life. Lots of tips to avoid those costly and frustrating mistakes. I really ought to keep this one and finish a half built long rifle I started a long time ago. Used VG-fine, except prior owner’s name in several places. $35.00 (View Picture)

866 MUZZLE LOADING SHOOTING AND WINNING WITH THE CHAMPIONS - by Max Vickery; Webb Terry; Bob Butcher; Walter Grote; Bill Carmichael; Peter Allan; Warren L. Boughton; Don Davis [Editor]; Maxine Moss [Introduction]. 1973 first edition, 169 pages 8.5” x 11” with 12 pages of photos mainly of the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Assn (NMLRA) folks who wrote the book engaged in shooting. There are hundreds of books about muzzle loading arms but almost nothing written about shooting them, except occasional basic stuff like ”Black powder only, no smokeless”. While there is still some active black powder shooting activity, it is almost a lost art. This was written pretty much at the peak of the sport, and the authors were the best of the best. They drew on their own experiences, but also were keepers of the accumulated knowledge of past generations of muzzle loaders such as Ned Roberts, Harry Pope and Milton Farrow who achieved great accuracy. Without understanding how those old guns were actually shot, and the tips and tricks to excel, it is impossible to fully appreciate the guns. Reading this is pretty much like eves dropping on a bunch of shooters swapping tales and tips after a match when they’ve had a few nips. Interesting stuff. Used, vg- fine. $35.00 (View Picture)

827 SMITH & WESSON HAND GUNS - By Roy C. McHenry & Walter F. Roper, 233 pages 8” x 10.5” hardbound. This is a Wolfe Publishing facsimile copy of the 1945 edition published by Standard Publications in West Virginia, one of the pioneering firearms publishing houses. This was one of the earliest serious book on Smith & Wesson history, and while later books (Such as Jim Supica’s Standard Catalog of S&W) are better in every respect for details and illustrations, it is interesting to see the company’s history as known to collectors in the early (basically pre- WW2) years of arms collecting. Excellent to like new condition, and cheap. $22.00 (View Picture)

826 COLT: AN AMERICAN LEGEND by R.L. WILSON - 406 pages 9” x 11.5” hardbound with good dustjacket. R.L. “Larry” Wilson was an amiable scoundrel who wormed his way into the confidence and collections of some of the wealthiest and advanced arms collectors, often to write hagiographic descriptions of the collector and the collection. He was not above shady dealings, and writing letters” authenticating” all sorts of things, some of which may even be true. He ended up doing time in Club Fed for such actions, and reputedly got away with a lot more than he was caught for. But, he was an excellent writer and worked with great photographers. This is an excellent book, mainly a “coffee table” collection of virtually every model handgun Colt made, with beautiful photos, almost all in color, and scant text to tie it together. An impressive and enjoyable books, despite the author’s sometimes nefarious deeds. Used excellent and cheap at only $22.00 (View Picture)

824 HIGH STANDARD: A COLLECTOR’S GUIDE TO THE HAMDEN AND HARTFORD TARGET PISTOLS - By Tom Dance, 191 pages 8.5” x 11” softcover, published by Mowbray in 1991. The High Standard collectors say this about it: “This is the quintessential primer and the best guide to the later model High Standards. It has some minor errors, but is the only source for the Supermatic series, Models 101 through 104 and the Military grip guns. It contains much discussion about the individual models and some factory background.” Out of print, in high demand, and prices approaching the crazy level. This is a nice, gently used copy about excellent priced reasonably at only $95.00 (View Picture)

823 THE GUN DIGEST BOOK OF THE 1911: A complete look at the use, care & repair of the 1911 pistol - By Patrick Sweeney, 342 page 8.5” x 11” softcover published in 2001. Looks like a very well done and comprehensive coverage of shooter oriented info on all the various different caliber options, barrel lengths, ports, relative merits of different commercial makers, loading, ammo, etc, etc. Shooters will love this, but as a collector there is nothing useful to me. Excellent. $15.00 (View Picture)

822 THE GOVERNMENT MODELS- THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE COLT MODEL OF 1911 - By William H. Goddard 293 pages 8.5” x 11” paperback published in 1988. This is a used copy showing much a bit of soiling and wear from use. Extensive coverage of the models leading up to the M1911 and then loads of info on mainly the civilian production of the M1911 through 1924. It has what appears to be a complete listing of shipping data on the commercial M1911s, including notations on presentations, special features, etc. A useful companion to Charles Clawson’ masterpiece, with some info not found in it. $40.00 (View Picture)

821 BAYONETS FROM JANZEN'S NOTEBOOK (2nd Edition, 4th printing) - 258 pp 8" x 10" hardbound. Absolutely the best single reference book for anyone interested in bayonets. It covers nearly all the standard models of all countries of all periods. Excellent line drawings with brief descriptions, organized by country and then by date. While it will not list a dozen maker/marking variations for a specific model, it is essential to identifying stuff, and to give an idea of what a complete collection might consist of. Jerry Janzen was President of the Society of American Bayonet Collectors, and had one of the best collections in the country. First published as a paperback, this is the second, hardback edition of 253 pages of the original plus 6 pages of additional errata, notes, and corrections. Previously owned, but as new copy. $125.00 (View Picture)

820 THE .45-70 SPRINGFIELD, BOOK II, by Al Frasca - This covers the .58, .50, .45 and .30 trapdoor breech loaders in the U.S. service, 1865-1893, adding to (but not including) the material in his 1980 Volume 1 with Bob Hill. I cannot overemphasize the level of research, writing, photography and printing in these volumes. The maroon leatherette cover has a wonderful raised embossing of an Officer’s Model trapdoor, making it one of the handsome reference books ever done on U.S. martial arms. These two volumes are the DEFINITIVE studies on trapdoors, thoroughly researched by long periods of research at Springfield Armory and the National Archives facilities, and carefully correlated with the actual arms in the hands of collectors and museum. Full disclosure, Al has been a friend for 25 years, and recently entrusted me with the care and preservation of his website, but my high praise would be the same if I never met him. This is a must have for any serious collector of U.S. martial arms, now out of print with prices rising fast. This is a previously owned copy in about new condition, Volume II only, for $149.00 (View Picture)

819 MAUSER BOLT RIFLES - By Ludwig Olson (3rd Edition updated and expanded 11th printing) 372 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound with mylar cover over dustjacket. About new condition. Published by Brownells, this is an excellent history of the Mauser company and bolt rifles of all types. There are newer and more detailed specialized studies by Law and others, and some higher level overviews by John Walter on military models, etc, but this is a good solid basic reference. A copy belongs in anyone interested in gun history, especially the importance of Mauser brothers on modern bolt action rifles. Along with ALL the other books! A classic, and while it has gone thru a number of edition, I think this was the latest updated version. $49.00 (View Picture)

818 KRAG RIFLE STORY (2ND ED). FRANK MALLORY (out of print) - 343 pp 8.5" x 11". The second, much expanded edition with greatly expanded information including numerous tables of important information for collectors. This covers all variations of the U.S. military Krag rifle, as well as the Danish and Norwegian models. Also, the related ammunition, bayonets and others accessories. Besides all the expected details, this has 78 page listing of rifle/carbine serial numbers that have been discovered during the author's 20 plus years digging into military records at the national Archives. For these guns, a specific event and date can be documents. Some are very important (such as the carbines issued to Teddy Roosevelt's "Rough Riders" in the 1st US Volunteer Cavalry) while others are merely notations of reports of defects, or loss or shipment. This is the essential definitive reference work on Krags, and belongs in every serious U.S. Martial Collector's library. Now out of print and getting hard to find. Former owner name on inside flyleaf otherwise about new with mylar cover for dustjacket. $175.00 (View Picture)

817 THE KRAG RIFLE - By William S. Brophy, 258 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound with excellent dustjacket. Bookseller stamp on inside flyleaf, otherwise near new. This and Frank Mallory’s book on Krags are the two standard references, each with a little that the other does not cover, but either one will fill an essential place in a U.S. martial arms collection library, while an advanced collector may want to get both eventually.Highly recommended! $95.00 (View Picture)

813 THE LIBERATOR PISTOL by Ralph Hagan - 122 pages 8.5” x 11” hardcover, about new. The definitive study on the cheap stamped sheet metal single shot “Liberator” pistol, along with the similar mission OSS “Stinger” and CIA “Deer Gun.” Lots of details, full set of Liberator blueprints, stories, etc. Out of print with copies seling in the $175-200 range. Our price only $135.00 (View Picture)

812 THE ACCURATE VARMINT RIFLE - By Boyd Mace – 184 pages 6” c 9” softcover. Boyd Mace is "the quintessential Western varmint shooter . there the target of choice is the diminutive prairie dog .and where a long shot is somewhere upstream of the 600 yard marker. The challenges of such shots are rather imposing. The serious Western varmint shooter is into computer ballistic progams, range finders, specialized cartridges, and heaven only knows what else. This is a world where Boy Mace shines. Precision Shooting is now pleased to be the publisher of Boyd Mace's first book .To our way of thinking it's the most important work of its genre to come along since the 1947 dated landmark work by C.S. Landis, .22 Caliber Varmint Rifles". Chapters include: The search for accuracy; Safety issues and horror stories; Accuracy handloading techniques; Tuning and troubleshooting accuracy problems; Shooting off the bench; Actions; Barrels; Stocks; Scopes; Wildcat cartridges; Hunting prairie dogs; Hunting rock chucks; Long range shooting; Ballistics discussed. New condition. $20.00 (View Picture)

811 THOMSPON SUBMACHINE GUNS- Five complete manuals. - Wonderful inexpensive reference material for military and civilian models. Get Tracie Hill’s massive book if you need everything there is, but this is sufficient for most people.
1- Thompson Submachine Gun (TSMG) Model 1928, .45 caliber -commercial- (about 30 pp)
2- FM23-40 TSMG Cal.45 M1928A1, 1940 – military (about 80 pp)
3- TM9-1215- Ordnance Maintenance, TSMG cal .45 M1928A1, March 1942, (about 25 pp)
4- TM9-215- TSMG cal..45 M1 October 1942 (about 52 pp)
5- Auto Ordnance Corp catalog advertising on TSMG- 1936 (about 15 pp)
This is an old Desert Publications/Combat Bookshelf compilation, Used VG. $12.00 (View Picture)

1201 THE .45-70 SPRINGFIELD, BOOK II, by Al Frasca - This covers the .58, .50, .45 and .30 trapdoor breech loaders in the U.S. service, 1865-1893, adding to (but not including) the material in his 1980 Volume 1 with Bob Hill. I cannot overemphasize the level of research, writing, photography and printing in these volumes. The maroon leatherette cover has a wonderful raised embossing of an Officer’s Model trapdoor, making it one of the handsome reference books ever done on U.S. martial arms. These two volumes are the DEFINITIVE studies on trapdoors, thoroughly researched by long periods of research at Springfield Armory and the National Archives facilities, and carefully correlated with the actual arms in the hands of collectors and museum. Full disclosure, Al has been a friend for 25 years, and recently entrusted me with the care and preservation of his website, but my high praise would be the same if I never met him. This is a must have for any serious collector of U.S. martial arms, now out of print with prices rising fast. This is a previously owned copy in about new condition, Volume II only, for $149.00 (View Picture)

735 THE SPORTING RIFLE AND ITS PROJECTILES - by LT. James Forsyth, assistant conservator of forests in India. 132 pages 6” x 9” hardbound. Facsimile reprint fo the 1863 classic of interest to big game hunters, published in London. Excellent. $10.00 (View Picture)

733 THE BOOK OF PISTOLS & REVOLVERS BY W.H.B. SMITH - 638 pages 6.5 x 9” hardbound. A classic comprehensive early collector (and shooter) reference work on handguns, printed shortly after WW2 by W.H.B. Smith, who pioneered the classic “Small Arms of the World” series. This was a cousin of that project. Nearly all handguns are illustrated with a black and white photograph. A basic work for anyone interested in the history of hand-held firearms and the thoughts on handguns by experts some 75 years ago. identification and operation, illustrations, and descriptions showing history, development, characteristics, manufacturer, construction, parts, functioning, caliber, ammunition, dismounting, and reassembly. A great book, albeit with a 2946 cutoff date. $25.00 (View Picture)

731 Lot of TWO PARKER SHOTGUN BOOKS - A- Parker, America’s Finest Shotgun, by Peter Johnson, 260 page 6” x 9” hardcover, 3rd edition 1985. About new condition B- Parker Guns- Catalog (reprint)32 pages 6” x 9” soft covers, about new. BOTH for only $20.00 (View Picture)

661 AMERICAN MILITARY SHOULDER ARMS by George Moller HARDBOUND VOLUME 3 - This series is THE DEFINITIVE work on U.S. martial longarms, especially those other than the more common Springfield types. I cannot praise this set highly enough for their unsurpassed research and detail and accuracy. Moller completed the first three volumes before he died. Much of Volume 4 getting into the post-Civil War breechloader era was in advanced draft stage, but sadly will probably never be published. He had anticipated that a fifth volume wold be needed to close out his planned coverage. Fortunately, the three volumes are relatively available, but ONLY IN SOFT COVER (and some are by “print on demand” operations) The hard cover editions are in great demand for serious collectors and users as a much better investment for long term use than the paperbacks Like Charles Clawson’s “big book” on M1911 Colt .45 Service Pistols, the demand for hard copies of this set will drive prices to seemingly absurd levels. Hardbound copies of volumes 1 and 2 are running about $500 and up (for both). Volume 3 covers the more popular Civil War era arms, and very few copies were printed hardbound, and they almost never turn up on the secondary market. Serious U.S. martial longarm collectors NEED this set! If you don’t want to make a long term investment in a hard copy set, then at least get the paperback while you still can. We have a spare 2011 HARDBOUND Volume 3- “Flintlock Alterations and Muzzleloading Percussion Shoulder Arms 1840-1865”- At 611 page on heavy printed stock, this is simply too big (and important) a book to survive much use as a paperback. This covers federal and state issued and altered arms, with some information on Confederate alterations, all of the Civil War regulation and contract produced muzzleloading arms, etc. (Breechloading carbines, etc will be in the next volume.) Appendices include much information on the distribution arms to the militias, and also post-Civil War disposal of the massive number of surplus arms. New copy, sealed in shrink wrap. Volume 3 hardbound- Someday people will fondly recall when the price for this was “only” $375.00 (View Picture)

1133 ANTIQUE AMERICAN RIFLEMAN MAGAZINE BARGAIN LOTS - There is a ton of really interesting information in the old American Rifleman magazines. These are 70 year old copies, not recent stuff like at your barber shop. Condition is a little rough, and there may be some handwritten notes or maybe something cut out. I sometime see the old ads, especially wartime ads, sold off individually for $3-5 per page.
A- Mixed lot- May 1934; April and June 1935; December 1939; June 1940; May 1941; December 1951 and August 1954. LOT of 8 issues- $5.00
B- FULL YEAR- 1943. Lots of wartime related material and ads. Cover missing from August issue. Lot of 12 issues- $5.00
C- FULL YEAR- 1944. Lots of wartime related material and ads. Cover missing from November issue. Lot of 12 issues- $5.00
SPECIAL TAKE ALL THREE LOTS for $10.00 (View Picture)

1083 FIREARM BLUEING AND BROWNING - R.H. Angier- the classic reference and recipe book for many different methods.152 pages 5.5” x 8.5” hardcover with dustjacket, excellent $20.00 (View Picture)

1079 AN INTRODUCTION TO MBA GYROJETS AND OTHER ORDNANCE- BY MEL CARPENTER - 422 pages (286 in color) 8.5” x 11” spiral bound. This is an amazing book! Most books on guns or ammunition are heavy on the “what” with descriptions of the nuts and bolts, and maybe a little bit of the history behind them. This important contribution to arms and ammunition history also provides details of “how” the items were made, and “who” was involved in their inspiration, design and manufacture, and sales, mostly drawing on unlimited access to Robert Mainhardt, the brains behind MBA and Gyrojet. Even more astonishing are the insights into “why” these items were invented and manufactured. Unlike Sam Colt, or Oliver Winchester, or John Browning, who invented guns and the set out to sell them, Mainhardt (and MBA and his other companies) were in business to make money and had never considered making guns. Initially they were in the research nuclear reactor business, drawing on Mainhardt’s work with the WW2 Manhattan Project. After leaving that business, they stumbled across a Pentagon request for some new weaponry for use in Vietnam, with a vague concept for some sort of miniature rockets. Seizing the opportunity, the miniature rocketry designs they came up with were unprecedented, and although military contracts were seldom forthcoming, they evolved into proposals for hand held weapons, massive salvo weapons to saturate a large area and other innovative schemes. These ranged from rockets small enough to fit in a spy’s cigarette, to larger designs (roughly .22 to .30 caliber range) up to larger items for launching flares and much larger devices for chaff for electronic countermeasures. At some point they came up with the “Gyrojet” pistols and carbines, which are vaguely familiar to many collectors, but previous information on them has been largely based on legends, guesses and misinformation, some of it from their use in a James Bond movie. As the rocket market dwindled, they got into the then new “less than lethal” product business and these are covered as well. This superbly researched book, which will stand as the definitive history of this hitherto little known field, tells the complete story. It is well written, precise in its statements of fact (or conjecture where necessary) and thoroughly sourced. The illustrations are excellent (although a bit small when dealing with tiny items) and many of the items shown are sole survivors or made in very small numbers, largely courtesy of Mainhardt himself. My only complaint is that instead of a traditional “book binding” this soft cover work uses a spiral binding which is convenient for reading and laying flat, but is awkward on a shelf of books and the cover material is a bit think for the purpose. All Gyrojets, Finjets, Lancejets, Javettes, and flares up to and including 40mm are shown at actual size, as are .38-caliber and 12-gauge less-lethal rounds. The book covers every known Gyrojet rocket ever made, from 2.8mm up to 55mm, plus the 0.030-inch Javettes for the “CIA Dart Gun” with their biological or chemical payloads. This almost reads like a science fiction work with surprising challenges and unexpected innovations to meet them. Not only the rockets and ordnance items themselves, but the methods of manufacture, and some of the business decisions necessary for a profit oriented company. This alone makes it a thought provoking read for anyone with an interest in technology or manufacturing or weapons. Mel Carpenter is the right guy to write this book, with a life long interest in arms and ammunition, years of experience as a leader in the International Ammunition Association ( including as their Journal editor and running the largest Cartridge show in the country. Also, his background as an aeronautical engineer, and Navy and corporate pilot enable him to understand and explain many of the technical issues involved. Used excellent, inscribed by author on the title page to previous owner. $45.00 (View Picture) SOLD- BHIGHLY RECOMMEND GETTING A COPY AT HTTP://GYROJET.NET

804 RIFLEMAN’S GUIDE TO RIMFIRE AMMUNITION - Steven Boelter, 352 pages 6” x 9” softcover, about new. $20.00 (View Picture)

803 THE RIFLE SHOOTER - By David Tubbs, 11 time National High Power Rifle Champion, 430 pages 7” x 10” softcover, as new. $15.00 (View Picture)

802 PRACTICAL DOPE ON THE .22 - F.C. Ness, 313 pages 6” x 9” hardbound with dustjacket. G-VG condition. $15.00 (View Picture)

800 THE MUZZLE LOADING CAP LOCK RIFLE - By Ned H. Roberts- A classic reference by noted early shooter, Ned Roberts. High quality Shumway reprint 307 pages 9” x 12” hardbound with dustjacket and mylar cover. $20.00 (View Picture)

799 THE BOOK OF COLT FIREARMS - By R.L.”Larry” Wilson. Second edition, 608 pages 9.5” x 12.25” hardbound with excellent dustjacket. This massive book is an essential reference for anyone who will ever want to research anything related to any Colt firearms. Loaded with data, production info, dates, and great photos, many in color. That said, the author, now deceased, was quite a nefarious character with a colorful history. A preacher’s kid, he was really smart, and got into museums and firearms history at an early age and did a wonderful exhibit in the Hartford Museum circa 1962 “Samuel Colt Presents” with amazing rarities gathered for the exhibit. (As a teenager, I remember taking the bus into Hartford and seeing it. Totally mind boggling and I swore I would never become a Colt collector as I knew I could never afford anything as nice as those.) That got Wilson’s foot in the door hob-nobbing with rich and famous collectors, which eventually resulted in him defrauding people on numerous gun deals, museum dealings that stink of corruption and fraud, and a lengthy vacation in Club Fed. He also reputedly would provide letters to connect guns to famous people or events, for a fee, with fanciful claims but seldom any real documentation to support the claims. So, yeah, he was a crook, but he did write this excellent book, mostly to stroke the ego of the owner of one of the greatest Colt collections ever assembled. $149.00 (View Picture)

798 .22 CALIBER VARMINT RIFLES - Charles S. Landis, 532 pages 6” x 9” hardbound. One of the classics on this subject area, hard to find. Wolfe reprint, excellent. $22.00 (View Picture)

797 COLT FIREARMS 1836-1960 - James E. Serven classic, 394 pages 9” x 12” hardbound. Wolfe reprint of en essential classic early reference on Colts. Excellent $22.00 (View Picture)

759 VARMINT AND SMALL GAME CARTRIDGES - 1993, 228 pages. Excellent $12.00 (View Picture)

758 ACCURIZING THE FACTORY RIFLE - By M.L. McPherson, 1999, 335 pages 8.5” x 11” paperback, full of gunsmithing info. Excellent $45.00 (View Picture)

757 PRECISION SHOOTING AT 1,000 YARDS - edited by Dave Brennan, 2000, 256 pages 8.5” x 11” softcover. For the serious long range shooter. Excellent $10.00 (View Picture)

756 GAME GUN - By Richard Grozik- 1956, 150 pages 8.5”x 11” hardbound, fine to excellent. Classic double guns. $5.00 (View Picture)

755 U.S. MILITARY BOLT ACTION RIFLES - By Bruce Canfield, 429 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound, 2010. Exceptionally well done and comprehensive. About new. $125.00 (View Picture)

754 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BUFFALO HUNTERS & SKINNERS - Compiled by Miles Gilbert, Leo Remiger and Sharon Cunningham, 286 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound, 2003. About new except one small ding on one corner. $35.00 (View Picture)

753 OLD WEST AND COWBOY ACTION SHOOTING (Lot of TWO) - 1- ACTION SHOOTING COWBOY STYLE- By John Taffin, 1999, 320 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound with dusthajacket, excellent. 2- SHOOTING BUFFALO RIFLES OF THE OLD WEST- by Mike Venturino, 278 pages 8.5” x 11” softcover, published in 2002, excellent. BOTH for only $35.00 (View Picture)

751 THE AMERICAN PERCUSSION SCHUETZEN RIFLE - By Tom Rowe and J. Hamilton, 2004, 384 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound with dustjacket, excellent. A highly respected study of that specialty. $85.00 (View Picture)

749 HANDGUNS OF THE WORLD - 704 pages 8.5” x 11” hardcover with good dustjacket. Massive definitive work on the subject from the historical and technical point of view. Profusely illustrated with photos and detailed drawings. Includes basic disassembly and assembly info and loading and firing for just about every cartridge handgun made before the end of the 10th century. Used copy with a little soiling and shelf wear and dust jacket is pretty rough but taped back together. Wonderful reference that belongs in every collector library. $30.00 (View Picture)

748 HISTORY OF SMITH & WESSON - Roy G. Jinks- "Revised 10th Anniversary Edition" on the dustjacket, but more truthfully is just the printing of the same text as the original 1977 first printing of this classic reference on S&W done 10 years later. Loads of great information with more depth than the more recent, but also essential, Standard Catalog of S&W by Supica & Nahas. Nice clean copy, near new. $15.00 (View Picture)

747 BRITISH PATTERN 1914 and U.S. MODEL 1917 RIFLE- LOT OF TWO BOOKS - 1- PATTERN 1914 and U.S. MODEL 1917 RIFLES- By Charles “Skip” Stratton, For Collectors Only series, 153 pages 6” x 9” softcover, like new. Excellent coverage of BOTH models. 2- US. RIFLE MODEL OF 1917-by my friend C.S. “Nick” Ferris, 213 pages 6" x 9" soft cover. A thoroughly researched and documented history of the U.S. Model 1917 "Enfield" rifles to answer the many questions that have remained unanswered for so many years. As with all his books, Nick Ferris has done a superb job tracking down original source documents and secondary materials and relevant examples of the arms themselves. He provides info on inspection markings that has never been available before and he makes as much sense as can be made out of conflicting production numbers. Of course he covers most of the accessories and appendages as well. About new condition. BOTH for only $39.00 (View Picture)

745 THE HISTORY OF WINCHESTER FIREARMS (5th revised edition) - By Duncan Barnes, 237 pages 8” x 10” hardcover with excellent dustjacket. This is one of the most useful reference books on Winchesters up to 1980 with a lot of excellent historical information and details on each model made. Not as comprehensive as the huge books by George Madis, or the specialized books on a specific model, but for most users, this is all you need to know. $15.00 (View Picture)

744 BOWIE KNIVES by Robert Abels - The pioneering study on the subject by prominent early New York City arms dealer Robert Abels. 48 pages 6” x 9” softcover, used vg-fine. $8.00 (View Picture)

743 American Military Belts and Related Equipments - Stephen Dorsey's excellent study of belts and stuff that attached to them from about 1838 through 1898. 129 pages, paperback 8.5" x 11".Used near new. Important reference, by author who has studied and written extensively on this sort of gear, and written several other books on the topic. $10.00 (View Picture)

742 LOT OF TWO COMPETITIVE SHOOTING BOOKS - By Glen Zediker 1- THE COMPETITIVE AR-15: THE MOUSE THAT ROARED, 286 pages, 7” x 10” softcover, 1998, excellent 2- HANDLOADING FOR COMPETITION: MAKING THE TARGET BIGGER. 444 pages 7” x 10” softcover about new. BOTH for only $95.00 (View Picture)

741 THE ART OF RIMFIRE ACCURACY - By Bill Calfee, 721 pages 6” x 9” softcover. About new condition. $35.00 (View Picture)

738 AR-15 ACCURACY PACKAGE DEAL- TWO BOOKS - 1- THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO AR-15 ACCURACY by Derrick Martin and Barrett Tillman, 278 pages 6” x 9” published in 2000 about new condition. 2- BLACK MAGIC: THE ULTRA ACCURATE AR-15 by John Feamster, 1998, 290 pages 6” x 9” excellent. BOTH for only $25.00 (View Picture)

737 U.S. CARBINES, WARTIME PRODUCTION (5th ed)- - By Craig Reisch, FOR COLLECTORS ONLY, 211 page 6” x 9” paperback, about new. I prefer Larry Ruth’s definitive War Baby series, but lots of people like this one which is cheaper, smaller and easy to use. About new condition. $25.00 (View Picture)

736 HATCHER’S BOOK OF THE GARAND- - by Maj. Gen. Julian S. Hatcher, 292 pages 6” x 9” hardbound, 1983 reprint of the original 1948 edition. A classic detailed history of the M1 Garand’s origins and history up to that time. Excellent condition. $75.00 (View Picture)

735 THE SPORTING RIFLE AND ITS PROJECTILES - by LT. James Forsyth, assistant conservator of forests in India. 132 pages 6” x 9” hardbound. Facsimile reprint fo the 1863 classic of interest to big game hunters, published in London. Excellent. $10.00 (View Picture)

734 PRINCPLES AND PRACTICE OF LOADING AMMUNITION - by George Naramore, 952 pages 6” x 9” hardbound, original 1954 edition published in 1954 by Samworth. A classic and extremely respected, highly technical and historically insightful work by a guy who was a major player in ammo and small arms in the Bridgeport and Hartford Ordnance Districts in WW2. VG-fin condition. $85.00 (View Picture)

732 RIFLES OF COLONIAL AMERICA - by George Shumway, 1980, 382 page 8.5” x 11” hardbound with nice dustjacket in mylar cover. One stain on dustjacket near bottom of spine per photo. Excellent condition. Shumway was a dedicated author and publisher in the height of interest in American long rifles, and his books are classics. NOTE- There were both a Volume I and Volume II of this title, sometimes sold as a set. Volume II is available on line at prices starting around $150, and the two volues together at $500 and up. However, the only loose copies of Volume I are priced at OVER $1,000, which is absurd. We are offering Volume I by itself for the very reasonable price of $149.00 (View Picture)

731 Lot of TWO PARKER SHOTGUN BOOKS - A- Parker, America’s Finest Shotgun, by Peter Johnson, 260 page 6” x 9” hardcover, 3rd edition 1985. About new condition B- Parker Guns- Catalog (reprint)32 pages 6” x 9” soft covers, about new. BOTH for only $20.00 (View Picture)

661 AMERICAN MILITARY SHOULDER ARMS by George Moller HARDBOUND VOLUME 3 - This series is THE DEFINITIVE work on U.S. martial longarms, especially those other than the more common Springfield types. I cannot praise this set highly enough for their unsurpassed research and detail and accuracy. Moller completed the first three volumes before he died. Much of Volume 4 getting into the post-Civil War breechloader era was in advanced draft stage, but sadly will probably never be published. He had anticipated that a fifth volume wold be needed to close out his planned coverage. Fortunately, the three volumes are relatively available, but ONLY IN SOFT COVER (and some are by “print on demand” operations) The hard cover editions are in great demand for serious collectors and users as a much better investment for long term use than the paperbacks Like Charles Clawson’s “big book” on M1911 Colt .45 Service Pistols, the demand for hard copies of this set will drive prices to seemingly absurd levels. Hardbound copies of volumes 1 and 2 are running about $500 and up (for both). Volume 3 covers the more popular Civil War era arms, and very few copies were printed hardbound, and they almost never turn up on the secondary market. Serious U.S. martial longarm collectors NEED this set! If you don’t want to make a long term investment in a hard copy set, then at least get the paperback while you still can. We have a spare 2011 HARDBOUND Volume 3- “Flintlock Alterations and Muzzleloading Percussion Shoulder Arms 1840-1865”- At 611 page on heavy printed stock, this is simply too big (and important) a book to survive much use as a paperback. This covers federal and state issued and altered arms, with some information on Confederate alterations, all of the Civil War regulation and contract produced muzzleloading arms, etc. (Breechloading carbines, etc will be in the next volume.) Appendices include much information on the distribution arms to the militias, and also post-Civil War disposal of the massive number of surplus arms. New copy, sealed in shrink wrap. Volume 3 hardbound- Someday people will fondly recall when the price for this was “only” $375.00 (View Picture)

945 CARLOS HATHCOCK, WHITE FEATHER, USMC SCOUT-SNIPER - 275 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound with like new dust jacket. By Norm and Roy Chandler, close personal and professional associates of Gunny Hathcock. They wrote this excellent book on the humble man who was a deadly accurate warrior who achieved great results in competition and in combat. His 93 confirmed kills in Vietnam and Vietnam service are well recorded in Charles Hendeson’s “Marine Sniper” so while there is some overlap, this is more about the humble man and his unsurpassed contributions to USMC sniper program. Hathcock’s service in Vietnam was worthy of the Medal of Honor for which he was nominated, but was inadequately recognized by a Silver Star. He was quite happy with that, as he “was just doing his job” and shunned recognition, like most true heroes. I had the pleasure and honor of meeting him several times. This copy is in like new condition, and in addition to the preprinted signatures of the authors and Hathcock on the inside flyleaf, it has a hand autograph from Norm Chandler. Although published by IronBrigade Armory, this is not a part from the Death From Afar series, but closely related to it, with some of the proceeds benefitting Hathcock when published. $85.00 (View Picture)

809 A CENTURY OF DISHONOR: - THE CLASSIC ACCOUNT OF OUR GOVERNMENT’S MISTREATMENT OF NATIVE AMERICANS Helen Jackson, 514 pages 5” x 8” softcover excellent. This is a reprint of the 1881 original, which the author intended “to do for Indians what Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin did for Blacks. It describes the poor treatment of seven Native American tribes in her book; the Delaware, the Cheyenne, the Nez Perce, the Sioux, the Poncas, the Winnebagoe, and the Cherokee and coverage of three shameful massacres. $10.00 (View Picture)

807 40 MILES A DAY ON BEANS AND HAY: THE ENLISTED SOLDIER FIGHTING THE INDIAN WARS - Don Rickey- classic account of the Cavalry during the Indian War era. 382 poage 6” x 9” soft cover, excellent $10.00 (View Picture)

806 CUSTER TWOFER - 1- CAVALIER IN BUCKSKIN: Custer and the Western Military Frontier by Robert Utley, one of the foremost western military historians. 226 pages 6” x 9” soft cover excellent. 2- LITTLE BIGHORN BATTLEFIELD- National Park Service guide to the battlefield and battle. 112 pages 6” x 9” soft cover excellent. BOTH for only $10.00 (View Picture)

935 U.S. KRAG BAYONETS: HISTORY, VARIATIONS, MODIFICATIONS - By Donald J. Hartman. Privately published in 2008, 311 pages about 8.5” x 11” hardbound with dustjacket. Profusely illustrated, mostly in color with crisp photos of the bayonets, blueprints, vintage photos showing them in use, etc. This is an exceptionally well researched book on a specific subject, and will stand as the definitive work on the subject. Every detail of the Krag bayonets and scabbards is covered, along with much on their issue and use. Even the West Point cadet variations, both the early short versions and the later chrome plated ones which served until the M14 rifles arrived at the Corps of Cadets. This is a new copy, signed by the author. List price is $110.00, but our price is only $85.00 (View Picture)

1088 AMERICAN MILITARY EQUIPAGE 1851-1872 COMPLETE TWO VOLUME SET - Frederick P. Todd, et al. This important work representing the combined knowledge of some of the most advanced members of the respected Company of Military Historians. It has a confusing history, so pay attention. The Company began publication in three small volumes, the first covering U.S. regulars, the second covering Confederate Army and the third covering U.S. and C.S. Navy and Marines, and began to get into state troops (A-C). Each section covers clothing, insignia and decorations, small arms, accoutrements, and horse furniture. At that point, they decided to change format, and finished the set with a massive volume with all the state forces, and called it Volume 2, and created a massive Volume 1 with all the material from the original three volumes except the state forces which had been moved to Volume 2. Got all that? Volume I (602 pages 8.5” x 11”, hardcover) is especially useful as a reference for overall uniform and equipment details with numerous exceptional line drawings, and photos to illustrate most items discussed. Especially important is the section dealing with imported small arms used by both sides, which I consider to be the best summary anywhere, notably for the helpful illustrations to identify various foreign arms. Volume 2 (729 pages 8.5” x 11”, hardcover) contains the state by state listing of each regiment and a summary of their uniforms, flags, and small arms with an overview of the states’ general policies. Most importantly it lists the types of arms used by each unit, painstakingly compiled from the Quarterly Reports of Ordnance submitted by each unit. Both volumes are out of print, and the combined Volume I is especially hard to find. This is a used set overall very good condition, but with somewhat tired dust jackets. Very worthwhile reference for the arms or militaria collector. Only the second time we have ever been able to offer both volumes. Very highly recommended for anyone interested in Civil War era arms and equipment. $135.00 (View Picture)

993 "GUNS" MAGAZINE- TWO FULL YEARS 1959-1960 - From back in the height of exploding interest in firearms as collectibles, not just hunting tools. Filled with interesting stories by some of the great classic authors for entertaining and informative reading. The best features is their justification for getting a time machine so you can go back and snap up some of the most inresible bargains on surplus stuff you can imagine. 24 issues January 1959 thru December 1960 for less than 50 cents a copy. Such a deal! $10.00 (View Picture)

972 WINCHESTER SALES MANUAL- 1938 - 66 pages 8.5" x 11" softcover. 1970 reprint of the scarce original Not a price list or catalog, but rather a detailed description of Winchester history and the evolution of their products. Lots of details and detailed mechanical drawings ot the major models available in 1938 and selling points on their features and info on things like headspace and takedown mechanisms. Used fine. Not "advertising" but info to ensure Winchester salesmen had lots of accurate info to help earn sales. $15.00 (View Picture)

888 U.S. SNIPING HISTORY SET- FOUR VOLUMES BY PETER SENICH - Peter Senich does a good job on U.S. sniping history, from a slightly different approach than the much more detailed works by LTC Norm Chandler who was intimately involved in the USMC program. Senich’s books are a bit easier to read in a more narrative fashion where Chandler is more details and less organized. A highly recommended set, but real historians need both sets. All hardbound 8.5” x 11” with like new dust jackets. The Complete Book of U.S. Sniping- 280 pages, 1988. The One Round War- 372 pages, 1996. The Long Range War- 268 pages 1994. USMC Scout-Snipers WWII and Korea- 230 pages, 1993. Set of four volumes for $120.00 (View Picture)

887 DEATH FROM AFAR- USMC SNIPING History- COMPETE SET OF FIVE VOLUMES - By LTC Norm CHANDLER, USMC (Ret), now builder of some of the world’s finest sniper rifles at Iron Brigade Armory, and while on active duty head of USMC sniper training and rifle team armorer operations. He knows the men, the gear, the doctrine, the capabilities, and the history and we are fortunate that he has preserved all that in these five volumes, along with a lot of information from other key individuals. This is a detailed view from inside the USMC sniper world. HIGHLY recommended. Chandler is also “double distinguished in both rifle and pistol competition. The five volumes are previously owned but as new condition. Most are out of print now. An essential set for collectors or historians interested in U.S and especially USMC sniping history. $285.00 (View Picture)

795 SHARPS RIFLE- THE GUN THAT SHAPED AMERICAN DESTINY - By Martin Rywell- 156 pages 6” x 9” softcover. A pioneering attempt to gather info on Sharps firearms. A few pages of introductory history but the rest is mostly copies of catalogs, patents, ordnance reports, etc. First published in 1957, this was very valuable, but obsolete when Frank Sellers came out with his 358 page “Sharps Firearms” in 1978 which was the definitive history until a few years ago when Roy Marcot et al began delivering a massive multi-volume set. CHEAP history and a quick overview of the topic. Used VG. $5.00 (View Picture)

794 THE MODERN KENTUCKY RIFLE: HOW TO BUILD YOUR OWN - By Robert H. McCrory, 71 pages 5.5” x 8” softcover with two large folded pages with full size drawings for a Kentucky Rifle and pistol. This is the 1968 edition. Basically a step by step instruction book for making a Kentucky rifle with helpful photos or drawings showing most steps and using little more than hand tools. While the process is pretty solid info, the designs fall short of “golden age” rifles. A similar book by master William Buchele “Recreating the Kentucky Rifle” has really superb plans and is highly recommended. A beginner would do well to get BOTH and study carefully before buying a plain stock and relatively short barrel and decent lock for their first attempt. The second will be a whole lot easier, faster and better. (DAMHIK). McCrory book with drawings $10.00 (View Picture)

792 U.S. HANDGUNS OF WORLD WAR II - By my friend Charles Pate, 368 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound with color covers. This is an essential reference for U.S. military arms collectors interested in WW2. Pate’s usual outstanding research into every detail has found mention of dozens of lesser known guns which were used by the military, along with details on your familiar favorites including markings, serial number ranges, procurement totals and dates and usage. There is a whole lot more the WW2 handguns than must the Model 1911A1 pistols! Excellent condition, near new except slight rubbing on the back cover if you look closely. $49.00 (View Picture)

791 FINE GUNMAKING: DOUBLE SHOTGUNS - By Steven Dodd Hughes, 167 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound with dustjacket, excellent to like new. A highly respected custom maker of doubles shares some insights and examples. $15.00 (View Picture)

790 THE STORY OF POPE’S BARRELS - By Ray M. Smith, 211 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound, Stackpole 1960. Harry M. Pope was probably the greatest barrel maker of all time, as well as a superb shot, and irascible character who intimidated many, but was beloved and worshiped by the best shooters. Elmer Keith commented very favorably on a nice afternoon spent with Pope at Camp Perry. He was also the inspiration for an amusing/ series of stories in a popular magazine about a cranky old gunsmith. Pope moved to San Francisco to open a shop there, but his timing was really bad, as the earthquake in 1906 destroyed his shop set to open the next day, so he eventually returned to the east coast. Used VG condition. $35.00 (View Picture)

789 THE LEE-ENFIELD STORY - By Ian Skennerton, 503 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound with dustjacket and mylar cover. This is the second of Skennerton’s definitive books on Lee Enfield. The “British Service Lee” was the first at 410 pages, and an excellent book. This is the second expanded version from 1993 with a lot of added information. In 2007 he came out with “The Lee-Enfield” with 608 pages, expanded mostly with info on post WW2 production and various commercial and target variations. A fanatical Enfield collectors needs the 2007 version, but even the first is sufficient for someone with a general interest in British military weapons. This, the middle of the series is good for a serious collector, but not too interested in the post war variations. Thisparticular copy was exposed to moisture and the pages have that wrinkly feel from dampness, but not moldy or anything, and no damage at all to the print or photos. This is a copy you can use as a reference when your fingers are greasy and not feel guilty about soiling a pristine book. Cheapest copy of this on ABEbooks is $125, but our bargain price is only $45.00 (View Picture)

788 THE BEST OF U.S. MILITARY KNIVES BAYONETS & MACHETES BY M.H. COLE - Ed by Michael W. Silvey, 334 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound with dustjacket and mylar protector, about new condition. Basically combines the great Info from Cole’s U.S. Military Knives, Bayonets & Machetes volumes 3 and 4 into a single volume for easier use. Very highly recommended. Near new condition. Yeah, it is not a cheap book, but the information will make you money in the long run. $325.00 (View Picture)

787 THE PENNSYLVANIA-KENTUCKY RIFLE - By Henry J. Kauffman, 374 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound with good dustjacket. An excellent introduction to the subject to realize the depth of the field and existence of subtle nuances and details of regional “schools” which other authors have explored in great detail- if you want to get into that level of detail. Overall fine. $15.00 (View Picture)

786 ENGRAVED POWDER HORNS OF FRENCH & INDIAN & REVILUTIONARY WAR ERA - By Nathan Swayze, 235 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound with color covers. A fascinating study of these historical objects which convey a lot of information about who, when and where they were made, often one of handful of objects that can be directly connected with a specific campaign Great photos, and also drawings by Don Troiani. About fine condition. $95.00 (View Picture)

785 THE KRAG RIFLE - By William S. Brophy, 258 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound with excellent dustjacket. Some aging to the paper. This and Frank Mallory’s book on Krags are the two standard references, each with a little that the other does not cover, but either one will fill an essential place in a U.S. martial arms collection library, while an advanced collector may want to get both eventually. $110.00 (View Picture)

784 SIX GUNS by Elmer Keith - 335 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound with dustjacket. 1995 classic reprinted in 1992 by Wolfe. Excellent. $24.00 (View Picture)

783 THE ART OF ENGRAVING - By James B. Meek-196 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound with good dustjacket. Okay, most of us lack the skill to ever be a decent engraver, but it sure is fun to see what talented artists can do, with explanations on how to do it. A fantastic book, published by Brownells with work by many of the greatest engravers shown. Excellent. $35.00 (View Picture)

782 HAWKEN RIFLES- LOT OF TWO - 1- HAWKEN RIFLES: THE MOUNTAIN MAN’S CHOICE by John Baird, 95 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound with good dustjacket. Pages starting to yellow, otherwise very good. 2- FIFTEEN YEARS IN THE HAWKEN LODE by John Baird, 120 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound with good dustjacket. Pages starting to yellow, otherwise very good. BOTH FOR ONLY $49.00 (View Picture)

780 SHOOTING COLT SINGLE ACTIONS: IN ALL STYLES, CALIBERS AND GENERATIONS - B Mike Venturino, 205 pages 8.5” x 11” soft cover. Title says it all, from a guy who knows his stuff and what people need to know. Near new condition. Out of print and high demand. $49.00 (View Picture)

779 GUNS AND THE GUNFIGHTERS - By the editors of Guns and Ammo, 224 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound with torn dustjacket. Old west through the 1920s, a compilation of lots of articles by various well recognized writers on arms and shooting. VG-fine. $10.00 (View Picture)

778 CHECKERING AND CARVING OF GUNSTOCKS - By Monty Kennedy, 336 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound. Insights on the subject from noted experts with lots of photos and patterns. First published by Samworth in 1952, updated in 1962 and reprinted by Stackpole. VG-fine condition. $15.00 (View Picture)

777 OLD GUNSIGHTS: A COLLECTOR’S GUIDE 1850-1965 - By Nick Stroebel, 320 pages 8.5” x 11” softcover, 1998. An exceptionally useful reference to identify old sights by maker and model and what they fit, and also info on values (somewhat out of date, but a good starting point.) Excellent condition. $42.00 (View Picture)

776 L.C. SMITH SHOTGUNS by William S. Brophy - 244 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound with somewhat soiled dustjacket otherwise fine. Beinfeld 1977. A history of the company and its various models done with the exceptional attention to detail for which Brophy is noted. $85.00 (View Picture)

774 ADVANCED GUNSMITHING - By W.F. Vickery- 422 pages 6” x 9” hardbound. Wolfe reprint of the 1940 Samworth classic. New condition. This book has been reprinted multiple times, usually in cheap paperback form, but this is a sturdy hardback. ".A manual of instruction in the manufacture, alteration and repair of firearms in so far as the necessary metal work with hand and machine tools is concerned. With chapters on the boring, rifling and chambering of barrels. For amateur and professional gunsmiths. With original illustrations by Oliver B. Hamilton." Chapters include: Shop equipment; Barrel changing and its adjustments; Chambering, boring and reaming tools; Rifling tools and the rifling of barrels; Reboring and rechambering old rifles; Action work and alterations; Sights, scopes and small parts; Shotgun repairs; Problems of .22 and other rim-fire rifles; Revolver and automatic pistol jobs; Cleaning, clearing and lapping barrels; Working with hand tools; Notes on firing-pins; Soldering and brazing; Forging and welding; Heat treatment of steel; Blueing of firearms; Cartridge case and bullet dies; Loading tool accessories and appliances;” $15.00 (View Picture)

773 CAST BULLETS - By COL E.H. Harrison, 144 pages 8.5” x 11” softcover. A NRA publication filled with info on bullet casting and reloading and shooting with cast bullets. Used excellent. $5.00 (View Picture)

772 SPG LUBRICANTS BLACK POWDER CARTRIDGE RELOADING PRIMER (4th Edition 2002) - By Mike Venturino and Steve Garbe, about 120 pages 6” x 9” spiral bound. $22.00 (View Picture)

771 SPG LUBRICANTS BLACK POWDER CARTRIDGE RELOADING PRIMER (1st Edition 1992) - By Mike Venturino and Steve Garbe, about 120 pages 6” x 9” spiral bound. $22.00 (View Picture)

769 SIERRA BULLETS RELOADING MANUAL (with slipcase) - 350 pages 6” x 9” published in 1971. This has the MOST BEAUTIFUL EMBOSSED COVER of any book I have seen, even surpassing Meadow’s holster book and Frasca’s Trapdoor. Just buy it for the art value if you like, but the real value is in the reloading information for use with jacketed bullets. $15.00 (View Picture)

768 LOADING THE BLACK POWDER RIFLE CARTRIDGE - By Paul Matthews, 122 pages 6” x 9” hardbound. Like new condition. $15.00 (View Picture)

767 THE KENTUCKY RIFLE - By Merrill Lindsay, 7.5” x 10.5” about 100 pages. This was a joint project with the York County, PA, Historical Society on a 1972 exhibition of 67 of the finest examples of “Kentucky” rifles, many of which were made centered on the York area. Superb photos to enjoy these beautiful guns. VG-Fine. $20.00 (View Picture)

766 THE MODERN SHOTGUN (2 volumes in slip case) - By Major Sir Gerald Burrard, originaly written in 1931, this is a circa 1960 updated edition. Roughly 900 pages about 6” x 9” hardbound. A great, classic reference on shotguns, with emphasis on doubles. First volume is mainly the guns, and second covers ammunition. Excellent condition with slight rubbing on the slipcase. $20.00 (View Picture)

765 REMINGTON MODERN FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION CATALOG NUMBER 107 (dated 1923) - 192 pages about 6” x 9”. Now 100 years old, this catalog was printed on cheap paper which is yellowed and brittle. The cover is detached, but everything is there. 192 pages. Survival rate on these is very low, and this would be a great addition to a display of vintage Remington arms or ammo. $20.00 (View Picture)

764 THE BREECH-LOADING SINGLE SHOT RIFLE - y Ned Roberts and Ken Waters. 323 pages 8” x 10” hardcover about new condition. An updated 1987 edition of the earlier 1967 classic loaded with info on serious target shooting in the black powder era. $40.00 (View Picture)

763 THE M1903 SPRINGFIELD RIFLE AND ITS VARIATIONS (For Collectors Only Series) - By Joe Poyer, 440 pages 6” x 9” softcover, NEW condition. Loads of info, with many different types and model designations invented by the author. I prefer to stick with Brophy for M1903 matters, but many people like this series, and it is smaller and cheaper, and the Poyer book is very popular. $35.00 (View Picture)

762 COLT .45 GOVERNMENT MODELS (COMMERCIAL SERIES) 1912-1970 (Second Edition) - INCLUDING SUPER .38 AND .22 MODELS, PLUS NORWEGIAN AND ARGENTINE COPIES By Charles Clawson. 230 pages, 7” x 10” hardbound, this is the second edition published in 2005. This is the volume dedicated to commercial and foreign military versions of the Model 1911 pistol (as opposed to the “big book” for U.S. military models and the smaller “Collectors Guide”.) Clawson’s work is superb and these are all definitive reference books. Yes, they are a bit expensive, but very much worth it! NEW condition. $275.00 (View Picture)

761 PARKER GUNS, THE OLD RELIABLE: - A CONCISE HISTORY OF THE FAMOUS AMERICAN SHOTGUN MANUFACTURING COMPANY, by Ed Muderlak, 1997, 270 pages 8.5” x 11” hardcover with dustjacket excellent. $55.00 (View Picture)

760 WILDCAT CARTRIDGE VOLUME II - 1992, 971 pages 8.5” x 11” softcover, publixhed by Wolf. More than I ever wanted to know about wildcat cartridges, but some people must certainly want to know everything in here. Used fine-excellent. $49.00 (View Picture)

590 THE GREAT BOOK OF GUNS: An illustrated history of military, sporting and antique firearms, by Chris McNab - 446 pages 9.5” x 12” hardbound with good dustjacket. That’s a pretty broad title, but the book actually does an excellent job on military arms, a pretty good job on older civilian arms, but is a bit short on 20th century sporting rifles. A lot more, and a lot better than I expected from a “coffee table book.” A good overview and refresher on firearms in general. Overall fine condition. $5.00 (View Picture)

589 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF WEAPONRY by Ian Hogg - 224 pages 9.5” x 13” hardbound with fair dustjacket, overall fine. Another “coffee table” work from Hogg, but as usual, filled with good history and great illustrations It covers everything from spears to rifles, artillery, tanks and aircraft. $5.00 (View Picture)

585 Flaydermans Guide to Antique American Firearms and their values-6th edition - 640 pages 8.5” x 11” softcover. EVERY GUN COLLECTOR NEEDS A COPY OF FLAYDERMAN’S GUIDE!!! It will not be reprinted or updated since the author’s death in 2013, but the historical facts, model identification information, and especially the sound advice for arms collectors in general, and for the specialized fields is truly immortal. This is the 1994 edition, and the covers are ratty and some pages dog eared, but the information is still all there, and well worth the time to read and ponder. The values are outdated, but still very helpful to tell if something is common or a rarity. Cheap copy to throw under the seat in the car for ready reference if you stumble across something in your travels. The book is cheap, and the information will repay you many time over on every gun you buy. $5.00 (View Picture)

583 GREAT COMBAT HANDGUNS by Leroy Thompson and Rene Smeets. Ed by John Walter - 256 page 9” x 11” hardbound with dustjacket in mylar protector. Ex-Library book. Aimed at the law enforcement and tactical shooters. Used good. $5.00 (View Picture)

580 HOWDAH TO HIGH POWER: A CENTURY OF BRITISH BREECHLOADING SERVICE PISTOLS (1867-1967) by Robert Maze - 132 pages 8.5” x 11” soft cover. An excellent introductory history, comprehensive, detailed, and readable by a specialist in the field of British military arms. Highly recommended. Previously owned but near new condition. $95.00 (View Picture)

579 ETHAN ALLEN AND ALLEN & WHEELOCK: THEIR GUNS AND THEIR LEGACY by Paul Henry - 230 pages 9” x 11” hardbound with fine dustjacket. The definitive work on these very important bu badly neglected makers. They made just about every type of gun in themed 19th century from cheap muzzle loading single shot boot pistols, rifles and shotguns, and more complicated arms like pepperboxes, revolvers, both percussion and cartridge. Good book! $45.00 (View Picture)

578 SPENCER REPEATING FIREARMS by Roy Marcot - 316 pages 9” x 11” hardbound with mediocre dustjacket that needs to be taped up. This is the 1995 edition. The definitive work on mechanical (not just firearms) genius Christopher M. Spencer. This covers not just his well known civil war repeating carbine, but all the other cool stuff he was involved with, including the first successful pump shotgun (with choke tubes). Except for the tatty dustjacke it is in near new condition. $95.00 (View Picture)

576 COLT: A CENTURY OF ACHIEVEMENT 1836-1936. - Published in 1937 by Colt as a company history and celebration, 96 pages 7” x 9” with soft covers. This is an original, not a reprint, and overall good condition except for corners being a bit dog eared. A great addition to a display of any Colts made before 1936. A good reference to see what the company thought of itself, and to also see in the last pages references to their non-firearms divisions dealing with plastics, electrical devices and commercial dishwashing machines. $18.00 (View Picture)

575 VIS: THE MODEL 35 RADOM PISTOL: including an English transation of the original Polish military manuals, by Terry Lapin - 95 pages 6” x 9” sofcover. A good reference for the collector. Used excellent. $49.00 (View Picture)

503 AN INTRODUCTION TO CIVIL WAR SMALL ARMS by Earl Coates and Dean Thomas - 96 pages 8.5” x 11” softcover. This is an exceptionally well done book filled with a page or so on each of the main muskets, rifles, carbines and handguns used by either side during the war. General comments on their features and effectiveness, based on the author’s long experience firing them as a “skirmisher” and solid research, and augmented with period photos showing them with soldiers who used them. There is also excellent info on the ammunition and accessories and tool. Often overlooked in the back is a very valuable and comprehensive list of the various types of arms and specific unit which used them. Books by Bill Edwards or Bob Reilly have a lot more historical information, but this is a much easier to use summary, especially for someone interested in Civil War arms, such as authors or scholars or even collectors who only intend to get a few representative pieces. Very Highly recommended, and a real bargain for the info contained. $5.00 (View Picture)

502 COLT CAVALRY ARTILLERY & MILITIA REVOLVERS 1873-1903 by Keith Cochran - 288 pages 8.5” x 10” hardbound. Missing dustjacket, otherwise excellent plus. $35.00 (View Picture)

501 U.S. MILITARY ARMS PACKAGE DEAL FOR FIVE GOOD BOOKS! - These are all highly respected references and belong in any U.S. martial arms collector’s library. All 6” x 9” soft covers in VG-fine condition. 1- ARMS FOR THE NATION: SPRINGFIELD LONGARMS by David Clark-Inscribed by the publisher, Scott Duff to the previous owner. Covers the “Epochal Types”: M1795 flint musket; M1842 percussion musket; M1855 rifled musket; M1866 Allin Trapdoor; M1892 Krag; M1903 Springfield; M1 Garand and M14 rifle. 2- THE ROCK ISLAND ’03 by C.S. “Nick” Ferris, 59 pages. Lots of books on Springfield M1903s, but this is the only one focused on Rock Island production. 3- SPRINGFIELD MODEL 1903 SERVICE RIFLE PRODUCTION AND ALTERATION 1905-1910 by C.S. Ferris and John Beard. 66 pages. Two acknowledged experts unravel the jumble of information and chaotic action at a time when they were making new rifles and updating existing rifles while changing from the rod bayonet to 1905 configuration, and changing from .30-03 caliber to .30-06. You will still be confused and the rifles mostly refuse to conform to any exact expectation, but they were making guns for soldiers, not for picky collectors. 4- UNITED STATES RIFLE MODEL OF 1917 by C.S. “Nick” Ferris, 213 pages. Far superior to Ian Skennerton’s dated U.S. Enfield book, and very thoroughly researched. Bruce Canfield is nearing completion of a new book on the M1917 rifles, which should be up to his usual outstanding quality, but Ferris’ book is excellent. 5- KNOW YOUR .45 AUTO PISTOLS MODELS 1911 & A1 by E.J. Hoffschmidt, 65 pages. Get Clawson’s big book for everything, but this is an excellent overview of everything about these pistols, including variations like .22 and match guns, with clear and useful illustrations and will be all most collectors need unless they want to get into every maker and variation of the 1911. THE LOT OF FIVE BOOKS AS A PACKAGE DEAL only $65.00 (View Picture)

499 KNOW YOUR CZECHOSLOVAKIAN PISTOLS- OWNERS MANUAL by R. J. Berger - 96 pages6” x 9” softcover, filled with good info on all sorts of Czech made semi-auto pistols up to the CZ-82, but including small pocket pistols in addition to military models. Good little reference book. Used VG-fine. $75.00 (View Picture)

498 AUTOMATIC ARMS BY M.M. JOHNSON AND CHARLES HAVEN - Published in 1941 with 645 pages 6.5” x 9.5” hardbound. This is a pretty good history of automatic arms by a guy who invented some, and a guy who wrote a respected history of the Colt company. Complete with numerous fold out plates in the back. Printed on cheap WW2 wartime paper which is yellowing. Until the appearance of Chinn’s multi-volume Machine Gun set, this was pretty much the pinnacle of published knowledge on machine guns. Like most copies, this one shows yellowed and brittle pages, faced and scuffed covers and edges, but still a good reading and reference copy. $10.00 (View Picture)

497 THE LUGER PISTOL by Fred Datig - Published in 1955 with 208 pages 6” x 9” hardbound with very tired dust jacket. In the early days of gun collecting, this was one of the first serious attempts to provide information on the Luger pistols, thousands of which had been brought home by WW2 veterans who knew almost nothing about the differences among them. Belongs in any Luger collector’s library, although Jan Still and others have provided more recent and more thoroughly research volumes with much more information. Used, G-VG except dustjacket. $18.00 (View Picture)

496 THE REISING SUBMACHINE GUN STORY by Frank Iannamico - 212 pages 6” x 9” softcover. Excellent coverage on the Modes 50, 55, 60, 65 and MC-58 family of arms invented by Eugene Reising. David Albert’s new (2022) boon on Eugene Reising has much more on the inventor, and a lot of material complementing what is in this book, so it would be good to get both for the full story. $15.00 (View Picture)

494 SS WALTHER PP/PPK IDENTIFICATION & DOCUMENTS; GOLD EDITION by Steven J. Stepan - 228 pages 6” x 9” softcovers. Filled with data on SS used Walther Pp and PPK pistols, including serial number listing and photos of issue documents. Being able to prove SS use of a pistol usually increases the value a lot more than the price of this book. $149.00 (View Picture)

492 THE P.38 PISTOL by Warren Buxton TWO VOLUMES - Volume I – The Walther Pistol 1930-1945, 328 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound with gold embossed P-38 on cover. 1999. Fine to excellent condition with some white paint transfer from shelves on the bottom edge of covers. Volume II- The Contract Pistols 1940-1945, 247 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound with gold embossed P-38 on cover, 1999. Fine to excellent condition with some white paint transfer from shelves on the bottom edge of cover and a few scuffs on the covers. OUT OF PRINT , BOTH VOLUMES FOR ONLY $275.00 (View Picture)

491 CENTRAL POWERS PISTOLS: THE GREAT WAR PISTOLS OF GERMANY, AUSTRIA-HUNGARY, TURKEY AND BULGARIA - By Jan Still. 454 pages 8.5” x 11” hard bound, 2007. (The Pistols of German and Her Allies in Two World Ward, Volume II) You know the author, you know the high regard for his work with the massive amount of data and quality illustrations, and sadly also the high prices, although ours is well below market price. Excellent plus condition, near new. $295.00 (View Picture)

490 WEIMAR AND EARLY NAZI LUGERS AND THEIR ACCESSORIES - By Jan Still. 312 pages 8.5” x 11” hard bound, 1993 (The Pistols of German and Her Allies in Two World Ward, Volume V) You know the author, you know the high regard for his work with the massive amount of data and quality illustrations, and sadly also the high prices, although ours is well below market price. Excellent plus condition, near new. $375.00 (View Picture)

489 THIRD REICH LUGERS by Jan Still - 291 pages 8.5” x 11” hard bound 1988. (The Pistols of German and Her Allies in Two World Ward, Volume III) This book covers in great detail all Mauser military and police Lugers, some commercial Lugers and some Krieghoff Lugers. For the first time holsters, loading tools, magazines, cleaning rods, conversion units and literature are specifically related to each of the Luger variations. Over 125 Luger variations/sub variations and their accessories are described in detail with text and over 600 photographs. Used excellent to like new. $195.00 (View Picture)

488 AXIS PISTOLS by Jan Still - World War Two 50 Year Commemorative Issue, Dedicated to Those Who Fought in the Great Battles of the Second World War- (The Pistols of German and Her Allies in Two World Ward, Volume II) 360 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound. Privately published in 1989. The indispensible reference for collectors of WW2 era handguns used by Germany, Italy, Japan, and all the occupied nations. Superbly researched and illustrated with extensive data on production and usage, markings, unit markings including military, quasi military and police forces. 360 pages, hardbound. This is the WW2 50 year commemorative edition in gently used condition. If you have this book, you realize how valuable the information is, and if you are not familiar with it, you are missing something that will add immensely to your knowledge and enjoyment as you pursue this collecting niche. Overall excellent, with tiny dirt or paint spot on back cover, pages slightly toning. OUT OF PRINT and in high demand. $350.00 (View Picture)

485 sSIMSON LUGERS: SIMSON & CO SUHL, THE WEIMAR YEARS- SIGNED - By Edward Tinker and Graham Johnson, 203 pages 9” x 12” hardbound with dustjacket, 2007. Good company history including items other than Lugers, but mainly details on their Weimar era Luger production As new copy. SIGNED by author Ed Tinker $69.00 (View Picture)

484 SIMSON LUGERS: SIMSON & CO SUHL, THE WEIMAR YEARS - By Edward Tinker and Graham Johnson, 203 pages 9” x 12” hardbound with dustjacket, 2007. Good company history including items other than Lugers, but mainly details on their Weimar era Luger production As new copy $69.00 (View Picture)

483 THE GREAT REMINGTON 8 AND MODEL 81 AUTOLOADING RIFLES - By John Henwood. 283 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound with dustjacket, 2003 by Collector Grade Publications. Betcha didn’t know that this was one of John M. Browning’s designs! Everything else you want to know about these is in here, along with unexpected info on other contemporary auto-loading rifles and pistol-carbines. Used fine-excellent, OUT OF PRINT. $185.00 (View Picture)

482 THE BREN GUN SAGA - By Thomas Dugelby. 382 pages 9” x 11” hardbound with dustjacket, 1999 revised edition by Collector Grade Publications. Everything you wanted to know about these excellent weapons. Used fine to excellent, OUT OF PRINT and hard to find. $195.00 (View Picture)

481 THE RIFLEMAN’S RIFLE: WINCHESTER MODEL 70 1936-1963 - By Roger C. Rule, 369 pages 8.5” x 11” softcover, 2009. Used VG except for some dog earring on the right front corner and maybe 15 pages. $65.00 (View Picture)

479 GERMAN UNIVERSAL MACHINE GUNS- TWO VOLUME SET BY FOKE MRYVANG FROM COLLECTOR GRADE PUBLICATIONS - (1) GERMAN UNIVERSAL MACHINE GUNS MG34-MG42 [VOLUME 1] By Folke Myrvang. 470 pages 8.5” x 11” hardcover with dustjacket, Collector Grade Publications 2012. (2) GERMAN UNIVERSAL MACHINE GUNS VOLUME II: FROM THE MG08 TO THE MG3 By Folke Myrvang, 487 pages (numbered 471-957 continued from Volume 1) 8.5” x 11” hardbound with dustjacket, Collector Grade Publications, 2012. Together, the definitive study of German “universal” machine guns for which the German army was so famous and effective in both World Wars. Volume 1 is a reprint of the 2002 version, while Volume 2 adds an incredible amount of new information, and includes a huge number of photos in color, which was not feasible when the first volume was originally printed. Both are in excellent, near new condition with excellent dust jackets. OUT OF PRINT. Cheapest version found on ABEbooks were $351 and $213 respectively (total $564). OUR BARGAIN PRICE BOTH VOLUMES FOR $495.00 (View Picture)

478 THE GERMAN ASSAULT RIFLE 1939-1945 - By Peter Senich, 313 pages 8.5” x 11” softcover version of the 1987 classic. Detailed study of the development of the first “assault rifles” during WW2 by Germany including the MK42, MP43 series, StGw 43 and FG42 and their variants and accessories. Gently used, near excellent. $55.00 (View Picture)

476 THE DEVIL’S PAINTBRUSH: SIR HIRAM MAXIM’S GUN - By Dolf Goldsmith. 367 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound with good dustjacket, 1989 by Collector Grade Publications. Best known for the German used Maxim machine guns which made trench warfare so deadly in WW1, this covers the incremental developments leading to that design. But, Maxim was far more than a gun designer. His first patents were for mouse traps and curling irons, and then varied broadly into the fields of steam engines and electrical apparatus. He was a clever inventor of electrical stuff, so good that Thomas Edison paid him $20,000 to go to Europe and promise to not invent any more electrical things! A highly respected historical work by one of the leading authorities in machine guns. Used VG-fine. $135.00 (View Picture)

474 ROUND SHOT AND RAMMERS: - An Introduction to the Muzzle Loading Land Artillery in the United States Harold L. Peterson’s classic and still superb coverage of the topic with hundreds of drawings and construction plans of the cannon and their carriages. Covers the colonial period through the Civil War, including cannons, carriages, tools and accessories. 128 pages about 9” x 12”, 1969 used VG with nice dust jacket in plastic protector. $12.00 (View Picture)

456 THE LEE ENFIELD: A CENTURY OF LEE-METFORD & LEE-ENFIELD RIFLES & CARBINES by Ian Skennerton - 608 pages 8.” x 12” hardcover, 2007. This is the third and most recent version of Skennerton’s definitive works on the Lee Enfields. Each has gotten much larger, with more info, better illustrations and loads more data. It contains virtually everything known, or that you might possibly want to know about the Lee Enfields made in the UK, Canada, US, Australia, India and lesser known makers. And, all their accessories, markings, and on and on. This includes serial numbers, hybrids, components evolution, ammo and an excellent index. This is an excellent, gently used copy from an estate library, which wold almost pass for new. If you collect Enfields, you NEED this book more than any other. Most highly recommended. $75.00 (View Picture)

455 THE AK-47 STORY (HARDBOUND) by Edward C. Ezell (signed) - 256pp. 8" x 9.5" hardbound with dustjacket. Bookplate inscription signed by Ezell presenting it to fomer owner. This begins with a superb account of the Russian military small arms from the earliest days to its printing in 1986. That provides the context for understanding Russian small arms thinking and their adoption of the AK-47. The late Ed Ezell was a respected arms historian, former curator at Smithsonian, and the guy behind the historic meeting between Kalishnikov and Eigene Stoner. Although AK-47s and their semi-auto variants are pretty common now, when the was published very few Americans other than military personnel knew anything about them, other than hearing frequent mention on the news. An important historical work by a distinguished author. Lightly rubbed dustjacket, otherwise excellent, and SIGNED. $25.00 (View Picture)

454 SHARPS FIREARMS- FRANK SELLERS - 358 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound. From its publication in 1982 (this is the 1988 printing) this has been regarded as the authoritative book on all types of Sharps firearms, amazingly comprehensive and detailed. Well illustrated and organized so it is useful for a collector searching for info on a specific model, as well as the fanatic with a bunch of them. In the last few years, Roy Marcot and a team of Sharps collector have begun publishing a 4 or 5 volume series on Sharps firearms which far surpass Frank Sellers’ pioneering work in the depth of research and excruciating details they discuss. If you plan on having several Sharps, you may want to get the new Sharps books as they come out, but for mere mortals with less fanaticism this book will suffice. Used excellent with good dustjacket having a couple of tears and lightly rubbed. Out of print and hard to find with strong demand. $85.00 (View Picture)

451 U.S. INFANTRY WEAPONS OF THE FIRST WORLD WAR- BRUCE CANFIELD - 293 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound with color cover. A book that belongs in the library of any U.S. martial arms collector, or any serious general gun collector. This covers ALL U.S. WWi small arms from bayonets and trench knives thru handguns, rifles, shotguns, machine guns and even trench mortars, including secondary types like the Mosin Nagant, Berthier and Ross, etc. Used near excellent. OUT OF PRINT $95.00 (View Picture)

450 GERMAN MILITARY RIFLES AND MACHINE PISTOLS, 1871-1945- Hans Dieter Goetz - 246 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound. A superb reference on topic, with a lot of details on obscure variants and historical info. Well researched and written with excellent illustrations. Highly recommended. With excellent dustjacket. Would pass for new except for small slit in cloth binding along the bottom seam of the front cover, probably careless opening of a box of books. Not really a problem, but we like to point out any defects rather than have them arrive with surprises. $35.00 (View Picture)

448 MILITARY SMALL ARMS OF THE 20th CENTURY- 6th edition - By Ian Hogg and John Weeks, 1973, 348 pages 8.5” x 11” soft cover. “A comprehensive illustrated encyclopedia of the world’s small caliber firearms- handguns, submachine guns, bolt avtion rifles, automatic rifles, machine guns, anti tank rifles and ammunition.” Similar in coverage of the guns, but lacking the excellent historical overviews and more detailed history and disassembly as found in Small Arms of the World, but still a handy reference at a bargain price. Used fair to good, but price is fantastic! $5.00 (View Picture)

443 WORLD'S FIGHTING SHOTGUNS- THOMAS SWEARINGEN - Hardcover, 504 pages 8.5" x 11" profusely illustrated. First authoritative work that traces the fascinating history of the shotgun as a pure fighting weapon. The complete military and police reference for developments through 1978. This blend of historical and technical analysis is very interesting for the collector or historian, as well as for anyone wanting to understand weapon effectiveness and design criteria. Used excellent with only a couple minor boogers on the dustjacket. $35.00 (View Picture)

441 HANDGUNS OF THE WORLD, E.C. EZELL - Military revolvers and self-loaders from 1870 to 1945. by highly respected expert Edward C. Ezell, 704pp 8.5" x11" Classic, out of print reference loaded with historical information on development, use, assembly, etc. Every pistol collector needs a copy of this superb reference. Excellent condition with excellent dust jacket. $25.00 (View Picture)

439 THE COMPLETE MACHINE GUN 1885-PRESENT - 128 pages 9” x 12” hardbound with somewhat rough dustjacket, 1979. Ian Hogg is a prolific and highly respected author of arms related books, and this is an EXCELLENT coverage of the topic of machine guns, coving the history, various designs and their use. This is not too technical, or at all political, but just great history and context for the topic of machine guns, from automatic rifles to heavy guns like the .50 BMG. Very well illustrated with wartime photos, and superb drawings to make the details easy to understand, most of the illustrations in color. $10.00 (View Picture)

438 COMPLETE GUIDE TO U.S. MILITARY COMBAT SHOTGUNS- BRUCE CANFIELD - The best available coverage of U.S. military combat shotguns (mainly the trench and riot types) along with some coverage on the training types. Good statistical and serial number data, and as always with Canfield's books, well illustrated. This is the updated 2007 version of his earlier shotgun book. The best book on the topic, covering from the earliest guns through the Iraq and Afghanistan. Hard cover, 312 pages 8.5" x 11". A gently used copy, which would almost pass for new. Autographed by Canfield, inscribed to the former owner. $55.00 (View Picture)

436 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF WEAPONS OF WORLD WAR II: - The Comprehensive Guide to over 1,500 Weapons Systems, including Tanks, Small Arms, Warplanes, Artillery, Ships and Submarines. Chris Bishop-general editor. Good photos or art work of virtually all they systems discussed, along with listing of relevant facts. A LOT of very detailed info crammed into 598 ages. A great reference covering allied and axis nations, land, sea and air. 1998, 598 pages 8/.5” x 11” hardbound. Used Fine with good dustjacket. A goldmine of info for only $12.00 (View Picture)

420 SS Walther PP/PPK 1939-1944 by Joachim Goetz & Dieter Marschall - This is the original book on identifying SS used Walther PP and PPK pistols. Paperback 2nd printing by Dieter Marchall and Joachim Gortz. Excellent condition. Printed in German & English. 73 pages paperback, with detailed information covering this popular handgun and specifically their use by the German SS. (Not to be confused with recent work by Thomas Whiteman of Legacy Collectibles on the same topic with similar title.) $20.00 (View Picture)

330 COLT PEACEMAKER ENCYCLOPEDIA by Keith Cochran - 1st Edition. 8" X 10", 434 pages. The world-wide history of the Colt Peacemaker is covered. Covers the evolution of the Peacemaker and technical data on all models, variations, and alterations, Marks described and illustrated, factory and inspectors' marks, a multitude of private marks and cowboys' registers of events. Used, but would pass for new condition. $25.00 (View Picture)

309 U.S. MILITARY FIREARMS 1776-1956, JAMES E. HICKS - My favorite U.S. Martial arms reference book. Approx 212 pages about 88 of them being the unsurpassed detailed line drawings by Andre Jandot. The drawings bring out details not found anywhere else and are most useful for identifying parts and doing restoration work. They include just about every standard model longarm and handgun of the period covered as well as numerous trial and experimental pieces. This 1962 edition is the final one with a bit more content, but essentially same as the earlier 1957 edition with the same title, and very similar to the 1946 version "Notes on United States Ordnance, Volume 1". This book desperately needs to be reprinted. Used, excellent copy, nice and clean, no yellowing, Great dustjacket protected by mylar cover. A absolutely essential book for any U.S. Arms collector. $65.00 (View Picture)

308 IMPORTED MILITARY FIREARMS 1866-1899 by Steve Frey - 100 pages, spiral bound. This is a wonderful historical reference on oddball foreign military rifles and handguns of this period, and loaded with tips on their care and repair. Equally interesting, and found nowhere else are his personal recipes for improvising ammunition for obsolete calibers, even pinfires. I cannot endorse his methods as safe or effective, but point them out as interesting information, such as his indication that .32-20 cases can be the basis to make 8mm Lebel pistol cartridges..... If the gun doesn't have much collector value, and you mainly want to shoot it, then go ahead and read up on polishing and reblueing and that sort of thing. There is a great section on somewhat primitive gunsmithing, refinishing and reloading with really basic equipment. It is useful for the bargain basement bow-wows that most of us cannot resist because they are cheap. With a little practice on these, you can progress to the more sophisticated methods described in the more technical books, and slightly more valuable guns. Long out of print (unfortunately), but we found a copy in an estate sale. Plastic comb binding is slightly damaged, but contents are as interesting and useful as ever. $35.00 (View Picture)

251 THE BOOK OF COLT FIREARMS - By R.L. Wilson, 1993 edition with 608 pages 9.5” x 12” loaded with color photos and info on virtually all Colt firearmsmade up to the date of the original edition published in 1971. In addition to standard grade guns, there are many beautiful guns, often embellished by master artisans. By way of background, “Larry” Wilson was a scoundrel, a convicted felon, and prevaricator. He ingratiated himself with the owners of the finest collections, and swindled the Colt collection, and others, for his own benefit. Reportedly, for a fee, he would write letters authenticating all sorts of historical facts undiscoverable to other researchers. But, ethics aside, he had an incredible knowledge of antique firearms, and did do some great research. Whatever Wilson’s personal shortcomings, his books are interesting and loaded with great photos of great guns. This Book of Colt Firearms is probably still the best single work on Colts, although specialist books on specific models will have more info, and verifiable research sources. For dates of manufacture, production totals, model variations and time lines, this is a very useful book. Previously owned in excellent condition with minor wrinkling on the dustjacket, protected by a mylar cover. Out of print, and at one time these were selling for $600.00, but our price is only $149.00 (View Picture)

262 BAYONETS OF THE REMINGTON CARTRIDGE PERIOD BY JERRY JANZEN - 186 pages 8.5" x 11" hardbound. This superb study by the late Jerry Janzen is a treasure trove of info on military rifles and bayonets circa 1860-1940. It covers all the Remington made band those made for Remington style arms regardless of where they were made. Loads of helpful photos and details to aid in identification. - Angular (Socket) Bayonets, Saber Bayonets, Knife/Sword Bayonets & Cadet Bayonets; Evolution of The Bayonets by Country - Over 50 countries discussed; The Export Firms; Scabbards for the various types of bayonets and their markings; Bayonet Markings; and numerous Appendices. Previously owned but still excellent plus. $65.00 (View Picture)

513 A GUN FOR ALL NATIONS: THE 37MM GUN & AMMUNITION. VOLUME I- 1870-1913 - Robert Mellichamp’s massive work (627 pages, 8.5” x 11” soft covers) is accurately subtitled “A history of 37mm guns, ammunition and manufacturers in 4 volumes from 1870 to the present day.” And it delivers what it promises! This could also be considered a tangential partial biography of a diversely talented and experienced arms inventor, Benjamin B. Hotchkiss, who worked with Colt on revolvers; invented an artillery projectile prior to the Civil War; designed a bolt action repeating rifle for Winchester in the 1870s; and went to Europe to work on artillery designs. There, and later with Vickers and Maxim Hotchkiss developed single shot artillery pieces for Navy and Army use (the ubiquitous 1, 3 and 6 pounders); revolving guns mainly in 37mm; and eventually a 37 machine gun. Hotchkiss’ self contained artillery ammunition introduced in 1870 was the first successfully used in artillery, initially with an external friction primer and cartridge cases made of three pieces riveted together, but later with modern drawn cases and centerfire primers. After some introductory and biographical information on Hotchkiss, the next 250 pages details the myriad 37mm guns designed by Hotchkiss, PLUS those designed by other such as Driggs Seabury, Nordenfelt, Skoda, Krupp, with line drawings of nearly all, and with lots of detailed information on numbers procured, when, from whom, and how employed- naval broadside or fighting top mounts, fortress flank defenses, field carriages, etc, often down to the specific site or vessel. This covers virtually the whole globe, from European powers to backwater nations of Asia or South America. This includes 37mm guns which were used as sub-caliber guns in or on larger guns. There is also some information on subcaliber cartridges used in the 37mm guns (from .22 rimfire up to centerfire rifle or pistol cartridges) and a bit of information on the tools used to reload 37mm cartridges. Pages 263 to 593 detail various types of 37mm ammunition from the many, many nations which used 37mm guns. This includes the initial “one pounder” 37 x 94mmR cartridge up through the one pounder- heavy and up to the 37 x 332mmR Skoda anti-balloon gun of 1908. Dimensioned drawings are provided for the case and projectiles, and in many cases there are details of the fuze as well. I used to think that collecting 37mm ammunition would require maybe 20 rounds for a good collection (from 1870 to the present) but I was totally off base. With another three volumes coming to cover the remaining time, this is a huge field! Remember, they used 37mm guns in the P-39 aircobra, on PT boats, and even in an abortive Gatling gun in recent years, as well as the main gun for the M3 and M5 light tanks, an anti-tank gun, and an anti-aircraft gun. I expect to see all of these in the future volumes of this set. Another 25 pages list all known maker of 37mm cartridges (during the period of this volume 1870-1913) all over the world, which is a great reference source for collectors of any artillery ammunition. This is a truly impressive work, with far more information of interest to the historian or arms collectors with only passing interest in the cartridge themselves than might be expected. For a cartridge collector, it is absolutely essential. Highly recommended reference, sure to be a classic. Second private printing in limited numbers, only $95.00 (View Picture)

522 A GUN FOR ALL NATIONS: THE 37MM GUN & AMMUNITION. VOLUME 2- 1914-1924 - Volume 2 continues Robert Mellichamp’s definitive study of all things 37mm. This covers the period 1914-1924 encompassing World War 1 usage and innovations, and the post-war advancements, including Browning’s entry into the competitive world of 37mm guns, and the growing interest in 37mm mountings in aircraft (and anti-aircraft) use. This is projected to be a four volume set when completed, but so far only Volumes 1 and 2 have been published. This is a truly impressive work, with far more information of interest to the historian or arms collectors with only passing interest in the cartridge themselves than might be expected. For a cartridge collector, it is absolutely essential. Highly recommended reference, sure to be a classic. Second private printing in limited numbers, only $95.00 (View Picture)

1- UNERTL SCOPE INSTRUCTIONS. Photocopy of ultra-rare USMC operating instruction sheet issued with 8X scopes used on ’03 Springfields in WW2 and Korea
2- STITH-KOLLMORGEN TELESCOPIC SIGHT MODEL 4XD-USMC manual, 6 pp 4" x 5 ¾" with cover. Photocopy of ultra-rare original for the Marine Corps MC-1 or MC1952 version ofthe M1C sniper rifle. (SPECIAL- both USMC sniper scope instructions postpaid for $12.00 (View Picture)

13553 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN BOUND VOLUMES - Complete year in sturdy library style buckram bindings with AMERICAN RIFLEMAN and Volume and year on the spine in gold. These came from the estate of a prominent collector and author, but I ran out of room and could only squeeze a few volumes in my vehicle, not the entire library. The 1950s and 1960s were the peak years for great articles and ads in the NRA publication. A lot of good collector oriented articles, lots of new products being introduced by Ruger and others. The surplus ads can caus sobbing and crying looking at the great deals you missed. But, keep these handy in case you find a time machine on eBay and teleport yourself back to the1960s to do some investing. Examples include Astra 400 or 600 $20 and $27 respectively; 1907 Roth Steyr for $30. Weblye .455 mark VI revolver for $35 and the rare .22 conversion unit only $15. K98k Mauser $30 and M1 carbines $66, and Minty 1941 vintage lend lease M1 Garands $79. These are heavy, but I think they can go media mail 13553A- American Rifleman 1960- bound volume all 12 issues- $15 `3553B- American Rifleman 1966- bound volume all 12 issues- $15 SPECIAL- TAKE BOTH OF THEM FOR $25.00 (View Picture)

23145 .30-06 WE HAVE SEEN, VOL II - By Gerald Marcello, 221 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound, with about 40 page supplement issued later with better quality photos. Inscribed by the author to “Morris” who was Morris Pixley, a noted early cartridge collector and dealer, and noted by name on the acknowledgements page. Basically a check list of headstamps and cartridge types and variations and box labels, etc. A highly respected classic reference. Used VG. $35.00 (View Picture)

22730 A Life for A Life: A Memoir: My Career in Espionage Working for the Central Intelligence Agency- By Howard P. Hart - Howard was a senior CIA officer with an amazing career, and we had the honor of helping his family sell his impressive collection of military arms. Each item was accompanied by a copy of his autobiography, and we have a few copies left over. You can read more about his background here Hart_Collection_Bio.html, but we urge you to buy a copy of his autobiography and read it in his own words. If you have a potential patriotic American in your family, give them a copy to read, because they certainly will not learn about people like this in today’s wretched schools. 136 pages, 6” x 9” softcover. FREE SHIPPING ON THESE: $18.00 (View Picture)


7556A - AMERICAN SOCKET BAYONETS By Donald B. Webster, 47 pages 7” x 10” published by Museum Restoration Service in Canada. Endorsed by the Company of Military Historians. Primarily focused on U.S. models, but includes the British, French and German models used during colonial times and the Revolution. Published in 1964, and supplanted by Skennerton’s British & Commonwealth Bayonets and Robert Reilly’s American Socket Bayonets, this is actually a much handier reference and covers the vast majority of American socket bayonets most commonly encountered (or sought) by collectors. Use this first, then dig into the others if necessary. $5.00 (View Picture)

7556B- THE BOOK OF THE SWORD By Richard F. Burton, 299 pages 6” x 9”soft cover with 293 illustrations. A Dover reprint of an 1884 volume which was the firsts (and only) of a projected 3 volume set. This is NOT a book about recent (newer than the 1th century) European military swords, but rather on the early cut and thrust weapons from around the world, pretty much everywhere, from the caveman thru medieval times. Very details and well researched on a highly specialize field. But, you canot appreciate the present without understanding the past. Overall fine. $8.00 (View Picture)

7556F – SNIPER RIFLES OF TWO WORLD WARS – by William H. Tantum, 32 pages 7” x 10” softcover. A nice introduction to Allied and enemy sniping rifles of WW1 and WW2 published by the Canadian Museum Restoration Service. A handy compilation of info on the subject normally found scattered among several other books. $5.00 (View Picture)

7253A - AMERICAN GLADIUS: A STUDY OF THE M9 MULTI-PURPOSE BAYONET SYSTEM By Mack Pattarozzi, 2009, 240 pages 6.25” x 9.25” hardbound. A comprehensive study of the M9 Bayonet adopted in 1986 and still in use after 34 years, making it one of the longest serving U.S. standard issue bayonets. There are an amazing number of variations for collectors to chase with different makers, modifications to various details of the design, etc. This is the best source of info available, and there are collectors who specialize in just this one model of bayonet. (Sick puppies, right?- but you can join them.) There are also several pages devoted to the history of the P-38 can opener to start you on an additional collecting frenzy. Used excellent. $39.00 (View Picture)

7253B - THE WORLD’S GREAT MACHINE GUNS: From 1860 to the Present Day, by Roger Ford. 176 pp 7.5” x 10” hardbound. A well illustrated (many color) “popular history” type book, but exceptionally well illustrated and readable text It covers all types from Gatlings and Gardners to Maxims and STENs and everything in between. If you want every tiny detail, then COL. George Chinn’s 5 volume opus “The Machine Gun” History Evolution and Development of Manual, Automatic, and Airborne Repeating Weapons is what you need. Everyone else will like this book a lot better. Used excellent to near new. $10.00 (View Picture)

7253D - NAVAER 00-80T-52 SAFETY AND SURVIVAL EQUIPMENT FOR NAVAL AVIATORS, 1959. - About 125 pages 8.5” x 11” with board covers and screw posts. Important and comprehensive reference for all USN survival related stuff as of 1959. Flight suits, helmets, emergency radios, rafts, raft equipment, and one of the very few references I have ever found to the U.S. M6 survival gun, the .22 Hornet over .410 shotgun folding design. Used VG-fine. $40.00 (View Picture)

7253E - A STUDY OF COLT CONVERSIONS AND OTHER PERCUSSION REVOLVERS By R. Bruce McDowell, 1997, 463 pp 8.5" x 11" hardbound. Solidly researched and well illustrated, out of print and highly sought after. This book fills the tremendous gap between the well studied percussion revolvers and the later revolvers made specifically as cartridge revolvers such as the 1873 Colt Single Action Army. Besides Colts, this has info on Remington, Starr, Allen & Wheelock, Deane, and others, plus a section on the Rollin White patent "evasion" guns. This is a collecting field that has been overlooked due to the lack of information, and usually priced well below comparable guns made before and after this period. Highly recommended. Used excellent, almost new condition with excellent dust jacket. $110.00 (View Picture)

7253F - ARMOURER’S MARKS By Dudley S. Hawtrey Gyngell, 1959, 139 pages 8.5” x 11” first edition. A very useful reference devoted exclusively to the various symbols, touchmarks, and guild marks used by early makers on firearms, swords, and polearms. These were common when literacy was not, but people could recognize an image of a running fox, a shield with a letter or design, etc, and probably easier to make the dies to stamp them. This is the only readily available compilation of these. There are a few scattered here and there in Gardner’s Small Arms makers, and many in the 3 volume Heer der Neue Stoeckel, Used fin with dustjacket that has some shipping and tears, but is still pretty good. Very scarce reference for serious arms collectors. $35.00 (View Picture)

7253G - GUNS OF THE GHURKAS: The Lost Arsenal: Pistols rifles and machine guns of the Royal Nepalese Army, 1816-1945 John Walter, 128 pages 8” x 11.6” hardbound. Exceedingly well done, as with all of John Walter’s books, filled with details of interest to collectors and historians. Everything from handguns to machine guns; arms distributed by the British to locally made to high standards, or locally procured to keep even junky guns out of the hands of undesirables. Quite a few arms included that one might not mormally associate with Nepal. Excellent, would almost pass for new. Out of print and fetching high prices. Our price is only $75.00 (View Picture)

7253H - THE BROWN BESS -By Erik Goldstein and Sturat Mowbray, 11” x 8.5” paperback. Excellent, would pass for new. The definitive, thorough, detailed and lavishly illustrated guide to all models of the Brown Bess from 1730 to 1809. Most highly recommended. $30.00 (View Picture)

7253J - ARTILLERY AND MORTARS AND AMMUNITION- WW2 FACT FILES- LOT OF FIVE By Peter Chamberlain and Terry Gander. Published by ARCO in the 1970s. Each about 64 pages 8” x 10.5” and filled with detailed data, drawings and WW2 era photos of the items in use. These include all the well known stuff and a lot of obscure or even experimental items. Superb references, compiled mostly from official sources, long out of print and hardly ever turn up on resale market. LOT OF FIVE DIFFERENT VOLUMES: (1) Mortars & Rockets; (2) Infantry, Mountain and Airborne Guns; (3) Light and Medium Field Artillery; (4) Heavy Artillery; and (5) Anti-Tank Weapons. THE LOT OF FIVE FOR $65.00 (View Picture)


7734E - THE PEACEMAKERS: ARMS & ADVENTURE IN THE AMERICAN WEST- By R.L. Wilson. 391 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound. Overall VG with good dustjacket. Another of Larry Wilson’s great looking books filled with info on great guns and their owners, much of it true. But, alas, Mr. Wilson was ethically challenged, resulting in a federal felony conviction, so enjoy the stories but be wary of buying a gun he “authenticated.” Full of great color photos and history of the Cowboy and Indian era and famous participants. Worth both looking at for the beauty and reading for fun. $10.00 (View Picture)

7734F - THE KENTUCKY PISTOL by Roy Chandler and Jim Whisker. 225 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound with dustjacket, overall fine to excellent. More than 200 pages of excellent photos of what I would call single shot flint or percussion “American” pistols, not just those called “Kentucky” pistols. An important reference, selling for $125+ on line, but this copy is only $95.00 (View Picture)

, edited by Robert Held. 320 pages 8.5” x 11” soft cover. An impressive compilations of articles on antique arms, and armor (as in knights, not tracked) including a study of the Girandoni air rifles, and a definitive one on the development of percussion primers, among others by leading experts. Although “an annual” it was a one time effort. Overall somewhat dirty and worn, but a good reading copy.
2- ARMS OF THE WORLD-1911- THE FABULOUS ALFA CATALOG OF ARMS AND THE OUTDOORS. 701 pages 8.5” x 11” soft covers, the cheap old paper turning brown. Overall poor to fair. Loaded with illustrations of virtually everything in the arms and outdoors field- cap guns, bee keeper hats, pinfire single shots, Colt automatics, drillings, ammunition, trench art type stuff, ammunition, swords, bayonets, holsters, rifles, etc, etc, etc. Mostly European origins, but many major American firms are represented. This was basically THE wholesaler catalog for 1911. BOTH for only $10.00 (View Picture)

20793 SET OF TWO VOLUMES: ARMIES & NAVIES OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION - Some good history and lots of great illustrations- CHEAP! 1 - NAVIES OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION By Anthony Preston, David Lyon and John Batchelor. 160 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound, good, with poor dustjacket. Lots of illustrations, with heavy emphasis on weapons and ships and sailors. Published in 1975. An excellent overview of the subject for both the general reader and a naval collector. 2 - ARMIES OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION By Ian Hogg, John Batchelor and S.L. Mayer. 160 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound, good, with fair dustjacket. Lots of illustrations, with heavy emphasis on weapons from small arms to artillery, but also other aspects of equipment and a summary of campaigns. Published in 1975. An excellent overview of the subject for both the general reader and a naval collector. BOTH VOLUMES for only $10.00 (View Picture)

22850 SAMUEL COLT PRESENTS: PRESENTATION PERCUSSION COLT FIREARMS (WITH SLIPCASE) - This is the photo catalog and record of the Loan exhibition of presentation percussion Colts on display in Hartford, CT November 1961 to January 1962. 292pp 8" x 10.5" with large clear photos on about 2/3 of the pages. This was one of Larry Wilson's earliest books and it is a tremendous presentation of a never-to-be-duplicated exhibit. I was fortunate enough to see this exhibit in person while in High School. Dazzled by the magnificent beauty and history of these guns, I immediately realized that I would never be able to afford a collection of Colts I would be happy with, and decided to stick with beat up old military rifles I could afford. Nice gently used copy with slipcase. Wonderful resource to study some of the best known presentation pieces from the finest collections with impeccable pedigrees. Long out of print and seldom encountered. $55.00 (View Picture)

17490 COLT .45 GOVERNMENT MODELS (COMMERCIAL SERIES) 1912-1970 - INCLUDING SUPER .38 AND .22 MODELS, PLUS NORWEGIAN AND ARGENTINE COPIES By Charles Clawson. 230 pages, 7” x 10” hardbound with excellent dustjacket, 1996. This is the volume dedicated to commercial and foreign military versions of the Model 1911 pistol (as opposed to the “big book” for U.S. military models and the smaller “Collectors Guide”.) Clawson’s work is superb and these are all definitive reference books. Yes, they are a bit expensive, but very much worth it! Previously owned, almost new condition. $250.00 (View Picture)

19569 ARMS AND EQUIPMENT OF THE CIVIL WAR (HARDBOUND) - Jack Coggins 160 pp 8.5" x 11" hardbound with dustjacket. Loaded with info and excellent illustrations. In my opinion, this is the best book available for a good understanding of the arms and equipment and their use, advantages and disadvantages. Written at a basic level, but very well done, so that even advanced collectors will learn a lot about small arms, artillery, cavalry, etc. A must for anyone interested in the Civil War and especially good for those just entering the field. $22.00 (View Picture)

15633 THE SCOTTISH DIRK - By James D. Forman, 56 pages 7” x 10” softcover. Best available study on these weapons and does great job placing them in historic context. Used fine. $22.00 (View Picture)

19164 TWO EARLY COLT MONOGRAPHS BY JAMES E. SERVEN & Carl Metzger - (1) Colt Dragoon Pistols, 56 pages heavy coated paper 8.5” x 11” with cardstock cover, 1946; (2) Colt Percussion Pistols, 59 pages, same format 1947. Both inscribed to Major Berkeley R. Lewis, famous arms authority and Army Ordnance officer thanking him for his help and signed by Serven. Both for only $15.00 (View Picture)

18661 SMALL ARMS REVIEW MAGAZINE- LOT OF 9 ISSUES 1998-1999 - What you see is what you get. Lot of 9 issues from 1998-1999. Small Arms Review is focused on military small arms, primarily class 3 or full auto and destructive device type items. Excellent historical articles as well as product reviews and current developments, and also BATF related issues. The lot of 9 for only $5.00 (View Picture)

21712 FLARE GUNS & SIGNAL PISTOLS: THEIR USE, DESCRIPTION AND ACCESSORIES - By Robert M. Gaynor, 178 pages 8.5” x 11” soft covers.This book is the best single reference on this subject for collectors today. In fact, except for brief passages in obscure manuals, or discussion of a gun or two in the scope of a more general work there is nothing conveniently available on this subject. Given the number of people who collect flare guns it is amazing that there is not more written on the subject, although Mr. Gaynor is reportedly working on a more comprehensive book in collaboration with others. At this point, flare guns are still mostly modestly priced, and remain an attractive collecting field with few regulations and a good variety of items. Some 96 different Flare or Signal pistols are covered, with dimensions and some historical background and information on maker and the intended use. This is on the same page as a good sketch of the item. There is not much information on total numbers made or other indication of relative rarity, but it is a good starting point for further research. The drawings allow you easily identify your gun by comparing with the one in the book. There is a drawing and info for each of 37 U.S. flare and signal guns, ranging from Civil War Arm and Navy models up to late 20th century commercial products. He also covers 11 British or Canadian designs, 9 French, 17 German, 4 Italian, 3 Japanese, 6 Russian/Eastern European designs, and 9 from other countries. Besides the guns Gaynor covers 29 holsters or carrying kits, and 19 different types of cartridges, along with a 10 page table with more detailed info on cartridges. An excellent bibliography and good index complete this book. This is a very useful and accurately researched book on this specialized topic, which we use every time we encounter any flare or signal gun, and one that anyone interested in Flare or Signal guns needs in their library. XXX OUT OF STOCK- OUT OF PRINT. Grab a copy of this if you can find one anywhere! XXX (View Picture)

20061 BADGES AND INSIGNIA OF THE THIRD REICH - By Brian Davis. 208 pages HARDBOUND, not the usually seen paperback, about 8” x 10.” This is a superb reference book both for the collector of Third Reich uniforms and for historians looking at photos to help identify what is shown in photos. This covers virtually all the rank, specialty, branch, unit and other cloth type insignia and badges, plus some of the metal ones, including the main military forces and many of the quasi-military outfits as well. Exceedingly well illustrated with photos and excellent color drawings. Highly recommended. $15.00 (View Picture)

21548 R.L. Wilson- The Colt Heritage: The Official History of Colt Firearms, from 1836 to the Present (Leather Bound) - Limited Edition, leather bound, cased, signed by author. Full brown morocco, raised bands, gilt titles, all edges gilt, silk endpapers, ribbon marker with leather covered slipcase. 358 pages, oversized (11.5" x 9" high), profusely illustrated in color, appendix (serial number tables for all models), bibliography, index. The definitive, complete, and official history of Colt firearms, from 1836 to 1978. The large format of the book enables many of the firearms to be shown full-size. The history, development, and importance of each model and variation are presented and described in detail. The unique appendix traces, for the first time, the complete serial numbers of every Colt model to 1978. There were 1,850 copies serial numbered to go with the commemorative 1847 Colt Walker pistols, and another 2,000 copies (like this one) which were not numbered, but otherwise identical, and a “Colt collectible” in their own right. A handsome addition to your library (or you can get a reading copy with the usual cloth binding for about $25) and this will be a nice related item to add to any Colt display. Previously owned, excellent plus with just the slightest bit of scuffing on corners of the case. $75.00 (View Picture)

22383 CARTRIDGES FOR COLLECTORS- VOLUME 2 - By Fred Datig, hardbound 176 pages 6” x 9” with excellent dustjacket. Overll excellent, one of the essential reference books for cartridge collectors, but you really need all four volumes. This covers a variety of rimfire, centerfire and patent ignition cartridges. $18.00 (View Picture)

18652 CIVIL WAR CHIEF OF SHARPSHOOTERS HIRAM BERDAN: MILITARY COMMANDER AND FIREARMS INVENTOR - By noted firearms historian Roy Marcot. 342 pages 8.5” x 11” hardback. Previously owned but excellent condition. Berdan is usually known for either his Civil War “Sharpshooter” regiment, or his invention of the Berdan primer, popular in Europe, while the European designed Boxer primer became popular in America. But, he was a much more talented innovator than that and this book is full of info on his various accomplishments and arms designs. $45.00 (View Picture)

21617 1stEdition- BLUE BOK OF ANTIQUE AMERICAN FIREARMS AND VALUES - By S.P. Fjestad and John B. Allen, 2016, 400 pages soft cover. I wanted to like this book and hoped it would be a worthy successor to Flayderman’s Guide to Antique American Firearms and Their Values, which was last updated in 2007. However, it is not even close and I glanced through it after purchase and decided that it was not worth a place in my library. It is not clear what the scope of the book is, but it seems to be almost entirely pre-1898 with some overlap for models made both pre and post 1898. Flayderman covered collectible American arms basically 1940 and earlier. The “regular” blue book includes post-1898 arms, so perhaps that justifies the cutoff date. It’s big feature is lots of pretty color photos, mainly from auction catalogs, and as with the Blue Book tradition a “photo percentage grading system” that is informative. However, the book is organized strictly alphabetically by maker, not by major maker or type of firearm as was the case with Flayderman. Thus, someone interested in U.S. martial arms has to know the names of all the possible contract makers of 1816 muskets to find them all listed individually, instead of as a family in one spot. Even then, this book has chosen to list Springfield Armory Model 1892-1899 Krag rifles and carbines under a “Krag-Jorgenson” section instead of Springfield Armory. The historical information on each gun is scant at best, lacking such essentials as total made. There is a serious lack of information on how to distinguish one model or variant from another. The Krag section has about 15 column inches of text (in large type) and nearly as much space to pretty pictures with little explanatory information. The values listed are way off from what I have experienced buying and selling in the last 2-3 years. Flayderman devoted four entire pages to Krags, and is overall 800 pages, twice the size of this book. Some items are listed in this Blue Book more than once, with vastly different values, which is inexplicable. The values listed reportedly are based on auction results, and vary from what I have observed in the marketplace. Sometimes auction results are badly skewed by two rabid bidders or the absence of anyone interested in a certain type of gun at that location on that date. Values are always a very subjective topic, and do fluctuate up and down based on selling venue and time and other variables. I believe Flayderman ran his values by a number of specialist experts for each of the sections in his books, and the consensus seems to be that the pretty much got them right. I get the feeling that this was more of a one man effort, a nearly impossible task given the scope of the arms covered. Overall, I find this book to be nearly useless as a result of poor organization, the decision to provide so severely limited information on each item, and the dubious credibility of the prices compared to the real collectors’ marketplace. However, if you want to look up a number this book will suffice, but in my opinion it is only useful for those who are satisfied by “price of everything and value of nothing.” I do not have room for this in my gun library, and strongly recommend others to find and cherish the last (9th edition) of Flayderman’s Guide to Antique American Firearms and Their Values for the exceptionally valuable and accurate detailed information contained in it, and its ease of use. If you cannot get the 9th, then any of the last several editions will suffice, as the value information will become less relevant over time, but the historical information (so severely lacking in the Blue Book) is essential for an informed collector, while pricing information alone may satisfy those to whom firearms are merely commodities with price tags on them to be traded for profit. Price for this practically unused copy which retails for $39.95 is only $15.00 (View Picture)

19716 STEEL CANVAS: THE ART OF AMERICAN ARMS - By R.L. Wilson, 384 pages 9” x 11” loaded with color photos and info on beautiful guns, often those embellished by master artisans. Whatever Wilson’s personal shortcomings, his books are interesting and loaded with great photos of great guns. This one will make you wish you were rich enough to buy a bunch of them. Previously owned in excellent condition with minor wrinkling on the dustjacket. $15.00 (View Picture)

17142 AN INTRODUCTION TO MBA GYROJETS AND OTHER ORDNANCE- BY MEL CARPENTER - 422 pages (286 in color) 8.5” x 11” spiral bound. This is an amazing book! Most books on guns or ammunition are heavy on the “what” with descriptions of the nuts and bolts, and maybe a little bit of the history behind them. This important contribution to arms and ammunition history also provides details of “how” the items were made, and “who” was involved in their inspiration, design and manufacture, and sales, mostly drawing on unlimited access to Robert Mainhardt, the brains behind MBA and Gyrojet. Even more astonishing are the insights into “why” these items were invented and manufactured. Unlike Sam Colt, or Oliver Winchester, or John Browning, who invented guns and the set out to sell them, Mainhardt (and MBA and his other companies) were in business to make money and had never considered making guns. Initially they were in the research nuclear reactor business, drawing on Mainhardt’s work with the WW2 Manhattan Project. After leaving that business, they stumbled across a Pentagon request for some new weaponry for use in Vietnam, with a vague concept for some sort of miniature rockets. Seizing the opportunity, the miniature rocketry designs they came up with were unprecedented, and although military contracts were seldom forthcoming, they evolved into proposals for hand held weapons, massive salvo weapons to saturate a large area and other innovative schemes. These ranged from rockets small enough to fit in a spy’s cigarette, to larger designs (roughly .22 to .30 caliber range) up to larger items for launching flares and much larger devices for chaff for electronic countermeasures. At some point they came up with the “Gyrojet” pistols and carbines, which are vaguely familiar to many collectors, but previous information on them has been largely based on legends, guesses and misinformation, some of it from their use in a James Bond movie. As the rocket market dwindled, they got into the then new “less than lethal” product business and these are covered as well. This superbly researched book, which will stand as the definitive history of this hitherto little known field, tells the complete story. It is well written, precise in its statements of fact (or conjecture where necessary) and thoroughly sourced. The illustrations are excellent (although a bit small when dealing with tiny items) and many of the items shown are sole survivors or made in very small numbers, largely courtesy of Mainhardt himself. My only complaint is that instead of a traditional “book binding” this soft cover work uses a spiral binding which is convenient for reading and laying flat, but is awkward on a shelf of books and the cover material is a bit think for the purpose. All Gyrojets, Finjets, Lancejets, Javettes, and flares up to and including 40mm are shown at actual size, as are .38-caliber and 12-gauge less-lethal rounds. The book covers every known Gyrojet rocket ever made, from 2.8mm up to 55mm, plus the 0.030-inch Javettes for the “CIA Dart Gun” with their biological or chemical payloads. This almost reads like a science fiction work with surprising challenges and unexpected innovations to meet them. Not only the rockets and ordnance items themselves, but the methods of manufacture, and some of the business decisions necessary for a profit oriented company. This alone makes it a thought provoking read for anyone with an interest in technology or manufacturing or weapons. Mel Carpenter is the right guy to write this book, with a life long interest in arms and ammunition, years of experience as a leader in the International Ammunition Association ( including as their Journal editor and running the largest Cartridge show in the country. Also, his background as an aeronautical engineer, and Navy and corporate pilot enable him to understand and explain many of the technical issues involved. I have only a few copies of this book, and I highly recommend it. WE ACQUIRED THE SMALL REMAINING INVENTORY OF THESE FROM THE AUTHOR. Whle they last only $69.96 with FREE SHIPPING in the U.S. (View Picture)

21 FAIRBAIRN-SYKES FIGHTING KNIFE: Collecting Britain’s Most Iconic Dagger - By Wolfgang Peter Michel, a Shiffer Publishing book, well done as they usually are. 158 pages, 6” x 9” hardbound with lots of excellent color illustrations. Well researched and very useful to tell the different models and fakes from real ones. A very gently used copy that would pass for new. $40.00 (View Picture)

21029 FIRESIDE BOOK OF GUNS by Larry Koller - 284 pp, 9” x 11” hardbound, published in 1959. This is one of the seminal books in the arms collecting field, arousing the interest of the public which had been seeing guns on television’s many western shows. Larry Koller was a former gunsmith turned gun writer, but his collaborators included Harold L. Peterson, head of the National Park Service for firearms, and Herb Glass, Sr., one of the premier gun dealers of the 20th century. Basically Peterson laid out the outline, Glass selected superb examples of guns to illustrate the story, and Koller wrote the story to tie it all together. It is three sections: Work and War which covers arms related to the settlement and expansion of America from colonial times to the end of the wild west, including military arms. Rough and ready is more about individual weapons from pirates, duelers, cops and thugs, and gamblers and fancy women. The final section Game and Target covers all sorts of sporting and competition arms. Overall a thoughtful and exceptionally well selected and organized presentation of the full range of potential gun collecting fields, by three noted experts who love the topic. Overall about G-VG condition except for torn and rough dustjacket. $15.00 (View Picture)

7445 EUROPEAN SWORDS by Anthony North - 48 pages 7.5” x 10” hardbound. A Victoria & Albert Museum publication by one of their research assistants with an excellent bibliography for this specialized niche. Well illustrated with examples from the Museum collection and tied together by a historical narrative. A good introduction to the subject. $8.00 (View Picture)

2759 MILITARY SMALL ARMS: 300 YEARS OF SOLDIERS' FIREARMS - 240 PAGES 9” X 12” full color, hardbound. Although some might dismiss this as “another coffee table book” it actually is an excellent and comprehensive listing of virtually all significant individual weapons of the world from the flintlock era to the present, including most of the important technological stepping stones and “weird stuff” that makes weapons collecting interesting. The photos are large and clear and I am tempted to keep this and use copies of the photos in future displays. A good reference, somewhat comparable to small arms of the world in models, albeit with less history and technical details and none of the field stripping stuff, but better and color photos. Highly recommended. $15.00 (View Picture)

1960 The American Percussion Schuetzen Rifle - By John Hamilton and Tom Rowe, 384 pages 8.5” x 11” hardcover with great color photos and information, published in 2004 The waves of Germanic immigration during the 1840's and 1850's deposited upon our shores a number of highly talented gunsmiths. In addition to their normal work these artisans continued to produce a nearly unadulterated style of muzzle-loading percussion target rifle that was then popular in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. These specialized, made-in-America, target rifles were used for a form of competitive shooting festival (Schuetzenfest) that had been popular in Europe since the middle ages, and was continued by the recent immigrants as they spread across the nation. Such competition had traditionally been conducted in the standing or "offhand" position. Thus, the rifle's ergonomically designed stock was custom-tailored to the Schuetzen rifleman's posture as he assumed a standing shooting position. Impelled by the added talents of Anglo-American gunsmiths, a new style of offhand rifle evolved in the latter half of the nineteenth-century that absorbed the heavy Germanic form and melded it with the simplicity of design found on the finest English sporting arms. The design impact of these arms was recognized by the American arms industry as we entered the cartridge era and schuetzen competition became a national multi-ethnic recreation. The authors reveal examples of how these two firearms formats were eventually blended to produce a precision percussion muzzle-loading target rifle that was tailored to the American rifleman, be they be of Germanic stock or not. Here, the authors not only document in full color the works of many of these gunsmiths and provide an index of known makers, but also review the loading accessories deemed necessary to properly serve these extraordinary arms. The text defines the special advantages of the Schuetzen style rifle, and addresses the evolution that occurred in breechings and lock mechanisms. In their research, the authors that discovered certain common design characteristics that suggested that suggested grouping these rifles by their regional origins. A fascinating and comprehensive study. Brand new copy in original shrink wrap, normaly priced at around $100, sale price is only $85.00 (View Picture)

7969 JAPANESE MILITARY AND CIVIL SWORDS & DIRKS- Richard Fuller & Ron Gregory - Hard cover, 288 pages about 8” x 10” published in 1996. Highly regarded as one of the best works on the subject, this is out of print and in high demand with prices ranging from $299 to over $800 on the handful of copies I could locate. I should probably keep this for my personal library, but would rather see someone get it who is serious about collecting in that field, so It is priced well below market. Condition is overall about excellent with nice dustjacket. However, someone dropped something with a sharp corner which poked through the dustjacket (at the bottom center) and made a corresponding ding in the hard cover there. Nothing that hurts its usefulness as a reference book, but a picky book collector might worry about it a bit, so we point it out. Priced to sell at $250.00 (View Picture)

19992 STANDARD CATALOG OF MILITARY FIREARMS (2nd EDITION) - "The Collector's Price and Reference Guide." 416 pages 8.5” x 11” soft covers. In addition to rifles and pistols, this also includes machine guns from all over the world with basic history, major variations and values. Think of it as a cross between the highly respected Flayderman's Guide and Smith's venerable Small Arms of the World. As with any value guide, not everyone will agree with the author's judgment, but they are a good starting point to distinguish valuable treasures from more common stuff. Printed in 2003, the values are out of date, but still valuable as a reference for history and variations and to see if one is more valuable than others. Lots of photos make it easy to use, organized by country. It is kind of like the old Sears Roebuck catalogs- you can just thumb through this while "in the library" and decide what you would like to add to your Christmas list for Santa Claus. (Order from your friends here at later…) Highly recommended, either the current 6th edition, or any of the earlier ones like that at a significant saving- Used VG condition except previous owner’s address label inside front cover and printed on the edge of the pages, so CHEAP at only $5.00 (View Picture)

15944 1917 EDITION- DESCRIPTIONS AND RULES FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF THE - U.S. Rifle Caliber .30 Model of 1903 (Form 1923) Revised January 22, 1917. This is one of the standard WW1 era manuals for the M1903 rifle, with blue hard cover binding. Covers are lightly soiled but displays nicely. Former owner’s name “LT H.B. SMITH” ink stamped on the inside cover. One brown stain down in the bound area on a few pages, but overall a nice clean copy. Great for any WW1 display, or of course, fanatical Springfield collectors need a copy of each edition to track the changes in various details. 80pp 6" x 10" with fold out plates in the back showing how to build Arms Chest or Arms Locker to hold 10 rifles. Above average copy. $85.00 (View Picture)

19974 Springfield Muzzle-Loading Shoulder Arms A Description of the Flintlock Muskets, - Musketoons, & Carbines & the Muskets, Musketoons, Rifles, Carbines & Special Models From 1795-1865, With Ordnance Office Reports & a Sketch of Springfield Armory. S&S paperback reprint of the 1930 original published by Francis Bannerman Sons, which marked the start of published literature treating U.S. martial arms as collectibles rather than “shooters” or decorative items. Fuller went on to amass one of the best U.S. martial arms of all times (matched or surpassed by noted author George Moller, and the late Jonathan Peck, Burt Kellerstedt, and a few other private individuals. Fuller’s collection was donated to the Chickamauga Battlefield Museum and is a breathtaking sight to see. I credit with really building up enthusiasm for the topic, and I am sure if you take your spouse, they will agree that you too should have such a collection. Book is used good, a bit scuffed on the covers, but excellent reading copy. $18.00 (View Picture)

16015 The Rock Island '03 by C.S. "Nick" Ferris - 58 pages 6” x 9” soft cover. Springfield Armory is always the big name for collectors, and Rock Island only manufactured one type of individual small arm (the M1903 rifle- unless you count the Model 1911 NM pistols or General Officer models), although they overhauled virtually every type of small arm and artillery used by the U.S. military. Despite being overshadowed by Springfield, Rock Island’s work with the M1903 was significant and the details have never really been covered until Nick Ferris did his excellent research and published this book. Used G-VG. $10.00 (View Picture)

18094 U.S. MARINE CORPS UNIFORMS & EQUIPMENT IN WW2- Moran - 138 pages 8.5” x 12” hardbound. Jim Moran’s excellent reference on the subject, easy to use, and surprisingly complete for its size. Many period photos, as well as photos of the items individually. Very useful to identify items which were used by USMC, and the correct terminology. Alec Tulkoff’s more recent “Grunt Gear” and “Equipping the Corps” are much more comprehensive, including weapons coverage and contract info, but except for advanced collectors, the Moran book is just as useful. Out of print and scarce. Highly recommended. $50.00 (View Picture)

23398 Lot of 3 books on Japanese Swords and militaria- - 1 - Sotheby Park Bernet “Important Japanese Swords” auction catalog. January 25, 1979 softcover with 90 pages 8.5” x 8.5” with multiple illustrations and detailed description of 159 lots. Used good except for front cover torn at the spine for about an inch at the bottom. 2 - The Japanese Sword: A Comprehensive Guide, by Kanzan Sato Hardbound, 210 page 7.5” x 10.5” with excellent dustjacket. Near new condition. Highly recommended by experts as one of the essential books for information on Japanese swords. 3 – Arms and Armor of the Samurai: The History of Weaponry in Ancient Japan, by I. Bottomley and A.P. Hopson. 102 pages about 9” x 12” hardbound published in 1988 with dustjacke in near new condition. This is as much a history of the Samurai culture as it is the arms and armor, and provides and excellent foundation for understanding Japanese weapons of all sort with an appreciation of the historical context, far more relevant in their culture than in our own. Well illustrated, mostly in color. All THREE for ONLY $45.00 (View Picture)

23368 BOOK OF COLT FIREARMS (Second edition- 1993) by R.Q. Sutherland & R.L. Wilson - Considered by most collectors to be THE book for Colt collectors, this massive 608 page profusely illustrated masterpiece is a must for a serious gun collector’s library. Used fine condition with a somewhat lesser condition dustjacket. Organized by model, this has historical information, along with production numbers, serial numbers for dates of manufacture, details on many variations and significant historical arms within that model. Most highly recommended! $325.00 (View Picture)

23367 Dutch Firearms by Arne Hoff - 252 pages 9” x 11.25” hardback, 1978, First Edition by Sotheby Parke Bernet Publications. This superb work covers Dutch firearms from the 14th century to the 19th, or the end of the flintlock period, including military and sporting, handguns and longarms and even some early air guns. This is much more than just a list, or description of a bunch of guns. It is a thoughtful analysis of individual arms and in the context of the time and the region and evolving technology. This is well illustrated with excellent quality photos and some drawings, and reproductions of some period illustrations. This is not one of the bland “coffee table books” but serious scholarly research and presentation of important historical information. The Netherlands were a major commercial power in those years, and thus much of the material here is relevant to arms trends in most other countries, and most countries ended up using some Dutch arms. The author is the former Director of the famed Tojhusmuseum in Copenhagen which houses one of the world's most important collections of arms, who studied ancient firearms for 40 years. The editor, Walter Stryker, a well-known American arms collector, translated this comprehensive volume into English. Book is Very Fine condition with the dust jacket having one wrinkled part at the top, but that is a cosmetic flaw on the jacket only, not the cover. Highly recommended for the serious arms collector. $75.00 (View Picture)

23364 THE AMERICAN CARTRIDGE - An Illustrated Study of the Rimfire Cartridge in the United States- By Charles Suydam- 184 pages 7” x 9” hardbound, 1973 revised second edition. Chuck Suydam was one of the most knowledgeable collector in the country, and for many decades handled the Question and Answer section of the Gun Report magazine. This has a wealth of information and marginally useful photos of hundreds of rimfire cartridges from the .22 rimfire on up through the .58 caliber rimfire Gatling cartridges. More than 425 cartridge photos, full scale, 75 rimfire calibers, 36 mfgs, of U.S. rimfire named & located and .45 RF cartridges identified with more than 80 foreign headstamps listed. Checklist of 350 less common U.S. headstamps, cross referenced by mfg'rl labels. Excellent condition, autographed and inscribed on the title page by the author to a former owner. Excellent reference from a true expert. $49.00 (View Picture)

23362 A Basic Manual of Military Small Arms: (1st Edition of “Small3 Arms of the World”) - How to load, operate, disassemble and assemble American, British, Russian, German, Italian, Japanese and other small arms, by W.H.B. Smith "The only book of its kind ever published, price $2.00" Military Service Publishing Co. 217pp paperbound. Very good for its age and the cheap materials used in printing during the war. Forward by Col. G.B. Jarrett, famous head of the Army Ordnance Museum at Aberdeen. This is the first edition of the classic now known as "Small Arms of the World" later published in about 11 additional editions, allof which are superb references for the collector of military small arms. Copyright 1943, this is from the sixth printing in March 1945. Very scarce to see any of the early editions as most were used until they fell apart or trashed when replaced by a newer edition. This is the sort of thing that GI's would have studied during WW2, to be prepared to use captured enemy equipment of perhaps to figure out how their newly acquired Luger or Jap rifle souvenirs worked. Only nice condition example we have ever had. $65.00 (View Picture)

23360 NRA ILLUSTRATED FIREARMS ASSEMBLY HANDBOOK- HANDGUNS - A great NRA publication based on the many excellent articles from the American Rifleman on disassembly and assembly and historical background of many of the most popular guns. Volume 1 covers long arms and Volume 2 has 176 pages, covering all sorts of stuff from percussion Colts to Iver Johnson revolvers and Hammerli target pistols. Obviously not every gun ever made is included, but most of those I have ever needed to check has been here. This is a circa 1960s edition of this popular and extremely useful set which has been expanded and rearranged over the years. This is VOLUME 2 only, which is handguns only. Used G-VG with some greasy fingerprints, so you won’t be the first to soil the pages while taking apart a new addition to your collection. $10.00 (View Picture)

23327 COLT ENGRAVING by R.L. Wilson - This is a revised edition of Wilson’s 1974 “Book of Colt Engraving” having 560 pages, 9.25” x 12.25” hardbound, but missing the dustjacket. A huge and comprehensive volume much larger than the 42 pages of the first (1974) edition. This is a detailed study of both the factory and non factory engravers who engraved Colt Firearms throughout the history of the company. Hundreds of beautiful detailed color and black & white photographs of their work. Recently, following his release from prison, Wilson has produced a third edition, “The Colt Engraving Book,” broken into two volumes, each having about 500 pages, priced at $390 for the pair. This is a gently used copy of the second edition, with very minor scuffing on the covers and a tiny bit of soiling, nothing bad, just not a new unused book. Priced reasonably at $299.00 (View Picture)

23326 BOOK OF COLT FIREARMS by R.L. Wilson (1st edition) - First edition, 1971, 604 pages 9.25” x 12.25” hardbound. This is the first edition of the definitive work on Colt Firearms, loaded with details to delight any collector. This includes historical dates, production figures, variations, dates of manufacture, and mechanical details and differences for virtually every Colt firearm made up to the late 1960s. This is an indispensible reference for anyone collecting even a single Colt, and this is reflected in the fact that this is a well used copy from the estate of an advanced Colt collector. The covers are scuffed and worn as is the spine, and the pages are somewhat loose, as if it has been opened all the way for copying of pages or something. Still an excellent choice for a book to be used, not one for a book collector. However, this comes with a dustjacket from a later edition which hides the worn appearance of the bindings. Priced very reasonably at only $149.00 (View Picture)

22754 Francis Bannerman Catalog- January 1945 12 page circular - This is a 12 page circular sent out to advertise some of Bannerman’s incredible stash of military surplus collector treasures. Most are taken directly from their catalog, but some are probably unique to the circular. Just collecting copies of all of Bannerman’s different advertising and catalogs would be a fun, and lust-filled hobby. It may even spur the invention of time travel by someone eager to partake of the bargains available back then. Used excellent condition, this one is dated January 1945. $10.00 (View Picture)

22736 Report of Activities of the [Chemical Warfare] Technical Division During WW2 - By Army Service Forces, Office of the Chief, Chemical warfare Service, Washington, DC, 1 January 1946. 220 pages 8” x 10” paper bound. This is NOT the “green book” volume on the Chemical Warfare Service done by professional historians many years later. This is a 1946 effort compiled by Edwin R. Baker from the actual participants while events were still fresh in their memory. Most of the areas discussed include lengthy lists of names of the people involved in that project. Remember, the chemical Warfare folks were involved in much more than “poison gas” including napalm, incendiary bombs and artillery shells, smoke screening devices, the 4.2 inch mortar, flame throwers, various demolition and booby trap materials, and of course gas masks. This is loaded with details basically organized by weapon type and model, with lengthy discussion of the need which led to its development, what was tried and evaluations and effectiveness. A few photos included, but this is mainly a historical record in typescript for limited distribution, not a polished publication. It is listed in several bibliographies on line, but no digitized copies were located, so this is one that you MUST get in hard copy to get the information. Used good except for cheap wartime paper yellowing and the cloth strip on the spine in poor condition. A very important reference for weapons collectors that really should be digitized and made widely available. $95.00 (View Picture)

22203 AMERICAN MILITARY SHOULDER ARMS by George Moller HARDBOUND VOLUMES 1, 2 and 3) - This series is destined to become THE DEFINITIVE work on U.S. martial longarms, especially those other than the more common Springfield types. I cannot praise this set highly enough for their unsurpassed research and detail and accuracy. Moller has completed the first three volumes and Volume 4 getting into the post-Civil War breechloader era is reportedly nearly completed. There may be fifth volume as well, but I have no details on the ultimate size of this series. The hard cover editions are in great demand for serious collectors and users as a much better investment for long term use than the paperback reprints available now (after he shifted publishers from University of Colorado to University of New Mexico.) Like Charles Clawson’s “big book” on M1911 Colt .45 Service Pistols which has been out of print for several years an regularly sells for $1,000 (when a copy can be found) the demand for copies of this set will drive prices to seemingly absurd levels. The only hardbound copy of Volume 2 I was able to find is listed at $720, although there are several copies of hardbound Volume 1 starting at $250. Serious U.S. martial longarm collectors NEED this set! If you don’t want to make a long term investment in a hard copy set, then at least get the paperback while you still can. Volume I- “Colonial and Revolutionary War Arms”- George Moller's superbly researched and detailed study listing exhaustive details of long arms made and used by American military forces. This includes crown issue, state issue, and militia arms, both imported and made in America. Many types and models and details not covered in any other books are listed here. HARD COVER , 1993 University of Colorado edition, not the currently available reprint which is only available in paperback format. 517 pages, glossary, appendices. Read the appendices as well, lots of stuff there you need to know, so this is more than just a “hardware catalog.” This is a previously owned, but nearly pristine copy with dustjacket. Signed by the Author on the title page. Volume 2- “From the 1790s to the end of the Flintlock Period”- This is the HARD COVER 1993 edition by University of Colorado with 534 pages, not the currently available reprint which is only available in paperback form. Moller’s research and attention to detail is as comprehensive and useful as in the first volume. Again, the coverage is comprehensive for land and sea forces, regular and militia, locally made in imported. Just superb information! This is a previously owned, but nearly pristine copy with dustjacket. Signed by the Author on the title page. Volume 3- “Flintlock Alterations and Muzzleloading Percussion Shoulder Arms 1840-1865”- This is the 2011 HARDBOUND version from the University of New Mexico Press which did a small initial run in hard cover and all subsequent printings are in paperback. At 611 page on heavy printed stock, this is simply too big (and important) a book to survive much use as a paperback. This covers federal and state issued and altered arms, with some information on Confederate alterations, all of the Civil War regulation and contract produced muzzleloading arms, etc. (Breechloading carbines, etc will be in the next volume.) Appendices include much information on the distribution arms to the militias, and also post-Civil War disposal of the massive number of surplus arms. New copy, sealed in shrink wrap. VOLUMES 1, 2 AND 3- HARDCOVER (NOT PAPERBACK!) for $895.00 (View Picture)

10590 SERIAL NUMBERS OF U.S. MARTIAL ARMS- VOLUME 3 ONLY – BY SPRINGFIELD RESEARCH SERVICE- OUT OF PRINT - Published by Frank Mallory, the tireless researcher who ran SRS until shortly before his death in January, 2004, these are the listings of all the serial numbers he found in his extensive research in the National Archive. These are divided into 80 different model categories, (trapdoor, Krag, M1903, M1, M1 Carbine, M1917, Automatic Pistols, Colt Percussion, Colt SAA, Colt .38 Double Action, Colt .45 Double Action, Winchesters, many types of Civil War handguns and carbines, etc.) Within each category, the numbers are in numerical order, along with additional model info (if any- such as NM, NRA sporter, Sniper, 1903A1, 1903A4, etc for the M1903 listing) the date of the information and brief note on the usage- usually a specific unit, but it varies with the individual item. Info is usually little more than type of gun, date reported and nature of report (example- M1903 Springfield 636876 noted as having star gauged barrel, used in VB rifle grenade test 11/19/1920). Also listed are guns sold through the DCM program (up until about 1942). This information was published incrementally as it was discovered in the archives, with 103 pages in 1983’s Volume 1; 209 pages in 1986’s Volume 2; 199 pages in 1990’s Volume 3 and 310 pages in the final Volume 4 in 1995, giving a total of about 820 pages. A later edition of Volume 4 was published with a small amount of additional information over the 1995 edition. Each volume is new data (except for a few from Volume 2 which appeared again in Volume 3), so you need to check all four volumes to see if any information was found. Note that these ONLY list serial number for which information was found in the National Archives, roughly 5% of any give category, sometimes more, sometimes less, and chances of finding a specific gun are no better than about 1 in 20. The chances of significant additional numbers being found are slim, so this is about all that will be available to collectors. Note also that a very small amount of the data has been superseded by later (and unpublished) research, but for 99% of the numbers listed, this is good solid info. However, this information can prove very valuable, and using SRS data at gun shows for many years helped me find such items as a Rough Rider Colt Artillery Model and a USS Maine recovered rifle and several other identified Span-Am and WW1 used arms. Knowledge is power, and money! For several years SRS allowed this information us to post this information on line, but misuse and misinterpretation by some people led to the SRS management decision to remove it from the internet. These four volumes have been out of print for many years, and while a loose volume sometimes turns up it is nearly impossible to find a complete set of all four volumes. The present SRS management has stated they will NOT reprint these. They require people to subscribe to their newsletter before they will even check to see if a number is listed or not. I have a loose copy of Volume 3 in near new condition and am selling it as a single volume. You really need all four volumes, but since they have gone out of print and are seldom found at all, a collector would be wise to pick up whatever they can find and hope to find the others later. Essential references for a serious US martial collector. Volume 3 ONLY $250.00 (View Picture)

22727 AMERICAN MILITARY SHOULDER ARMS by George Moller HARDBOUND VOLUMES 1 and 2) - This series is destined to become THE DEFINITIVE work on U.S. martial longarms, especially those other than the more common Springfield types. I cannot praise this set highly enough for their unsurpassed research and detail and accuracy. Moller has completed the first three volumes and Volume 4 getting into the post-Civil War breechloader era is reportedly nearly completed. There may be fifth volume as well, but I have no details on the ultimate size of this series. The hard cover editions are in great demand for serious collectors and users as a much better investment for long term use than the paperback reprints available now (after he shifted publishers from University of Colorado to University of New Mexico.) Like Charles Clawson’s “big book” on M1911 Colt .45 Service Pistols which has been out of print for several years an regularly sells for $1,000 (when a copy can be found) the demand for copies of this set will drive prices to seemingly absurd levels. The only hardbound copy of Volume 2 I was able to find is listed at $720, although there are several copies of hardbound Volume 1 starting at $250. Serious U.S. martial longarm collectors NEED this set! If you don’t want to make a long term investment in a hard copy set, then at least get the paperback while you still can. Volume I- Colonial and Revolutionary War Arms- George Moller's superbly researched and detailed study listing exhaustive details of long arms made and used by American military forces. This includes crown issue, state issue, and militia arms, both imported and made in America. Many types and models and details not covered in any other books are listed here. HARD COVER , 1993 University of Colorado edition, not the currently available reprint which is only available in paperback format. 517 pages, glossary, appendices. Read the appendices as well, lots of stuff there you need to know, so this is more than just a “hardware catalog.” Used copy VG-fine missing dustjacket. Volume 2- “From the 1790s to the end of the Flintlock Period” This is the HARD COVER 1993 edition by University of Colorado with 534 pages, not the currently available reprint which is only available in paperback form. Moller’s research and attention to detail is as comprehensive and useful as in the first volume. Again, the coverage is comprehensive for land and sea forces, regular and militia, locally made in imported. Just superb information! This copy is excellent o near new with dust jacket. BOTH VOLUME 1 AND 2 HARDCOVER for $495.00 (View Picture)

22466 Spanish Military Weapons in Colonial America 1700-1821 by Brinckerhoff & Chamberlain - 159 pages 10” x 12” hardcover with good dustjacket. This 1972 classic was a groundbreaking study and remains the ONLY comprehensive study of Spanish military arms in the what is now the United states, basically the exploration and colonization periods for the Gulf coast and southwest, stretching from Florida to California. Endorsed by the prestigious Company of Military Historians., this covers longarms, handguns, edged weapons and pole arms. A few years ago a gentleman began work on an updated version, but he died before completion, so this is likely to remain the definitive coverage on the subject for some years to come. Used VG-fine except some yellowing of the paper. Out of print. $125.00 (View Picture)

22429 Francis Bannerman Catalog- 1940-41-42-43 catalog - Used fair condition. Covers are ratty and loose with Scotch tape repairs, and next page in front and back are nearly as bad, but the rest is pretty solid, and great reading to make you lust after a time machine, and your tears from weeping at the absurdly low prices will not do much more damage. A fascinating look at militaria selling in "the good old days" when trowel bayonets were 85 cents, double row Mills belts 60 cents, 12 pdr Napolean cannon with carriage, limber, gunners implements, $1,000.00, CS musket slings $1.00, trapdoor rifles $4.25, .58 muskets $10.00. A wonderful memento of the old days. $35.00 (View Picture)

21643 THE BREECH LOADER IN THE SERVICE 1816-1917- - A HISTORY OF ALL STANDARD AND EXPERIMENTAL U. S. BREECHLOADING AND MAGAZINE SHOULDER ARMS- by Claud Fuller. Flayderman 1965 reprint edition, hard bound, 381 pages 8 ½” x 11”. There are few books in this field that can be called "classic". The BREECH-LOADER IN THE SERVICE is one. We have constantly referred to it in our many collecting and dealer activities. This covers nearly every breech loading long arm adopted or tested for use by the U.S. Army from 1819 through the end of WW1- from the Hall to the M1903 and M1917 rifles, and all the Civil War carbines and the numerous trial guns in the early cartridge era of the 1870s-90s. For many guns this is about the only source of information to even identify what the heck they are, let alone find some history, and in many cases patent drawings or trials reports and drawings and explanations of operation and disassembly. While there are plenty of other good references on at least half of the guns covered here, this is the book you will end up needing for those occasional oddballs. Used, good-very good with just a bit of light fingerprint soiling. Good dustjacket with plastic protector. Ex-library copy with usual numbers and labels, etc. An important reference that every U.S. martial arms collector needs to own. $55.00 (View Picture)

20780 European & American Arms c. 1100-1850, by Claude Blair - 134 pages 9” x 12” hardbound, 1962. This is an excellent introduction to the details of ALL types of arms, including edged weapons (swords of all types); pole arms; daggers, non-forearm projectile weapons- slings, bows and crossbows; firearm ignition systems- matchlock, wheellock, snaphance, , flint and percussion; development of long arms and hand guns; breech loading arms; repeating arms; spring and air guns; accessories; combination arms; and a section on the decorative arts applied to arms. In addition there are about 70 pages of photos (not included in the 134 page count) of museum specimens and about 20 pages of superb line drawings of items. Unlike some of the fluffy but colorful “coffee table” arms history books, this is serious research and serious history by a British scholar employed at HM Tower Armouries and the Victoria & Albert Museum. For an advanced collector who has a lot of knowledge in a specialized niche, this would be a good review to place their knowledge in the overall context of arms history. This is another of the early 1960s arms history books that spurred gun collecting by making information available on subjects that had hitherto been largely ignored. Highly recommended. Good reading copy with the cheap paer turning yellow, but information is still excellent! Cheap, too! $18.00 (View Picture)

14453 THE AMERICAN BAYONET 1776-1964- ALBERT HARDIN - 234 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound. This was the first book on collecting American bayonets, published in 1964, and it really enlightened collectors about what was out there an started bayonet collecting as something more than just an afterthought about some accessory to a rifle you already owned. Some of the information has been superseded (e.g.- Reilly has added much more to our knowledge of socket bayonets, Hartman on the Krags, etc), but Hardin is still a classic reference. It remains the only reference to really address the bewildering field of brass handled sword bayonets, although there are some errors which have been discovered since this was published 45 years ago. This contains the physical and background descriptions and illustrations of over two hundred separate and distinct types of American bayonets from Colonial times to the present day. The text is profusely illustrated, and remains an excellent introduction or overview of the subject. The book covers Angular, Ramrod, Sword/Saber, Knife, Fencing, Intrenching, and Bolo Bayonets. Also included are the important variations of many standard types. The scabbards of many of the bayonets are discussed. There is also a Listing of Bayonet Patents and an extensive bibliography. Overall about excellent except dustjacket shows some rubbing and scuffing. $165.00 (View Picture)

14219 BAYONETS FROM JANZEN'S NOTEBOOK - 253 pp 8" x 10" soft covers. Absolutely the best single reference book for anyone interested in bayonets. It covers nearly all the standard models of all countries of all periods. Excellent line drawings with brief descriptions, organized by country and then by date. While it will not list the 10 maker/marking variations for a specific model, it is essential to identifying stuff, and to give an idea of what a complete collection might consist of. Jerry Janzen was President of the Society of American Bayonet Collectors, and had one of the best collection in the country. This is the first edition, published as a paperback. There was a second, hardback edition of 258 pages, but this one is just as good for all practical purposes. Excellent, gently used copy except for the small corner fold and crease on the front cover, visible in the photos. OUT OF PRINT and hard cover copies are advertised with prices averaging $150 and up. Get this while you can for only $95.00 (View Picture)

14216 SPRINGFIELD MUZZLE LOADING SHOULDER ARMS 1795-1865- by Fuller - A Description of the flintlock muskets, musketoons and carbines and the muskets, musketoons, rifles, carbines and special models from 1795 to 1865 with Ordnance Office reports, tables and correspondence and a sketch of Springfield Armory. Written by Claud E. Fuller and published by Francis Bannerman in 1930. This was THE seminal work for collecting of U.S. martial or Springfield arms. Nothing had been written previously, and other than just being old obsolete military surplus guns laying around, there were few collectors in those days. Claud Fuller assembled the first comprehensive collection, fortunately preserved by the National Park Service at the Chickamauga battlefield park as one of the great reference collections. If you ever get a chance, go visit it! Overall very good condition except for a torn spot on the lower part of the binding on the spine, and some yellowing to the 80 year old paper. An important reference that belongs in every U.S. martial arms collector’s library. This is the original 1930 first edition, not the later paperback reprint. 176 pages about 8.5” x 11” An important reference. $35.00 (View Picture)

13994 THE AMES SWORD COMPANY 1829-1935, BY JOHN D. HAMILTON - 255 pages hardbound. The most prolific American sword makers over the longest period of time, the Ames factories turned out more models in larger quantities that all other American makers combined. Their swords saw service from obscure frontier Indian skirmishes to every famous battle fought by American military forces from the 1830's to the turn of the 20th century. For the enlisted man Ames supplied ruggedly made, yet well-constructed swords, under government contract. For officers, who usually purchased their swords privately, Ames made available extensive selections, with numerous variations and custom features, of both the regulation "pattern" types and non-regulation - highly elaborate swords specifically designed for presentation purposes. Hundreds of black & white photographs. Comprehensive text. Used copy overall fine to excellent except missing the dustjacket. OUT OF PRINT. A valuable reference. $125.00 (View Picture)

19002 Francis Bannerman Catalog- 1945 large catalog - Used VG-fine except for minor torn spot at top of spine. A fascinating look at militaria selling in "the good old days" when trowel bayonets were 85 cents, double row Mills belts 60 cents, 12 pounder Napoleon cannon with carriage, limber, gunners implements, $1,000.00, CS musket slings $1.00, trapdoor rifles $4.25, .58 muskets $10.00. Reminds me of when my 1955 Bannerman catalog almost got confiscated by my 9th grade algebra teacher. Too bad he didn't- I might not have ended up doing this today! This one comes with the original mailing envelope where it was sent to an aviation cadet who later went on to a career in the USAF. Ahh, the GOOD old days! $75.00 (View Picture)

18936 Francis Bannerman Catalog- January 1943 12 page circular - This is a 12 page circular sent out to advertise some of Bannerman’s incredible stash of military surplus collector treasures. Most are taken directly from their catalog, but some are probably unique to the circular. Just collecting copies of all of Bannerman’s different advertising and catalogs would be a fun, and lust-filled hobby. It may even spur the invention of time travel by someone eager to partake of the bargains available back then. Used excellent condition, this one is dated January 1943, although the 1940 date is prominently displayed marking their 75th anniversary. $10.00 (View Picture)

18928 American Polearms 1526-1865, Rodney H. Brown - Published by Norm Flayderman in 1967. 198 pages 6 x 9 inches. The definitive reference on Polearms in America. Polearms (edged weapons for cutting & thrusting, mounted on a long pole) have a long history in America from the Indians, the Vikings, the European explorers and colonists to their Civil War usage as an infantry weapon of last resort – and revival by Union forces for equipping Lancer units. This work is an important study in the field of American military history and weapons. Book sponsored as a Standard Reference Work in American military history by the Company of Military Historians. One hundred and fifty plates with 250 individual items illustrated. As new condition except for slight rub marks on the dust jacket. $95.00 (View Picture)

18736 CIVIL WAR CAVALRY WEAPONS AND AMMUNITION- LOT OF TWO BOOKLETS - COL Berkeley R. Lewis was a career Army Ordnance officer and a very advanced arms collector and historian, and his “Small Arms & Ammunition in the United States Service” is a seminal and respected reference for the field. These two monographs that Lewis wrote were published by the American Ordnance Association just prior to the Civil War Centennial when people were just becoming interested in arms and ammunition of the period. “Notes on Cavalry Weapons of the American Civil War 1861-1865,” 1959, 31 pages 7.5” x 9.5” paper covers is an introduction to the carbines, handguns and edged weapons of the Cavalry. “Notes on Ammunition of the American Civil War: 1861-1865,” 1961, 31 pages 7.5” x 9.5” paper covers is a superb survey of all types of small arms and artillery ammunition used in the civil war. The line drawings of the paper cartridges and artillery projectiles are probably the best of any of dozens of books I have on such matters. While later and much larger works will cover many variations not included here, this is sufficient for probably 95% of items in this broad category. Although brief and introductory, these are loaded with solidly researched facts, excellent (albeit small) illustrations, and a lot of factual data gleaned from many sources. AN excellent introduction, summary or even a great refresher for the advanced collector to step back and see the big picture again. These are new old stock and may have some slight storage soiling on the covers. [Two other similar pamphlets completed the American Ordnance Association’s set: “Notes on Ordnance of the American Civil War” by Harold Peterson; and Eugene Canfield’s “Notes on Naval Ordnance of the American Civil War.”] Price for one copy of each of the B.R. Lewis booklets for $12.00 (View Picture)

17591 Dutch Firearms by Arne Hoff - 252 pages 9” x 11.25” hardback, 1978, First Edition by Sotheby Parke Bernet Publications. This superb work covers Dutch firearms from the 14th century to the 19th, or the end of the flintlock period, including military and sporting, handguns and longarms and even some early air guns. This is much more than just a list, or description of a bunch of guns. It is a thoughtful analysis of individual arms and in the context of the time and the region and evolving technology. This is well illustrated with excellent quality photos and some drawings, and reproductions of some period illustrations. This is not one of the bland “coffee table books” but serious scholarly research and presentation of important historical information. The Netherlands were a major commercial power in those years, and thus much of the material here is relevant to arms trends in most other countries, and most countries ended up using some Dutch arms. The author is the former Director of the famed Tojhusmuseum in Copenhagen which houses one of the world's most important collections of arms, who studied ancient firearms for 40 years. The editor, Walter Stryker, a well-known American arms collector, translated this comprehensive volume into English. Book is in almost new condition except it is missing the dust jacket, so priced a little lower. Highly recommended for the serious arms collector. $65.00 (View Picture)

23357 THOUGHTS ON THE AMERICAN FLINTLOCK PISTOL- S. E. DYKE - Sam Dyke and the publisher George Shumway were two significant men in the study of the Kentucky rifle and pistol, and this is one of the best studies on the pistols. Sozens of examples are show in photos (alas, often of only fair quality) along with some historical information on the makers. A great reference for folks who enjoy making accurate replicas of flintlock firearms for shooting or display, or for historians or archaeologists, or artists. 1974 edition, 62 pages 8.5” x 11” softcover. Two old price label scars on the cover, otherwise G-VG condition. $20.00 (View Picture)

23355 THE STORY OF COLT'S REVOLVER- WILLIAM B. EDWARDS - William B., Edwards classic account of Colt and his revolvers. Although many of the details have subsequently been explored in greater depth, this remains an important work for the Colt collector, long out of print. Condition is VG-Fine, with nice dustjacket which is protected by a clear plastic cover that is coming apart, but has done its job. Only the second copy I have ever seen with the dustjacket. 470 pp 8.5" x 11" on coated paper. William B. Edwards is best known for his "Civil War Guns" which remains a standard reference in the field, despite now being 40+ years old. In addition, he was one of those neat people with an incredible memory and imagination, and fun to talk with. $35.00 (View Picture)

23351 COLONEL COLT, LONDON: The history of Colt's London Firearms, 1851-1857, by Joseph G. Rosa - 216 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound, published in 1976. There are scores, or perhaps hundreds of books written on Colt firearms, but few have any real detail on Colt’s London operations. This is a solidly researched and well written study which nicely fills that gap. Out of print and hard to find. Essential for a serious Colt collector, and interesting for more general collectors. Previously owned, fine with fine dust jacket but paper is starting to yellow a bit on the edges. $95.00 (View Picture)

23350 BOARDERS AWAY WITH STEEL - THE EDGED WEAPONS AND POLEARMS OF THE CLASSICAL AGE OF FIGHTING SAIL, 1626-1826 - Mowbray Publishers, 1991, hardcover, 1st edition. Near new with plastic cover for dustjacket. 160 pages 8.5” x 11’ An all-encompassing study of naval armament under fighting sail. This first volume covers axes, pikes and fighting blades (cutlasses, etc) in use between 1626 and 1826 - tracing their development in the navies of England and Northern Europe through that of the United States with particular attention to the period of the American Revolution through the War of 1812. Heavily illustrated with art and photography including a lavish 8-page color section. $48.00 (View Picture)

23342 U.S. CARTRIDGES & THEIR HANDGUNS (Hardbound) - By Charles Suydam- 333 pages 6” x 9” hardbound, 1977. Chuck Suydam was one of the most knowledgeable collector in the country, and for many decades handled the Question and Answer section of the Gun Report magazine. This book is encyclopedic in its coverage, both in terms of ammunition and handguns, sort of a crossover reference for gun collectors and cartridge collectors to tell “the rest of the story” of the other side. This begins with paper cartridges, and goes through pinfire, rimfire, centerfire and even Gyrojets! For each handgun caliber (from .22 up to .50 caliber) one or more of the cartridges are shown, with data and history, along with a sample handgun of that caliber. Excellent condition, autographed and inscribed on the title page by the author to a former owner. Excellent reference and thought provoking history from a true expert. $49.00 (View Picture)

22927 SWORDS & BLADES OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION - GEORGE C. NEUMANN - 288 pages 9” x 12” hardcover, not the flimsy paperback reprint. Swords and Blades of the American Revolution pictures, details, and identifies more than 700 arms, tracing the evolution and history of each weapon. Located in private collections and institutions, the majority never before photographed for publication, the weapons pulled together here create the first comprehensive study of bladed weapons of the American War for Independence. Spanning the total Colonial period, with major emphasis on the years from 1700 to 1783, this book provides new insight on the shaping of basic weapon patterns and sketches a picture of America's evolving education in military tactics. Neumann is the recognized expert on Rev War arms, and this is a superb reference. In addition to the photos of the weapons, there are numerous excellent line drawings by noted military artist George Woodbridge depicting them in period use. Highly recommended. Used VG-fine with dustjacket. $30.00 (View Picture)

22926 FINE SADDLES, BITS AND SPURS- BUTTERFIELD AUCTION, NOVEMBER 21, 1989 - About 80 pages 8.5" x 11" profusely illustrated, many photos in color, with the prices realized listing. A valuable reference. $10.00 (View Picture)

23295 M1903 SPRINGIELD INSTRUCTION AND SAFETY MANUAL FROM CMP - Now a collectible item, but filled with great safetyinfo, history and detailed instructions for disassembly and care. These were originally shipped with rifles sold by CMP. $4.00 (View Picture)

22921 SAMUEL E. SMITH MEMORIAL 1912-1983- BY WISCONSIN GUN COLLECTORS ASSN. - About 50 pages 8.5” x 11” soft covers. This is an interesting tribute to one of the giants of the arms collecting world, prepared by the Wisconsin Arms Collectors, which Smith founded. He was a frequent author, as well as member of many prestigious arms collecting groups. This publications reprints many of those articles along with photos, some of the eulogies, as well as several talks that Smith himself gave. The first few pages are advice to beginning collectors, and well worth reading, even by very advanced collectors. His main focus was U.S. martial single shot pistols, Reid knuckledusters, Lindsay pistols and several other areas. Well worth the time to read about this interesting gentleman. $8.00 (View Picture)

22918 CIVIL WAR COLLECTORS ENCYCLOPEDIA [Volume 1]- FRANCIS LORD - 360 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound with good dustjacket. This is an excellent beginning reference for anyone interested in Civil War artifacts. Published during the Civil War Centennial, (now 50 years ago!) this covers the most interesting and common items from arms to uniform to soldiers personal gear, etc, basically in alphabetical sequence. Well illustrated with photos, contemporary drawings, or catalog illustrations. Suitable for a young collector to thumb through or serious collector to study in detail. Lord eventually added three more volumes, getting into scarcer and less interesting items, but this is one that is the most useful. Used, overall VG-fine condition. $18.00 (View Picture)

22917 BANNERMAN MIITARY GOODS CATALOG- 1949- ORIGINAL- SUPERB CONDITION - Francis Bannerman Sons were the leading surplus dealers of the era from 1865 through the 1960s, with their inventory ranging from huge cannons to buttons, with literally tons of stuff filling their "Island Arsenal" warehouse and their store at 501 Broadway in New York City. All the Bannerman catalogs are similar, with many of the items included (without prices) for decades, but always great reading. This is an excellent condition copy, complete with the mailing envelope addressed to the original purchaser, who became an expert collector. Extremely educational reading, making you lust for a time machine to go back and stock up. Ah, the good old days.… $75.00 (View Picture)

22914 ARMS & ARMOR IN COLONIAL AMERICA- HAROLD L. PETERSON - 350 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound with fair dustjacket in plastic cover. A good using copy of one of the classic references on Revolutionary War and earlier arms and armor in America. Written by the highly respected Harold L. Peterson in 1956 this earned the endorsement of the equally respected Company of Military Collectors and Historians. Well illustrated, but not a coffee table bit of fluff, but a very useful reference book on this topic which has received little attention. Used fair to good with yellowing pages, but one any arms collector really should read. $20.00 (View Picture)

22913 U.S. MILITARY HOLSTERS & PISTOL CARTRIDGE BOXES- SCOTT MEADOWS - Scott Meadows' superbly researched and illustrated 432 page study published in 1987. The definitive work on the subject, lavishly illustrated with photos, blueprints, and holsters in use in the field. This is an important addition to any U.S. military arms collector's library, as it provides a greater understanding of the way material was procured, issued and repaired, as well as providing dates and quantities of items procured. Besides the valuable content, this is also the most beautiful gun book every published in my opinion, the maroon cover is heavily embossed, and gold leafed with the title and large ordnance escutcheon (belted flaming bomb). Really handsome! Unfortunately, this is out of print and copies are exceedingly hard to find. We used to have one or two a year, but it has been about 3 years since we had the last one. Except for some scattered light scuff marks the exterior is excellent. The edges of the pages are showing some very minor soiling, otherwise the contents are fine to excellent. Comes with the errata sheet noting a few minor corrections (in an envelope in the back cover). Autographed by the author with inscription to original owner. An exceptional reference for the advanced U.S. martial collector. $325.00 (View Picture)

22909 BOOK OF THE CONTINENTAL SOLDIER- HAROLD L. PETERSON - 287 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound, published in 1968. Used fine with good dustjacket. This is an exceptionally important book, basically “Revolutionary War Artifacts 101” written by the head museum planner and Curator of the National Park Service, in cooperation with the leading collectors and historians of the day. It covers all the weapons, uniforms, accoutrements, camp life equipment etc. Included are a nice mix of photos of artifacts, sketches, color art, and detailed drawings. Anyone even thinking of collecting Rev War items, or just wanting to learn more about history of military life of that period, NEEDS to read this book. If possible, even START with this book. Highly recommended! $15.00 (View Picture)

22908 200 YEARS OF AMERICAN FIREARMS- JAMES SERVEN - 224 pages 8.5” x 11” softcover. James Serven was a well known collector and author in the 1950s-70s. Published in 1975, this book is a series of short chapters on various topics regarding arms history in the U.S. All are good overviews, or refreshers, in case someone has become so deeply immersed in a narrow topic that they need to climb out and see the big picture again. Pages yellowing and becoming brittle, but still a good read. $5.00 (View Picture)

22903 LEVINE'S GUIDE TO KNIVES AND THEIR VALUES (1985 EDITION) - “The Complete Handbook of Knife Collecting.” 480 pages 8.5” x 11” softcover, published in 1985. Loaded with info for knife collectors, or people who might want to know more about knives they have. Pages are yellowed and becoming brittle, but loaded with good info. If you like this one, you can get one of Levine’s newer editions which get into values as well. $5.00 (View Picture)

22902 GUN DIGEST BOOK OF KNIVES- by B.R. Hughes and Jack Lewis - 288 pages 8.5” x 11” soft cover, published in 1973. The Levine book is more of a catalog of different models, but this on gets into how to buy and care for knives, projects for the do-it-yourselfer, collecting for fun and profit and info on custom makers. Used, overall fine condition. $10.00 (View Picture)

22898 BAYONETS FROM JANZEN'S NOTEBOOK (FIRST EDITION- SOFT COVER) - 253 pp 8" x 10" hardbound. Absolutely the best single reference book for anyone interested in bayonets. It covers nearly all the standard models of all countries of all periods. Excellent line drawings with brief descriptions, organized by country and then by date. While it will not list a dozen maker/marking variations for a specific model, it is essential to identifying stuff, and to give an idea of what a complete collection might consist of. Jerry Janzen was President of the Society of American Bayonet Collectors, and had one of the best collections in the country. This is the first edition softcover. There is a subsequent hardback edition with 6 additional pages, but both are long our of print, and getting very pricey. Used about good condition, scuffed and lightly soiled, but a good using copy filled with valuable information. $75.00 (View Picture)

22729 SPRINGFIELD MUZZLE LOADING SHOULDER ARMS 1795-1865 - A Description of the flintlock muskets, musketoons and carbines and the muskets, musketoons, rifles, carbines and special models from 1795 to 1865 with Ordnance Office reports, tables and correspondence and a sketch of Springfield Armory. Written by Claud E. Fuller and published by Francis Bannerman in 1930. This was THE seminal work for collecting of U.S. martial or Springfield arms. Nothing had been written previously, and other than just being old obsolete military surplus guns laying around, there were few collectors in those days. Claud Fuller assembled the first comprehensive collection, fortunately preserved by the National Park Service at the Chickamauga battlefield park as one of the great reference collections. If you ever get a chance, go visit it! Overall good-very good condition with some yellowing to the 80 year old paper. An important reference that belongs in every U.S. martial arms collector’s library. This is the original 1930 first edition, not the later paperback reprint. 176 pages about 8.5” x 11” $35.00 (View Picture)

22674 EARLY AMERICAN GUNSMITHS- HENRY J. KAUFFMAN - 94 pages 7” x 10” with good dustjacket. Former owner bookplate and inscription on flyleaf. One of the early readily available reference works on American gunsmiths. Most of the info has been incorporated into Frank Sellers more recent book “American Gunsmiths” but nice addition to a library anyway. $10.00 (View Picture)

22673 WARNER CIVIL WAR CAVALRY CARBINES- by COL J. Alan Hassell - Out of print- 81 pages 8.5” x 11” softcover. The detailed story of one of America's lesser known firearms companies and one of the most attractive carbines provided to Union cavalry units during the Civil War. Contains never-before-published photos and detailed facts about the carbines and their inventors. A must for the carbine collector and those interested in ordnance of the American Civil War. 81 pages including bibliography. B&W photos and diagrams. Autographed by the author- an excellent, definitive book on the subject- written by my good friend. $15.00 (View Picture)

23346 BIBLE OF BRIDLE BITS VY LEROY HAUG & GERHARD MALM - An illustrated collector's guide to identification and classification of bridle bits with pricing. About 6" x 9" 170 pages soft covers. Used fine. $45.00 (View Picture)

22773 1933 COLT FIREARMS CATALOG- PACIFIC COAST REPRESENTATIVE PHIL . BEKEART CO. - 40 pages about 7" x 9" covers soiled and has vertical fold where Bubbas stuffed it in a pocket but a good copy of a pre-war catalog with the desirable overprint of Colt's Pacific Coast Representative, Phil Bekeart of San Francisco. Bekeart was a big player in the gun business back in the day, and was a distributor for both Colt and S&W, and is credited for the idea of S&W’s .22 caliber revolvers made on .38 caliber frames for target shooters. Several images of the Bekeart employees and offices are on the Connecticut State Library site, related to his connection with Colt. Great addition to a display of classic old Colt or S&W arms of the pre-WW2 era. $45.00 (View Picture)

22771 STEVENS, SAVAGE, FOX PARTS CATALOG NUMBER 63 (1963) - 52 pages about 8.5” x 11” soft covers. Original catalog with receipt date May 9, 1863 rubber stamped numerous times. This is a used shop copy with dirty fingerprints etc, but loaded with parts drawings, diagrams and prices. Some annotations. Nice "related item” to add to a display, or a treasure for someone who collects or works on Savage, Stevens or Fox guns. $20.00 (View Picture)

22770 LOT OF TWO STEVENS CATALOGS- ORIGINAL 1934 AND REPRINT 1942 - The 1942 reprint has been available for a long time, but this is the first time I have seen a copy of the 1934 catalog (date on the last page), and it has an ink staped date October 20, 1938 on the cover and back cover. Dealer discount label pasted inside the cover. Format and ocntants are similar in both of the catalogs, but there are enough differencs that they are valueable references as well as collectible or great for "related items" to add to a display. Both for $35.00 (View Picture)

22756 STEEL CANVAS by R.L. Wilson - 384 pages 11” x 8.5” hardbound, used fine with good dustjacket. This magnificent and lavishly illustrated volume tells the history of the engraving and embellishment of arms in America. Includes work by Tiffany as well as leading gunmakers from Kentucky longrifles to Colt, Ruger, Winchester, Remington, Smith & Wesson, Derringer and more. Also includes legendary Bowie knives, presentation swords and silver mounted tomahawks. Collectors tend to like arms for one or more of three reasons: technical, historic or artistic merits. This volume provides great insights into the true artistry that can be achieved in firearms. $22.00 (View Picture)

22586 AMERICAN PERCUSSION REVOLVERS - By Frank Sellers and Samuel E. Smith, two noted arms scholars and collectors. An important and out of print reference. Published by Museum Restoration Service in 1971. Hardcover. Very Good condition with good dustjacket, 231 pages about 7” x 10.5”. Well illustrated. From the DJ: "The arms of Colt, Remington, Whitney, Savage and other well known makers have been covered. But more important, so have the less well known makers; from Allen, Alsop, Ames, Anthis, Attwater and Austin, to Warner, Wesson, Western, Whalen, Wheeler, White, Whittier, Wingert and Wyler. Their inventions are recorded and their work is illustrated. Important to this study is the information contained on the production of many of the makers; when designed changed in production; when new revolvers were introduced and discontinued; how many of each design were manufactured and what patterns will be found. American Percussion Revolvers has been designed as the ultimate reference book." Inscribed by Sam Smith to the former owner, a serious advanced collector. Signed by One Author (Smith). $95.00 (View Picture)

22584 THE ARMOURER AND HIS CRAFT: From the XIth to the XVIth Century by Charles Ffoulkes - 199 pages 8.5” x 11” paperback. This is a Dover reprint of Charles Ffoulkes classic 1912 book. Filled with all sorts of info on making, wearing, cleaning all sorts of armor, and many of the stylistic features of the foppish finery of the elite class circa 1000-1500 AD. Used fine to excellent. $10.00 (View Picture)

22582 WALLACE COLLECTION CATALOGUES- EUROPEAN ARMS AND ARMOUR,:TWO VOLUMES- ARMOUR (Vol 1) AND ARMS (Vol 2) - By Sir James Mann. This is the 1962 edition, combined total of about 714 pages about 8” x 10”, hardbound. This is a detailed text with historical notes and also excellent photos (208 plates) of most objects. This is located at Hertford House, a massive British government museum complex, which began as a private collection in the 1700s, and kept growing until donated to the Crown around 1900. Various editions of this catalog have been offered, dating back o 1900. An important reference source on both armor of all types and also arms, both edged weaponry and crossbows, wheellocks and flintlocks. Used fine to excellent in handsome green leatherette type binding. BOTH hardbound volumes for only $49.00 (View Picture)

22581 SAMUEL COLT PRESENTS: A Loan Exhibition of Presentation Percussion Colt Firearms (with slipcase) - This is the photo catalog and record of the Loan exhibition of presentation percussion Colts on display in Hartford, CT November 1961 to January 1962. 292pp 8" x 10.5" with large clear photos on about 2/3 of the pages. This was one of Larry Wilson's earliest books and it is a tremendous presentation of a never-to-be-duplicated exhibit. I was fortunate enough to see this awesome exhibit live, in person, while I was still in High School. Dazzled by the magnificent beauty and history of these guns, I immediately realized that I would never be able to afford a collection of Colts I would be happy with, and decided to stick with beat up old military rifles I could afford. Excellent condition previously owned copy with the slipcase. Wonderful resource to study some of the best known presentation pieces from the finest collections with impeccable pedigrees. Long out of print and seldom encountered. $49.00 (View Picture)

22579 THE JOHN WOODMAN HIGGINS ARMORY: CATALOG OF ARMOR - By Stephen V. Grancsay, 1961. 128 pages 7.5” x 10” hardbound. One of the finest private collectiosn of armor in the world, cataloged by one of the greatest experts on the subject, Grancsay who was curator of arms and armor at the Metropolitan Museum. Well illustrated and an instructive read on the subject, but it will make you want to go visit the collection in person in Worcester, Massachusetts. Used, excellent. $25.00 (View Picture)

22201 SPRINGFIELD MUZZLE LOADING SHOULDER ARMS 1795-1865 - A Description of the flintlock muskets, musketoons and carbines and the muskets, musketoons, rifles, carbines and special models from 1795 to 1865 with Ordnance Office reports, tables and correspondence and a sketch of Springfield Armory. Written by Claud E. Fuller and published by Francis Bannerman in 1930. This was THE seminal work for collecting of U.S. martial or Springfield arms. Nothing had been written previously, and other than just being old obsolete military surplus guns laying around, there were few collectors in those days. Claud Fuller assembled the first comprehensive collection, fortunately preserved by the National Park Service at the Chickamauga battlefield park as one of the great reference collections. If you ever get a chance, go visit it! This copy was owned by Anthony D. Darling, as noted by his signature and date (5.12.1956) on the flyleaf. Darling was a noted military arms researcher in his own right, albeit mainly on British arms. Overall fine condition with some yellowing to the 80 year old paper. An important reference that belongs in every U.S. martial arms collector’s library. This is the original 1930 first edition, not the later paperback reprint. 176 pages about 8.5” x 11” $45.00 (View Picture)

22393 American Gun Makers by Arcadi Gluckman and L.D. Satterlee - Ulbrich, 1940 first edition. 186 pages hardcover about 6” x 9” in overall G-VG condition but paper is yellowing. One of the pioneering efforts to compile a list of American gun makers. This was one of the several sources which became the basis for Frank Sellers’ American Gunsmiths which is the most complete listing to date. $10.00 (View Picture)

22392 American Firearms Makers by A. M. Carey - 1953, about 150 pages hardcover about 6” x 9” in overall G-VG condition but no dustjacket. One of the pioneering efforts to compile a list of American gun makers. This was one of the several sources which became the basis for Frank Sellers’ American Gunsmiths which is the most complete listing to date. Nice addition to a classic arms library. $10.00 (View Picture)

22353 American Gun Makers by Arcadi Gluckman and L.D. Satterlee - Stackpole ,1953, revised second edition, 253 pages hardcover about 6” x 9” in overall G-VG condition with somewhat tired and slightly torn dustjacket. One of the pioneering efforts to compile a list of American gun makers. This was one of the several sources which became the basis for Frank Sellers’ American Gunsmiths which is the most complete listing to date. Nice addition to a classic arms library. $10.00 (View Picture)

22336 FRONTIER STEEL: THE MEN AND THEIR WEAPONS BY WALDO E. ROSEBUSH - “The Men and Their Weapons”- Published by the Eastern Washington Historical Society in 1958, 355 pages, hardbound. This is pretty good history with solid research, footnotes, maps, images of famous people and much on the guns. This is very much an overview of military and civilian, and outlaw expansion in the west from the time of the Mexican war until the “closing of the frontier” circa 1893. When written, this was a pioneering work, as few “gun collector” books had yet been written. Since then many higly specialized and details books have been written on segments of the story covered here, but this would be an excellent starting point to see the big historical picture before delving into the fur trade era, the Mexican War, emigration trails, or the myriad models of guns involved. Signed by the author with inscription to the previous owner. $40.00 (View Picture)

22334 ENGLISH, IRISH & SCOTTISH FIREARMS MAKERS- - by A. Merwyn Carey. One of the pioneering works on the field. 121 pages hardbound about 6" x 9". Overall fair to poor condition with weak binding, yellowing pages, a number of written notations added, spine faded and torn. But, good info is where you find it. $10.00 (View Picture)

22330 Battle Axes, James D. Gamble - Published by Mowbray (of Man at Arms fame) in 1981. 93 pp 6" x 9" hardback with a number of photos and drawings. The definitive work on the subject. Out of print. Used excellent with fine dustjacket. $18.00 (View Picture)

22328 GERMAN WEAPONS, UNIFORMS INSIGNIA 1841-1918 BY JAMES E. HICKS - 158 pages hardbound with dustjacket about 6” x 9”. James E. Hicks was a noted arms collector and historian and this was a major contribution which is still useful for anyone interested in the pre-1918 German military items. Although not a huge volume covering everything in great detail, it is a useful overview of the topic with full view of the forest, instead of getting bogged down in discussion of finer points of individual trees in the forest and being hopelessly lost. Recommended. $10.00 (View Picture)

22326 A CHECKLIST OF 18TH AND19TH CENTURY ILLINOIS GUNSMITHS (2ND EDITION) BY CURTIS L. JOHNSON - 32 pages paperback 5.5” x 8.5” inscribed by the author on the inside cover. 1982 second edition listing all Illinois gunsmiths known to the author, with photos of many of the marks they used. Overall VG condition, and a valuable reference to a collector interested in arms of that era and geographic area. $10.00 (View Picture)

22321 COLLECTORS PICTORIAL BOOK OF BAYONETS- FREDERICK J. STEPHENS - 126 pages, softcover 5.5” x 8.5” in good condition. Nice overview of bayonets with emphasis on early and oddball, but an excellent introduction. Lots of good illustrations. $5.00 (View Picture)

22320 GUIDE TO THE PROPER ACCOUTREMENTS FOR HARTFORD PRODUCED PERCUSSION COLT REVOVLERS- FRED SWEENEY - 53 pages, spiral bound, privately printed. This details the correct tools, molds, cap tins and ammunition packets to accompany the Hartford made percussion Colt revolvers. Handy reference for the serious Colt collector. Near new condition. $25.00 (View Picture)

22318 TEN OLD GUN CATALOGS COMPILED BY L.D. SATTERLEE - the companion to his "Fourteen Old Gun Catalogs.". This one contains catalogs circa 1864-1866 from Merrill, Peabody, Henry, Spencer, National and also 1869 FOlson, 1871 Great Western, 1876 James Brown and 1880 Homer Fisher as well as 26 pages from the 1877 Renington catalog. Lots of illustrations. Soft cover about 500 pages 5.2" x 8.2”. Used VG-fine condition with minor wear on the covers. A super reference if interested in arms of that formative metallic cartridge era. $15.00 (View Picture)

18827 PITMAN NOTES ON U.S. MARTIAL SMALL ARMS & AMMUNITION 1776-1933: VOL FIVE- - MISC. NOTES- CALIBERS .58, .50, .30 CONFEDERATE AND FOREIGN Volume FIVE of a five volume set of detailed data and drawings (mostly cutaways) showing details of US small arms, along with detailed information on ammunition (including box labels and wooden crates) and in some cases in later volumes, pages from the manuals. This set is now OUT OF PRINT. Pitman was a high ranking Ordnance officer in the post-Civil War era and one of the first serious students of these arms and kept meticulous notes from primary sources and examination of arms and ammunition in the Ordnance Department collections. I highly recommend the entire series, but only have a few of the volumes, no complete sets, so grab them while you can. Volume FIVE (212 pages, hardbound 8.5” x 11”) covers the M1865 “First Allin”, Miller and Milbank conversions of the .58 muskets, the M1868 .50-70 rifle and carbine. and the .50 caliber single shot pistols by Remington and Springfield, and the manual and lots of ammo details for the .30-03 caliber Rod Bayonet M1903 Springfield, along with later versions in .30-06. The Confederate and foreign section deals mostly with ammunition packets and the like. This is a new condition copy, with new condition dustjacket. $55.00 (View Picture)

18824 PITMAN NOTES ON U.S. MARTIAL SMALL ARMS & AMMUNITION 1776-1933: VOL FOUR- - U.S. MAGAZINE RIFLES & CARBINES, CALIBER .30 Volume FOUR of a five volume set of detailed data and drawings (mostly cutaways) showing details of US small arms, along with detailed information on ammunition (including box labels and wooden crates) and in some cases in later volumes, pages from the manuals. This set is now OUT OF PRINT. Pitman was a high ranking Ordnance officer in the post-Civil War era and one of the first serious students of these arms and kept meticulous notes from primary sources and examination of arms and ammunition in the Ordnance Department collections. I highly recommend the entire series, but only have a few of the volumes, no complete sets, so grab them while you can. Volume FOUR (194 pages, hardbound 8.5” x 11”) covers the Krags and Model 1903 rifles, (but not the M1903A1 or later versions). This has the most complete section on early .30 caliber ammunition of any source I know showing box labels and dimensions. This is a new condition copy, with new condition dustjacket. $55.00 (View Picture)

18821 PITMAN NOTES ON U.S. MARTIAL SMALL ARMS & AMMUNITION 1776-1933: VOL TWO - REVOLVERS AND AUTOMATIC PISTOLS Volume TWO of a five volume set of detailed data and drawings (mostly cutaways) showing details of US small arms, along with detailed information on ammunition (including box labels and wooden crates) and in some cases in later volumes, pages from the manuals. This set is now OUT OF PRINT. Pitman was a high ranking Ordnance officer in the post-Civil War era and one of the first serious students of these arms and kept meticulous notes from primary sources and examination of arms and ammunition in the Ordnance Department collections. I highly recommend the entire series, but only have a few of the volumes, no complete sets, so grab them while you can. Volume 2 (174 pages, hardbound 8.5” x 11”) covers most of the Colts from the Walker through the Model 1911, and some Remingtons and Smith & Wessons. An additional section has some information on other Colt semi-autos and various foreign military semi-autos and their ammunition. This is a new condition copy, with new condition dustjacket. $55.00 (View Picture)

20390 Superimposed Load Firearms 1360-1860 - 536 pages hardbound, one of only 500 copies printed. The first, and only, comprehensive work covering 500 years of development of superimposed load firearms. Some are like the Lindsay double musket or Walsh types where a separate action is required to fire successive loads, while others are more of a “Roman candle” effect where sequential loads are fired automatically after the first shot. A little studied type of firearm distinctly different from competing revolving mechanism, multiple barrel and repeating actions used to increase the firepower of weapons. This is a good reading copy but it has suffered from poor storage and has some damp staining in the margins, and the exposed parts of the hard covers (both top and bottom) show water and/or insect damage, but it is largely hidden by the good dustjacket when on your bookshelf. Scarce book on a specialized topic deserving more recognition by students and historians of firearms technology. $195.00 (View Picture)

20393 OVERSIZE PLATES ONLY FOR ILLUSTRATED BRITISH FIREARMS PATENTS 1714-1853 - This book was compiled & edited by arms collecting giants Stephen Grancsay and Merrill Lindsay, and published by the Winchester Press. About 300 pages 7.25” x 10.75” with handsome binding. Includes listing of all British firearm patents 1714 to 1853, and the text of each one. Many have illustrations showing the details. Only 1000 of the books were printed, and the were each accompanied by an additional cardboard folio with the oversize illustrations for many of the patents. However, the large plates were difficult to store and almost always got separated from the book itself, so most of the books on the market are lacking the large plates. We have here one set of the plates in the original cardboard packaging, ready to complete your copy of this important reference work. There are about 50 or 60 plates, many about 20” x 24” but some smaller size (larger than letter size). Among the instantly recognizable items are Colt Paterson revolving rifles, Colt Dragoons, Adams revolvers, Collier revolvers and many others that are obscure or less known. I imagine the plates could be sold off individually to specialized collectors, but we prefer to keep them intact as a set so someone can enhance the usefulness of their orphan volume which lost its plates along the way. $125.00 (View Picture)

20389 COLT COMMEMORATIVE FIREARMS from the G.M. Bartelmay Collection - 126 pages 7” x 9” hardbound edition, not the paperback. This is the 1973 dated 2nd, revised edition. R.L. Wilson listed as author, and published by Robert Cherry of Geneseo, IL. Cherry was one of the driving forces behind the “Commemorative” gun boom of the 1960s, so his connection adds some great background. The book covers each of the Colt Commemoratives through 1973 with technical features, production data, and background and color photos. This has all the info needed to turn a collection of these guns into a great educational display. Used excellent, would pass for new. $75.00 (View Picture)

20370 THE WORLD'S GREAT SMALL ARMS - 176 pages 9.5” x 12” hardbound, near new condition. With the aid of eight gatefolds featuring superbly annotated cutaway illustrations, 120 full color illustrations, color and black and white photographs, and an authoritative text, this book includes the following weapons; Rifles, from the M1 Garand to the Steyr AUG; Machine Guns, Browning to Negev; Submachine Guns, Tommy Gun to the Ingram; Handguns, Webley to Glock 17; Shotguns, Winchester to Pancor Jackhammer; and covers all the main types of anti-tank and anti-personnel grenades. A “coffee table book” but a very good one. The cutaway drawings would be good additions to a display of the guns. $10.00 (View Picture)

20364 BAYONET FROM JANZEN'S NOTEBOOK- (USED COPY- hardcover) - Probably the best starting reference for anyone interested in bayonets of the world. This is a gently used copy, but the former owner did put some sort of clear cover material on the covers that is permanently stuck in place. Great using copy. OUT OF PRINT AND VERY FEW NEW COPIES LEFT FOR SALE. This used copy is a bargain at only $75.00 (View Picture)

20363 CARTRIDGES OF THE WORLD 9TH EDITION- Frank Barnes - Used good copy of this classic that is an essential reference on all types of ammunition, and indirectly the guns that use it. Loaded with dimensions, ballistics info, and also historical data such as dated introduced, etc. Each edition is a bit better than the last, with the newest and most up to date that includes all the sexy new .17 caliber rimfires, etc. However, any of the editions is a great reference for a gun collector or cartridge collector needing info on cartridges which have been around a while. One very large table int he back lists nearly all cartridges and their dimensions, so you can figure out what some oddball cartridge is without thumbing through every page. New copies run about $35 but this slightly aged veteran is ready for years of usefulness at only $10.00 (View Picture)

20362 LYMAN BLACK POWDER HANDBOOK AND LOADING MANUAL- 2ND EDITION - The best source of info on the bullets and powder charges for all types of black powder cartridge and muzzle loading arms. $12.00 (View Picture)

20077 MODERN RELOADING, 2ND EDITION, BY RICHARD LEE. - Thei is from the folks at Lee Precision who make the reloading tools. Published in 2003 has a reputation as being a good reliable book. $12.00 (View Picture)

20716 U.S. MILITARY AMMUNITION REFERENCE LIBRARY ON CD - Covering all types of ammunition for small arms, mortars, artillery, grenades, bombs, rockets, pyrotechnics, and signals! Seven of the most important official references, with over 2,600 pages of information, loaded with detailed drawings, specifications, markings, etc. Dates range from 1923 to 2003, with most WW2, Korea and Vietnam vintage ammo covered in detail. High quality .pdf files that are fully searchable using the free Adobe Acrobat. You can copy and paste selected text or images into other documents for collectors or historians. This material is all on a single CD. Free shipping in the U.S. $20.00 (View Picture)

19721 ROUND BALL TO RIMFIRE: PART 4 - A HISTORY OF CIVIL WAR SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION - PART TWO - SIGNED By the Author – 8.5” x 11” hardbound, 328 pages - This is the first (of an esitmated three) volumes to cover Confederate ammunition. The text sets the stage for the organization of the Confederate Ordnance Bureau and the emergence of Josiah Gorgas, Chief of Ordnance, who was one of the few federal ordnance officers to resign his post and join with the "rebellion." But, Gorgas could not run the Bureau alone, and the addition of John W. Mallet to his staff as Superintendent of Laboratories in the spring of 1862, was destined to bring order out of the chaos amid frenzied demands for small arms ammunition. Includes examples of over 650 specimens of Confederate bullets and cartridges, in addition to bullet moulds and numerous other illustrations. Dean Thomas does wonderful research and writing and these volumes are the definitive coverage of the subject. $50.00 (View Picture)

18186 REPORT OF MILITARY COMMISSION TO EUROPE 1855-1856 (MORDECAI REPORT) - includes the important "Rifled Infantry Arms: A brief Description of the Modern System of Small Arms as adopted in the various European Armies by J. Schoen" translated from the German by Captain Josiah Gorgas, later the Confederate Chief of Ordnance. This is an important reference loaded with informatin from visits to most of the European powers and detailed drawings and spsecifications for their arms and in some cases the arsenals where they were made or stored. To some extent, this served an unexpected use in 1861 as officers and private parties from the north and south hurried to Europe to buy up as many arms as possible for use during the Civil War. Overall in VG plus condition, the best of any of the four copies we have encountered in over 40years of collecting. Pages have some of the usual brown spotting encountered on old paper, and some chipping on the ends of the spine, but is a pretty nice copy for the collector, as well as the researcher to mine for data. $195.00 (View Picture)

19696 The Burnside Breech Loading Carbines by Ed Hull - Superb reference, used excellent with good dustjacket. Hardbound about 6" x 9" $15.00 (View Picture)

19689 Handbook of Civil War Bullets & Cartridges - An excellent introductory study by the leading expert on Civil War ammunition, Dean Thomas. Good little handbook about 5” x 7” soft covers. Excellent for collectors, historians or Civil War reenactors or shooters to stump their buddies on trivia tests! Used near new condition. $7.00 (View Picture)

19180 US MILITARY KNIVES: COLLECTORS GUIDE by Silvey & Boyd - 189 pages 8.5” c 11” soft cover, 1990 edition. This is a highly respected reference book which can also serve as a checklist or inventory for a collector of all types of U.S. Military knives- including pocket knives, the mark 1 and 2 and Kabar type knives, the M3 Trench Knife, various machetes, and privately made and theater made military knives. Similar to the esteemed books by M.H. Cole in scope (except Cole also covers bayonets) and Silvey and Boyd use a mix of photos and excellent line drawings. Used copy with some scuffing and very minor wear on covers and spine, but contents are near new. This is a highly sought after book, with used copies listed on line at prices of $120 and $174. Our price is only $75.00 (View Picture)

18529 THE AMERICAN BAYONET 1776-1964- ALBERT HARDIN - 234 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound. This was the first book on collecting American bayonets, published in 1964, and really enlightened collectors about what was out there. Some of the information has been superseded (e.g.- Reilly has added much more to our knowledge of socket bayonets, Hartman on the Krags, etc), but Hardin is still a classic reference. It remains the only reference to really address the bewildering field of brass handled sword bayonets, although there are some errors which have been discovered since this was published 45 years ago. This contains the physical and background descriptions and illustrations of over two hundred separate and distinct types of American bayonets from Colonial times to the present day. The text is profusely illustrated, and remains an excellent introduction or overview of the subject. The book covers Angular, Ramrod, Sword/Saber, Knife, Fencing, Intrenching, and Bolo Bayonets. Also included are the important variations of many standard types. The scabbards of many of the bayonets are discussed. There is also a Listing of Bayonet Patents and an extensive bibliography. Overall about excellent except dustjacket shows some rubbing and scuffing. $165.00 (View Picture)

18359 AMERICAN PRIMITIVE KNIVES, 1770-1870- by Gordin Minnis - Museum Restoration Service, 1983. 100 pages 8.5” x 11” hard cover. One of the few references out there on belt, patch and utility knives of this period, plus daggers and Bowie knives. The main body of the text consists of photographs of more than 60 knives accompanied by a detailed description and whatever history is known. Excellent interior except for former owner’s name stamped on inside cover, dustjacket fine except for some soiling. $50.00 (View Picture)

18205 MANUFACTURE OF THE MODEL 1903 SPRINGFIELD SERVICE RIFLE - About 370 pages 8.5” x 11” with soft covers. The book is a reprint of several important articles on U.S. small arms of the WW1 era. The main section is “UNITED STATES RIFLES AND MACHINE GUNS (332 pages) by Fred H. Colvin & Ethan Viall. This printed in the American Machinist and intended to familiarize people with the DETAILED process involved in making M1903 Springfield rifles. Each part is shown with detailed dimensioned drawings of the jigs, fixtures and tooling used to manufacture the parts, as well as outlining every step performed on the part. It also includes INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS AND SPECIFICATIONS GOVERNING THE MANUFACTURE AND INSPECTION OF THE UNITED STATES RIFLE, CALIBER .30, Model of 1903. July 1916 (35 pages) 3) and a 13 page article on the heat treating process used on M1903 rifles (as of 1928) from Army Ordnance magazine. The major part of this book was published by Colvin and Viall in 1916, but is extremely scarce and pricey if you can even find one. A serious M1903 collector will really appreciate the details involved in making their favorite rifle as they study this reprint version. Used excellent, and would almost pass for new, except for former owner’s name neatly ink stamped on the fly leaf. Out of print, and scarce. $175.00 (View Picture)

18199 SWORDS & DAGGERS- EDUARD WAGNER - London, 1975. Hardcover. Book Condition: Very Good. 254 pages, well illustrated, cloth, very good. Translated by Jean Layton. From the publisher: "This attractively illustrated handbook is concerned with all types of European cut and thrust weapons. Edouard Wagner, an expert on all forms of such weapons, traces their origin and development from Ancient times to the 20th century, considering their importance as fighting weapons, and discussing their dress and ceremonial significance. The major part of the book consists of Edouard Wagner's own illustrations and descriptive captions for nearly 250 weapons, ranging from bronze swords made eight or nine hundred years before the birth of Christ, through weapons of the Dark Ages and the Medieval period to the bladed weapons still used by 20th century fighting men. Collectors of cut and thrust weapons will find the large number of East European weapons, little known in the West, of considerable interest. Edouard Wagner also includes notes on collecting and classifying cut and thrust weapons." $20.00 (View Picture)

18201 KRAG RIFLE STORY (2ND ED). FRANK MALLORY (out of print) - 343 pp 8.5" x 11". The second, much expanded edition with greatly expanded information including numerous tables of important information for collectors. This covers all variations of the U.S. military Krag rifle, as well as the Danish and Norwegian models. Also, the related ammunition, bayonets and others accessories. Besides all the expected details, this has 78 page listing of rifle/carbine serial numbers that have been discovered during the author's 20 plus years digging into military records at the national Archives. For these guns, a specific event and date can be documents. Some are very important (such as the carbines issued to Teddy Roosevelt's "Rough Riders" in the 1st US Volunteer Cavalry) while others are merely notations of reports of defects, or loss or shipment. This is the essential definitive reference work on Krags, and belongs in every serious U.S. Martial Collector's library. Now out of print and getting hard to find. $225.00 (View Picture)

18196 THE BREECH LOADER IN THE SERVICE 1816-1917- - A HISTORY OF ALL STANDARD AND EXPERIMENTAL U. S. BREECHLOADING AND MAGAZINE SHOULDER ARMS- by Claud Fuller. Flayderman 1965 reprint edition, hard bound, 381 pages 8 ½” x 11”. There are few books in this field that can be called "classic". The BREECH-LOADER IN THE SERVICE is one. We have constantly referred to it in our many collecting and dealer activities. This covered nearly every breech loading long arm adopted or tested for use by the U.S. Army from 1819 through the end of WW1- from the Hall to the M1903 and M1917 rifles, and all the Civil War carbines. For many guns this is about the only source of information to even identify what the heck they are, let alone find some history, and in many cases patent drawings or trials reports and drawings and explanations of operation and disassembly. While there are plenty of other good references on at least half of the guns covered here, this is the book you will end up needing for those occasional oddballs. Used, fine to excellent with just a bit of light fingerprint soiling. No dustjacket. Former owner neatly printed his name on inside flyleaf. $75.00 (View Picture)

18195 U.S. MILITARY FIREARMS 1776-1956, JAMES E. HICKS - My favorite U.S. Martial arms reference book. Approx 212 pages about 88 of them being the unsurpassed detailed line drawings by Andre Jandot. The drawings bring out details not found anywhere else and are most useful for identifying parts and doing restoration work. They include just about every standard model longarm and handgun of the period covered as well as numerous trial and experimental pieces. This 1962 edition is the final one with a bit (2-3 pages) more content, but essentially same as the earlier 1957 edition with the same title, and very similar to the 1946 version "Notes on United States Ordnance, Volume 1". This book desperately needs to be reprinted. Used, excellent copy, nice and clean, but missing dustjacket and having the corners of the covers slightly bumped. Former owner’s name neatly marked on the title page. An absolutely essential reference book for any U.S. Arms collector. $55.00 (View Picture)

18190 JAPANESE BAYONETS- LARRY JOHNSON - 156 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound. The classic, out of print standard reference on all Japanese Bayonets 1870-1988. Very well organized and illustrated and researched. Many collectors still prefer to use this due to its ease of use, even though Ra LaBar’s “Bayonets of Japan” is large and gets into greater depth (into excruciating levels of detail, for some readers). This is a used copy with dustjacket in near excellent condtion, showing some light scuffing on the dustjacket, a bit of very light finger soiling on some pages and the previous owner’s name stamped on the inside covers. Out of print, hard to find. $395.00 (View Picture)

18188 THE AMERICAN BAYONET 1776-1964- ALBERT HARDIN - 234 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound. This was the first book on collecting American bayonets, published in 1964, and really enlightened collectors about what was out there. Some of the information has been superseded (e.g.- Reilly has added much more to our knowledge of socket bayonets, Hartman on the Krags, etc), but Hardin is still a classic reference. It remains the only reference to really address the bewildering field of brass handled sword bayonets, although there are some errors which have been discovered since this was published 45 years ago. This contains the physical and background descriptions and illustrations of over two hundred separate and distinct types of American bayonets from Colonial times to the present day. The text is profusely illustrated, and remains an excellent introduction or overview of the subject. The book covers Angular, Ramrod, Sword/Saber, Knife, Fencing, Intrenching, and Bolo Bayonets. Also included are the important variations of many standard types. The scabbards of many of the bayonets are discussed. There is also a Listing of Bayonet Patents and an extensive bibliography. Overall about excellent except dustjacket showing some scuffing and chipping and minor tears. A previous owner stamped his name on the inside covers. $165.00 (View Picture)

17589 FRENCH MILITARY WEAPONS 1717-1938 - James.E. Hicks’ definitive study from handguns to howitzers, superbly illustrated with Jandot's detailed drawings. A most valuable reference, there being only one other, a multi volume set, written in French and extremely expensive. This will suffice for all but the most ardent Frogophile. Out of print (and should be republished, just as Hicks' book on U.S. military arms is desperately needed). 281 pp 6" x 9". Used, excellent, bright clean copy with good dustjacket. $95.00 (View Picture)

15279 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF U.S. INSIGNIA AND UNIFORMS BY WILLIAM K. EMERSON. - William K. Emerson, 680 pages 9.3" x 12.3". This is a massive reference book for researchers, historians, collectors, dealers, and curators. It covers insignia and uniforms of the U.S. Army from 1782 to the present. Before insignia became common, the design of the uniform was especially important in identifying nationality and branch of service. Thus, one-third of this book is devoted to the study of uniforms, and two-thirds covers insignia. The book is divided into 22 sections and 80 chapters that are arranged to allow the identification of like objects (e.g., section 8, Musician's Insignias; chapter 13, "Lyres"; chapter 14, "Bugles, Horns, and Trumpets"). Coverage includes all branches of the army and everything from field clothing to dress uniforms. Insignia and uniforms for chaplains, medical personnel, foreign units, Indians, and women are covered in detail. The text is profusely illustrated with more than 2,000 black-and-white photographs and occasional line drawings. The illustrations are appropriately placed throughout the text and frequently show the items being worn. In an appendix is a well-illustrated seven-page essay on insignia fasteners. The bibliography has 249 listings for books, government documents, periodicals, and catalogs. Also assisting users is a very detailed nine-page index. New condition. List price $135.00 special price- postpaid for only $120.00 (View Picture)

16691 CARTRIDGES OF THE WORLD (11TH EDITION) - Brand new copy of this classic that is an essential reference on all types of ammunition, and indirectly the guns that use it. Loaded with dimensions, ballistics info, and also historical data such as dated introduced, etc. Each edition is a bit better than the last, but if you don't have one, might as well start with the newest and most up to date that includes all the sexy new .17 caliber rimfires, etc. One excellent table in the back lists all the standardized U.S. military calibers and numerous other useful appendices. 552 pages 8.5" x 11," softcover. List price $29.99 but our price with FREE SHIPPING is only $25.00 (View Picture)

15637 Ballard Rifles in the Henry J. Nunnemacher Collection by Eldon Wolfe - Bulletin of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee, Vol. 18, No. 1, 1945. 77 pages, HARDCOVER edition. 27 plates. An in important early reference on Ballard rifles. Used fine. $25.00 (View Picture)

15632 Lot of four shotgun items (advertising/manual type items) - What you see is what you get. Four shotgun related items: (a) Wingshooter’s handbook- all about bird hunting, emphasizing the virtues of the Poly-Choke; (b) NRA International Skeet Rules Handbook, 1968 edition; (c) Hartford Gun Choke Company “pattern calculator”- a slide rule type device, and (d) Browning Sporting Arms Catalog. All four for only $8.00 (View Picture)

15604 Lot of SIX reloading books/manuals - Lyman Reloading Handbook, 46th edition (1982); Lyman Cast Bullet Handbook (1973); Nosler Reloading Manual Number Two (1981); Lyman Cast Bullet & Reolading Guide (1983); Hodgdon Basic Reloaders Manual (2004); Accurate Powder Reloaders Guide (2002). Loaded full of specific load data as well as extensive historical sections on arms, ammunition, reloading tools, bullet molds, and bullet casting and well illustrated. Used VG-fine- the lot of six for only $12.00 (View Picture)

15623 LOT OF THREE BIG GAME HUNTING BOOKS - (1) Records of Exotics- Volume III, 1982 edition. 363 page 5.5” x 8.5” hardbound. Has rough dust jacket and there is a ¾ inch damaged spot at bottom of the cover. (2) Records of Exotics- Vol. IV, 1987 edition. 460 pages 5.5” x 8.5” hardbound. Used excellent. These two volumes have detailed specifications on the top examples of various exotic game species taken by hunters. (3) Hunting Whitetails Successfully- North American Hunting Club, J.Wayne Fears, 206 pages 6” x 9” hardbound. used excellent. Everything you need to know to put Bambi in your freezer, ready to cook up. All three books for $10.00 (View Picture)

15621 Lot of two important “PRACTICAL DOPE” books by Fred C. Ness - Ness was technical editor for the National Rifle Association for over 15 years, “PRACTICAL DOPE ON THE .22”- 313 pages 6” x 9” hardbound, Stackpole 1955 edition of this 1947 classic. This amazing volume is a wealth of info on everything related to .22 caliber CENTERFIRE rifles, and especially the .22 centerfire cartridges, their development and history and use. This is essentially the story of experimenters and wildcats, some familiar, and many little known today. Much info on case dimensions, load data, etc. Used VG. “PRACTICAL DOPE ON THE BIG BORES”- 436 pages 6” x 9” hardbound, Stackpole, 1948 first edition. The same sort of material as the previous book, but for larger calibers, mainly the .25 through .30 calibers but continuing on up into .40 caliber including military cartridges. Used VG. These are along the same lines as “Hatcher’s Notebook” covering pretty much whatever the author felt was important of interesting, and in serious depth with loads of factual information and amusing or irrelevant stuff added if they liked. They reflect the independent and thoughtful approach that great minds have had when dealing with arms and ammunition and how to improve them. Both volumes for $55.00 (View Picture)

15603 American Firearms: The Colt Supplement - by Stephen VanRensselaer, Century House, Watkins Glen, NY, 1948. 94 pages about 5.5” c 9” hardbound. VanRensselaer was a very prominent early collector, and a Colt specialist. He wrote “An Histology of American Firearms” as sort of a general book on arms collecting (one of the pioneering works on the subject of American arms, as previously only exotic old European arms had been deemed suitable for collecting). This is a follow up to that providing a roadmap of Colt products with photos of virtually all models along with descriptions and a listing of known variations. A necessity to complete the library of a serious Colt collector, although the information is covered more completely and accurately (with another half century of scholarship!) in works like Flayderman’s Guide and R.L. Wilson’s Colt Firearms. Overall good, some scuffing on the spine and old paper is yellowing. $18.00 (View Picture)

15601 Military Firearms- the collector’s price and reference guide- Ned Schwing (3rd edition) - 480 pages 8.5” x 11” softcover with loads of photos. An excellent reference to ID nearly all types of military arms (including military issued guns normally thought of as civilian guns- Colt, S&W, Ruger, etc). This covers ALL countries, not just the U.S., and pretty much the entire cartridge period from single shot blackpowder rifles up to current class 3 machine guns. For identification and history it is an excellent guide. As for the prices, that is always hard to evaluate, and I would quibble with many as being too high or too low, at least it provides a good starting point to see if something is a $100 clunker or priceless treasure. This is the 3rd edition published in 2005, and the 4th edition just came out at $29.95, so this one is cheaper. Gently used and would pass for new only $20.00 (View Picture)

12406 Marksmanship in the U.S. Army - A History of Medals, Shooting Programs, and Training by William K. Emerson, 264 pages 9.2" x 12.3" Featuring hundreds of black-and-white illustrations of marksmanship medals, prizes, and badges, plus a special full-color section, this encyclopedia of U.S. Army shooting awards and training program rewards is a must-have for military historians and collectors. Emerson details weapons training from the 1850s to the present, gathering this information for the first time in a single volume. Emerson highlights the philosophies behind army marksmanship and documents the awards, prizes, and badges bestowed upon the War Department’s most elite shooters, artillerymen, and swordsmen. Proficiency training discussed in this book includes the use of sabers, cannons, sea mines, bayonets, tank weapons, aerial gunnery, bombs, and other weapons. Emerson integrates discussion of the criteria, people, and rationale behind each award into this historical account. Emphasis on national rifle and pistol matches, the history of selected army and NRA trophies, and significant players in the army’s weapons training development enhances the comprehensive appeal of this contribution to military history by this experienced author. New condition. List price $64.95 special price postpaid for only $58.00 (View Picture)

11412 THE IDENTIFICATION OF FIREARMS AND FORENSIC BALLISTICS - Major Sir Gerald Burrard, 217 pages 6" x 9" hardbound. Excellent with nice dustjacket. First American edition (1962) of the 3rd English edition (1954?). In this classic work on the subject, Major Gerald Burrard disucsses "the fundamental essentials of firearms and ballistics which are of forensic importance." First published in 1934, this volume details the processes involved in the identification of individual firearms by means of microscopic examination of fired bullets and cartridge cases. The revised edition contains a description of the theory of "family likeness" in firearms identification, updated information on shotgun cartridges and their components, and suggestions for the identification of partially burnt powder grains by means of the microscope. $30.00 (View Picture)

11410 FIREARMS INVESTIGATION, IDENTIFICATION AND EVIDENCE - Julian S. Hatcher, Frank Jury and Jac Weller, 2nd edition printed in 1977. 536 pages 6" x 9" hardbound. Originally written in 1935 by then Major (later Major General) with the Ordnance Department of the Army with a foreword by J. Edgar Hoover. Almost 500 illustrations. Provides information on investigating crimes committed with firearms, their identification, and preparing for court. Also provides much interesting information on pistols and revolvers , their ammunition, ballistics and use. Hatcher went on to be head of the NRA, and is also author of the highly respected "Hatcher's Notebook," one of the most interesting books on firearms technical details you will find. Used excellent. $55.00 (View Picture)

11235 ROCK ISLAND RIFLE MODEL 1903 - 175 pages 6" x 9" soft cover. The Model 1903 made at Springfield has been thoroughly studied and documented by Brophy and Campbell, but the rifles made at Rock Island have been largely overlooked. Nick Ferris first wrote a book on the Rock Island rifles in 1992, and this expanded and revised version adds much new information discovered since then. He provides detailed coverage of the distinguishing features of RIA rifles and parts, and bayonets, and also extensive coverage on rebuild and inspection markings through the 1970s. The rifles include the original rod bayonet M1903 rifles and those altered to knife bayonet, then those made with knife bayonets and chambered for .30-06 ammunition up through the end of production in 1913, the resumption of production during WW1 and even Springfield's use of Rock Island marked receivers 1927-29.. Of course he covers most of the accessories and appendages as well. Every U.S. martial arms collector who has, or will be buying, a Model 1903 by Rock Island should have a copy of this. $22.95 (View Picture)

9196 FIELD ARTILLERY MATERIEL - James P. Kelly, 1st Lt, FA. 1920. 375 pp 5" x 7.5" with many, many illustrations, mostly detailed drawings taken from official manuals. Covers American, French and British 3" (75mm) field guns, 155mm Howitzer GPF; fire control instruments, signal equipment and small arms used by the field artillery (M1911 pistol, BAAAAR, and .30 BMG). This book includes details not readily available to the collector anywhere else. Fuzes, ammunition details, carriage details, sights, range finders, camp telephones, etc are all included. To duplicate the info in this book you would need a whole shelf of manuals, most of which are simply not available anywhere. I like this one a lot, and know you will too. Overall fine except front hinge weak. $85.00 (View Picture)

9188 EUROPEAN ARMS AND ARMOUR - Charles Henry Ashdown, 1967, 384 pp 6" x 9". This is what you need if you want to know all about what the Knights in shining Armor wore and fought with. Over 450 illustrations show most of the items discussed, and presented in a readable format that can be understood by average person, not just people who know a lot about that stuff already. Used fine with good dustjacket. $29.00 (View Picture)

9185 ARMSMEAR: THE SAMUEL COLT BIOOGRAPHY - edited by Henry Barnard, this was published in 1866 as a project commissioned by Samuel Colt's widow. Armsmear was the name of his estate, the title is elaborated as "Armsmear: The Home, The Arm, and the Armory of Samuel Colt. A Memorial." This is NOT a nuts and bolts book explaining guns, but rather devoted to worshipful praise of Sam Colt's endeavors, in the style of mid 19th century authors. This is the reprint edition done by Beinfeld in 1975. Contents VG-fine but paper is spotted and soiled on the edges and the dustjacket is pretty tired and dirty from storage in a musty basement. $95.00 (View Picture)

9180 GUNS AND THE GUNFIGHTERS : THEY MADE THEIR NAMES WITH A GUN - by the editors of Guns & Ammo magazine. Bonanza Books, 1982. Hardbound 11 1/4" tall x 8 3/4" with good dustjacket. Heavily illustrated with black & white photos. 224pp. Chock full of stories of famous gunfighters from Wild Bill Hickok to Melvin Purvis and much more. Second section deals with the great guns the gunfighters used-the Colt 1851-the Thompson Machine Gun and others. Lots of period drawings and photos, very readable, but accuracy of some statements is suspect. $15.00 (View Picture)

15270 CATALOG OF A LOAN EXHIBITION OF PERCUSSION COLT REVOLVERS AND CONVERSIONS 1836-1873 - John A. Parsons, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1942. About 40 pages plus another 40 pages of photo plates showing most of the 130 guns in the exhibit. 8" x 11" softcovers. Following Colt's publicity of their centennial in 1937, and publishing of Haven & Belden's book on Colts in 1940, this exhibit in the prestigious Metropolitan Museum of Art firmly established that collecting Colts was a socially acceptable activity for arms collectors, who had previously been viewed with suspicion as some sort of uncouth barbarian if they ventured into anything newer than knights in shining armor, or gaudily decorated flintlocks and the like. Assisting Parsons in putting together this exhibit were some of the famous names among early arms collectors, and owning one of the Colts from this exhibit is a valuable pedigree. However, opening immediately after the U.S entered WW2, it was not a big a draw to the public as one would have hoped. Used VG with some soiling on the covers and scuffing on the back cover. A scarce booklet as only 1,000 were printed. $65.00 (View Picture)

15267 COLT FIREARMS: THE ARM OF LAW AND ORDER - 34 pages 7.5” x 10” with gray soft covers embossed with Colt logo and title. Covers are split most of the way at the fold and need to be repaired. I believe this dates to 1929 as it refers to the founding in 1836 and “93 years experience” in making revolvers. Some company history and coverage of manufacturing and highlights several of the current products with order blank in the back. Small piece missing out of back cover, corners are dog eared and edges are worn, and there are three pages that have youthful penmanship additions, but not too distracting. A scarce original Colt document. $35.00 (View Picture)

15266 GIMBEL BROTHER CATALOG ANTIQUE FIREARMS: INCLUDING A COLLECTION OF RARE COLT REVOLVERS - (September1945) 64 pages 7” x 10” softcovers. Oh, to have had a few hundred dollars to invest in the bargains shown here! Gimbels was one of the two or three largest department stores in New York and Philadelphia in the mid 20th century and this was a sale at their flagship 33rd & Broadway store. Cover is stamped “25% discount on all items listed in this catalog” so the Colt Paterson revolving rifle would have been $600 instead of $750….Colt Navies were $40-50 (before discount!); and you had your choice of two Springfield-Lee falling block (“vertical action”) rifles at $30 each or $22.50 after discount. 196 photos showing multiple items including cannons and a suit of armor, swords, flintlocks, etc. Covers stained but contents G-VG. $20.00 (View Picture)

15265 P.J. O'HARE CATALOG "SHOOTING ACCESSORIES FOR RIFLEMEN" - Catalog and price list of large and small bore shooting Number 10- not dated but probably circa 1930s. Overall good condition but edges show use with some corner folding and soiling/scuffing on the covers. 106 pages 6” x 9” loaded with sights, scopes, cleaning gear, gizmos and goodies that shooters “need” to squeeze out the extra point or two. Many Parker-Hale products listed as well as those made by O’Hare. A wonderful item to display with a collection of vintage target rifles. $65.00 (View Picture)

15233 PAUL WAHL’S BIG GUN CATALOG (2 VOLUMES) - This massive work is the size of two telephone books, a total of 1700 pages, containing catalogs from almost every American made (or imported) maker in 1988. 8.5” x 11” softcovers. Used excellent, pages starting to yellpw. $0.00 (View Picture)

15221 ARMS & ARMOR: From the Permanent Collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art by Helmut Nickel - 64 pages 8.5” x 11” softcover, 1991. 'Nickel, Curator Emeritus of the Department of Arms and Armor, sets forth a rich variety of objects in a handsomely illustrated and informative survey. timed to the opening of new Met galleries showcasing these pieces, among others. Superb photos of masterful works of art executed on various types of arms including armour, helmets, shields, rapiers, swords, halberds, various firearms, from European and oriental sources. Excellent plus condition except for a few scattered bits of text which have been highlighted with a color marker. $15.00 (View Picture)

15220 SIGHTS WEST- SELECTIONS FROM THE WINCHESTER MUSEUM COLLECTION - 80 pages 8.5” x 11” soft cover, published in 1981 by the Buffalo Bill Historical Center in conjunction with the University of Nebraska. Text by the then Winchester Museum curator Richard Rattenbury and his predecessor, Thomas Hall. A nice overview of some of the typical firearms involved with the exploration and settling of the west. Used excellent, almost new condition. $10.00 (View Picture)

15216 WINCHESTER SHOTSHELLS METALLIC AMMUNITION- A HISTORY OF THE DEVELOPMENT AND PRODUCTION OF AMMUNITION - 1854-1942. 93 pages 8.5” x 11” softcover- a reprint of a 1943 compilation by G.R. Watrous of information from many sources that is loaded with info about dates and details of various types of ammunition produced by Winchester from 1854 through 1942- different calibers, brands, loads, types of powder, etc. Most is taken from old factory ledgers, salesmen notes, etc, and includes details on the reason for many of the changes. A vital primary reference that I have not seen. This is NOT just a reprint of the Winchester catalog for 1942 or 1943 which is sometimes seen, but an entirely different, and very detailed publication. $65.00 (View Picture)

15213 WINCHESTER MODEL 42 SHOTGUN - SEQUENCE OF TAKE DOWN AND ASSEMBLY OPERATIONS - 102 pages 8.5” x 11” soft cover. This is an original circa 1960 printing of the detailed guide to total disassembly and reassembly of the Model 42 and troubleshooting. Mostly done with draftsman prepared drawings and typed text added. Blue cardstock covers are sun faded along the spine and edges. A necessity for anyone doing anything more than basic disassembly for routine cleaning, as well as an important item for someone who collects these wonderful little guns. $85.00 (View Picture)

15212 WINCHESTER PRODUCT CATALOG JUNE 1923 (REPRINT) - 188 pages 8.5” x 11” soft cover. This is an amazing thing to review! Of the 188 pages, more than 140 pages are devoted to products OTHER THAN guns or ammunition! Following WW1, Winchester decided to try diversifying its product line to inclue all types of sporting goods- knives, axes, fishing gear, roller and ice skates, baseball gloves, paints and varnish, flashlights, tools, hardware, office supplies, etc. You can almost imagine that this was the inspiration for the 1960s operations of Herters which spanned a similar range. A high quality reprint, used excellent condition. $20.00 (View Picture)

15209 ECHOES OF IRON IN CONNECTICUT'S NORTHWEST CORNER BY ED KIRBY - 135 pages 8.5” x 11” soft cover published in 1998. Detailed study of the many old sites and the iron making operations which took place in Western Connecticut, along the “Iron Heritage Trail.” Used excellent except for minor tape repair at bottom of spine. Valuable reference on the iron industry which was the key to New England’s industrialization. $50.00 (View Picture)

15190 HEROIC ARMOR OF THE ITALIAN RENAISSANCE: FILIPPO NEGROLI AND HIS CONTEMPORARIES - by Stuart Phyrr and Jose Godoy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1998. 358 pages 8.5" x 11" hardcover with loads of illustrations, most in full color. The armor in this book must be seen to be believed, as it is the epitome of the artistic talent of the sculptor, but executed in body and head armor and related pieces. The helmets include grotesque masks and other fantasy creations that would dazzle a Halloween or Mardi Gras designer. the accompanying text is well done and authoritative. A great reference and a real art lover's delight. Used, but near new condition with dustcover protected by plastic cover. $49.00 (View Picture)

15189 AMERICAN SOCKET BAYONETS AND SCABBARDS BY ROBERT M. REILLY - 209 pages 9" x 12" hardbound. Has presentation inscription and autograph by the author. Excellent dustjacket protected by plastic cover. The definitive study of all U.S. military socket bayonets and their scabbards with detailed dimensions and precise drawings. Used excellent except for some color highlighting added to some measurements in the text. An essential reference for any U.S. martial collector. $45.00 (View Picture)

15186 THE SUMPTUOUS FLASKE: EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN DECORATED POWDER FLASKS OF THE 16TH TO 19TH CENTURIES - ed. by Herb Houze, this is the catalog of a special exhibit at the Cody Firearms Museum in 1989 which went on for a stay at a prestigious east coast gallery. 158 pages 8.5" x 11" softcover with color photos of most of the objects in the exhibit. Excellent overall except for minor scuffing on the folded edges of the spine. $30.00 (View Picture)

15185 THE ROYAL ARMOURY AT GREENWICH 1515-1649: A HISTORY OF ITS TECHNOLOGY - by Alan Williams and Anthony de Reuck. Royal Armouries Monograph number 4, 140 pages about 7" x 9" softcovers. Covers the metallurgy, tools techniques for construction, decoration etc, and examples of many different armors, including some great ones. $35.00 (View Picture)

15179 CATALOG OF A LOAN EXHIBITION OF PERCUSSION COLT REVOLVERS AND CONVERSIONS 1836-1873 - John A. Parsons, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1942. About 40 pages plus another 40 pages of photo plates showing most of the 130 guns in the exhibit. 8" x 11" softcovers. Following Colt's publicity of their centennial in 1937, and publishing of Haven & Belden's book on Colts in 1940, this exhibit in the prestigious Metropolitan Museum of Art firmly established that collecting Colts was a socially acceptable activity for arms collectors, who had previously been viewed with suspicion as some sort of uncouth barbarian if they ventured into anything newer than knights in shining armor, or gaudily decorated flintlocks and the like. Assisting Parsons in putting together this exhibit were some of the famous names among early arms collectors, and owning one of the Colts from this exhibit is a valuable pedigree. However, opening immediately after the U.S entered WW2, it was not a big a draw to the public as one would have hoped. Used VG with some soiling on the covers. A scarce booklet as only 1,000 were printed. $65.00 (View Picture)

15178 THE ARCHAEOLOGY OF WEAPONS: ARMS & ARMOR FROM PREHISTORY TO THE AGE OF CHIVALRY- - by Ewart Oakeshott. 1994 reprint of the 1960 edition, 359 pages 6" x 9" hardcover. A solidly researched book based on recovered archaeological evidence to verify its findings, and highly respected by students of arms of this era. Used excellent copy. $35.00 (View Picture)

15175 EUROPEAN FIREARMS (BY THE VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM) - by J.F. Hayward, published by HMSO 1969, about 100 pagw about 8" x 10" with 40 pages of photo plates, softcover. Intended as a guide to the matchlock through flintlock arms in the Museum's collection, this has some of the best line drawings showing the different lock types of any source I have seen, including both an external view and an internal view to see what makes them tick (or click or snap). Hayward (a noted arms historian) provides an excellent summary of the evolution of the lock types, again among the best I have seen. Then there are descriptions of the major features of the about 75 or so of the Museum's arms, mostly high quality and highly decorated. An important reference for those interested in the finer guns of the earlier period. $15.00 (View Picture)

15171 PAGEANT OF THE GUN BY HAROLD L. PETERSON - "A treasury of stories of firearms, their romance and lore, development and use through ten centuries, with 200 photographs." 352 pages about 6" x 9" hardcover with dustjacket protected by plastic cover, so overall excellent condition. Peterson was a major figure in American arms collecting, and head of the National Park Service's arms division, and author of several highly respected works for serious collectors. This one is a bit more eclectic, covering a wider swath of interesting stories he wanted to tell, but would not necessarily fit into the more scholarly books, although their factual basis and detail is up to his usual high standards. A good read, even for someone who is not a gun collector (yet). $12.00 (View Picture)

15166 HANDBOOK ON SMALL BORE RIFLE SHOOTING' BY TOWNSEND WHELEN - 11th edition (1947), 76 pages 6" x 9" with paper covers. A great addition to a collection or display of classic .22 rifles, with lots of illustrations showing related gear, or the settings in which these rifles were used (mainly in a target shooting context). These should also provide inspiration for some good display ideas. Published by SAAMI. Cver has a crease on the lower right side, otherwise VG plus condition. $18.00 (View Picture)

14985 1909 Catalog of Springfield Armory Museum- Arms & Accoutrements - Including supplemental information from the 1925 and 1939 catalogs and the National Park Service. An interesting study published in 1995 by Al Frasca and Robert Hill (the Trapdoor gurus!). At least a hundred arms have good photos, and all the arms have a brief description that is a composite from those in the various catalogs, and they also list the current (1995) status- on display, in storage, or other. Only about 10-20% of the Museums arms are on display for the public, the rest are in storage for researchers to examine by appointment. This is great fun to look through and realize the serious thought and effort that went into the many experimental models listed, and also the historic arms such as those “captured from hostiles” in the Indian Wars. Softcover, 182 pages, gently used but close to new condition. $15.00 (View Picture)

4873 America's Munitions 1917-1918, Benedict Crowell - Asst Secretary of War and Director of Munitions. 592 pp 6" x 9" with loads of charts, tables, photos. The scarce and extremely valuable reference on WW1 war material. Small arms, ammunition, trench warfare material (grenades, knives, mortars, etc), helmets, artillery, bombs, aircraft (including engines and armament), uniforms and field gear (mess kits, canteens, etc), explosives, communications gear, engineer accomplishments (in CONUS and overseas), horse drawn vehicles, salvage and overhauls operations. For many types of material makers and production quantities are listed. $125.00 (View Picture)

12409 Encyclopedia of United States Army Insignia and Uniforms - William K. Emerson, 680 pages 9.3" x 12.3". This is a massive reference book for researchers, historians, collectors, dealers, and curators. It covers insignia and uniforms of the U.S. Army from 1782 to the present. Before insignia became common, the design of the uniform was especially important in identifying nationality and branch of service. Thus, one-third of this book is devoted to the study of uniforms, and two-thirds covers insignia. The book is divided into 22 sections and 80 chapters that are arranged to allow the identification of like objects (e.g., section 8, Musician's Insignias; chapter 13, "Lyres"; chapter 14, "Bugles, Horns, and Trumpets"). Coverage includes all branches of the army and everything from field clothing to dress uniforms. Insignia and uniforms for chaplains, medical personnel, foreign units, Indians, and women are covered in detail. The text is profusely illustrated with more than 2,000 black-and-white photographs and occasional line drawings. The illustrations are appropriately placed throughout the text and frequently show the items being worn. In an appendix is a well-illustrated seven-page essay on insignia fasteners. The bibliography has 249 listings for books, government documents, periodicals, and catalogs. Also assisting users is a very detailed nine-page index. New condition. List price $135.00 special price- postpaid for only $120.00 (View Picture)

15122 L. D. NIMSCHKE: FIREARMS ENGRAVER by R.L. Wilson - 107 pages 10.5” x 13” hardbound with dustjacket in plastic protector. “The first book on the history of American arms engraving". Includes are Nimschke-engraved firearms by Colt, Winchester, Remington, Sharps, Smith & Wesson, Ballard, Manhattan, Marline, Merwin Hulbert & Co., Spencer, Starr, Tranter, Greener and Whitney, among others. Nimschke was one of 19th Century America's foremost engravers, and his works are truly artistic masterpieces composed on steel instead of canvas or paper. This book includes nearly 100 pages of the “pulled” copies that Nismchke made from his completed projects and more than 40 photos of the actual engraved guns. An invaluable reference, long out of print, from a limited printing of only 200 copies. Overall excellent with just a bit of wear on the plastic protector. $350.00 (View Picture)

15121 BOOK OF THE SPRINGFIELD BY EDWARD C. CROSSMAN - 451 pages 4.5” x 8.5” hardcover. This is the 1932 Samworth edition (not the later 1951 revision or the later reprint) of one of the classic works on the M1903, combining history, technical aspects, accurizing, comparison with other rifles, ammunition, and some all around gun issues. This is on the level of Clark Campbell’s later books and finally maturing as Bill Brophy’s definitive study. Used about good, but paper yellowing, and with a ratty dustjacket. $55.00 (View Picture)

15094 DIRECTORY OF AMERICAN MILITARY GOODS DEALERS AND MAKERS 1785-1915 BY BAZELON & MCGUINN. - 360 pages 8.5" x 11" hardbound. Revised edition which has the front 180 pages as a reprint of the earlier edition, followed by their 1995 revised addition with another 180 pages of information, so when using you need to check both sections. pp 8.5" x 11" hardbound. Valuable reference for researching markings on militaria of this period. Comprehensive listing and discussion of the makers and suppliers of military goods in America during the period from ca. 1785 to ca. 1885. Selected contractors are included for the period 1817-1865. This directory also covers selected makers and dealers of military goods in the Confederate States of America. Gently used but looks new. $30.00 (View Picture)

15092 THE PENNSYLVANIA-KENTUCKY RIFLE BY HENRY J. KAUFFMAN - 374 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound with fair dustjacket. A detailed and fascinating illustrated reference on the origins, evolution, makers, models, design, and decoration of the Famous Pennsylvania and Kentucky Percussion and Flintlock Rifles. With notable gunsmiths, notable examples, histories, biographies, parts, operation, and more. Illustrated with photos and drawings. While there are many other more detailed studies necessary for a full understanding of this specialized collecting field, this single volume is a superb introduction to the subject, and one that every gun collector should read at least once to gain an appreciation of this uniquely American art form and firearm design, and its regional characteristics. A classic in the field. $25.00 (View Picture)

15090 THE WORLD’S GREAT HANDGUNS FROM 1450 TO THE PRESENT DAY BY ROGER FORD - 176 pages 9.5” x 12.5” hardcover with lots of photos and drawings, many in color including a lot of cut aways showing mechanical functioning. An excellent overview “coffee table” type book, that covers not only the classics that are familiar to most collectors. but an extremely large number of lesser known European models for which information is pretty hard to find elsewhere. Previously owned but could pass for new $12.00 (View Picture)

15089 AMERICAN AXES BY HENRY J. KAUFFMAN - 151 pages 8.5” x 1” hardcover published in 1973. The definitive study of the axe in America, including types, history, makers, how to use them, plus stuff you never thought to ask. Former owner’s name on flyleaf otherwise excellent. $22.00 (View Picture)

15087 THE COMPLETE AR-15/M16 SOURCE BOOK- WHAT EVERY SHOOTER NEEDS TO KNOW- BY DUNCAN LONG - 224 pages 8.5” x 11” softcover, published in 1992. Loaded with history, details on variations, mechanical operation, accessories, automatic conversions [for historical information only- BATFE will throw your butt in jail if you try to make a full auto!]. Used excellent, a valuable reference for the “black rifle” enthusiast. $25.00 (View Picture)

15084 STOEGER’S ARMS & AMMUNITION CATALOG NUMBER 31- (1939 WORLD’S FAIR EDITION) - 512 pages about 8.5” x 11” softcover. I am 95% sure this is a reprint edition, but it may be an original. Covers have been covered with a thin plastic laminate material. Besides most of the traditional American makers’ products (Colt, Remington, Winchester, H&R, etc) with parts lists and exploded drawings of most parts, they also list a number of Lugers and other European arms imported exclusively by Stoegers. Plus, they list a wide variety of ammunition, reloading supplies, and gunsmith type tools and some other outdoors type items. A very valuable reference. Used VG. $20.00 (View Picture)

15083 FIREARMS ASSEMBLY 3- THE NRA GUIDE TO RIFLES & SHOTGUNS - This is the NRA publication based on the many excellent features on disassembly and assembly and historical background of many of the most popular handguns. About 264 pages, covering all sorts of stuff from the Civil War musket to the M14, Winchester Lever guns to Remington pump shotguns, Browning doubles to Mossberg .22s, Johnsons to Japs. Obviously not every long arm ever made is included, but nearly every one I have ever needed to check has been here. This is a softcover edition dated 1980, with about 60 pages added over that found in earlier editions. Used fine. $12.00 (View Picture)

15074 COLLECTORS ILLUSTRATED ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION - by George Neumann and Frank Kravic. 286 pages 8.5" x 11" softcover. "A showcase of 18th Century artifacts from the War for Independence." Emphasis is on arms and equipment of all the participants, with Neumann's usual superb attention to details and accuracy. The bulk of his collection was used at the nations finest Rev War exhibit at Valley Forge. The best single volume reference for a collector with an interest in Rev War items $20.00 (View Picture)

15073 WESTERN MEMORABILIA- CLASSICS EDITION, BY WILLIAM KETCHUM - 256 pages with imitation leather cover, published in 1980. An interesting book that identifies and places some values on an unbelievable variety of relics or artifacts from Indian, Spanish, pioneer, settler, cowboy and even Eskimo cultures. Items range from household items and toys to agricultural and railroad items. $10.00 (View Picture)

15069 AMERICAN MILITARY INSIGNIA 1800-1851 BY J. DUNCAN CAMPBELL AND EDGAR M. HOWELL - (Smithsonian Institution Bulletin 235, 1993). The definitive study of the topic, covering buckles, hat insignia, gorgets and assorted other insignia used on uniforms of the period. Nearly everything is shown with an excellent photo and details of the origin and use. 124 pages hardbound. Used VG with somewhat soiled covers. $25.00 (View Picture)

15067 PISTOLS- A MODERN ENCYCLOPEDIA- HENRY M. STEBBINS - 380 pages, published in 1961. An encyclopedia of pistols and pistol shooting for target shooting, wilderness wandering, and hunting. The authors rate various domestic and foreign pistols and ammunition and review history and design features. A good review and will undoubtedly raise many new thoughts about pistols as you look at newer designs with a fuller understanding of the past. Used excellent with dustjacket that has just a bit of minor soiling. $12.00 (View Picture)

7854 Troops, targets trapdoors, by James Zupan - 176 pages hardbound 6 x 9 inches, in as new condition. This is the most extensive coverage available on Frankford Arsenal’s reloading equipment issued during the Trapdoor era, with that being the foundation for the later Bench Reloading sets of 1907 and the depriming set of 1917. Interesting not just for the information on the reloading gear, but also on the motivation and factors which influenced the desire for the entire reloading concept in the 1880s, mainly the desire to increase small arms practice ammunition from a mealy 10 rounds per year up to 400 rounds. $45.00 (View Picture)

6515 STANDARD CATALOG OF MILITARY FIREARMS - by Ned Schwing, First Edition (2001) 350 pages 8.5 x 11 inches, soft covers. Used near new condition. A really well done and useful reference covering military weapons from all countries 1870 to the present, including submachine guns and machine guns. Well illustrated (including the most beautiful Colt Single Action Army cavalry model I have ever seen on the cover!). Over 1,000 useful photos and descriptions and a bit of history and value information on about 15,000 different guns. While the prices are a little out of date now, and others would quibble about the prices to start with, this is an EXCELLENT first reference to check out something you see at a show or in your travels. A good one to throw under the seat in the car just to have it handy if you need it. $24.95

14705 SMALL ARMS MAKERS - Robert E. Gardner- 1963 edition by Bonanza. 378 pages 8.5" x 11" loaded with brief ID and info on tons of makers. Divided into American gun makers, American Edged Weapons and Foreign gun makers and Foreign Edged. Lots of illustrations of older proof and maker marks. The best single volume I have found to look up makers, although a complete library on the subject will include at least a dozen volumes. Used VG, no dustjacket, pages starting to yellow, but still great reference. $45.00 (View Picture)

14703 THE FLINTLOCK: ITS ORIGIN AND DEVELOPMENT- BY TORSTEN LENK - 188 pages 9” x 11.5” hardbound. Hardbound 1965 edition. Translated from the Swedish original, this is a highly respected work which emphasizes the technical and artistic aspects of the flintlock era. Much emphasis is placed on the higher grade arms and those with lavish decorations, making a read of this a visual treat. Recently reprinted in a reduced size paperback edition, losing some of the detail in the images in this classic reference. Ex-library copy with usual markings, no dustjacket. Spine has been covered with clear tape. Excellent reading copy at a bargain price. $20.00 (View Picture)

14701 IMPERIAL JAPANESE ARMY & NAVY UNIFORMS & EQUIPMENT - Excellent reference with color photos of all sorts of neat stuff including weapons, uniforms, insignia, medals, comm gear, posters, etc. However, all the info is in Japanese, although there is an 8 page list of English language captions included. Used excellent with slightly scuffed dustjacket. $35.00 (View Picture)

14700 WINCHESTER- THE GUN THAT WON THE WEST BY HAROLD WILLIAMSON - Harold Williamson 494 pp 8.5" x 11". Sixth (1967) printing of the First Edition.. Important study of the Winchester company. Not the readily available "nuts and bolts" details on specific models, but rather it is the broad perspective on the way the company operated and the reasons it did things. Good coverage on relations with John Browning, their financial ups and downs. Good explanation of why they got into hardware and roller-skate business. This is "the rest of the story" that allows an understanding of Winchester history. Highly respected. Fine to excellent used copy with about good dustjacket having a few torn spots. A “must have” for any Winchester collector. $55.00 (View Picture)

14699 COLT FIREARMS FROM 1836- JAMES E. SERVEN - 1979 Stackople edition of this classic with 401 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound. Jim Serven’s highly respected monumental history of famed American gunmaker Samuel Colt, and of the legendary guns he made from the first Paterson models in the 1830s to modern times. It is the history, too, of the famous recipients of these arms, many of whom were luminaries in 19th century government, politics and the military. A fabulous, high-quality, well illustrated reference for these most desirable and collectible of American antique firearms. Fully illustrated with b&w photographs, catalogue pages, drawings, documents, reproductions of early art works, etc. General index, model index, single action production chart, commemorative issues data, etc. Used excellent to near new with excellent dustjacket, except for former owner’s name stamped on fly leaf. $45.00 (View Picture)

14698 A GLOSSARY OF THE CONSTRUCTION, DECORATION AND USE - of Arms and Armor in all Countries and in All Times. George Cameron Stone, 694pp 8.5" x 11", published in 1961. Superb, classic reference that gets into all the weird and wonderful stuff that you cannot find anywhere else- matchlocks, chain mail, Asiatic-Pacific knives with curly blades, etc, etc, etc. Excellent with excellent dustjacket. Important reference for an advanced collector, or anyone who wants to know more about the subject. $65.00 (View Picture)

14439 BERETTA- THE WORLD'S OLDEST INDUSTRIAL DYNASTY - By Marco Morin and Robert Held, the latter a respected American gun writer, with text in both languages, and eminently readable. 283 pages 10” x 11.5” loaded with hundreds of illustrations. One of the best illustrated accounts of early arms manufacture and designs, this continues through the early 20th century with a good mix of guns and company background. Appendix A has 35 pages with a checklist/photos of the major 20th century Beretta models. Used fine condition with dustjacket. $95.00 (View Picture)

14435 THE BROWNING SUPERPOSED: JOHN M. BROWNING'S LAST LEGACY- BY NED SCHWING - Hardcover, 1996 edition. North America's top-selling over and under gun is honored in more than 600 detailed photos, including 100 stunning color images and exhaustively researched text. Browning fans will discover sections about Browning family business history, information about the engraving process, charts with sales data and total number of guns sold, and serial number data. The Browning Superposed is a book rich in company history and sales information, that also is a photographic feast sure to inspire any collector of double-barrel firearms. Features more than 600 stunning and detailed photos to assist with identification and inspiration -Contains rare details about Browning company business that helps collectors to envision the process tied to creating the leader in over and under guns. Out of Print. A previously owned copy, which would pass for new. $425.00 (View Picture)

14433 THOUGHTS ON THE KENTUCKY RIFLE IN ITS GOLDEN AGE - Joe Kindig’s massive 561 page 9" x 12" coverage of the most outstanding Kentucky [Pennsylvania] rifles from one of the finest collections ever assembled. Photos show details of 262 of the finest pieces from Kindig's famous collection. Kindig's study of the Appalachian piedmont (eastern Pennsylania to South Carolina circa 1750-1820) flintlock rifles presents this important and often overlooked art form. Chapters address Kentucky rifle nomenclature, history, regions (Lancaster, Bethlehem, Reading, Lebanon, Dauphin, York, Littlestown, Emmitsburg and Chambersburg), and makers. A valuable treat for the gun collector or rifle historian. The introductory material in this book is most useful background for anyone interested in American arms and their origin and use, and relationship to the culture of the period. You can have a great time enjoying the truly artistic skills of the great craftsmen. This is the 1971 Shumway published version of the 1960 edition. One of the true classics in the field of antique arms that any collector should read at least once in their life. Some minor wear or soiling or damage to the dust jacket, and some light soiling or spotting on the exposed edges of the pages otherwise a VG-fine copy, nice and tight. $125.00 (View Picture)

14431 THE FLINTLOCK: ITS ORIGIN AND DEVELOPMENT- BY TORSTEN LENK - 188 pages 9” x 11.5” hardbound. Hardbound 1965 edition. Translated from the Swedish original, this is a highly respected work which emphasizes the technical and artistic aspects of the flintlock era. Much emphasis is placed on the higher grade arms and those with lavish decorations, making a read of this a visual treat. Recently reprinted in a reduced size paperback edition, losing some of the detail in the images in this classic reference. Minor soiling or damage to the dust jacket, and some light soiling on the exposed edges of the pages otherwise a VG-fine copy, nice and tight. $35.00 (View Picture)

14428 FRANCONIA JAGD MARCH 1975-1976 [CATALOG] - 256 pages 9” x 12”, paper covers. Covers full line of hunting related products (guns, ammo, scopes, packs, clothing, collector guns, black powder, etc, all in color. German language. Overall condition good with some spotting of the cheap paper. (Sort of like a Cabela’s catalog for German hunters!) $10.00 (View Picture)

14426 FRED ADOLPH CATALOG 1914 (REPRINT) - 68 page 9” x 10.5” paper covers. Reprint edition of Fred Adolph’s 1914 catalog. Adolph was an accomplished German riflesmith who immigrated to the United States in 1908. Six years later, he issued a catalog from a shop he had established in Genoa, N.Y. It listed a wide range of sporting rifles, shotguns and combination guns-some Adolph probably imported; but others he built. The rifles were chambered for a variety of potent cartridges, among them at least 10 designed by Charles Newton. One of only a few catalogs that list 2, 3 and 4 barrel guns. Used excellent. $18.00 (View Picture)

14425 COLT- A CENTURY OF ACHIEVEMENT - Colt's 100th Anniversary Fire Arms Manual, published by Colt in 1937. 97 pages 7” x 9.5”. This is the scarce HARD COVER edition with the heavily embossed image of young sailor Sam Colt whittling his model revolver on the cover. This is far more than a catalog of products, it is a unique insight into Colt's celebration of its first 100 years as a firearms manufacturer. Photos, specs, prices of the 1937 gun product line, company history, 'how to shoot', even mention of their other lines (electrical, plastics, dishwashers!). A wonderful item to display with a Colt collection. $125.00 (View Picture)

14359 TEXTBOOK OF FIREARMS INVESTIGATION, IDENTIFICATION AND EVIDENCE- Julian S. Hatcher - 342 pages 5.5” x 8.5” leather bound with gilt name and gilt edges. 1998 reprint for the “Firearms Classic Library” of this important and long out of print work. Hatcher was an Army Ordnance Major General, later head of the NRA technical branch, and a lowly Major when he first wrote this in 1935. This was the genesis of modern “crime lab” techniques related to firearms. While some of the material may seem commonplace today, it was revolutionary when it first appeared. This is a very handsome volume that will certainly make you look smart and rich even if you don’t read it. But, you really should, unless you have read “Hatcher’s Notebook”. Previously owned but could pass for new condition. $35.00 (View Picture)

14355 SMITHS STANDARD ENCYCLOPEDIA OF GAS SPRING AND AIR GUNS OF THE WORLD - 279 pages hardcover 1957 reprint. The first American text dealing with high power, high precision, air and gas weapons which at short ranges equal or even excel in accuracy some of the finest powder cartridge arms. Chapters include: The Blowgun, The Air Gun, Other Patterns of Gas and Spring Guns, Cocking Systems, Modern Pneumatic Arms, Carbon Dioxide Arms, History of Air-Rifle Ammunition, Shooting With Spring-Air Guns, British Spring Air Rifles and Pistols, Other Foreign Spring-Air Guns, Current Compressed (Pneumatic) Air Arms, American Spring-Air Arms, Carbon Dioxide Powered Arms, Other Gas Systems and Air- and Gas-Gun Test Results. Photographs, operational drawings, specifications, and test results are given for representative samples of every major world manufacturer, plus historical and background information. Used VG condition except the dust jacket is soiled and a bit worn. $75.00 (View Picture)

14310 Colt Firearms From 1836- James E. Serven - 1979 Stackple edition of this classic with 401 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound. Jim Serven’s highly respected monumental history of famed American gunmaker Samuel Colt, and of the legendary guns he made from the first Paterson models in the 1830s to modern times. It is the history, too, of the famous recipients of these arms, many of whom were luminaries in 19th century government, politics and the military. A fabulous, high-quality, well illustrated reference for these most desirable and collectible of American antique firearms. Fully illustrated with b&w photographs, catalogue pages, drawings, documents, reproductions of early art works, etc. General index, model index, single action production chart, commemorative issues data, etc. Used excellent to near new except for dustjacket which shows wear and has minor damage at the spine. $45.00 (View Picture)

14276 AXIS PISTOLS BY JAN STILL - The indispensible reference for collectors of WW2 era handguns used by Germany, Italy, Japan, and all the occupied nations. Superbly researched and illustrated with extensive data on production and usage, markings, unit markings inlcuidng military, quasi military and police forces. 360 pages, hardbound. This is the WW2 50 year commemorative edition in gently used condition. If you have this book, you realize how valuable the information is, and if you are not familiar with it, you are missing something that will add immensely to your knowledge and enjoyment as you pursue this collecting niche. Price includes insured shipping in the US. $495.00 (View Picture)

14272 WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS COMPANY CATALOGS 1865-1918 - A complete set of all 12 volumes, reprinted in 1992 in a limited edition of only 600 sets, and now out of print and only available when a set turns up, usually from an estate. These are exact copies of the original catalogs, with all the detailed info from each of the Winchester catalogs at the time. Typically they show each model of gun available, and for most an illustrated list of all parts, and also all options available. Special order options are also listed such as engraving, special sights, etc. Besides the guns, these list related Winchester products such as cleaning gear, scopes and ammunition. Ammunition section has line drawings of most cartridges, as well as listings of available loads and reloading components. Many have index at the end of each catalog for ease in using. Size is 5.5" x 8.5" with tan imitation "leather" hard covers with handsome black and red strips with gilt title info. An essential reference for any serious Winchester collector, and so handsome you’re your spouse will let you keep them in any book case in the house! (Full set takes up 24 inches of shelf space). This set has 10 of the volumes new, still sealed in the printer's shrink wrap, and the other two have been unwrapped but appear as new. Assembling a full set of the original catalogs (assuming you could even find them on the market) would run in the five figure range, but here you get all the great info that will help identify and authenticate a lot of scarce items for less than the cost of a good rifle. $895.00 (View Picture)

14269 THE TARGET RIFLE IN AUSTRALIA- BY J.E. CORCORAN - Early target rifles, including percussion. Information on the 1870's Creedmore matches both here and abroad. Over 100 photos and drawings of American and British target rifles and the men behind them. Loads, twist rates and targets of various rifles. This book has a lot of information on U.S. rifles and long range matches. Evolution of the long range target rifle with emphasis on Australia, where mostly British arms were used. Info on some of the muzzleloading match rifles such as Gibbs, Whitworth, Rigby, etc. that is available no where else. Covers muzzleloaders through the Lee Enfield. Hard cover volume of 221 pages, in 6-1/2 x 10" format. Hardcover. Near new with excellent dustjacket. $38.00 (View Picture)

14262 MODERN BREECHLOADERS- SPORTING & MILITARY, W.W. GREENER - 242 pages about 5.5” x 7.5” with 123 illustrations, and fold out chart. Published by Cassell, Petter and Galpin, London, circa 1871 (not dated, but most recent items seems to be use of Martini as the British service rifle. This is an original edition, not one of the recent reprints (which atest to its enduring value as a reference. W. W. Greener of St. Mary's Square, Birmingham was the dominant manufacturer and authority on breech loading guns and other forearms including hammer guns, hammerless guns, ejector guns and revolvers in the period. Illustrations include engraved plates of famous shotguns, rifles, handguns, Gatling, etc plus a fold out chart of "The Field Gun Trial of 1866". Some antiquarian booksellers are asking over $300 for this book. Some chipped spots on the spine (inventory numbers removed??) otherwise a nice tight copy. $89.00 (View Picture)

14261 ILLUSTRATED BRITISH FIREARMS PATENTS 1714-1853 - Compiled & edited by arms collecting giants Stephen Grancsay and Merrill Lindsay, and published by the Winchester Press. About 300 pages 7.25” x 10.75” with handsome binding. Includes listing of all British firearm patents 1714 to 1853, and the text of each one. Many have illustrations showing the details. [There was a separate folio of loose oversize prints made for sale with these volumes, but these are almost invariably lost by now, as is the case with this on.] Number 469 of limited edition of 1000. Used excellent plus. A valuable reference for the arms historian or collector specializing in English arms. $95.00 (View Picture)

14255 HANDBOOK OF RIFLE SHOOTING- RUSSELL - Originally published by Hunter, Rose & Co. in 1869 in Toronto, this is the Museum Restoration Service reprint of 1989. 182 pages, illus, vg-exc. “After his own training the author held his own investigations into rifle shooting and he is sharing his results with you the reader.” A classic early treatise on marksmanship. $15.00 (View Picture)

14229 PATERSON COLT VARIATIONS BY PHILIP R. PHILLIPS AND R.L. WILSON - 1979, First Edition, 232 pages. Important reference on Colt Paterson Pistols - Samuel Colt's first handgun models. Well illustrated including many color photos of the magnificent cased sets in the Phillips collection. This superb collection is on display at the wonderful Woolaroc Museum in Bartlesville, OK, and is comprehensive in scope and remarkable for the quality and completeness of this ultra-scarce model. Few collectors will ever own, or even handle a Colt Paterson revolver of any type, so perusing this fine book may be as close as most of us will ever get to these historic arms. However, a student of arms history, and especially one interested in Colts, really should read this book to understand the origin of the successful Colt business, and the challenges and difficulties that were overcome, and Sam Colt’s salesmanship skills which rivaled his mechanical genius. Brand new copy from the original 1979 printing. $55.00 (View Picture)

14092 AXIS PISTOLS BY JAN STILL - The indispensible reference for collectors of WW2 era handguns used by Germany, Italy, Japan, and all the occupied nations. Superbly researched and illustrated with extensive data on production and usage, markings, unit markings inlcuidng military, quasi military and police forces. 360 pages, hardbound. This is the WW2 50 year commemorative edition in gently used condition. If you have this book, you realize how valuable the information is, and if you are not familiar with it, you are missing something that will add immensely to your knowledge and enjoyment as you pursue this collecting niche. Price includes insured shipping in the US. $495.00 (View Picture)

14182 WAR MATERIAL PRESUMABLY IN SERVICE IN NORTH VIETNAM (Volume 1 - CIRCA 1964) - Great addition to any Vietnam era collection as a reference or for display. Approx 6” x 8” with cardstock covers, secured by staples. I think this is a reprint, but it may be just a nice clean original. Bilingual with one column in Vietnamese and the other in English, facing a page with a drawing of the item. This volume covers all sorts of conventional weapons from handguns and hand grenades to artillery, rockets mines, etc, but does not get into the booby trap and improvised type items found in similar volumes on Vietcong war material. About new condition. $20.00 (View Picture)

12684 WINCHESTER: THE GUN THAT WON THE WEST - Harold Williamson 494 pp 8.5" x 11". Important study of the Winchester company. Not as much "nuts and bolts" as it is the way the company operated and the reasons it did things. Good coverage on relations with John Browning, their financial ups and downs. Good explanation of why they got into hardware and roller-skate business. This is "the rest of the story" that allows an understanding of Winchester history. Highly respected. Used copy good except for some yellowing of pages and spotting on the edges and also on a few pages. A good reference copy. $35.00 (View Picture)

12608 SOUL OF THE SWORD: AN ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF WEAPONRY AND WARFARE - from Prehistory to the Present, by Robert O'Connell & John Batchelor published in 2002, this 390 page hardbound (7.5" x 9.5") book is a widely acclaimed history of the importance of weapons on warfare and civilization. This is not one of the coffee table books filled with glossy color photos, but has sufficient illustrations (often superb line drawings by Batchelor) to allow you to visualize the weaponry being discussed. Robert O'Connell is a career intelligence analyst and military historian who accurately and eloquently weaves the tale of technology and warfare and cultures. This ranges from the most primitive weapons (spears) to the newest and most complex (precision guided munitions). Unlike some authors, he understands the significance of the warriors as well as the weapons. This is a thoughtful analysis by a qualified observer, filled with interesting anecdotes making it interesting for those familiar with the subject or for those just wondering about weaponry and history. Highly recommended. Publised at $35.00, our price INCLUDING SHIPPING IN THE U.S. is only $22.00 (View Picture)

12193 HANDGUNS OF THE WORLD - Military revolvers and self-loaders from 1870 to 1945. 704pp 8.5" x11" Classic, out of print reference loaded with historical information on development, use, assembly, etc. Every pistol collector needs a copy of this superb reference. Used Excellent, with slightly lesser condition dustjacket. $75.00 (View Picture)

12192 REMINGTON HANDGUNS (4TH EDITION) - A pioneering work on the subject by Karr and Karr, and still a pretty good reference, although Roy Marcot's Remington book is a better overall history of the company and all models. Used VG with G dustjacket. About 150 pages 6" x 9" with good photo, specifications and brief history of nearly every Remington handgun model. $25.00 (View Picture)

11765 1994 SHOOTER'S BIBLE (NO. 85) - The world's standard firearms reference booK' loaded with info on most items in production in that year. Used and a bit dog eared on the front cover corners and maybe 10-15 pages, otherwise good. $5.00

11185 SMALL ARMS OF THE WORLD- 11TH EDITION (1977) BY E.C. EZELL - 671 pages in this edition, full of the customary historical information, and detailed data and disassembly/operating info. Used excellent condition with excellent dustjacket and plastic cover. This edition has much more on the semi auto and select fire "assault weapon" type arms than previous editions. This is one of the most respected and authoritative books on small arms which went through something like 13 editions. While each has some unique content, any of them are superb references. A beginning collector would do well to read and re-read the historical information at the front to become familiar with different types of arms and their history. $40.00

11178 SMALL ARMS OF THE WORLD- 5TH EDITION (1955) BY W.H.B. SMITH - 768 pages in this edition, full of the customary historical information, and detailed data and disassembly/operating info. Used good, although binding is a bit wiggly, but not detaching or anything, just loosened up from use. Former owners name and date written/stamped on the inside cover and flyleaf in several places. This is one of the most respected and authoritative books on small arms which went through something like 13 editions. While each has some unique content, any of them are superb references. A beginning collector would do well to read and re-read the historical information at the front to become familiar with different types of arms and their history. $40.00 (View Picture)

11177 SMALL ARMS OF THE WORLD- 4TH EDITION (1948-1953 PRINTINGS) BY W.H.B. SMITH - 500 pages in this edition, full of the customary historical information, and detailed data and disassembly/operating info. Used VG- fine with a dustjacket that is a bit tattered around the edges. Former owners name and date written on the inside cover and flyleaf in several places. This is one of the most respected and authoritative books on small arms which went through something like 13 editions. While each has some unique content, any of them are superb references. A beginning collector would do well to read and re-read the historical information at the front to become familiar with different types of arms and their history. $55.00 (View Picture)

10829 A GLOSSARY OF THE CONSTRUCTION, DECORATION AND USE of Arms and Armor in all Countries and in All Times. George Cameron Stone, 694pp 8.5" x 11". Superb, classic reference that gets into all the weird and wonderful stuff that you cannot find anywhere else- matchlocks, chain mail, Asiatic-Pacific knives with curly blades, etc, etc, etc. Excellent with excellent dustjacket. Important reference for an advanced collector, or anyone who wants to know more about the subject. $65.00 (View Picture)

10313 Imperial Japanese Army & Navy Uniforms & Equipment - Excellent reference with color photos of all sorts of neat stuff including weapons, uniforms, insignia, medals, comm gear, posters, etc. However, all the info is in Japanese, although there is a 8 page list of English language captions included. Used VG although covers slightly warped from dampness. $29.00 (View Picture)

Superbly researched and thoroughly illustrated coverage of WW2 USMC combat uniforms, web gear, edged weapons, guns (with serial number info on many), and lots of other cool stuff collectors love. Moran's book on WW2 USMC uniforms and gear covers dress as well as combat items, but for combat items Tulkoff is far more complete and better researched and documented. A number of excellent tips and details allow the collector to distinguish authentic USMC issue items from those of other services and fakes or reproductions. 335 pages 8.5" x 11" hardbound with superb artwork on the covers, extensive use of color, heavy glossy paper. Most highly recommended reference. Brand new. (Out of print and getting hard to find). $195.00 (View Picture)

15337 BAYONETS FROM JANZEN'S NOTEBOOK- 258 pp 8" x 10" hardbound. Absolutely the best single reference book for anyone interested in bayonets. It covers nearly all the standard models of all countries of all periods. Excellent line drawings with brief descriptions, organized by country and then by date. While it will not list the 10 maker/marking variations for a specific model, it is essential to identifying stuff, and to give an idea of what a complete collection might consist of. Jerry Janzen was President of the Society of American Bayonet Collectors, and had one of the best collection in the country. First published as a paperback, this is the second, hardback edition of 253 pages of the original plus 6 pages of additional errata, notes, and corrections. Brand new, not used. OUT OF PRINT- VERY LIMITED SUPPLY LEFT. $125.00 Postpaid in the U.S. (View Picture)

7452 AMERICAN MILITARY AND NAVAL BELTS 1812-1902 - R. Stephen Dorsey's new and superbly researched and illustrated study on the subject. In includes waist and shoulder belts and many of the accoutrements associated with them, including virtually all the Mills belts and variations prior to the M1903 Springfield era. This is the first book on this type material where nearly all the photos are in color, adding greatly to its usefulness. Over 450 pages 8.5" x 11", hardbound, printed on high quality paper. An excellent reference that provides much more information than just on the narrow subject of the belts themselves. Highly recommended. List $80.00, our price with shipping included $75.00 (View Picture)

7449 ROUND SHOT AND RAMMERS - An Introduction to Muzzle Loading Land Artillery in the U.S. by Harold L. Peterson 128pp 9" x 12" Classic and definitive overview of the subject with superb detailed illustrations of guns, carriages, accessories and ammunition. Covers from the earliest colonial days through the end of the Civil War era. Long out of print and republished in smaller format paperback, but this is the hardbound version. Used good-fine with dustjacket. A must for anyone with even a passing interest in the subject. $45.00

7440 ARMS AND EQUIPMENT OF THE CIVIL WAR - Jack Coggins 160 pp 8.5" x 11" soft covers, new. Loaded with info and excellent illustrations. In my opinion, this is the best book available for a good understanding of the arms and equipment and their use, advantages and disadvantages. Written at a basic level, but very well done, so that even advanced collectors will learn a lot about small arms, artillery, cavalry, etc. A must for anyone interested in the Civil War and especially good for those just entering the field. $15.00 (View Picture)

7438 DESCRIPTIVE CATALOG OF THE COLLECTION OF FIREARMS n the Museum of Applied Science of Victoria [Australia], by Edgar Howard Penrose, Museum of Applied Science of Victoria Handbook No. 1, 1949. 161pp 6" x 9.75". Old Ray Riling sticker inside back cover and former owner's name and label inked on inside front cover. Excellent detailed descriptions of the museum's extremely diverse firearms collection, with group photos of most items. Listing of notable gun dates and glossary in back. Pages yellowing somewhat and green binding is sunfaded. $15.00

7064 GUNS ON THE EARLY FRONTIERS - Carl P. Russell, 395pp 6" x 9". Hardbound, first edition (1957) with nice clean dustjacket. Seller label inside back cover from noted arms book dealer Ray Riling, and inside flyleaf rubber stamped "Keith Cochran, Rapid City, South Dakota" so this once resided in the library of that noted Colt researcher and writer. One of the classic studies of firearms in the context of their historical use. Russell was a high ranking official in the national Park Service, along with Harold Peterson, another noted arms author, and they did much to promote the respectability of arms collecting in the mid 20th century. Nice book, nice provenance too. $20.00

7061 A GLOSSARY OF THE CONSTRUCTION, DECORATION AND USE - of Arms and Armor in all Countries and in All Times. George Cameron Stone, 694pp 8.5" x 11". Superb, classic reference that gets into all the weird and wonderful stuff that you cannot find anywhere else- matchlocks, chain mail, Asiatic-Pacific knives with curly blades, etc, etc, etc. Excellent with excellent dustjacket. Important reference for an andvanced collector, or anyone who wants to know more about the subject. $65.00

7055 HANDGUNS OF THE WORLD, E.C. EZELL - Military revolvers and self-loaders from 1870 to 1945. 704pp 8.5" x11" Classic, out of print reference loaded with historical information on development, use, assembly, etc. Every pistol collector needs a copy of this superb reference. Used VG-fine, with slightly lesser condition dustjacket. $75.00

3144 Notes on United States Ordnance, Volume I - Small Arms, 1776 to 1946 by James E. Hicks. First edition, privately published 1946. My favorite U.S. Martial arms reference book under either this title or the later 1962 edition. Approx 250 pages about being the unsurpassed detailed line drawings by Andre Jandot. The drawings bring out details not found anywhere else and are most useful for identifying parts and doing restoration work. This book desperately needs to be reprinted. Used excellent except for shelf wear on the lower corner and faded spine. $125.00

1498 Shotguns by Keith- Elmer Keith - Firearms Classic Library reprint for the NRA of the 1950 edition of this highly respected work. Very handsome job with imitation tan leather, gilt designs on binding, gilt edges on the pages. 307 pages 6" x 9". While it predates many of the shotguns on the market today, the information and advice is still useful. Keith was a powerful influence in the gun world of the 1930s-50s, and his opinions were blunt and based on careful trials and first hand experience in the fileld, not some armchair speculation. $29.00

1482 The Rifle in America- Phil Sharpe - Firearms Classic Libreary reprint for the NRA of the first edition of this highly respected work. Very handsome job with imitation black leather, gilt designs on binding, gilt edges on the pages. 641 pp. 8" x 10". This remains the best source of information on rifles of the pre-WW2 era, and the cartridges asociated with them. Lots of details concerning design changes, etc to help date pieces, and determine approximate rarity. While not one of my picks as the top 12 or so books for a gun collector, it would certainly be in my top 25-30 volumes. Your friends will be so impressed by its appearance, they will think you are smart even if you never read it. $29.00

277 Complete Book of US Sniping- - Peter Senich superb coverage of US Army sniper equipment from 1800s thru Vietnam. Best single volume on subject, although his later books have more detail on certain aspects. Gently used copy at big savings. $35.00

3705 Official R.L. Wilson Price Guide to Gun Collecting. 461 pp softcover. I paid $20 for this, and it is one of the few gun books I truly regret spending money on. (J. Harrison's U.S. martial arms handbooks and something on Merwin & Hulbert pistols are the only others that leap to mind from over 30 years).  This is Wilson's first edition, and much to my dismay he came out with a second edition which a quick glance struck me as unimproved over the execrable first. Pay shipping and you can have this one FREE!!!! (We gave this one away, but left the description so you will be warned about this worthless book.)

3752 Directory of American Military Goods Dealers & Makers 1785-1885 by Bruce Bazelon and William McGuinn, 1987. 118pp 8.5" x 11" hardbound. Valuable reference for researching markings on militaria of this period. Gently used but looks new. A newer edition is out that extends the period to 1915. $18.00

7456 COLLECTING THE EDGED WEAPONS OF THE THIRD REICH (VOLS 2, 3, 4) LTC Thomas M. Johnson's Superb series of six volumes is the core reference for collectors of Third Reich edged weapons. There is a bit of everything in each volume, so you can start reading any one, but eventually it would be nice to have all six. He goes into detail on common and exotic variations, illustrations of them being worn, and has a lot of good info on post 1945 examples. These three volumes are all first editions, and are hardbound, not the paperback reprints. It looks like these had a dampness problem at one time, as the dustjackets are a bit wrinkly, and there are a few waterspots on the edges of the pages, but no real damage. (We have a more damaged volume 1 separately.) Overall good and useful reference books. All three volumes (2, 3, 4) for $125.00 SALE- $55.00

4797 CHECKERING AND CARVING OF GUNSTOCKS - Monty Kennedy's classic work on the subject. First edition (1952) with blue board covers. Fourth in Samworth series on Firearms Design and Assembly. Excellent except for a small ding (1/4" x 1/4") to the inside of the front cover board. $30.00

4792 A GUIDE TO THE BALLARD BREECHLOADER - George Layman's excellent study on the subject. 216pp 6" x 9" soft cover published in 1997. Besides details of intereste to the collector to distinguish between different models, there are extensive phtos and excellent selection of material from old catalogs. This is closely mixed with Marlin history. About new condition. $15.00

3314 Samuel Colt Presents This is the photo catalog and record of the Loan exhibition of presentation percussion Colts on display in Hartford, CT November 1961 to January 1962. 292pp 8" x 10.5" with large clear photos on about 2/3 of the pages. This was one of Larry Wilson's earliest books and it is a tremendous presentation of a never-to-be-duplicated exhibit. I was fortunate enough to see this exhibit in person while in High School. Dazzled by the magnificent beauty and history of these guns, I immedicately realized that I would never be able to afford a collection of Colts I would be happy with, and decided to stick with beat up old military rifles I could afford. Nice used copy. Wonderful resource to study some of the best known presentation pieces from the finest collections with impeccable pedigrees. Long out of print and seldom encountered. $95.00 SALE- $65.00

2606 Battle Axes, James D. Gamble Published by Mowbray (of Man at Arms fame) in 1981. 93 pp 6" x 9" with a number of photos and drawings. The definitive work on the subject. Out of print. Used VG cover has remnants of some tape here and there. $18.00

SMB949 - Gunsmiths of Maryland. Daniel D. Hartzler & Jim Whisker. fully illustrated from handguns to cannon, cottage industry arms to military. 9 x 12". hardcover. short biographical sketches of arms makers who worked in Maryland, c. 1640-c.1900. Condition: new. $45.00

**SOLD**1067 Collecting the '03 Springfield Jesse Harrison's book on the subject. Spiral bound 134 page book loaded with information and drawings of M1903 Springfields and variations including 03A3s and the .22s. Some people consider these a valuable reference. I consider them so full of errors and inaccuracies as to be useless as there is no way to sort the good info from the utter nonsense.

JHSPC1 CATALOGS, WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO.1865-1918- Total twelve volumes, reprinted 1992-93 in limited edition of only 600 sets. Retail was $900, and now up to $1200. Imitation leather binding. $750.00 for the set.

UNERTL SCOPE INSTRUCTIONS. Photocopy of ultra-rare USMC operating instructions sheet issued with 8X scopes used on ’03 Springfields in WW2 and Korea STITH-KOLLMORGEN TELESCOPIC SIGHT MODEL 4XD-USMC manual, 6 pp 4" x 5 ¾" with cover. Photocopy of ultra-rare original for the Marine Corps MC-1 or MC1952 version of the M1C sniper rifle. (SPECIAL- both USMC sniper scope instructions $12.00 postpaid)

Gun Collector Periodicals/Magazines

NOTE: We will cut prices for American Rifleman and Gun Report magazines on orders for 3 or more years- email to let us know which years you want and we will try to make you a good deal.

23112 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN MAGAZINE- 1971- BOUND SET - Complete year January through December, hardbound in library style buckram binding. A very neat and efficient way to keep these valuable reference magazine both easy to find and professional looking. Roughly 8 ½” x 11” by about 2 ½” thick. Condition is as shown in the photos, most fine to excellent but a few are slightly dinged from poor packing for shipment. These came from the library of a distinguished collector and author. This it for the year 1971. $12.00 (View Picture)

23111 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN MAGAZINE- 1970- BOUND SET - Complete year January through December, hardbound in library style buckram binding. A very neat and efficient way to keep these valuable reference magazine both easy to find and professional looking. Roughly 8 ½” x 11” by about 2 ½” thick. Condition is as shown in the photos, most fine to excellent but a few are slightly dinged from poor packing for shipment. These came from the library of a distinguished collector and author. This it for the year 1970. $12.00 (View Picture)

23110 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN MAGAZINE- 1969- BOUND SET - Complete year January through December, hardbound in library style buckram binding. A very neat and efficient way to keep these valuable reference magazine both easy to find and professional looking. Roughly 8 ½” x 11” by about 2 ½” thick. Condition is as shown in the photos, most fine to excellent but a few are slightly dinged from poor packing for shipment. These came from the library of a distinguished collector and author. This it for the year 1969. $12.00 (View Picture)

23108 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN MAGAZINE- 1967- BOUND SET - Complete year January through December, hardbound in library style buckram binding. A very neat and efficient way to keep these valuable reference magazine both easy to find and professional looking. Roughly 8 ½” x 11” by about 2 ½” thick. Condition is as shown in the photos, most fine to excellent but a few are slightly dinged from poor packing for shipment. These came from the library of a distinguished collector and author. This it for the year 1967. $12.00 (View Picture)

23107 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN MAGAZINE- 1965- BOUND SET - Complete year January through December, hardbound in library style buckram binding. A very neat and efficient way to keep these valuable reference magazine both easy to find and professional looking. Roughly 8 ½” x 11” by about 2 ½” thick. Condition is as shown in the photos, most fine to excellent but a few are slightly dinged from poor packing for shipment. These came from the library of a distinguished collector and author. This it for the year 1965. $12.00 (View Picture)

23106 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN MAGAZINE- 1964- BOUND SET - Complete year January through December, hardbound in library style buckram binding. A very neat and efficient way to keep these valuable reference magazine both easy to find and professional looking. Roughly 8 ½” x 11” by about 2 ½” thick. Condition is as shown in the photos, most fine to excellent but a few are slightly dinged from poor packing for shipment. These came from the library of a distinguished collector and author. This it for the year 1964 $12.00 (View Picture)

23105 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN MAGAZINE- 1963- BOUND SET - Complete year January through December, hardbound in library style buckram binding. A very neat and efficient way to keep these valuable reference magazine both easy to find and professional looking. Roughly 8 ½” x 11” by about 2 ½” thick. Condition is as shown in the photos, most fine to excellent but a few are slightly dinged from poor packing for shipment. These came from the library of a distinguished collector and author. This it for the year 1963. $12.00 (View Picture)

23104 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN MAGAZINE- 1962- BOUND SET - Complete year January through December, hardbound in library style buckram binding. A very neat and efficient way to keep these valuable reference magazine both easy to find and professional looking. Roughly 8 ½” x 11” by about 2 ½” thick. Condition is as shown in the photos, most fine to excellent but a few are slightly dinged from poor packing for shipment. These came from the library of a distinguished collector and author. This it for the year 1962 $12.00 (View Picture)

23103 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN MAGAZINE- 1961- BOUND SET - Complete year January through December, hardbound in library style buckram binding. A very neat and efficient way to keep these valuable reference magazine both easy to find and professional looking. Roughly 8 ½” x 11” by about 2 ½” thick. Condition is as shown in the photos, most fine to excellent but a few are slightly dinged from poor packing for shipment. These came from the library of a distinguished collector and author. This it for the year 1961. $12.00 (View Picture)

23102 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN MAGAZINE- 1959- BOUND SET - Complete year January through December, hardbound in library style buckram binding. A very neat and efficient way to keep these valuable reference magazine both easy to find and professional looking. Roughly 8 ½” x 11” by about 2 ½” thick. Condition is as shown in the photos, most fine to excellent but a few are slightly dinged from poor packing for shipment. These came from the library of a distinguished collector and author. This it for the year 1959. $12.00 (View Picture)

14529 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN- 2003 - Used, but loaded with interesting and informative articles from some of the all time classic authors and experts. Even better are the ads for tons of neat stuff at prices guaranteed to make you wish for a time machine. All issues for this year. $6.00

14528 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN- 2002 - Used, but loaded with interesting and informative articles from some of the all time classic authors and experts. Even better are the ads for tons of neat stuff at prices guaranteed to make you wish for a time machine. All issues for this year. $6.00

14527 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN- 2001 - Used, but loaded with interesting and informative articles from some of the all time classic authors and experts. Even better are the ads for tons of neat stuff at prices guaranteed to make you wish for a time machine. All issues for this year. $6.00

14526 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN- 2000 - Used, but loaded with interesting and informative articles from some of the all time classic authors and experts. Even better are the ads for tons of neat stuff at prices guaranteed to make you wish for a time machine. All issues for this year. $6.00

14525 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN- 1999 - Used, but loaded with interesting and informative articles from some of the all time classic authors and experts. Even better are the ads for tons of neat stuff at prices guaranteed to make you wish for a time machine. All issues for this year. $6.00

14524 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN- 1998 - Used, but loaded with interesting and informative articles from some of the all time classic authors and experts. Even better are the ads for tons of neat stuff at prices guaranteed to make you wish for a time machine. All issues for this year. $6.00

14523 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN- 1997 - Used, but loaded with interesting and informative articles from some of the all time classic authors and experts. Even better are the ads for tons of neat stuff at prices guaranteed to make you wish for a time machine. All issues for this year. $6.00

14522 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN- 1996 - Used, but loaded with interesting and informative articles from some of the all time classic authors and experts. Even better are the ads for tons of neat stuff at prices guaranteed to make you wish for a time machine. All issues for this year. $6.00

14521 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN- 1995 - Used, but loaded with interesting and informative articles from some of the all time classic authors and experts. Even better are the ads for tons of neat stuff at prices guaranteed to make you wish for a time machine. All issues for this year. $6.00

14520 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN- 1994 - Used, but loaded with interesting and informative articles from some of the all time classic authors and experts. Even better are the ads for tons of neat stuff at prices guaranteed to make you wish for a time machine. All issues for this year except July issue. $6.00

14569 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN- 1992 - Used, but loaded with interesting and informative articles from some of the all time classic authors and experts. Even better are the ads for tons of neat stuff at prices guaranteed to make you wish for a time machine. All issues for this year. $10.00

14568 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN- 1991 - Used, but loaded with interesting and informative articles from some of the all time classic authors and experts. Even better are the ads for tons of neat stuff at prices guaranteed to make you wish for a time machine. All issues for this year. $10.00

14567 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN- 1990 - Used, but loaded with interesting and informative articles from some of the all time classic authors and experts. Even better are the ads for tons of neat stuff at prices guaranteed to make you wish for a time machine. All issues for this year. $10.00

14566 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN- 1989 - Used, but loaded with interesting and informative articles from some of the all time classic authors and experts. Even better are the ads for tons of neat stuff at prices guaranteed to make you wish for a time machine. All issues for this year. $10.00

14564 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN- 1987 - Used, but loaded with interesting and informative articles from some of the all time classic authors and experts. Even better are the ads for tons of neat stuff at prices guaranteed to make you wish for a time machine. All issues for this year. $10.00

14562 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN- 1985 - Used, but loaded with interesting and informative articles from some of the all time classic authors and experts. Even better are the ads for tons of neat stuff at prices guaranteed to make you wish for a time machine. All issues for this year. $10.00

14519 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN- 1977 - Used, but loaded with interesting and informative articles from some of the all time classic authors and experts. Even better are the ads for tons of neat stuff at prices guaranteed to make you wish for a time machine. All issues for this year. $10.00

14518 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN- 1976 - Used, but loaded with interesting and informative articles from some of the all time classic authors and experts. Even better are the ads for tons of neat stuff at prices guaranteed to make you wish for a time machine. All issues for this year. $10.00

14517 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN- 1975 - Used, but loaded with interesting and informative articles from some of the all time classic authors and experts. Even better are the ads for tons of neat stuff at prices guaranteed to make you wish for a time machine. All issues for this year. $10.00

14516 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN- 1974 - Used, but loaded with interesting and informative articles from some of the all time classic authors and experts. Even better are the ads for tons of neat stuff at prices guaranteed to make you wish for a time machine. All issues for this year. $10.00

14515 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN- 1973 - Used, but loaded with interesting and informative articles from some of the all time classic authors and experts. Even better are the ads for tons of neat stuff at prices guaranteed to make you wish for a time machine. All issues for this year. $10.00

14514 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN- 1972 - Used, but loaded with interesting and informative articles from some of the all time classic authors and experts. Even better are the ads for tons of neat stuff at prices guaranteed to make you wish for a time machine. All issues for this year less June issue. $10.00

14513 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN- 1971 - Used, but loaded with interesting and informative articles from some of the all time classic authors and experts. Even better are the ads for tons of neat stuff at prices guaranteed to make you wish for a time machine. All issues for this year. $10.00

14512 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN- 1970 - Used, but loaded with interesting and informative articles from some of the all time classic authors and experts. Even better are the ads for tons of neat stuff at prices guaranteed to make you wish for a time machine. All issues for this year. $10.00

14511 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN- 1968 - Used, but loaded with interesting and informative articles from some of the all time classic authors and experts. Even better are the ads for tons of neat stuff at prices guaranteed to make you wish for a time machine. All issues for this year less November issue. $10.00

14510 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN- 1965 - Used, but loaded with interesting and informative articles from some of the all time classic authors and experts. Even better are the ads for tons of neat stuff at prices guaranteed to make you wish for a time machine. All issues for this year less February, March, May, June, August, and September issues. $10.00

14509 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN- 1964 - Used, but loaded with interesting and informative articles from some of the all time classic authors and experts. Even better are the ads for tons of neat stuff at prices guaranteed to make you wish for a time machine. All issues for this year less August, September, October, November and December issues. $10.00

14508 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN- 1963 - Used, but loaded with interesting and informative articles from some of the all time classic authors and experts. Even better are the ads for tons of neat stuff at prices guaranteed to make you wish for a time machine. All issues for this year less the October issue. $10.00

14506 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN- 1961 - Used, but loaded with interesting and informative articles from some of the all time classic authors and experts. Even better are the ads for tons of neat stuff at prices guaranteed to make you wish for a time machine. All issued for this year. $10.00

14505 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN- 1960 - Used, but loaded with interesting and informative articles from some of the all time classic authors and experts. Even better are the ads for tons of neat stuff at prices guaranteed to make you wish for a time machine. All issued for this year. $10.00

14504 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN- 1959 - Used, but loaded with interesting and informative articles from some of the all time classic authors and experts. Even better are the ads for tons of neat stuff at prices guaranteed to make you wish for a time machine. All issued for this year. $10.00

14503 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN- 1957 - Used, but loaded with interesting and informative articles from some of the all time classic authors and experts. Even better are the ads for tons of neat stuff at prices guaranteed to make you wish for a time machine. All issued for this year. $10.00

14500 AMERICAN RIFLEMAN- 1954 - Used, but loaded with interesting and informative articles from some of the all time classic authors and experts. Even better are the ads for tons of neat stuff at prices guaranteed to make you wish for a time machine. All issued for this year. $10.00

1373 Shooting & Fishing (Volume VI 1889) - Reprint on acid-free paper of what eventually evolved into the America Rifleman. 1888-1891 covered in five volumes expanded beyond shooting to include fishing, but shooting content similar to earlier. Oversize volumes approximately 10" x 13" with handsome binding. This is the original publisher's designation as volume VI number 1 (May 2, 1889) through number 26 (October 24, 1889). However when republished, a series number "5" appears on the spine A labor of love by Tom Rowe (noted collector of single-shot rifles) and Broadfoot Publishing, now out of print. $89.00

1372 Shooting & Fishing (Volume V 1888-1889) - Reprint on acid-free paper of what eventually evolved into the America Rifleman. 1888-1891 covered in five volumes expanded beyond shooting to include fishing, but shooting content similar to earlier. Oversize volumes approximately 10" x 13" with handsome binding. This is the original publisher's designation as volume 5 number 1 (November 1, 1888) through number 26 (April 25, 1889). However when republished, a series number "4" appears on the spine A labor of love by Tom Rowe (noted collector of single-shot rifles) and Broadfoot Publishing, now out of print. $89.00

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