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We have grouped our edged weapons into these categories:

US Bayonets
US Knives,Machetes & Daggers
Foreign Bayonets
Foreign Knives & Daggers
Swords Of All Sorts

Essential Reference Books for Bayonet Collectors

1617 THEATER MADE MILITARY KNIVES OF WW2 by Bill & Debbie Wright - 2001, 264 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound with excellent dustjacket in Mylar cover. All color illustrations. The collecting of military theater made knives of World War II is one of the fastest growing fields of collecting in America today. These knives are very historical. They were individually handmade by people who wanted to contribute to the war effort, as well as the service men who used them. Most of these knives differ in style and have very colorful handles. This is the only book available that donates its entire contents to the collecting of theater made knives and their values. Used excellent $45.00 (View Picture)

1612 U.S. MILITARY KNIVES BAYONETS & MACHETES PRICE GUIDES (LOT OF 2) - First edition (1997) and 4th edition (2000) 28 and 32 pages respectively, 8.5” x 11” soft cover. Although long out of date, still handy to give a rough idea of RELATIVE value. BOTH for only $5.00 (View Picture)

1611 THE RANDALL CHRONICLES by Pete Hamilton - Copy number 78, 160 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound with excellent dustjacket in mylar cover. Signed by author and noted knife expert Tom Clinton with personal notes to previous owner. $125.00 (View Picture)

1610 THE MILITARY KNIFE AND BAYONET - 392 pages 8.5” x 12” hardbound with excellent dustjacket. Homer Brett is a legend in the edged weapon world, well qualified in the overlapping areas of collecting, designing, manufacturing, training and use. He was involved in the Phrobis M9 bayonet development, and also in several iterations of USMC combative training, among other things. Useful reference covering over one thousand Knives, daggers and bayonets, from all over the world with many high quality color photographs. 1st Edition. Dual English Japanese text. $59.00 (View Picture)

1608 ALLIED MILITARY FIGHTING KNIVES AND THE MEN WHO MADE THEM FAMOUS - By Robert Buerlein. 183 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound with torn dustjacket. Signed by author $45.00 (View Picture)

1604 U.S. MILITARY KNIVES COLLECTOR’S GUIDE by Micheal Silvey and Gary Boyd - 199 pages soft cover 8.5” x 11” published in 1990. This covers the pocket knives, the sheath knives Mark 1, Mark 2 and the M3 trench knives plus other issue and unit and commercial knives. Excellent reference. Silvey has a new book on just pocket knives published in 2015 for the best coverage on that niche, but this is good on a very broad field. Out of print, hard to find. $95.00 (View Picture)

1404 U.S. KRAG BAYONETS: HISTORY, VARIATIONS, MODIFICATIONS - By Donald J. Hartman. Privately published in 2008, 311 pages about 8.5” x 11” hardbound with dustjacket. Profusely illustrated, mostly in color with crisp photos of the bayonets, blueprints, vintage photos showing them in use, etc. This is an exceptionally well researched book on a specific subject, and will stand as the definitive work on the subject. Every detail of the Krag bayonets and scabbards is covered, along with much on their issue and use. Even the West Point cadet variations, both the early short versions and the later chrome plated ones which served until the M14 rifles arrived at the Corps of Cadets. This is a new copy, signed by the author. List price is $110.00, but our price is only $85.00 (View Picture)

1398 U.S. MILITARY AND EXPERIMENTAL ENTRENCHING TOOLS CIVIL WAR TO WW1 - By Donald J. Hartman, author of the definitive book on Krag bayonets. 262 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound with dustjacket, new condition. Okay, you may not be a collector of pre-WW1 entrenching tools, but this is a great read anyway, just to show the inventive genius of Americans seeking to invent a better mousetrap, err, entrenching tool, and some of the weird ideas they came up with to make the soldier’s task easier. This is a massive research project in original sources with exceptionally thorough and readable explanation of the subject and loaded with appropriate illustrations of the people, gadgets, blueprints etc, with most in color. A niche topic, but worth the reading for background on military weaponry beyond the gun itself and how it meshed with other needs. New copy, signed by author $85.00 (View Picture)

262 BAYONETS OF THE REMINGTON CARTRIDGE PERIOD BY JERRY JANZEN - 186 pages 8.5" x 11" hardbound. This superb study by the late Jerry Janzen is a treasure trove of info on military rifles and bayonets circa 1860-1940. It covers all the Remington made band those made for Remington style arms regardless of where they were made. Loads of helpful photos and details to aid in identification. - Angular (Socket) Bayonets, Saber Bayonets, Knife/Sword Bayonets & Cadet Bayonets; Evolution of The Bayonets by Country - Over 50 countries discussed; The Export Firms; Scabbards for the various types of bayonets and their markings; Bayonet Markings; and numerous Appendices. Previously owned but still excellent plus. $65.00 (View Picture)

7969 JAPANESE MILITARY AND CIVIL SWORDS & DIRKS- Richard Fuller & Ron Gregory - Hard cover, 288 pages about 8” x 10” published in 1996. Highly regarded as one of the best works on the subject, this is out of print and in high demand with prices ranging from $299 to over $800 on the handful of copies I could locate. I should probably keep this for my personal library, but would rather see someone get it who is serious about collecting in that field, so It is priced well below market. Condition is overall about excellent with nice dustjacket. However, someone dropped something with a sharp corner which poked through the dustjacket (at the bottom center) and made a corresponding ding in the hard cover there. Nothing that hurts its usefulness as a reference book, but a picky book collector might worry about it a bit, so we point it out. Priced to sell at $250.00 (View Picture)

18190 JAPANESE BAYONETS- LARRY JOHNSON - 156 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound. The classic, out of print standard reference on all Japanese Bayonets 1870-1988. Very well organized and illustrated and researched. Many collectors still prefer to use this due to its ease of use, even though Ra LaBar’s “Bayonets of Japan” is large and gets into greater depth (into excruciating levels of detail, for some readers). This is a used copy with dustjacket in near excellent condtion, showing some light scuffing on the dustjacket, a bit of very light finger soiling on some pages and the previous owner’s name stamped on the inside covers. Out of print, hard to find. $395.00 (View Picture)

18188 THE AMERICAN BAYONET 1776-1964- ALBERT HARDIN - 234 pages 8.5” x 11” hardbound. This was the first book on collecting American bayonets, published in 1964, and really enlightened collectors about what was out there. Some of the information has been superseded (e.g.- Reilly has added much more to our knowledge of socket bayonets, Hartman on the Krags, etc), but Hardin is still a classic reference. It remains the only reference to really address the bewildering field of brass handled sword bayonets, although there are some errors which have been discovered since this was published 45 years ago. This contains the physical and background descriptions and illustrations of over two hundred separate and distinct types of American bayonets from Colonial times to the present day. The text is profusely illustrated, and remains an excellent introduction or overview of the subject. The book covers Angular, Ramrod, Sword/Saber, Knife, Fencing, Intrenching, and Bolo Bayonets. Also included are the important variations of many standard types. The scabbards of many of the bayonets are discussed. There is also a Listing of Bayonet Patents and an extensive bibliography. Overall about excellent except dustjacket showing some scuffing and chipping and minor tears. A previous owner stamped his name on the inside covers. $165.00 (View Picture)

15337 BAYONETS FROM JANZEN'S NOTEBOOK- 258 pp 8" x 10" hardbound. Absolutely the best single reference book for anyone interested in bayonets. It covers nearly all the standard models of all countries of all periods. Excellent line drawings with brief descriptions, organized by country and then by date. While it will not list the 10 maker/marking variations for a specific model, it is essential to identifying stuff, and to give an idea of what a complete collection might consist of. Jerry Janzen was President of the Society of American Bayonet Collectors, and had one of the best collections in the country. First published as a paperback, this is the second, hardback edition of 253 pages of the original plus 6 pages of additional errata, notes, and corrections. Brand new, not used. OUT OF PRINT- VERY LIMITED SUPPLY LEFT. $125.00 Postpaid in the U.S. (View Picture)

15079 The Knife Makers Who Went West- by Harvey Platts - 1978. First Edition Hardback folio, about 12.5 inches tall, in half black cloth on brown cloth covered boards. 201 pages 9” x 12.5” hardcover. Published in 1978. A well illustrated history of an important series of several generations of knife makers and their operations in Connecticut, New York, then on to Bradford, PA as the W.R. Case Company, then ending up as Western Cutlery in Boulder (later Longmont) Colorado. The author is the great grandson of H.N. Platts who moved west to establish the Western company. An excellent company history with indispensible information for collectors of the company's knives, with photos showing the various facilities, interiors with workmen making knives, family groupings and their homes, and lots of catalog and advertising copy to assist in identification. It is fascinating to see how small many of these operations really were, and glimpse into the family life of the entrepreneurs who were able to create new businesses using knowledge passed down from earlier generations. Overall used fine with good dustjacket. $95.00 (View Picture)


890 U.S. .45-70 TRAPDOOR BAYONET SCABBARD BARGAIN SCRAP - What you see is what you get. These came in with a lot of stuff we got many years ago from a guy who worked at Bannerman’s island in the fading era as the island operations ceased, but before the disastrous fire which destroyed the “Island Arsenal.” Trapdoor scabbards used a triangular metal body about 18 inches long with a leather “frog” at the top for attachment to the waist belt. The frogs came in various styles over the years, from a simple folded leather for a belt loop then a swivel with a leather belt loop, and later with a swivel having a folded long brass tongue which would slip up behind the Mills woven web belts and slip into a cartridge loop. Alas, exposure to weather and vermin on the island long ago destroyed the leather frogs, leaving what you see here. If you want something mint, read no further, cause it ain’t here. If you like a challenge, or a relic souvenir, or can visualize some artistic project, or need something to throw at your neighbor’s cat, then check out these fantastic, historic bargains! SPECIAL DEAL- TAKE THEM ALL FOR $75.00 and we promise not to tell your spouse.

A- GLITTERING MISERY- Two NICKEL PLATED scabbards, one with a partial white leather frog, overall fair to poor, but CHEAP! Both for only $8.00 (View Picture)
B- PICK OF THE LITTER- A complete, fairly decent example with the Hoffman swivel loop with the short belt loop. Stitching is failing, but still mostly there. Probably a marriage of a very early frog with a late 1885 body, but looks good anyway. $25.00 (View Picture)
D- THREE GOOD BODIES (relatively speaking)- Three scabbard bodies with lots of original blue finish, mixed with a little rust, and a free bonus bunch of rust on one of them. The little metal tabs which held the leather frogs are all missing from these, but these could be worked into something useful, maybe. $18.00 (View Picture)
E- THREE ALMOST GOOD BUT RUSTY BODIES (they could be worse!)- Three scabbard bodies with some original blue finish, with some additional FREE rust. The little metal tabs which held the leather frogs are all missing from these, but these could be worked into something useful, maybe. $15.00 (View Picture)
F- TWO WITH TABS- One okay one, and one with lots of blue but some crushing near the tip. Metal tabs for the frog are intact. Both for only $10.00 (View Picture)
G- TWO UGLY DUCKLINGS WITH SPLIT TABS- Rusty, but these have the metal tabs- an early type which is split and used a rivet to secure the frog. Both for only $8.00 (View Picture)
H- FEELING FROGGY?- One M1885 scabbard with frog attached but badly torn as shown in the photo. Two M1885 frogs, with dry leather, one poor, one pretty good. One Civil War type frog, looks a little small, and uses iron rivets hollow on one end so I suspect it may be Bannerman cadet or something, but I do know it is in excellent condition. Finally, one loose body I fair to good condition. Whole freaking froggy pile of relics for only $15.00 (View Picture)

22051F- BRITISH PATTERN 1907 BAYONET SCABBARD- EARLY WW1 This is the early type with the tear drop shaped frog stud and arched shape on the throat and tip pieces. The black leather body has a nice smooth surface and waxed finish, with one scar and assorted minor scuffs, but pretty nice. The throat has traces of blue finish mixed with mostly patina and surface rust while the tip is mostly rusty, but these could be cleaned up and touched up with black paint as was the British practice. A good serviceable piece. $50.00 (View Picture)

22051G- BRITISH PATTERN 1907 BAYONET SCABBARD- EARLY WW1 This is the early type with the tear drop shaped frog stud and arched shape on the throat and tip pieces. The black leather body has a rough textured surface dyed black, and covered with yucky grease. The throat and tip pieces are mostly smooth with most of an old black paint finish but chipped and worn. A good serviceable piece. $45.00 (View Picture)

US Bayonets

What bayonet fits your 20th century US military rifle?   Click Here to find out.

1718 U.S. MODEL 1873 BAYONET FOR .45-70 TRAPDOOR WITH McKENNEY SCABBARD - (Reilly B128 and S114) Nice example of the standard .45-70 trapdoor bayonet that needs a good cleaning but has about 80-90% thinning blue finish. The McKenney patent scabbard is a swivel loop type, patented in 1886, and purchased by New York and Pennsylvania. These were not adopted by the Ordnance Department as they had adopted a long brass hook suspension system in 1885, and were on the verge of adopting the rod bayonet designs which eliminated the need (and cost) of a dedicated scabbard. The loop has some insect holes, but no creepy crawlies noted. About 90-95% of the black japanned lacquer finish remains on the body, chipped and flaked, and mostly obscuring the patent markings on the lip of the scabbard body. $135.00 (View Picture)

1717 U.S. MODEL 1905 BAYONET MADE BY ROCK ISLAND IN 1913 - Serial number 244501. Springfield made 1,1 million M1905 bayonets, producing some every year from 1906 to 1922. Rock Island did not make any bayonet is six of those years, and in 1917 only made 400, and in 1914 only 2,000. 1913 was the next scarcest manufacture date with only 18,855 made. SO, the 1913 RIA bayonet are fairly scarce to start with and probably had a lot of combat losses in WW1, making them hard to find on the collector market. Overall good condition with little finish left except for traces on the hilt. There are patches of pitting on both sides about 4 inches from the tip, and some scattered elsewhere on the blade and ricasso. Grips sanded long ago during period of service. No scabbard. $175.00 (View Picture)

1600 U.S. MODEL 1905 BAYONET FOR M1903 SPRINGFIELD/M1 GARAND RIA 1918 WITH SCABBARD - Excellent bayonet withhold arsenal gray parkerize refinish, excellent walnut grip scales. These were issued in WW1, and remained in use in WW2 with either the M1903 or M1 rifles. Scabbard is a really nice quality repro of the M1910 scabbard. Externally it is about perfect copy, but if you slide the woven web cover off, the interior body is not quite right. Scabbard comes long free, so price for bayonet with free scabbard is $295.00 (View Picture)

691 U.S. MODEL 1873 BAYONET FOR .45-70 TRAPDOOR SPRINGFIELD - Standard Model 1873 bayonet for .45-70 trapdoor Springfield rifles Model 1873-1884. Overall excellent with about 98% bright blue finish. At first I thought it was arsenal refinish, but slight rounding of edges near the ricasso suggest it was a later civilian refinish. Some finish loss around the locking ring and shoulder and a pencil eraser size patch of pitting on the socket opposite the bridge. Really handsome example, at lower price due to question as to where it was last refinished. $99.00 (View Picture)

1529 U.S. MODEL 1888 .45-70 TRAPDOOR ROD BAYONET (CUT DOWN) - Overall good condition with lots of blue mixed with some patina, but alas, Bubba cut 7” off the back end of a full length 35.5” example for some unknown reason. It could be extended by welding on 7” of rod to make it full length. But, this is the end that is stuck in the stock, and you can use it as is and it will look great, either stowed or with the bayonet extended, but if you ever try to use it for cleaning it will be about 7” short. Good news is that the price has been cut accordingly to only $40.00 (View Picture)

1468 U.S. MODEL 1873 TRAPDOOR BAYONET SCABBARD WITH “US” ROSETTE - The first scabbard adopted in 1873 briefly used a period after the U for “U.S” but this was quickly changed to omit the “.” and have the rosette only with “US” This scabbard is Reilly S85, the most common type used circa 1873-1885 when a new scabbard was adopted with a brass hook to slip into a loop of the web cartridge belt which had replaced the leather waist belt formerly used. Overall excellent with nearly all the nice blue on the scabbard body, slightly thinning near the tip. The leather frog is excellent except for surface flaking of the leather finish on the belt loop. Most are in ratty condition, and this is one of the best I have seen in recent years. $95.00 (View Picture)

1452 M1905E1 CONVERSION OF SPRINGFIELD ARMORY M1905 BAYONET MADE IN 1908 - CONVERTED BY UTICA CUTLERY What you see is what you get. Excellent plus with about 95% gray parkered refinish from conversion. Blade has spear point with false edge on the top. Left ricasso marked S A over [flaming bomb] over 1908 date. Right ricasso stamped US over serial number 323295 over U.C.-MOD to indicate modification by Utica Cutlery. Some in and out scabbard wera on the blade finish. Black Bakelite grips show scuffing and wear. Scabbard is the long M3 type converted to shorter M7. Throat piece was painted OD when converted and shows paint loss from storage and handling. This one was made with a bright blade and blued hilt, probably refinished with Parkerized blade and used in WW1, and then altered circa 1943 and reparkerized again for use in WW2. A really nice example of a veteran of two wars in two or 3 different configurations. $295.00 (View Picture)

1451 M1905E1 CONVERSION OF ONEIDA LIMITED M1905 BAYONET MADE IN 1943 - CONVERTED BY PAL- What you see is what you get. Excellent plus with about 98% gray parkered refinish from conversion. Blade has spear point with false edge on the top. Left ricasso marked O L over U[flaming bomb] S over 1943 date. Right ricasso deeply stamped PAL-MOD to indicate modification by PAL. Black Bakelite grips show scuffing and wear, probably mostly from storage. Scabbard is the long M3 type converted to shorter M7. Throat piece was painted OD when converted and shows paint loss from storage and handling. Oneida Limited is the second scarcest maker of M1905 bayonets with only 150,00 made. Scarce bayonet in excellent condition $325.00 (View Picture)

1450 M1905E1 CONVERSION OF ONEIDA LIMITED M1905 BAYONET MADE IN 1942 - M1 GARAND (OR 1903A3) BAYONETS- NICE FROM MY COLLECTION In my perfectly normal lust for “one of everything” I of course got the long 16” M1905 bayonets from each of the WW contractors, sometimes erroneously called M1942 by some collectors. Now, some of those were converted to the new 10 inch length of the “Bayonet, M1” starting in December 1943 and collectors call the conversions M1905E1, although the army considered all the 10 inch bayonets as “M1”. Many of the conversions included an additional mark to show who did the conversion, leading to yet more variations which are certainly essential to a complete collection. I am parting with some of my bayonets making these available for adoption by a good home. CONVERTED BY UFH- What you see is what you get. Excellent plus with about 95% gray parkered refinish from conversion. Blade has spear point with false edge on the top. Left ricasso marked O L over U[flaming bomb] S over 1942 date. Right ricasso stamped U F H to indicate modification by Union Fork and Hoe company. Black Bakelite grips show scuffing and wear, probably mostly from storage. Scabbard is the later M7 made for the 10 inch blades, not a shortened M3 type. Throat piece was painted black and rack number 203 added at some point in its history. Original workmanship is relatively crude from the desperate days of 1942, and the conversion work sort of sloppy from a place used to making pitchforks. Oneida Limited is the second scarcest maker of M1905 bayonets with only 150,00 made. Scarce bayonet in excellent condition $325.00 (View Picture)

1426 COVER, BAYONET SCABBARD (CTM)-36-243-62-172 - Made of white cotton duck with leather tip. These were for ceremonial use with the M1 Bayonet and M7 scabbard. The scabbard slips into the canvas cover (to hide the ugliness) and these were used for color guards, honor guards, drill teams and the like These are mentioned on page 35 of Billy Pyle’s Book “Ordnance Tools, Accessories & Appendages of the M1 Rifle,” and Brophy’s 1903 Springfield book on pages 189-190. New old stock, genuine G.I. Your collection is not complete without one of these. $12.00 (View Picture)

1175 U.S. MODEL 1863 REMINGTON “ZOUAVE” BAYONET & SCABBARD - (Janzen 208-2) One of the few of the handsome brass handled sword bayonets with Yataghan blade than can be easily identified- by the B H inspector initial on the top of the grip. The rifle itself was a modified version of the Model 1841 “Mississippi” rifle, and with the brass fittings, blued barrel and walnut stock is one of the most handsome of all U.S. martial arms. All 10,500 were delivered by Remington mid-1863 to January, 1864, at a price of $17.00 each, well before the end of the Civil War. But, inexplicably, they were placed in storage and never issued, and the whole lot sold was sold to Bannerman for 54 cents each, including the bayonets! You should have bought one then, because the price has increased a little since then. Bannerman sold the rifles in the 1920s for $7.85, but today they routinely sell for $2,000 and up. This bayonet is excellent condition, except for a bit of staining or light rust, mainly in the ricasso as shown in the photos, with the balance of the blade having the original bright polished finish. Leather scabbard is sound, but with much cracking and come flaking in the finish. A well above average example, and one of the few with scabbard we have seen. $349.00 (View Picture)

1173 U.S. M1905 BAYONET BRIGHT BLADE (SA 1908) AND M1910 SCABBARD - Prior to WW1 the bayonets for the M1903 Springfield were made with the hilts blued and the blades polished bright, but during and after WW1 most were refinished and the blades darkened usually by Parkerizing. This is one that escaped being refinished, but, alas, has suffered from poor storage and is sort of ugly now. About 50% of the blue finish on the hilt remains. The blade has numerous splotches of staining and rust on the blade. It may be possible to remove most but some will leave pitting behind. The walnut grip scales are worn but pretty good, and have K55 stamped on the left grip, filled with red. The scabbard is well used as well, with the leather tip clearly marked BRAUER BROS. 1918. The suspension look has a period sewn repair, but is sound. Not the nicest set we have seen, but not really bad, and could be cleaned up a lot. Will display nicely with a well used rifle with 50-60% finish and lots of dings. $395.00 (View Picture)

1172 U.S. MODEL 1905 BAYONET- SPRINGFIELD ARMORY 1916 WITH BRIGHT BLADE AND BLUED HILT - This one needs a good cleaning and will look a lot better. This has the original finish with the blued hilt extending up about 1/8” on the blade, and the rest of the blade finished bright. The hilt has some light surface rust freckles and is starting to turn plum. The blade has some light staining that should clean up with some emery cloth. Edge of blade shows evidence of period sharpening, the better to slice up the Huns. A nice representative example of the classic U.S. bayonet for the M1903 Springfield used in WW1. Remember, bayonets were NOT shipped with the rifles, so it is perfectly normal to find either a SA or RIA bayonet on a SA or RIA rifle. These bayonets continued to be used during WW2, but most were refinished starting in the midst of WW1 to darken the blade, and later they were given parkerize finish. Will go well with a rifle that has been used some, not a really minty example. $325.00 (View Picture)

558 RARE WINCHESTER MODEL 1873 (or 1892?) SOCKET BAYONET - (Reilly B140 or B141?) This has the distinctive short shank used by Winchester, and the slot for the bayonet stud/front sight is cut so that the blade is underneath the barrel, not on the right side as with most socket bayonets. This has an 18 inch blade with 26 inch face flute, and 3 inch socket. Bore is .661 and muzzle to sight distance is 1.16, so neither of these match exactly either the 1873 or 1892 data in Reilly. Retains its original bright polished finish with light fingerprint staining. Both these models were made in very small numbers and are very seldom found. If you have one of the M1873 or 1892 muskets, this is a chance to add a bayonet. (If it does not fit, just return for full refund less shipping.) $195.00 (View Picture)

1167 RARE WINCHESTER MODEL 1873 SOCKET BAYONET FOR 1873 MUSKET - (Hardin 43; Janzen 204-2) I believe these also fit the Model 1892 Winchester muskets. This has the distinctive short shank typical of the Winchester 1866-1873 family. The bridge and mortise are arranged so that when fixed, the blade is beneath the barrel instead of on the right side as is the norm with socket bayonets. This has the long ricasso flat and longer taper peculiar to the Winchester Model 1873 bayonet. Overall good condition, mostly dull steel gray with some scattered areas of light roughness or pitting and a 3 inch area of heavier pitting on the blade. Scarce items in any condition. From the estate of a past President of the Winchester Arms Collectors. A rare blade, but condition is a bit less than wonderful, so I made the price wonderful at only $125.00 (View Picture)

1081 INTERESTING U.S. MODEL 1873 .45-70 TRAPDOOR BAYONET ARSENAL CONVERTED FROM .58 CALIBER BAYONET MADE BY COLLINS & COMPANY - A little rougher than most trapdoor bayonets, but a good example to show that indeed, most trapdoor bayonets were made by cold forging obsolete .58 caliber m1855 bayonet sockets down to smaller .45 M1873 dimensions. (Actually the alteration was done under contract by Pratt & Whitney, who had humongous hydraulic presses which were powerful enough to do the job, although it still boggles my mind that it is technically possible to do that.) About 30-40% Springfield applied (post alteration) blue finish mixed with steel gray, staining and some light roughness. $95.00 (View Picture)

1147 U.S. M4 BAYONET FOR M1 CARBINE- WW2 LEATHER HANDLE BY IMPERIAL- Minty! - Excellent to near mint, but scabbard body got messed up and was repainted, otherwise about as nice as you can find. This is the late WW2 version with the plastic spacers at the ends of the stacked leather washer grips. A slight bit of in and out wear beginning to show on the blade. Hard to find nice examples of these any more. $265.00 (View Picture)

720 U.S. WW1 “FENCING BAYONET” FOR TRAPDOORS TO IMITATE M1903 SPRINGFIELD - To avoid damage to their issue M1903 Springfield rifles, the Army modified old obsolete .45-70 Trapdoor rifles to imitate the length and weight of the M1903 and provided bayonets with spring steel blades covered with leather to be used in bayonet drills. The rifles and bayonets are eagerly sought by collectors of Trapdoors, M1903 Springfield, U.S. bayonets and WW1 items. We occasionally get the rifles, and less often find one of the bayonets. This is the final type bayonet issued, with two cross guards similar to the one on the M1905 bayonet. They slip on to the barrel of the cut down trapdoor and are held in place by a screw through each of the crossguards. Most of the bayonets are horrible beat up with tattered leather if any left at all. The leather on this one is fine to excellent with good Rock Island markings R.I.A. over 1914 date and inspector initials. While the leather is nice, the exposed portion of the blade between the crossguards is heavily rusted. Some of the rust will clean up, but even if not perfect, this is far better than most of these scarce fencing bayonets. After war was declared the fencing muskets were replaced by heavy wooden boards cut to simulate the feel of a rifle with bayonet in place, and a padded tip, and those were used for most training in 1917-1918. $195.00 (View Picture)

690 U.S. M1873 BAYONET FOR .45-70 TRAPDOOR RIFLE - Lots of original blue with a fair amount of light surface rust freckles, some will likely clean up easily but some will not, still above average example. $95.00 (View Picture)

689 U.S. MODEL 1873 TRAPDOOR SPRINGFIELD BAYONET - Pretty minty except for a few scattered light rust freckles $135.00 (View Picture)



536 U.S. MODEL 1873 BAYONET FOR .45-70 TRAPDOOR #2 - About good with a traces of blue mixed with staining and some prior cleaning which removed a lot of the blue and left dull steel gray. A good representative example for an average condition trapdoor. $85.00 (View Picture)

537 U.S. MODEL 1873 BAYONET FOR .45-70 TRAPDOOR #3 - Not quite good, with faint traces of blue but mostly staining, dull steel gray and light pitting. An okay example for a less than average condition trapdoor. $75.00 (View Picture)

538 U.S. MODEL 1873 BAYONET FOR .45-70 TRAPDOOR #4 - Nice blade on this one with lots of original blue, except for the front six inches where the finish is gone, but the metal excellent. The socket and shank are rusted and moderately to heavily pitted. The stud to limit the rotation of the locking clasp is broken- but it will fasten to the rifle okay, and you can fix it or not bother, as you please. An okay example for a bow-wow to marginal condition trapdoor .45-70 at a bargain price $50.00 (View Picture)

393 U.S. MODEL 1873 .45-70 BAYONET CUT TO CADET LENGTH- CHEAP! - This had the regular 18 inch blade, but someone cut it to about 15 ¾”, close enough to the 16 inch length of the cadet bayonet for most people. However, the cadet blade is slightly slimmer, so it is not a great collector item, but it is CHEAP! $65.00 (View Picture)

SMEW2702 BARGAIN U.S. MODEL 1892 BAYONET FOR .30-40 KRAG RIFLES - A good representative example dated 1901. This one has been sharpened and suffered from poor storage so it has been sharpened and there is some pitting/staining and the pommel has patina and rust. This would look better with some cleaning and be fine for living history use or as a representative example. No scabbard. These were used with all the U.S. Krag rifles, and some were later chrome plated and used at West Point on M1903 and M1 rifles since they will fit on those as well as Krags. Priced to sell at $95.00 (View Picture)

SMEW2705 BARGAIN U.S. M1873 BAYONET FOR .45-70 TRAPDOOR RIFLES WITH CIVIL WAR SCABBARD - A good representative example of the standard Model 1873 bayonet used with all the .45-70 trapdoor infantry rifles, except for the ones which had the rod-bayonet contraption. About 90% original thinning blue mixed with scattered rust and some pitting, mostly on the socket. The scabbard is the standard late Civil War model made of leather with seven rivets on the frog/belt loop, and a brass cap on the tip. The decorative finial on the end of the brass cap has broken off, and the cap pretty much squashed, but the scabbard still works fine. The leather is stiff, dry and scuffed with some of the stitching failed, but still okay as a representative example to go with a Civil War bayonet. Since the trapdoor bayonets were made by altering the socket of surplus .58 caliber musket bayonets, this combination of bayonet and scabbard fits fine although technically incorrect. Priced to sell at $125.00 (View Picture)

22649 U.S. MODEL 1855 BAYONET FOR .58 MUSKETS & .50-70 RIFLES - Ugly now but will clean to V, It has been held hostage in an attic or basement for decades and covered with a layer of crud, dry surface rust and a few rust spots. A gentle cleaning will make it great for most average condition U.S. .58 caliber muskets or the .50-70 rifles which used the same bayonet. A more aggressive cleaning will allow it to keep company with higher classes of society. This is early style where the locking ring travel is slightly less than the later ones. U.S. marked on the ricasso. $145.00 (View Picture)

22228 U.S. MODEL 1863 REMINGTON “ZOUAVE” BAYONET - (Janzen 208-2) One of the few of the handsome brass handled sword bayonets with Yataghan blade than can be easily identified- by the B H inspector initial on the top of the grip. The rifle itself was a modified version of the Model 1841 “Mississippi” rifle, and with the brass fittings, blued barrel and walnut stock is one of the most handsome of all U.S. martial arms. All 10,500 were delivered by Remington mid-1863 to January, 1864, at a price of $17.00 each, well before the end of the Civil War. But, inexplicably, they were placed in storage and never issued, and the whole lot sold was sold to Bannerman for 54 cents each, including the bayonets! You should have bought one then, because the price has increased a little since then. Bannerman sold the rifles in the 1920s for $7.85, but today they routinely sell for $2,000 and up. This bayonet is near excellent condition, except for a bit of staining or light rust, mainly in the ricasso as shown in the photos, with the balance of the blade having the original bright polished finish. A nice example, even without scabbard. $265.00 (View Picture)

22247 U.S. MODEL 1873 "TROWEL BAYONET" FOR .45-70 TRAPDOOR RIFLES - (Janzen 215-2) A very clever attempt to combine the features of a bayonet and the entrenching tool into a single item, thereby reducing the soldier's load and perhaps achieving some cost reduction as well. Like so many good ideas dreamed up by the bureaucrats at their desks, it was a dismal failure. Indian fighting tactics did not include the necessity for use of the bayonet, and as a result, bayonets were seldom carried in the field anyway. Although the instructions said that this item was to be used like a trowel for digging entrenchments, human nature dictated that it sure looked like a shovel when mounted on a rifle, so it should be used like a shovel. This resulted in bent barrels and other problems. About 10,000 were made, and they are a fascinating addition to any U.S. military collection sure to elicit comments or inquiries from visitors. An excellent representative example with most of the bright polished finish remaining on the blade, but some scattered light staining. No chips or cracks on the edges as is often the case. The handle portion which was originally blued has about 95% blue left and the tiny patent date marking is sharp and legible. These fit any of the M1873/1877/1879/1884 trapdoor rifles (except the rod bayonet models) and are a real attention getter when people see them. Original scabbards are very hard to find but you can get repros for S&S or other sources quite reasonably priced. This is a well above average example of this scarce and desirable bayonet. $325.00 (View Picture)

21682 U.S. M4 BAYONET FOR M1 CARBINE WITH M8A1 SCABBARD- WW2 ISSUE - Made by Utica Cutlery Company during WW2. This is fairly early with the six grooves on the leather grip being closer together than later production and having a square shape rather than the later “V”shape. Leather is a bit dry and will look a lot nicer with a bit of leather dressing. About 70% gray parkerizing remains, with more on the left side of the blade than the right, and worn on the pommel. Scabbard is in matching condition, but is probably post WW2 as it has the metal tip. A good representative example of the leather grip M4 bayonet for the M1 Carbine. $195.00 (View Picture)

13258 U.S. M4 BAYONET FOR M1 CARBINE WITH M8A1 SCABBARD - Made by Turner Manufacturing Company of Statesville, NC in 1954, the only contract for this maker. They actually used blades provided by Camillus, according to Gary Cunningham’s superbly researched “U.S. Knife Bayonets & Scabbards- A Collector’s Guide.” Overall excellent condition with only minor scabbard wear, and rack number painted on the PWH made scabbard. $125.00 (View Picture)

16381 U.S. MODEL 1855 BAYONET WITH EXCELLENT McKENNEY’S PATENT SCABBARD - The scabbard is fairly scarce as it was patented January 12, 1886, near the end of the socket bayonet era. Although never officially adopted by the U.S. Army it was used in large quantities by New York and Pennsylvania militias, both with remaining M1855 bayonet for .50-70s or their .45-70s. The scabbard in marked “McKENNEY’S PATENT JAN 12 1886” on the top of the throat piece. The steel body retains about 80-90% of the original black Japanned paint finish with some rust spots bubbling up underneath it. The patent leather frog has a couple of work holes but is overall fine, much nicer that these area usually found. The M1855 bayonet is for all the .58 caliber Springfield rifle muskets and postwar conversions to .50-70s. Bayonet, marked U.S. on the blade, has been cleaned to bright with a couple of stained spots or rust spots, but overall is cleaned to excellent and will be great for all but the most minty guns. The scabbard is a bit late for issue with the bayonet, but we are selling these as a set and you can stick a trapdoor bayonet in the scabbard if you like. Nice bayonet and nice example of scarce scabbard for only $225.00 (View Picture)

22055 U.S. MODEL 1863 REMINGTON “ZOUAVE” BRASS HANDLE SWORD BAYONET - Just about mint, as are many of the rifles. These are unmarked but easily identified among the many confusing varieties of brass handled sword bayonets by the inspect initials B.H. on the top of the grip just behind the muzzle ring. Blade retains all of its original bright polished finish and brass hilt is still bright, not tarnished or dinged. I should probably keep this one myself, but will go ahead and list it anyway and kick myself when I find the other in my collection is not as nice. No scabbard, sorry. The brass handled sword bayonets were quite fashionable in militaries of most countries circa 1840-1870, especially for use on shorter “rifles” while longer “muskets” mostly stuck with traditional triangular socket bayonets. Collectors really need a good reference book on these sword bayonets, especially those used in the Civil War. As nice an example as you are likely to find, unless you find an equally nice one with a scabbard. $395.00 (View Picture)

19997 U.S. M1873 BAYONET & SCABBARD FOR .45-70 TRAPDOOR- Cheap! - This is the standard bayonet used with all of the M1873-1884 trapdoor rifles other than those with rod bayonets. Lots of blue on both the bayonet and scabbard, but alas, there is also a lot of surface rust, most of which should clean off with soaking in WD-40 and careful scraping with an artist’s palette knife. The leather frog was weak at the stitching and has been reinforced with epoxy which is hardly noticeable and will allow it to display nicely when cleaned. A good representative example of a standard, but useless and used little weapon of the Indian Wars and Spanish-American War. Price reflects the need for cleaning. $149.00 (View Picture)

19641 U.S. MODEL 1873 "TROWEL BAYONET" FOR TRAPDOOR SPRINGFIELDS - (Janzen 215-2) A very clever attempt to combine the features of a bayonet and the entrenching tool into a single item, thereby reducing the soldier's load and perhaps achieving some cost reduction as well. Like so many good ideas dreamed up by the bureaucrats at their desks, it was a dismal failure. Indian fighting tactics did not include the necessity for use of the bayonet, and as a result, bayonets were seldom carried in the field anyway. Although the instructions said that this item was to be used like a trowel for digging entrenchments, human nature dictated that it sure looked like a shovel when mounted on a rifle, so it should be used like a shovel. This resulted in bent barrels and other problems. About 10,000 were made, and they are a fascinating addition to any U.S. military collection sure to elicit comments or inquiries from visitors. Probably the nicest example we have ever had, with about 95%+ original bright polished finish remaining on the blade, and the handle portion has about 95%+ original high quality blue finish. There is one small clump or runs about ¼” diameter on the top of the grip and 2 or 3 other very small rust freckles, but overall outstanding, with even the tiny patent date markings sharp and legible. These fit any of the M1873/1877/1879/1884 trapdoor rifles (except the rod bayonet models) and are a real attention getter when people see them. Original scabbards are very hard to find but there are some repros out there. You are unlikely to find a nicer example than this one. $495.00 (View Picture)

16584 M1 GARAND BAYONETS (Pick the one you like! -


B- Bayonet M1, made by Utica Cutlery (of Utica, NY also using the brand name Kutmaster). It was in great, unissued condition, until Bubba got his paws on it and tried to sharpen it. Fortunately, he was not very enthusiastic about the job and while there is a lot of bright metal exposed where the parkerized finish was ground off with some sort of underpowered grinder but with only minor scarring of the metal. There is some rust on the right side of the crossguard, and this would be a whole lot nicer if it were lightly sandblasted and reparkerized. Ricasso marked UC over U[ordnance bomb]S. No scabbard- $75.00 (View Picture)

D- Bayonet M1, often called “M1905E1” or 16” M1905 cut arsenal down to M1 configuration. Many, like this one, were made in fulfillment of contracts for the longer versions, and immediately shortened under different contracts. Some were done by the original maker, and some were by other makers, so there is a wide variety of combinations of original makers and conversion places. Oneida Limited of Oneida, NY made this one, but exactly where it was altered is unkown as there is no marking, which is quite often the case. About25-35% of the parkerized finish remains, worn very thin. There is some crud on the blade like dried paint or glue which should clean off okay. No scabbard. $85.00 (View Picture)

13677 U.S. MODEL 1905 BAYONET- BRIGHT BLADE SA 1909 WITH M1905/1910 SCABBARD - A very nice example of the early “bright blade” Model 1905 bayonet as made up to the start of WW1 when they began to darken the blades, and later most of the bright blade models were refinished, leaving the survivors scarce and desirable. This one was made at Springfield Armory in 1909, with serial number 401253. Walnut grip scales retain their rough turning texture and have only the GI oil finish. Hilt and crossguard retain about 90% of the original blued finish, along with the blue strip on the lower portion of the blade. Blade has been lightly sharpened and cleaned. Some scattered light pitting in the fuller, mainly at the rear on the right side, visible in the photographs. The scabbard is a VG Model 1905 leather covered scabbard which originally had a Krag style swivel hook. These were converted after adoption of the M1910 belt system by removal of the swivel hook and addition of a leather collar with a M1910 hook. There are two types of conversion and this is the “type 1” discussed in Gary Cunningham’s American Military Bayonets of the 20th Century on pages 29-30. Scabbard body has original Rock Island 1911 markings, and was probably converted almost immediately after being accepted. As with nearly all of the leather covered scabbards, the tip stitching has split and the leather pulled back some as the leather shrunk over the years. A well above average example of the early M1905 bayonet. Very hard to find these any more. $650.00 (View Picture)

22458 U.S. MODEL 1816 BAYONET FOR PERCUSSION CONVERSIONS OF M1816 MUSKETS - At the time that the M1816 flintlock muskets were being converted (circa 1856-1863) contracts were let for a supply of replacement bayonet for those which had been damaged or lost over the years. These had the M1816 style sockets, but instead of the old 16 inch blades, the current M1855 style 18 inch blades were used. These are most often associated with the Hewes & Phillips conversions, but could have been issued with any of the M1816 conversion. This is a nice example, not quite minty, showing a mix of a lot of original bright polished finish, mixed with some staining and rust spots. If desired this could be cleaned up to be a really nice example. The M1816s were not 100% interchangeable, and a bit of very minor hand fitting is sometimes necessary to mate a musket and bayonet. (Or you can return it if it does not fit!) $195.00 (View Picture)

20841 U.S. Model 1905 Bayonet made by Rock Island in 1911 with early M1905 scabbard with Krag type swivel - This is a very nice example of the long Model 1905 bayonet, made by Rock Island Arsenal in 1911, one of the harder dates to find with only about 22,500 made that year. Original walnut grip scales in nice shape and about 97% of the WW1 era arsenal parkerized refinish remains. Blade not sharpened and no dings in the edge. The scabbard is the scarce early Model 1905 type with the leather covered body and blued metal throat piece with the long swivel hook similar to those used with Krag scabbards. After adoption of the Model 1910 Infantry equipment most of these early scabbard were converted by removal of the long swivel and replacement with a leather collar and M1910 belt hook. This is a pretty nice example of the scabbard, with about 60% thinning blue on the throat, about 80-90% on the swivel. Leather is nice looking despite some loss of leather on the backside at the tip. Hard to find them any better than this, and most of the early scabbards seen today are pretty trashy. $495.00 (View Picture)

19657 Winchester Bayonet for M1876 and Hotchkiss Muskets - (and possibly other late Winchester musket models) (Reilly B131). Looks like a typical US M1855-1873 type except for the socket bore and the visible bulge or knob shape on the back of the shank where joins the blade. A scarce bayonet. Condition is minty with only a few specks of surface rust as seen in the photos. $295.00 (View Picture)

20345 U.S. M1873 BAYONET FOR .45-70 "TRAPDOORS" - Excellent example with about 95-97% original blue finish, with a few assorted storage scrapes and dings and a lot of tiny light surface rust freckles that should clean off easily. Not quite minty, but close and a nice item to go with a nice, but somewhat used, trapdoor rifle. No scabbard $165.00 (View Picture)

19367 U.S. Model 1855 .58 caliber bayonet partially converted to M1873 .45-70 caliber - We have seen a number of these over the years, having the socket pressed down to the smaller diameter for use on the .45-70 rifles. However, in the process, some failed and there is a resulting crack along the lower edge of the socket. The bayonets are otherwise in excellent condition, still finished bright and needing final polishing. These should work okay on a .45-70 (maybe need a little final fitting) but are nice for display to show how the thrifty army tried to save money by altering obsolete material to meet current needs. It also explains how they got into the rod-bayonet business after the supply of Civil War surplus bayonets for conversion was exhausted. What you see is what you get. This one has a crack at the front of the socket. $89.00 (View Picture)

18389 M1873 BAYONET FOR .45-70 TRAPDOOR - A near mint unissued example that suffered from poor storage and how has a lot of surface rust spots, especially on the socket. Most should clean off but some will not, but it will look a lot better with a good cleaning. $110.00 (View Picture)

17910 Scarce- Partially completed conversion of U.S. Model 1855 .58 caliber bayonet to fit .45-70 rifles - At the end of the Civil War the Army had hundreds of thousands of surplus bayonets for the obsolete .58 caliber rifle muskets. They continued to use some of these with the .50-70 rifles. However, when production of the Model 1873 rifles in .45-70 caliber began, the army was in a chronically underfunded struggle to cut costs. Therefore, they developed a method to compress the sockets of the surplus .58 caliber bayonets down a bit to fit on the smaller .45-70 rifles. Although some suggest that they just squeezed the sockets down, that does not allow for displacement of the metal no longer needed for the new diameter of the socket. Others have suggested, and the evidence is very strong, that the old bayonets had a narrow slit cut on he underside of the socket and then it was compressed or essentially cold forged to the diameter and when refinished would look like a new made bayonet. We have had a half dozen of these bayonets with failed seams in the socket which we believe are rejects from the alteration process due to failure of the seam to properly close up. Some are clearly previously issued bayonets, and others, like this one, seem to be nearly completed ones that were still on hand at Springfield as work in progress when production of the .58 caliber bayonets ended. Perhaps they were an unsuccessful first attempt at conversion, or rejects from the process finally adopted. In any case, here is an opportunity to add a partially completed conversion to your collection to go with your .45-70s. Overall excellent plus with original bright finish, and it looks like final work had not been completed on the mortise to fit over the front sight and the lock ring stop pin had not been installed. First one of these we have had in several years. $125.00 (View Picture)

16761 M1905 BAYONET (SA 1907) & RARE M1905 SCABBARD for M1903 SPRINGFIELD - The bayonet is a very nice one with original bright polished blade and some of the original blue on the hilt and bottom 1/8” of the blade. Fine to excellent walnut grip scales. Blade has some very light staining that could be polished off if desired, and one tiny patch (1/8” x ¾”) where the staining is a bit darker. No nicks in the edge. Crisp markings SA [Springfield Armory] / ordnance bomb / 1907 on the ricasso, with serial number209281 on the other side. A very handsome bayonet showing the early bright blade finish, but not quite minty. The scabbard is the Model 1905 with the Krag style swivel hook. This is the second pattern, with the longer blue steel throat piece. These were made from sometime in 1906 until replaced by the canvas covered rawhide M1910 scabbards. At that point nearly all of the M1905 scabbards were modified by removal of the Krag hooks and installation of a leather collar with a M1910 style belt hook for use with the new style web gear. Thus unmodified examples of het M1905 scabbard are quite scarce, and we have only had maybe 2 or 3 others in the last 10+ years. The leather body on this one shows the usual wear at the tip, and apparently the side stitching had problems and a previous owner glued the seam shut so it is tight now. Unfortunately, someone put several strips of tape on the leather, it when removed, it lifted some of the surface finish. This can be made a lot less noticeable with some polishing and leather treatment. Scabbard is marked on the back RIA (Rock Island Arsenal—where all the scabbards were made then) and dated 1907. While not in the best condition, this is still a very nice representative example of the bright bladed bayonet and M1905 scabbard with matching date. $695.00 (View Picture)

15515 Lot of 3 socket scabbards circa 1840-1865 - These came in with a lot of bayonets and swords and will be sold as a single lot. A- Regulation U.S. “Type II” scabbard adopted circa 1858-59 with two rivets. This one is overall VG condition with good leather and minimal cracking or flaking, but the tip is missing. Looks like it was probably for the 16 inch blade of the M1816 bayonet, but could have worked with the 18 inch M1855 or 1842 bayonets although they might stop slightly short of seating fully. No markings. We are including a free CW era brass tip from a scabbard, but it will not fit any of these three. Reilly S51. B- Regulation U.S. Model 1861 scabbard with 8 rivets for the 18 inch M1855 or M1842 bayonets. Tip is broken off and missing. Leather is dark, stiff with cracking and flaking. Has faint traces of the double oval markings often seen on Gaylord made items. Reilly S54. C- Non-regulation pattern, crude construction, probably militia or Confederate. Belt loop is noticeably narrower than the regulation patterns. Leather is scuffed, stiff and flaking. Stitching is weak and loose. Tip is broken off and missing. This will fit the 18 inch M1855 or M1842 bayonets but the point will stick out the bottom, or with the tip of the bayonet safely inside, will fit the 16 inch M1816 blades so common in early years of the war, especially in the South. Very similar to Reilly S63. The lot of three for $175.00 (View Picture)

14289 WINCHESTER MODEL 1873 SOCKET BAYONET FOR M1873 (NEAR MINT UNISSUED!) - (Janzen 204-2) These use the common M1855 style blade shape, but the smaller diameter socket and short shank and very long riccasso of the face of the blade are distinctive identifying features on these. Many of the M1873 muskets were sold overseas, but a fair number were sold to state militias and domestic users for guard use. This example retains about 98% of the original bright polished finish, with one strip of light surface rust that should clean off along the edge of blade at the rear. About as close to mint unissued as you will ever get. Nicest of the doze or so I have seen over the years. $325.00 (View Picture)

14283 WINCHESTER MODEL 1873 SOCKET BAYONET FOR M1873 WINCHESTER - (Janzen 204-2) These use the common M1855 style blade shape, but the smaller diameter socket and short shank and very long riccasso of the face of the blade are distinctive identifying features on these. Many of the M1873 muskets were sold overseas, but a fair number were sold to state militias and domestic users for guard use. This example retains about 95% of the original bright polished finish, slightly dulling to steel gray, but has scattered speckles of staining and a tiny patch of very light pitting (about 3/8” diameter) halfway own the blade. Still overall excellent example. $275.00 (View Picture)

**SOLD** SMEW1026 - U.S. M4 bayonet manufactured by Conetta. Correct U. S. Korean war vintage bayonet for the M1 Carbine with black plastic grips. Bayonet is in VG-Excellent condition, with Dark blue/black finish and crisp, clear markings. $75.00 (View Picture)

U.S. Knives, Machetes, & Daggers

1238 “RANDALL MADE KNIVES, ORLANDO, FL” CASES (LOT OF TWO) - Dark gray exterior made of some sort of naugahyde/vinyl with cloth edging, and Randallmarkings stamped in gold as shown in the photos. Interior is nicely padded with smooth textured fabric. These are about 20” x 5”. My guess is that these are circa 1980-2005 but that is just a guess. Excellent plus condition. BOTH for only $55.00 (View Picture)

1122 SCARCE WW2 SURVIVAL & LIFE RAFT KNIFE (LOT OF FOUR) - (Cole III, pp 172-173) These are special purpose designs with cork or balsa wood handles so they will float, and a lanyard, so it does not get lost or washed away. A traditional knife with a pointy blade is a REALLY BAD idea in a rubber life raft filled with air! So, these knives do not have points but a nice rounded end. The blades are only sharp on one edge, which us gently curved, so they are still useful for cutting rope or fishing line, or cleaning fish or whatever else you want to do while sitting in a raft waiting for rescue. These are surprisingly scarce as they have no practical civilian uses, and nearly all were trashed over the years. Lot includes two of the large style knives, one mint unissued with lanyard taped in place, other without lanyard. Also two of the small knives, one mint unissued STILL IN THE LEATHER SCABBARD AND PIECE OF RUBBERIZED FABRICK FOR ATTACHMENT TO A RAFT. Other is loose, with cosmoline still on the blade. LOT OF FOUR for only $249.00 (View Picture)

398 WWI US MODEL 1917 C.T. BOLO BY A.C. CO, WITH SCABBARD- MINTY! - This is a Model 1917 C.T. Bolo knife manufactured by American Cutlery Company of Chicago, Illinois. This model was a slight simplification of the earlier 1910 Bolo made by Springfield Armory. The main difference is the lack of the catch mechanism on the scabbard and grip. The C.T. stands for "Commercial Tolerances." This signifies that the knife was made to less exacting commercial tolerances, rather than the more stringent tolerances used at Springfield Armory. These were often issued to artillery units to clear brush and undergrowth. The Excellent sharpened blade is marked AC.CO CHICAGO 1918 / U.S. MODEL 1917 C.T. on the ricasso. Slight finish wear on the edges of the crossguard and pommel, but blade retains about all of the dull gray finish with original grease. A couple of minor storage and hdling dings on the rough turned grip scales. Scabbard is equally nice Brauer Bros. 1918 scabbard. About as nice as you can find these. $325.00 (View Picture)

716 SCARCE WW1 WOODEN “FENCING SABER” FOR M1913 “PATTON” (Warped blade) - Wooden (hickory or ash?) blade is not marked, but has the distinctive depression for the thumb on the top of the grip and imitates the length and straight blade of the newly adopted M1913 “Patton” cavalry saber with its straight blade, intended for use as a thrusting weapon, not slashing. It also has the distinctive depression for the thumb on the top of the grip. The fencing equivalent was used for training and practice by cavalrymen, both when mounted and dismounted. They were issued heavily padded gloves, jacket and screen mesh head shield. Similar gear, except with a “fencing musket” was issued to infantry soldiers to practice bayonet fighting. The “fencing muskets” were obsolete .45-70 trapdoors cut to the length of the M1903 rifle, with special bayonets with a padded and springy blade. An interesting collecting niche covering essential combat skills. This saber has the stamped sheet metal guard, (a slightly different form than the other one from my collection.) but there is another variation with a woven wicker basket type guard. (I will be happy to remind your spouse you should have both in your collection!). Overall G-VG condition, but the blade has warped due to poor storage so that it is bent and curved. This would probably straighten out if placed in a steam box for a couple hours then clamped between a couple of 2 x 4 boards with some guide strips. It is amazing how much wood will bend when steamed, then stay in the new shape after cooled and dried. Save a few bucks and straighten it yourself. $75.00 (View Picture)

326 SCARCE WW1 WOODEN “FENCING SABER” FOR M1913 “PATTON” SABER- ABOUT MINT!- WICKER GUARD - Wooden (hickory or ash?) blade is marked R.I.A. 1913 indicating manufacture at Rock Island Arsenal in 1913. This imitates the length and straight blade of the newly adopted M1913 “Patton” cavalry saber with its straight blade, intended for use as a thrusting weapon, not slashing. It also has the distinctive depression for the thumb on the top of the grip. The fencing equivalent was used for training and practice by cavalrymen, both when mounted and dismounted. They were issued heavily padded gloves, jacket and screen mesh head shield. Similar gear, except with a “fencing musket” was issued to infantry soldiers to practice bayonet fighting. The “fencing muskets” were obsolete .45-70 trapdoors cut to the length of the M1903 rifle, with special bayonets with a padded and springy blade. An interesting collecting niche covering essential combat skills. This saber has the scarce woven wicker basket guard, which is missing the leather thong to secure it in place. We also have the other variation with a stamped metal type guard. (I will be happy to remind your spouse you should have both in your collection!). Overall excellent plus condition, near new. $125.00 (View Picture)

659 RARE- EARLY WWI-1920s ERA U.S. SIGNAL CORPS MACHETE - (Cole III, page 123) With tooled leather scabbard having the U.S. SIGNAL CORPS embossing, and the blade is marked “S.C.U.S.A.” Made by Collins & Company in Hartford, CT. About 22.75" overall with an 18 inch blade. Excellent leather and brass pommel and guard handle. Blade shows almost no use, with most of the original bright polished finish. No pitting, or chips or gouges on blade edge, although the edge was sharpened during its period of use. Right side of the blade marked "SCUSA" (Signal Corps United States Army). Some times these are found with Collins commercial markings and model 37 on the blade, but not on this one. (Do you have BOTH variations yet?) The scabbard is in Vg condition, although stretched a bit at the top, and the tip is worn through in a small area. Scabbard has the special "U.S. SIGNAL CORPS COLLINS & CO. LEGITIMUS 14" and decorative scoll embossed markings. An extremely nice example of this rare machete used by the Signal corps to clear areas for stringing wire, or setting up operating positions for heliograph or signal flag communications. $325.00 (View Picture)

159 SCARCE U.S. MODEL 1873 ENTRENCHING TOOL WITH SCABBARD- - Experience in the Civil War showed that entrenching was a valuable military tactic, but implements to do so were not readily available. Socket bayonets could loosen soil, and flattened canteens could scoop or sorta shovel dirt around. Pioneers or specialist troops had real axes or shovels, but not ordinary troops. In 1873 Springfield introduced the fierce looking “trowel bayonet” for the .45-70 Springfield trapdoor rifles for infantry use, a complicated, expensive to produce and heavy addition to the soldier’s load. Like most “combination weapons” it was marginal for either of its intended uses. As a bayonet It was awkward and unwieldy, and Indians declined to fight in a manner where bayonets were of any use. As an entrenching tool, the troops thought they made a good shovels when mounted on the rifle, even though this bent rifle barrels, and the surface area was marginal for any real shovel use. As a hand-held trowel for entrenching it was actually pretty good, but hardly worth the expense and weight to provide one to every infantryman. Some 10,000 were made for trials, but after miserable reviews, they were sold as surplus to Bannerman and later sold to civilians for use in their gardens. For cavalry use, the much simpler Model 1873 entrenching tool was made with an 8.25 inch stamped steel flat blade, bent over on the top to make it more rigid, and sharpened on the other edge and the rounded point. A simple wooden handle was used giving it an overall length of 13 inches. It was carried in a light weight stamped tin scabbard with leather covering and a loop on the back for an attaching strap. Very light and inexpensive, it was actually well received, mainly as a versatile utility tool, and likely saw minimal use digging field fortifications. In 1880 a more sophisticated Hunting Knife/entrenching tool came into use. These, and other, Springfield Armory edged weapons are an interesting collecting niche. This example is in above average condition, not even close to minty, but still a good representative example. The blade retains most of its original bright finish, mixed with some staining and “blood pitting” around the circular tip. Leather covered tin scabbard retains about 90% of the leather, chipped and peeling from the tip on one side and a bit on the edges, but most scabbards are really trashy, if thre is any scabbard at all. Split ring on the carrying loop is later owner’s addition, but handy for hanging for display, so might as well leave it on. Wooden handle is fine, and both handle and scabbard have clear U.S. markings. An interesting and scarce Indian War era accoutrement, made by Springfield Armory. $285.00 (View Picture)

544 DESIRABLE EARLY GERBER MARK II COMBAT KNIFE WITH CANTED BLADE & CAT TONGUE GRIP MADE IN 1967 - Gerber collectors describe this as “CT1: CAT'S TONGUE TYPE 1 : "COMBAT"; CAT'S TONGUE; L6 STEEL; NARROW WASP; NO TEETH; 5 DEGREE CANT BLADE; SLANT 1 LOGO” (see for a breakdown of the many different models, and this is probably the most desirable.) Only 2750 of these were made (starting with serial number 1001) in 1967, following 8 prototypes in 1966. The “cat’s tongue” comes from the innovative stainless steel flame sprayed onto the aluminum grip for an excellent non-slip texture. These used L6 steel for the blade, with a narrow wasp waist shape, and no saw teeth on the blade. The blades are canted 5 degrees from the axis of the blade which allowed a closer more comfortable fit when wearing them. It also resulted in ignorant people complaining that the blades were bent, so Gerber made the blades and grip in a straight line after the first batch. The grip is a darker gray than later production, and the pommel and crossguard have a black finish. The brown leather scabbard (type RT-2) is the correct transition style with the Gerber markings in two lines (later had 3) and the securing strap is on the right side of the scabbard, and small head rivets reinforcing the leather stitching. This scabbard does not have the added pocket on the front for a sharpening steel, seen on some of them. These were private purchase items, sold as the “Gerber Mark II Combat Knife” but in 1971 sawtooth serrations were added to the blade and the name was changed to “Mark II Survival Knife” for a less combative image offensive to anti-war protesters. Starting in 1968 various other changes were made, including the color and type of material for the grip, the type of steel in the blade, the markings, and scabbard details. Much more info on these at: Overall condition is fine, showing some use and wear, probably from service in Vietnam. See the photos for the finish wear on the hilt, and a couple of scuff marks on the scabbard. Bright blades do not show details well in photos, and there are some assorted stains and scratches, nothing horrible, but just light honest use. Do not confuse this genuine 1967 made item with the much larger run of 5,000 20th anniversary commemorative copies made in 1986. This is a nice example of the original rare and desirable Vietnam Gerber Combat Knife. $1450.00 (View Picture)

**SOLD** SMEW2756 RARE U.S. MODEL 1909 BOLO - (Cole, III, p. 21) Made by Plumb in 1917 in their Philadelphia plant. Serial number 55032. Nice original piece, these are hard to find. The M-1909 Bolo Knife was designed to aid US soldiers with jungle foliage that they found themselves in with incursions into Cuba and the Philippines, where natives used similar sized machetes. It was designed to be carried as a belt knife. Maker marked ``PLUMB PHILA.`` on the left side of the blade and dated 1917 with a flaming bomb proof. Right side of blade is marked ``U.S.`` with a serial number. The blade is rough and almost has a forged looking finish. The wooden grips a good fit with one some cracks. No scabbard. $195.00 (View Picture)

22994 WW2 U.S. NAVY MARK 1 MACHETE WITH SCARCE 26" BLADE - (Cole III, p.150; Henry pg.132) The largest and least common U.S. military machete of WW2 is the 26” long version with the bright blade made by Collins for the U.S. Navy. This one is in excellent condition with the paper label still on the blade, and a lot of dried grease. 1944 dated. This comes with the correct original scabbard which is even scarcer than the machete. Canvas on the scabbard is a bit sun bleached and there are oil/grease stains near the top. Good “USN MK I” markings. This was listed by the maker as the Collins No.623, 26" and only made 1942-1944). Hard to find, and rare in this condition. $195.00 (View Picture)

21615 USAAF FOLDING SURVIVAL MACHETE BY CASE - (Cole Book 3 pages 138-139) This is a folding design adopted in October 1942 for the B-4 Emergency Bail Out kit, usually attached to the parachute harness. These were made by several makers, but this one was made by Case. Overall good condition, but in desperate need of cleaning to remove dried sap, light surface rust and blood from fierce jungle combat in Frank’s yard. (We know that because Frank scratched his name on the right grip.) Once the crud is cleaned off this will look a whole lot nicer. Some sharpening typical of used machete. Like most, this one is missing the flimsy detachable sheet metal guard that fits over the blade. Usually these are pretty beat up, but his in a very nice example, one of the nicest of these we have had in many years. $149.00 (View Picture)

21063 USAAF NON-FOLDING SURVIVAL MACHETE BY CASE - (Cole Book 3 pages 138-139) This is the NON-folding design adopted in October 1942 for the B-4 Emergency Bail Out kit, usually attached to the parachute harness. This variation was ONLY made by Case, and is so marked on the blade. Overall good condition, but in desperate need of cleaning to remove dried sap, light surface rust and blood from fierce jungle combat in someone’s yard. Once the crud is cleaned off about 50% of the original blue finish should remain. Some sharpening typical of used machete. Complete with the usually missing detachable guard that fits over the blade. We have had lots of the folding examples, but this is the first of the NON-folding. $165.00 (View Picture)

21142 WW2 USN and USAF LIFE RAFT SURVIVAL KNIFE - (Cole III, p. 173) New old stock, issued just this way so the local survival equipment crewmen could glue the rubberized fabric to an inflatable life raft. Note that the knife has a sharp edge but there is no sharp point to accidentally poke holes in the inflatable raft. One small piece of the yellow backing material about 1” x 2” has been torn off but the misshapen part on the other end is just folded under. A neat U.S. martial edged weapon that is pretty scarce today. $65.00 (View Picture)

10474 WW2 LIFERAFT SURVIVAL FLOATING KNIFE - (Cole III, p. 172) Identical to the Cole example, but lacking the leather scabbard. Maker unknown on these but 27C/2023 is probably a part number linking it to a specific type of aircrew survival gear. Unissued but slilght staining on the blade. Lanyard is intact. First of these we have seen. A neat U.S. martial edged weapon that is pretty scarce today. $35.00 (View Picture)

Foreign Bayonets

**NEW ADDITION** 2251 SWISS VETTERLI MODEL 1881 SAWTOOTH PIONEER BAYONET & SCABBARD - (Janzen 185-1 similar) Janzen lists the Model 1878 bayonet which was nearly identical to this, but had only 3 grip rivets and the crossguard was 6mm instead of 7mm thick. The Model 1878 and 1881 have a fuller only on one side of the blade, while the 1887 is identical to the 1881 except it has fullers on both sides of the blades and is listed as Janzen 185-2. The Swiss rifles page has the details at; Serial number 179650 on the crossguard and maker marked SJC Neuhausen on the ricasso. Overall 23.3” long with 18.6” blade. These sawback bayonets were issued to pioneer troops (comparable to modern combat engineers) for use in clearing or crating obstructions or defenses. Regular infantry were armed with either a similar bayonet without the sawback feature, or wilt socket bayonets with a four sided (cruciform) blade. Overall VG condition with age toned steel blade with some staining mostly along the blade edge. Leather grips in good condition, but right grip is cracked. Leather scabbard body in nice shape. A fairly scarce bayonet- you see a lot of the later Model 1911 sawback bayonets, but fewer of the M1787/1881/1887 series. Of course, your wife will understand the necessity of owning one of EACH, and a rifle to hold it. $325.00 (View Picture)

1719 ARGENTINE MODEL 1891 BAYONET & SCABBARD - (Janzen 2-1). This is the most common of the Argentine Model 1891 bayonets, which were also used on some of the later M1909 rifles as well. Although Janzen speculates that the brass grips were for police or naval use, Colin Webster’s definitive study of the Argentine Mauser rifles confirms that the first 40,000 bayonet (serial numbers with A through D prefix) delivered in 1892-1893 has brass grips. The remaining 190,000 (E through W prefix) bayonets had aluminum grips, adopted as a weight reduction measure. (See Webster pages 91-97.) This one is excellent plus condition, and was being saved for my collection. Some slight age toning on the steel parts of the hilt. Scabbard with about 95%+ original blue. There area couple of splotches on the scabbard which are actually dried grease and will clean off easily. As with nearly all M1891 bayonets, the Argentine crest has been removed. Bayonet and scabbard have matching numbers M7054. One of the nicest I have seen. $165.00 (View Picture)

1160 Argentine Model 1891 bayonet and scabbard (brass grips) for 1891 Mauser Rifle - (Janzen 2-2). Although Janzen speculates that the brass grips were for police or naval use, Colin Webster’s definitive study of the Argentine Mauser rifles confirms that the first 40,000 bayonet (serial numbers with A through D prefix) delivered in 1892-1893 has brass grips. The remaining 190,000 (E through W prefix) bayonet had aluminum grips, adopted as a weight reduction measure. (See Webster pages 91-97.) This is a good representative excellent example but needs a good cleaning. As with nearly all of the M1891 bayonets and rifles, this has had the Argentine crest removed by grinding which also removed the serial number on the blade. Light rust on the cross guard. Scabbard is excellent except for one dent just below the frog. Scabbard number is T9172, from the later aluminum grip time, but few people will recognize that mismatch. Frog is unknown origin and you can leave it on or trash it if you prefer. Hard to find the brass handled examples. $145.00 (View Picture)

291 BRITISH No. 4 Mark II SPIKE BAYONET MADE BY SAVAGE- WITH SCABBARD AND FROG - Excellent plus-minty condition with sharp block S marking used by Savage. Greeen web frog is 1952 dated, but same style as used from WW2 onward. $55.00 (View Picture)

11686H - BELGIAN MODEL 1880 SAWBACK ENGINEER BAYONET FOR COMBLAIN SHORT RIFLE - (Janzen 16-4) This is a big, rugged, serious tool with a sharp sawback and a full length cutting blade with a false edge on the tip at the tip. Overall 23 inches and blade is 18 inches long. 1888 dated along with the AC and scale mark of Alex Coppel. Serial number V4843 on the iron guard. Number 3898 in the mounting groove. Various other Belgian inspector and property marks. Overall VG, nicely cleaned over light roughness, with some staining/rust mainly near the tip. No scabbard. These are supposed to also fit the Albini rifle, but I have not verified that. One of the scarcer sawback bayonets. Some of these probably saw use in WW1 with Belgian forces.  $295.00 (View Picture)

21099 SPANISH MODEL 1941 BOLO BAYONET & MATCHING NUMBER SCABBARD - (Janzen 177-1) Featuring the uniquely Spanish bolo blade shape, this one has the coarsely checkered wood grips. These will fit the M1893, 1916 and 1943 Mausers, but not the "Standard Model" or the 1943 Air Force rifles which both used conventional K98 type bayonets. A fairly scarce and impressive looking bayonet to add to your collection. Overall good condition except for some rust spots on the blade and a few on the scabbard. $49.00 (View Picture)

11419 BELGIAN MODEL 1949 FN-49 BAYONET & SCABBARD- MINTY - Bayonet and scabbard both numbered 85837, with about 98% original gray parkerize on the blade and 95% of the black enamel finish on the hilt and scabbard. Hilt also marked “S.A. 30” to indicate it is for the Belgian FN-49. Super nice, not the usually mismatched or well worn surplus ones. $135.00 (View Picture)

15939 ENGLISH .577 ENFIELD SHORT RIFLE/MUSKETOON SWORD BAYONET WITH SCABBARD & FROG- NICE! - (Janzen 50-1, Skennerton Brit & Commonwealth Bayonets B151 or B153). There is some conflicting terminology on these which may have minor differences in muzzle ring diameter. Janzen calls them Pattern 1856, while Skennerton lists B151 as Pattern 1856/58, and B153 as Pattern 1860. All of these are for the “bar on barrel” stud, not the bar on the band, but exact muzzle ring dimensions listed vary from 20.6mm to 20.9mm. My bet is that this is the Pattern 1860, the most common of the possible matches, which should fit most of the two band Enfields with the bayonet lug on the barrel. This is by far the best condition example of the Enfield sword bayonet we have ever seen, one of the few found with a decent scabbard and the only one with the original frog. Like many of these, the blade (or perhaps the entire thing) was made in Solingen by Kirschbaum, with their knight’s head marking. Large numbers of two band Enfields were imported for use during the Civil War, by both north and south, and this could have been used by either, or perhaps remained safely in English storage. I doubt if you will find a nicer example to go with your two band Enfield. $595.00 (View Picture)

22049 BRITISH No 4 MKIII SPIKE BAYONET (For No 4 Mark I rifles) - This is the scarce late war design utilizing crude welds, brazed spike and rough finish. Socket has traces of black paint. Spike has staining and light discoloration. These were only made by Joseph Lucas Ltd in 1944-45. This comes with a good MK 1 scabbard $20.00 (View Picture)

22048 -BRITISH No 4 MKIII SPIKE BAYONET (For No 4 Mark I rifles) - This is the scarce late war design utilizing crude welds, brazed spike and rough finish. Socket has traces of black paint. Spike has staining and light discoloration. These were only made by Joseph Lucas Ltd in 1944-45. This comes with a good MK 1 scabbard $15.00 (View Picture)

20090 SWISS SOCKET TRIANGULAR BAYONET FOR M1871 VETTERLI CADET RIFLE(?) - This came from a very advanced collection where it was identified as for Swiss M1871 Vetterli Cadet Rifle. However, it does not fit on a M1871 Cadet rifle we had available to compare, with the socket bore being a bit oversize and the slot for the sight too small. I believe that the Cadet rifles were made with considerable variation and the identification may be correct and it is just made for a cadet rifle from a different maker. However, we also checked it on a M1863/1867 Millbank-Amsler infantry rifle and it fit nicely on there, except for the front of the socket being just a bit short for a proper fit. The blade is short and lightweight with a distinctive thin appearance where it approaches the shank so it is almost certainly a cadet blade of some type. Overall about 90-95% blue finish remains, excellent on the blade but thinning and turning plum on the socket. Measurements: Socket bore .718”, socket length 2 5/8” Blade 16 3/8” x 11/16” $95.00 (View Picture)

21428 AUSTRIAN-ROMANIAN-TURKISH MODEL 1893-1935 BAYONET & SCABBARD - This started as a bayonet for the Steyr made Model 1893 Mannlicher bolt action rifles adopted by Romania in 6.5x53mmR, not to be confused with the Austro-Hungarian Model 1895 straight pull 8mm rifles, also made by Steyr. These M1893 Romanian bayonets (Janzen 162-2) have the step down or saddle on the top of the grip. About 120,000 rifles were delivered circa 1893-1913. In 1916 Romania aligned itself with the Allies (Britain, France and Russia) against the Germans, Austrians and Turks. This bayonet was captured circa 1916-1917 by the Turks, and sometimes after 1929 it was modified for use on the Turkish Mauser rifles by welding on a new muzzle ring section, and the weld joint discoloration is visible. These are designated the Model 1935 (Janzen 195-3). The scabbard was made in Turkey. Markings include the Romanian “Phoenix” mark on the pommel with a later serial number 17340 on one side, and AS.FA for Askari Fabrika, the Turkish Arsenal on the other side. Blade has the OE/WG marking, although the upper portion is pretty well gone. An interesting example of the long and sometimes complicated history of military arms. $55.00 (View Picture)

19993 BRITISH PATTERN 1913 BAYONET AND SCABBARD MADE BY REMINGTON - FOR THE PATTERN 1914 RIFLE Blade is marked 1913 (the pattern), 11-16 (manufacture date) and the Remington mark in a circle. Other side has the crown/A3/A inspector mark, the latter A indicating it was an inspector working in America. This is an excellent plus condition example, although the blade has been lightly cleaned to brighten it from the issued dull gray appearance. Excellent unsanded walnut grips. The hilt, crossguard and pommel have about 98% of the original blue finish. Note that this is the early pattern made before the clean out hole was added to the pommel The leather scabbard is identical to those used on the SMLE Pattern 1907 bayonets, but the steel tip and throat pieces have the RE mark indicating manufacture by Remington. These retain most of the original blue finish, and the lather has the original dark brown fish, with a few minor scrapes, but not oil soaked and overall one of the nicest WW1 scabbards I have seen in many years. Although not quite minty due to the period cleaning of the blade, this is one of the nicest matching Remington made Pattern 1913 bayonet and scabbard sets we have seen in a very long time. $250.00 (View Picture)

18388 PORTUGUESE M1885 KROPATSCHEK BAYONET AND SCABBARD - (Janzen 157-1) Yataghan style sword bayonet with the Steyr 1886 maker markings on the top edge of the blade (similar to the French style of marking.) The stud ehich engages in the slot of a frog is missing from the scabbard. Overall G- VG. A very impressive blade, especially when mounted on the rifle! $145.00 (View Picture)

21559 ENGLISH PATTERN 1887 MARK III SWORD BAYONET FOR MARTINI-HENRY WITH SCABBARD - (Janzen 54-2) The big and impressive bayonet was approved June 22, 1888, differing from the earlier Mark II by omission of the fuller on the blade. The scabbard with steel tip and throat is a slightly later type approved in 1891 but interchangeable with all the Martini sword bayonets. This one is in near excellent condition with a slight bit of pitting on the pommel, a little staining on the blade and hilt, and excellent pressed leather grip scales, and excellent scabbard. The scabbard has Nepalese (Ghurka) style markings on the throat piece and some stamped number on the top of the throat. This needs a good cleaning and will be a very handsome addition to your Martini-Henry .577-450 caliber rifle. $225.00 (View Picture)

21105 Argentine Model 1891 bayonet and scabbard (brass grips) for 1891 Mauser Rifle - (Janzen 2-2). Although Janzen speculates that the brass grips were for police or naval use, Colin Webster’s definitive study of the Argentine Mauser rifles confirms that the first 40,000 bayonet (serial numbers with A through D prefix) delivered in 1892-1893 has brass grips. The remaining 190,000 (E through W prefix) bayonet had aluminum grips, adopted as a weight reduction measure. (See Webster pages 91-97.) This is a good representative excellent example but needs a good cleaning. As with nearly all of the M1891 bayonets and rifles, this has had the Argentine crest removed by grinding. Blade was sharpened during period of use and there is some rust on the cross guard and scabbard has several dents as shown in the photo. Catch is stuck half way extended, but cleaning should fix that. Scabbard is from the B series. Hard to find the brass handled examples. $125.00 (View Picture)

23385 French Model 1886/91/16/1935 Lebel Bayonet and Scabbard - (Janzen 71-4) This is the M1886 Lebel bayonet shortened from its original length of about 25 inches to a more manageable 18 inches. Overall fine plus to excellent with slight staining on the cruciform blade, and the brass handle having a mellow aged appearance. Complete with scabbard (mismatched numbers, as nearly all were by this point in their long history.). These were older bayonets shortened after 1935 for use with the older French arms used by colonial troops and various support units, and were the last of the epee style bayonets used by the French. $125.00 (View Picture)

20135 RARE SOCKET BAYONET FOR GERMAN M1871 RIFLE- USED BY JAPAN AND URUGUAY - Among the many money making innovations of surplus dealers was the alteration of surplus British Pattern 1853 socket bayonets to fit on surplus German Model 1871 Mauser rifles. The alteration was done in Belgium, and the end result sold to both Japan and Uruguay to go on the rifles they had been sold. Listed in Janzen as 244-1 as unidentified, and associated with Japanese used Model 1871, the additions and corrections at the back of the second printing correct this to identify them as being for a Uruguay contract. Ray LaBar’s superb “Bayonets of Japan” lists this as LB-32 and provides the identification that the conversion was done in Belgium, and sold to both Japan and Uruguay. He notes that these are the most common Japanese socket bayonet, and that while the rifles are Kanji marked the bayonets were not. These bayonets are instantly recognizable from the very short socket (only 2 1/8” long) and the locking ring made without any screw. This one is sort of ugly in the photos with a lot of surface rust, but I think it will clean off pretty well, although there may be some staining and maybe some minor scattered very fine pitting. A nice addition to a Japanese or South American rifle collection, and very seldom seen. $155.00 (View Picture)

19653 ARGENTINE MODEL 1909 BAYONET WITH CREST INTACT AND MATCHING SCABBARD AND FROG - (Janzen 2-3) These are very hard to find with the crest as the Argentine policy was to grind off the crest. Matching numbers L6850 on the blade and scabbard. Scabbard is free from dents, and has some blue finish, but is mostly covered with thin light surface rust that should clean off leaving some of the blue. The bayonet is about good but has been stored poorly so there is light surface rust on the exposed portions of the hilt. This should clean up with minimal pitting when done. The leather frog came with this, but I am not sure of the exact model. These bayonets were used with the Argentine M1909 rifles and short rifles. $149.00 (View Picture)

19652 FRENCH M1874 GRAS BAYONET & SCABBARD- MATCHING- NAVAL MARKED- MADE BY L. DENY IN 1881 - (Janzen 70-1) Made by L. Deny in 1881 and so engraved on the spine of the blade. Matching numbers on crossguard and scabbard. Scabbard is free from dents and has lots of original blue left mixed with some surface rust that should mostly clean off. Blade has lots of the original bright polished finish but also some stained/rust spots. Good walnut grips. Some light stain and patina on the crossguard that should clean off okay. Crossguard is marked with the anchor, indicating French Naval use. A fine to excellent example, from a scarce maker, of the Gras bayonet used by the French at the height of their status as a worldwide colonial power. $175.00 (View Picture)

19651 FRENCH M1874 GRAS BAYONET & SCABBARD- MATCHING- NAVAL MARKED- MADE BY L. DENY IN 1881 - (Janzen 70-1) Made by L. Deny in 1881 and so engraved on the spine of the blade. Matching numbers on crossguard and scabbard. Scabbard is free from dents and has lots of original blue left mixed with some surface rust that should mostly clean off. Blade has lots of the original bright polished finish but also some stained/rust spots. Good walnut grips. Some light stain and patina on the crossguard that should clean off okay. Crossguard is marked with the anchor, indicating French Naval use. A fine to excellent example, from a scarce maker, of the Gras bayonet used by the French at the height of their status as a worldwide colonial power. $175.00 (View Picture)

17855 COMMIE BLOC "FENCING MUSKET" - Obviously patterned after the Mosin Nagant, but then altered with a block of wood resembling an AK style magazine added to the bottom, these were used for teaching bayonet fighting. The spring loaded tip can be depressed about 4 inches into the barrel, similar to a pogo stick. This is a fairly common approach, and I have seen fencing muskets with the same concept from Sweden and England as well. The U.S. used bayonets with passed spring steel blades, and later switched to "pugil sticks". Just collecting "fencing musket variations would be neat specialty with probably several dozen variations from all over the world to chase down. These may be East German as some are marked "MODELL 4.853" which sounds German to me. Overall excellent plus condition, the best of the half dozen or so we have had over the years with virtually all the blue finish on the "barrel" and the stock exceptionally clean and free from dings. Complete with original excellent sling. Still legal in Kalifornia, but may be next on their ban list. Non-firearm, no FFL needed. $125.00 (View Picture)

17721 Turkish Model 1874 Peabody Sword Bayonet - (Janzen 190-2) This is a Yataghan style blade with pressed leather grips and steel crossguard. Unmarked except for a letter on the blade and another on the guard. It was based on the robust British sword bayonets of the 1860s, but made in the U.S. and delivered as part of the Turkish contract with the Providence Tool Company for 600,000 Peabody rifles. This bayonet is fairly scarce in the U.S. Overall condition is about good-very good. Leather grips are excellent. The blade shows some scaling or flaking and is dirty. It would look a lot better if cleaned up. $165.00 (View Picture)

11312 SPANISH CETME BOLO BAYONET & SCABBARD - (Janzen 177-2) Featuring the uniquely Spanish bolo blade shape, this is a cousin of the M1941 bayonet with a similar blade. Checkered plastic grips. Overall excellent condition with about 98% original dark gray parkerized typo finish. These will also fit the Mauser FR-8 rifles converted to mimic the appearance of the SETME rifles. $35.00 (View Picture)

11311 SPANISH MODEL 1941 BOLO BAYONET & SCABBARD - (Janzen 177-1) Featuring the uniquely Spanish bolo blade shape, this one has the coarsely checkered wood grips. These will fit the M1893, 1916 and 1943 Mausers, but no the "Standard Model" or the 1943 Air Force rifles which both used conventional K98 type bayonets. A fairly scarce and impressive looking bayonet to add to your collection. Overal about VG-fine condition with some staining and a few light pits here and there. $85.00 (View Picture)

11048 SWISS MODEL 1957 SIG BAYONET, SCABBARD & FROG - (Janzen 188-1) Exceptionally well designed weapon, made of stainless steel with a true double edged blade. Ribbed black plastic grips. Latch is unusual in that you grab both ends and slide it down, instead of pushing from one side. With black nylon type scabbard. Reportedly many were sold to Chile, and others were used by Swiss reservists. Overall VG-fine condition. $35.00 (View Picture)

9634 GERMAN MODEL 1898 "NEUER ART" LONG BAYONET MADE IN 1907 - This is very long (25.5" overall,.20.5" blade) with the ribbed back and spear type tip. Those made from 1898 to 1902 (M1898 alte art.) used one piece wooden grips. Starting in 1902 the M1898 N/A used two piece grips. This example was made by V.C. Schilling in Suhl, and has the Prussian crown/W/date on the top of the blade. Vg-fine condition with most metal bright, some scattered minor staining, and just a bit of pitting around the very tip of the blade. Good but somewhat dented grip scales. These were issued with a steel mounted leather scabbard, but most (like this one) are encountered without scabbards today. $195.00 (View Picture)

9332 British Pattern 1858 or 1860 Yataghan Sword bayonet (Confederate??) - (Similar to Skennerton B153) There are a number of minor variations of these, and many were handfitted not fully interchangeable, but with a bit of filing they should work with the two band .577 Enfield muskets used during the Civil War or later Snider conversions. These were made for British military issue, and are found with assorted broad arrow and inspector markings, and others were made for Volunteer units, with less markings. Some were purchased for use by Confederate troops during the Civil War from the same makers, but seldom were any with the broad arrow markings sold for export, and the federal army also purchased lots of the Enfield style rifles and bayonets, so proving Confederate use is pretty tough. This example is unmarked, except for tiny T 44 on the base of the pommel. It has the 22.7" long Yataghan style blade, which has some staining and traces of bright finish, plus lots of very light surface rust that would easily clean off with 320 or 400 grit emery, or for a less polished look, some steel wool. The muzzle ring diameter is about 20.5mm and the hole is set almost flush with the tang, so this was made for rifles with the bayonet lug on the barrel, not the later "bar on band" types. The slot for the bayonet lug is "T" shaped, and there is no slot for a "lead" extending forward of the lug itself. The stud spring is retained by a screw, not the rivet used prior to 1858. The pressed leather grips are among the best we have ever seen, with only a small amount of flaking along the tang on the top of the left grip. Pommel also has light surface rust, but no pitting. With a gentle cleaning this will look great with very good examples of any of the .577 two band rifles or Sniders, or with a more detailed cleaning would be suitable for display with examples n exceptional condition. No scabbard. $295.00 (View Picture)

Foreign Knives & Daggers

7969 JAPANESE MILITARY AND CIVIL SWORDS & DIRKS- Richard Fuller & Ron Gregory - Hard cover, 288 pages about 8” x 10” published in 1996. Highly regarded as one of the best works on the subject, this is out of print and in high demand with prices ranging from $299 to over $800 on the handful of copies I could locate. I should probably keep this for my personal library, but would rather see someone get it who is serious about collecting in that field, so It is priced well below market. Condition is overall about excellent with nice dustjacket. However, someone dropped something with a sharp corner which poked through the dustjacket (at the bottom center) and made a corresponding ding in the hard cover there. Nothing that hurts its usefulness as a reference book, but a picky book collector might worry about it a bit, so we point it out. Priced to sell at $250.00 (View Picture)

Swords Of All Sorts

**NEW ADDITION** 1178 U.S. MODEL 1902 "SABER FOR ALL OFFICERS" by Gaunt - A top quality sword, with deeply etched blade, with all of its original nickel plated finish, no scratches or nicks or bubble, just slightly age toned. No blade nicks from youthful pirates or anything. The Model 1902 “Saber for all Officers” replaced the various different artillery, cavalry and infantry models in 1902, when the sword was deemed no longer an actual field weapon but pretty much just an item for ceremonial or dress occasions. Prior to WW2 they were required for all officers, but that was dropped during the war, and were less common post-WW2, although they are still seen today for ceremonial events. Springfield Armory made some from 1902 to about 1914, and various commercial firms offered them, mainly using bladed from Germany (prior to 1938) and again after WW2. M.C. Lilley made some in the U.S. and post-WW2 some were made in Spain. This handsome example was made in Germany and retailed by Gaunt of New York City, who used the marketing legend “A regal Product by Gaunt” and was most active in the mid 20th century, although their roots go back to the 1880s with an operation in England. My guess on date is shortly after WW2, when firms in Germany resumed the sword business for the U.S. market. The etched patriotic motifs are very well done, and there is the panel for an owner’s name, but none is inscribed. One of the nicest examples we have had. $225.00 (View Picture)

716 SCARCE WW1 WOODEN “FENCING SABER” FOR M1913 “PATTON” (Warped blade) - Wooden (hickory or ash?) blade is not marked, but has the distinctive depression for the thumb on the top of the grip and imitates the length and straight blade of the newly adopted M1913 “Patton” cavalry saber with its straight blade, intended for use as a thrusting weapon, not slashing. It also has the distinctive depression for the thumb on the top of the grip. The fencing equivalent was used for training and practice by cavalrymen, both when mounted and dismounted. They were issued heavily padded gloves, jacket and screen mesh head shield. Similar gear, except with a “fencing musket” was issued to infantry soldiers to practice bayonet fighting. The “fencing muskets” were obsolete .45-70 trapdoors cut to the length of the M1903 rifle, with special bayonets with a padded and springy blade. An interesting collecting niche covering essential combat skills. This saber has the stamped sheet metal guard, (a slightly different form than the other one from my collection.) but there is another variation with a woven wicker basket type guard. (I will be happy to remind your spouse you should have both in your collection!). Overall G-VG condition, but the blade has warped due to poor storage so that it is bent and curved. This would probably straighten out if placed in a steam box for a couple hours then clamped between a couple of 2 x 4 boards with some guide strips. It is amazing how much wood will bend when steamed, then stay in the new shape after cooled and dried. Save a few bucks and straighten it yourself. $75.00 (View Picture)

326 SCARCE WW1 WOODEN “FENCING SABER” FOR M1913 “PATTON” SABER- ABOUT MINT!- WICKER GUARD - Wooden (hickory or ash?) blade is marked R.I.A. 1913 indicating manufacture at Rock Island Arsenal in 1913. This imitates the length and straight blade of the newly adopted M1913 “Patton” cavalry saber with its straight blade, intended for use as a thrusting weapon, not slashing. It also has the distinctive depression for the thumb on the top of the grip. The fencing equivalent was used for training and practice by cavalrymen, both when mounted and dismounted. They were issued heavily padded gloves, jacket and screen mesh head shield. Similar gear, except with a “fencing musket” was issued to infantry soldiers to practice bayonet fighting. The “fencing muskets” were obsolete .45-70 trapdoors cut to the length of the M1903 rifle, with special bayonets with a padded and springy blade. An interesting collecting niche covering essential combat skills. This saber has the scarce woven wicker basket guard, which is missing the leather thong to secure it in place. We also have the other variation with a stamped metal type guard. (I will be happy to remind your spouse you should have both in your collection!). Overall excellent plus condition, near new. $125.00 (View Picture)

15804 SUPER SALE ON STEEL SWORD SCABBARD BODIES-UNFINISHED LOT of THREE - What you see is what you get. These came in with an auction lot we got and know nothing about their history. My guess is that they are old stock from Ames or another maker circa 1860-1900. Two blued steel scabbard bodies 26.5” long. These are for slender blades, perhaps cadet or fraternal style. The top one is very slender, and the middle one is for a bit more substantial blade, possibly M1840 NCO size. The bottom scabbard body is 32 inches long, and nickel plated, possibly for M1860 Staff & Field or some fraternal sword. The upper part is covered with an old paper wrapping and nickel is probably excellent there, while the exposed portion had a coating of dirt crud and oxidation. The top two have about 50%+ blue finish, mixed with rust, with two threaded holes, one near the tip and one about 4” from the top, probably for locating a band and the tip piece. The only thing I know for certain is that you get all three of these to use for sword scabbard, tomato stakes or whatever for only $49.00 (View Picture)

15834 RARE U.S. EXPERIMENTAL OFFICERS SWORD- AMES 1906 - One of only 1,039 delivered in 1906 by Ames. This experimental form used a very slightly curved blade, clearly intended for thrusting rather than the traditional slashing bloc of the “Old Wristbreaker” M1840-1860 cavalry sabers. The lightweight stamped sheet steel guard is clearly the predecessor of the very similar (but much larger) design used by Lt. (later General) George S. Patton for what became the U.S. Model 1913 cavalry saber. These experimental swords were delivered under a contract that also called for 18,961 of the familiar Model 1860 cavalry sabers delivered by Ames with the iron guards and dated 1906. Relatively unknown to most collectors, these lightweight experimental swords are rarely encountered, and inexplicably, they are usually in rather poor condition. The best (but still very limited) reference on these is on page 207 of John Hamilton’s Ames Sword Company. The 29 ¾ inch polished steel blade is marked on the ricasso A.S. Co [Ames Sword Company]/ [flaming bomb]/ 1906 and on the other side with U.S. The blade has some light staining and a few nicks, but nothing serous. The hilt remains tightly wrapped with the fish skin covering and twisted wire, although some of the grain has worn off the skin, exposing the smooth skin underneath. The stamped guard still retains probably 80-90% of the blue finish, but it is mixed with patina and assumulated crud from long storage and really needs a careful cleaning if you want to see much of the finish. These used an iron scabbard, covered with russet leather. No scabbard for this one, but we feel fortunate to offer the sword even without the scabbard. A rare prize for the advanced collector of U.S. martial edged weapons, or Ames products. $795.00 (View Picture)

7969 JAPANESE MILITARY AND CIVIL SWORDS & DIRKS- Richard Fuller & Ron Gregory - Hard cover, 288 pages about 8” x 10” published in 1996. Highly regarded as one of the best works on the subject, this is out of print and in high demand with prices ranging from $299 to over $800 on the handful of copies I could locate. I should probably keep this for my personal library, but would rather see someone get it who is serious about collecting in that field, so It is priced well below market. Condition is overall about excellent with nice dustjacket. However, someone dropped something with a sharp corner which poked through the dustjacket (at the bottom center) and made a corresponding ding in the hard cover there. Nothing that hurts its usefulness as a reference book, but a picky book collector might worry about it a bit, so we point it out. Priced to sell at $250.00 (View Picture)

19162 Horstmann Model 1840 NCO Sword with turned down reverse guard - (Thillmann, Civil War Army Swords page 212). Identical to the example in Thillmann except that the blade bears an illegible Solingen style mark on the obverse of the ricasso, and HORTSMANN/PHLA on the reverse, nearly impossible to see due to the turned down counterguard. Although previously thought by some to be possible U.S. Marine Corps NCO swords, Thillmann clearly states that they are not, and that they were either for a U.S. contract or (more likely) state regiments. In any case, this is a good representative Civil War era NCO sword. The hilt is in good condition with a mellow aged tone to the brass. The blade is free from pitting, and has a nice old steel-gray tone, however, the edged has dozens of tiny and a handful of moderate nicks, probably the result of youthful sword fights, not heroic combat on the battlefield. No scabbard. $325.00 (View Picture)

19234 U.S. NAVY “SINGLESTICK” WOODEN TRAINING CUTLASS - Scarce, late 19th century Naval training sword known as a singlestick. Made of carved oak or hickory for the blade and grip, with a large stiff leather basket guard around the hilt. Overall, this imposing weapon measures 35 ½ inches long. The guard slides over the “blade” and should be secured at the front by a brass pin (missing but the hole is there for it) while the pommel is a simple brass washer with metal wood screw. Overall this practice sword is in excellent plus original condition, probably never issued. Colonel Robert H. Rankin’s “Small Arms of the Sea Services,” has a photo showing these in use, captioned as: “Singlestick practice aboard a U.S. warship in the 1890’s. Enlisted members of the crew, including Marines, were encouraged to attain proficiency in swordsmanship by fencing with singlesticks. After the need for proficiency in using the cutlass had waned, fencing was encouraged as a form of physical exercise.” While an interesting Navy or Marine Corps collector item, this would also fit into a collection of U.S. (or all military) “fencing equipment” used for training with edged weapons such as swords and bayonets. You could make something like this for the kids to play with using a dowel from the home center, and a guard made from leather or even plastic from a milk jug- so they won’t be tempted to play with this great condition collector item. $295.00 (View Picture)

14749 CIRCA 1821-1860 IRON GUARD SWORD WITH FOLDING GUARD (Similar to Model 1833 Dragoon sword) - Knights head on ricasso confirms it was made in Germany by Kirschbaum, and only other markings are 2 over 9 on the other side of the blade. Quill-back blade is 33 inches long sharpened most of the way, with 11 inch false edge. Iron hilt has three branch guard with rounded pommel and folding counter guard. This appears very similar to the British Pattern 1821 Infantry sword, but sword designs were a very fashion driven game, so this could be from a European country which was an earlier pattern for, or a later copy of, the British sword; or one imported for U.S. militia use. Mostly dull steel gray mixed with staining, but left side of blade has 3 inch section of the quill and a nearby part of the blade having numerous “blood pits”. Hilt is mostly smooth brown patina. Grip has about 90% of the black leather wrapping but none of the twisted wire. Overall G-VG. No scabbard. Possibly something imported for use in the Civil War by the Confederate, or maybe pre-war militia use, or maybe just an old sword from the commercial market. What we do know for sure is that the price is $325.00 (View Picture)

14746 Ames short sword for the Columbian Exposition of 1893(?) - A nice quality blade that was identified as such by the previous owner who was very meticulous in his research. However, we cannot confirm that ID. The hilt is a fairly well known type with a crossguard, fluted bone grip and a knights helmet pommel There are langets on both sides with a Union shield with 12 stars and 17 stripes. The 22 x 15/16 inch blade is single edged with a single deep fuller and a 4 ½ inch false edge. Similar hilts are shown as Peterson #11, identified as a 1850-1870 Militia NCO sword (with a different style blade. Flayderman’s book of the Medicus collection shows a very similar example as item 110B, although it has a 26 inch blade. John Hamilton’s “Ames Sword Company” includes a copy of their (circa) 1885 catalog where a similar sword is listed as item number 625, although with a longer blade. Blade is excellent, and hilt has pleasing mellow patina to the brass, and some minor looseness in the crossguard. No scabbard. An exotic treasure or just a good looking sword? All we know is that the price is $195.00 (View Picture)

SMEW1633 - Sword Hanger German WW2 (?). This hanger was included with a collection of captured German and Italian items that we purchase from a retired WW2 veteran. It is made of gold wire on a gold cloth background with a blue stripe running down the middle and back borders. Hanger is about 45 inches long and adjustable with silver (probably nickel plated) buckles and clips on both ends. Hanger is in excellent condition with no tears, holes or fraying of the fabric and no rust or damage to any of the metal hardware. $125.00 (View Picture)

**STOLEN BY PERSON IN PORTLAND, OR AREA, or possibly a long haul trucker. $200 reward for return of this item or information leading to arrest and conviction of the thief, who got several other antique arms from other dealers by credit card fraud... $100 reward if you are first to spot this on an auction site.** 6957 BRITISH SABER MODEL 1796[?] WITH SCABBARD - Heavy duty saber with 32" blade 1 3/8" wide having a single broad fuller. Nicely polished blade in excellent condition. Heavy iron guard with longets on both sides. Iron topstrap ending in a rounded pommel. These parts have smooth brown age patina. Wooden grip has heavy wear and minor damage to the cord wrapping and leather cover, with some filler material added. Iron ferrule at front of grip has a wide staple for sword knot on the right side. Heavy iron scabbard with rounded lower edge, and flat top edge. Scabbard has layer of old black paint over lightly pitted surface. (Horses tend to sweat a lot and scabbard rust was a constant problem.) Very handsome, very old looking. A nearly identical sword was adopted by the Prussians as the Model 1811. European military fashion was quite faddish, usually adopting the frills of the latest winners. While this example is totally unmarked (except for a squiggle on the top of the blade that may be a flaw or ding instead of a mark) and possibly not British, but some imitator, it certainly is of the style used during the Napoleanic Wars, or as called in the U.S., the War of 1812. Nice addition to a collection in either one of those fields. Unable to confirm exact model, but everything I can find points to this being correct, and this is the description used when the former owner got it in the UK many years ago from a militaria dealer. $450.00 (View Picture)


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